from operator import itemgetter import struct from functools import reduce DEBUG = False VERBOSE = False word_size = 32 word_mask = (1<= 8 and word_size >= 7+bit_len bit_len_mask = (1<= bit_len: acc_bits -= bit_len for x in range(byte_pad, out_width): out[j+x] = ( # Big-endian acc_value >> (acc_bits+(8*(out_width-x-1))) ) & ( # Apply bit_len_mask across byte boundaries (bit_len_mask >> (8*(out_width-x-1))) & 0xFF ) j += out_width return out def compress_array(inp, out_len, bit_len, byte_pad=0): assert bit_len >= 8 and word_size >= 7+bit_len in_width = (bit_len+7)//8 + byte_pad assert out_len == bit_len*len(inp)//(8*in_width) out = bytearray(out_len) bit_len_mask = (1 << bit_len) - 1 # The acc_bits least-significant bits of acc_value represent a bit sequence # in big-endian order. acc_bits = 0; acc_value = 0; j = 0 for i in range(out_len): # When we have fewer than 8 bits left in the accumulator, read the next # input element. if acc_bits < 8: acc_value = ((acc_value << bit_len) & word_mask) | inp[j] for x in range(byte_pad, in_width): acc_value = acc_value | ( ( # Apply bit_len_mask across byte boundaries inp[j+x] & ((bit_len_mask >> (8*(in_width-x-1))) & 0xFF) ) << (8*(in_width-x-1))); # Big-endian j += in_width acc_bits += bit_len acc_bits -= 8 out[i] = (acc_value >> acc_bits) & 0xFF return out def get_indices_from_minimal(minimal, bit_len): eh_index_size = 4 assert (bit_len+7)//8 <= eh_index_size len_indices = 8*eh_index_size*len(minimal)//bit_len byte_pad = eh_index_size - (bit_len+7)//8 expanded = expand_array(minimal, len_indices, bit_len, byte_pad) return [struct.unpack('>I', expanded[i:i+4])[0] for i in range(0, len_indices, eh_index_size)] def get_minimal_from_indices(indices, bit_len): eh_index_size = 4 assert (bit_len+7)//8 <= eh_index_size len_indices = len(indices)*eh_index_size min_len = bit_len*len_indices//(8*eh_index_size) byte_pad = eh_index_size - (bit_len+7)//8 byte_indices = bytearray(b''.join([struct.pack('>I', i) for i in indices])) return compress_array(byte_indices, min_len, bit_len, byte_pad) def hash_nonce(digest, nonce): for i in range(8): digest.update(struct.pack('> (32*i))) def hash_xi(digest, xi): digest.update(struct.pack(' 0: # 2b) Find next set of unordered pairs with collisions on first n/(k+1) bits j = 1 while j < len(X): if not has_collision(X[-1][0], X[-1-j][0], i, collision_length): break j += 1 # 2c) Store tuples (X_i ^ X_j, (i, j)) on the table for l in range(0, j-1): for m in range(l+1, j): # Check that there are no duplicate indices in tuples i and j if distinct_indices(X[-1-l][1], X[-1-m][1]): if X[-1-l][1][0] < X[-1-m][1][0]: concat = X[-1-l][1] + X[-1-m][1] else: concat = X[-1-m][1] + X[-1-l][1] Xc.append((xor(X[-1-l][0], X[-1-m][0]), concat)) # 2d) Drop this set while j > 0: X.pop(-1) j -= 1 # 2e) Replace previous list with new list X = Xc # k+1) Find a collision on last 2n(k+1) bits if DEBUG: print('Final round:') print('- Sorting list') X.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) if DEBUG and VERBOSE: for Xi in X[-32:]: print('%s %s' % (print_hash(Xi[0]), Xi[1])) if DEBUG: print('- Finding collisions') solns = [] while len(X) > 0: j = 1 while j < len(X): if not (has_collision(X[-1][0], X[-1-j][0], k, collision_length) and has_collision(X[-1][0], X[-1-j][0], k+1, collision_length)): break j += 1 for l in range(0, j-1): for m in range(l+1, j): res = xor(X[-1-l][0], X[-1-m][0]) if count_zeroes(res) == 8*hash_length and distinct_indices(X[-1-l][1], X[-1-m][1]): if DEBUG and VERBOSE: print('Found solution:') print('- %s %s' % (print_hash(X[-1-l][0]), X[-1-l][1])) print('- %s %s' % (print_hash(X[-1-m][0]), X[-1-m][1])) if X[-1-l][1][0] < X[-1-m][1][0]: solns.append(list(X[-1-l][1] + X[-1-m][1])) else: solns.append(list(X[-1-m][1] + X[-1-l][1])) # 2d) Drop this set while j > 0: X.pop(-1) j -= 1 return [get_minimal_from_indices(soln, collision_length+1) for soln in solns] def gbp_validate(digest, minimal, n, k): validate_params(n, k) collision_length = n//(k+1) hash_length = (k+1)*((collision_length+7)//8) indices_per_hash_output = 512//n solution_width = (1 << k)*(collision_length+1)//8 if len(minimal) != solution_width: print('Invalid solution length: %d (expected %d)' % \ (len(minimal), solution_width)) return False X = [] for i in get_indices_from_minimal(minimal, collision_length+1): r = i % indices_per_hash_output # X_i = H(I||V||x_i) curr_digest = digest.copy() hash_xi(curr_digest, i//indices_per_hash_output) tmp_hash = curr_digest.digest() X.append(( expand_array(bytearray(tmp_hash[r*n//8:(r+1)*n//8]), hash_length, collision_length), (i,) )) for r in range(1, k+1): Xc = [] for i in range(0, len(X), 2): if not has_collision(X[i][0], X[i+1][0], r, collision_length): print('Invalid solution: invalid collision length between StepRows') return False if X[i+1][1][0] < X[i][1][0]: print('Invalid solution: Index tree incorrectly ordered') return False if not distinct_indices(X[i][1], X[i+1][1]): print('Invalid solution: duplicate indices') return False Xc.append((xor(X[i][0], X[i+1][0]), X[i][1] + X[i+1][1])) X = Xc if len(X) != 1: print('Invalid solution: incorrect length after end of rounds: %d' % len(X)) return False if count_zeroes(X[0][0]) != 8*hash_length: print('Invalid solution: incorrect number of zeroes: %d' % count_zeroes(X[0][0])) return False return True def zcash_person(n, k): return b'ZcashPoW' + struct.pack('= n): raise ValueError('n must be larger than k') if (((n//(k+1))+1) >= 32): raise ValueError('Parameters must satisfy n/(k+1)+1 < 32')