Add release notes for removal of -maxtimeadjustment.

Signed-off-by: Daira Hopwood <>
This commit is contained in:
Daira Hopwood 2020-03-04 01:06:03 +00:00
parent ee4d73b841
commit 8ca4d80078
1 changed files with 21 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,27 @@ release-notes at release time)
Notable changes
Removal of time adjustment and the -maxtimeadjustment= option
Prior to v2.1.1-1, `zcashd` would adjust the local time that it used by up
to 70 minutes, according to a median of the times sent by the first 200 peers
to connect to it. This mechanism was inherently insecure, since an adversary
making multiple connections to the node could effectively control its time
within that +/- 70 minute window (this is called a "timejacking attack").
In the v2.1.1-1 security release, in addition to other mitigations for
timejacking attacks, the maximum time adjustment was set to zero by default.
This effectively disabled time adjustment; however, a `-maxtimeadjustment=`
option was provided to override this default.
As a simplification the time adjustment code has now been completely removed,
together with `-maxtimeadjustment=`. Node operators should instead simply
ensure that local time is set reasonably accurately.
If it appears that the node has a significantly different time than its peers,
a warning will still be logged and indicated on the metrics screen if enabled.
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