--- name: Bug report about: Create a report about a bug in zcashd. title: '' labels: 'bug' assignees: '' --- ### Describe the issue Please provide a general summary of the issue you're experiencing ### Can you reliably reproduce the issue? #### If so, please list the steps to reproduce below: 1. 2. 3. ### Expected behaviour Tell us what should happen ### Actual behaviour + errors Tell us what happens instead including any noticable error output (any messages displayed on-screen when e.g. a crash occurred) ### The version of Zcash you were using: Run `zcashd --version` to find out ### Machine specs: - OS name + version: - CPU: - RAM: - Disk size: - Disk Type (HD/SDD): - Linux kernel version (uname -a): - Compiler version (gcc --version): - Linker version (ld -v): - Assembler version (as --version): ### Any extra information that might be useful in the debugging process. This includes the relevant contents of `~/.zcash/debug.log`. You can paste raw text, attach the file directly in the issue or link to the text via a pastebin type site. Please also include any non-standard things you did during compilation (extra flags, dependency version changes etc.) if applicable. ### Do you have a backup of `~/.zcash` directory and/or take a VM snapshot? - Backing up / making a copy of the `~/.zcash` directory might help make the problem reproducible. Please redact appropriately. - Taking a VM snapshot is really helpful for interactively testing fixes