# zcash Dockerfile This is an example Dockerfile to run the zcashd daemon in a containerized Debian base OS. The image pulls the apt package built by Electric Coin Company. The output of building this image should be accessible at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/electriccoinco/zcashd ## Defaults The image will run as a non-root user, `zcashd` with uid `2001`. When mapping volumes from the host into the container, these permissions must be used, or rebuilt the image with your custom values. ## Run time configuration The goal is to follow the default zcashd startup behavior as closely as possible. At startup, the image will execute the [./entrpoint.sh](./entrypoint) script. This script use environmental variables to configure the command line parameters, do a little house cleaning, and start zcashd. ### Available environment variables If defined, the value is assigned to the value of the corresponding flag. ``` ZCASHD_NETWORK ZCASHD_LOGIPS ZCASHD_EXPERIMENTALFEATURES ZCASHD_GEN ZCASHD_ZSHIELDCOINBASE ZCASHD_RPCUSER ZCASHD_RPCPASSWORD ZCASHD_RPCBIND ZCASHD_ALLOWIP ZCASHD_TXINDEX ZCASHD_INSIGHTEXPLORER ZCASHD_ZMQPORT ZCASHD_ZMQBIND ``` ### Additional configuration Any provided command line parameters are passed from the entrypoint.sh script to zcashd. You can skip using environmental variables at all, and instead provide a fully configured `zcash.conf` file and map to `/srv/zcashd/.zcash/zcash.conf` at startup. ## Examples ### See the installed version This command will create a container, print the version information of the zcashd software installed and then exit and remove the container. Run ``` docker run --rm electriccoinco/zcashd --version ``` Output ``` Zcash Daemon version v2.1.0-1 In order to ensure you are adequately protecting your privacy when using Zcash, please see . Copyright (C) 2009-2019 The Bitcoin Core Developers Copyright (C) 2015-2019 The Zcash Developers This is experimental software. Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING or . This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit and cryptographic software written by Eric Young. ``` ### Persist data to the host For this example, we'll create a a place for zcashd to store the blockchain data, create a new container that uses that location, and run it in the background. ``` mkdir {./zcash-params-dir,./zcash-data-dir} sudo chown -R 2001.2001 {./zcash-params-dir,./zcash-data-dir} docker run -d --name my_zcashd \ -v $(pwd)/zcash-data-dir:/srv/zcashd/.zcash \ -v $(pwd)/zcash-params-dir/srv/zcashd/.zcash-params \ electriccoinco/zcashd ``` Follow the logs to see it's activity ``` docker logs -f my_zcashd ```