from pyblake2 import blake2b import struct from typing import (List, Optional) from .mininode import (CBlockHeader, block_work_from_compact, ser_compactsize, ser_uint256) from .util import ( NU5_BRANCH_ID, assert_equal, ) def H(msg: bytes, consensusBranchId: int) -> bytes: digest = blake2b( digest_size=32, person=b'ZcashHistory' + struct.pack(" 'ZcashMMRNode': '''Create a leaf node from a block''' if v2_data is not None: assert_equal(consensusBranchId, NU5_BRANCH_ID) orchard_root = v2_data[0] orchard_tx_count = v2_data[1] else: orchard_root = None orchard_tx_count = None node = Z() node.left_child = None node.right_child = None node.hashSubtreeCommitment = ser_uint256(block.rehash()) node.nEarliestTimestamp = block.nTime node.nLatestTimestamp = block.nTime node.nEarliestTargetBits = block.nBits node.nLatestTargetBits = block.nBits node.hashEarliestSaplingRoot = sapling_root node.hashLatestSaplingRoot = sapling_root node.nSubTreeTotalWork = block_work_from_compact(block.nBits) node.nEarliestHeight = height node.nLatestHeight = height node.nSaplingTxCount = sapling_tx_count node.hashEarliestOrchardRoot = orchard_root node.hashLatestOrchardRoot = orchard_root node.nOrchardTxCount = orchard_tx_count node.consensusBranchId = consensusBranchId return node def serialize(self) -> bytes: '''serializes a node''' buf = b'' buf += self.hashSubtreeCommitment buf += struct.pack(" ZcashMMRNode: parent = ZcashMMRNode() parent.left_child = left_child parent.right_child = right_child parent.hashSubtreeCommitment = H( left_child.serialize() + right_child.serialize(), left_child.consensusBranchId, ) parent.nEarliestTimestamp = left_child.nEarliestTimestamp parent.nLatestTimestamp = right_child.nLatestTimestamp parent.nEarliestTargetBits = left_child.nEarliestTargetBits parent.nLatestTargetBits = right_child.nLatestTargetBits parent.hashEarliestSaplingRoot = left_child.hashEarliestSaplingRoot parent.hashLatestSaplingRoot = right_child.hashLatestSaplingRoot parent.nSubTreeTotalWork = left_child.nSubTreeTotalWork + right_child.nSubTreeTotalWork parent.nEarliestHeight = left_child.nEarliestHeight parent.nLatestHeight = right_child.nLatestHeight parent.nSaplingTxCount = left_child.nSaplingTxCount + right_child.nSaplingTxCount parent.hashEarliestOrchardRoot = left_child.hashEarliestOrchardRoot parent.hashLatestOrchardRoot = right_child.hashLatestOrchardRoot parent.nOrchardTxCount = ( left_child.nOrchardTxCount + right_child.nOrchardTxCount if left_child.nOrchardTxCount is not None and right_child.nOrchardTxCount is not None else None) parent.consensusBranchId = left_child.consensusBranchId return parent def make_root_commitment(root: ZcashMMRNode) -> bytes: '''Makes the root commitment for a blockheader''' return H(root.serialize(), root.consensusBranchId) def get_peaks(node: ZcashMMRNode) -> List[ZcashMMRNode]: peaks: List[ZcashMMRNode] = [] # Get number of leaves. leaves = node.nLatestHeight - (node.nEarliestHeight - 1) assert(leaves > 0) # Check if the number of leaves in this subtree is a power of two. if (leaves & (leaves - 1)) == 0: # This subtree is full, and therefore a single peak. This also covers # the case of a single isolated leaf. peaks.append(node) else: # This is one of the generated nodes; search within its children. peaks.extend(get_peaks(node.left_child)) peaks.extend(get_peaks(node.right_child)) return peaks def bag_peaks(peaks: List[ZcashMMRNode]) -> ZcashMMRNode: ''' "Bag" a list of peaks, and return the final root ''' root = peaks[0] for i in range(1, len(peaks)): root = make_parent(root, peaks[i]) return root def append(root: ZcashMMRNode, leaf: ZcashMMRNode) -> ZcashMMRNode: '''Append a leaf to an existing tree, return the new tree root''' # recursively find a list of peaks in the current tree peaks: List[ZcashMMRNode] = get_peaks(root) merged: List[ZcashMMRNode] = [] # Merge peaks from right to left. # This will produce a list of peaks in reverse order current = leaf for peak in peaks[::-1]: current_leaves = current.nLatestHeight - (current.nEarliestHeight - 1) peak_leaves = peak.nLatestHeight - (peak.nEarliestHeight - 1) if current_leaves == peak_leaves: current = make_parent(peak, current) else: merged.append(current) current = peak merged.append(current) # finally, bag the merged peaks return bag_peaks(merged[::-1]) def delete(root: ZcashMMRNode) -> ZcashMMRNode: ''' Delete the rightmost leaf node from an existing MMR Return the new tree root ''' n_leaves = root.nLatestHeight - (root.nEarliestHeight - 1) # if there were an odd number of leaves, # simply replace root with left_child if n_leaves & 1: return root.left_child # otherwise, we need to re-bag the peaks. else: # first peak peaks = [root.left_child] # we do this traversing the right (unbalanced) side of the tree # we keep the left side (balanced subtree or leaf) of each subtree # until we reach a leaf subtree_root = root.right_child while subtree_root.left_child: peaks.append(subtree_root.left_child) subtree_root = subtree_root.right_child new_root = bag_peaks(peaks) return new_root