#include #include "test/data/merkle_roots.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_roots_empty.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_serialization.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_witness_serialization.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_path.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_commitments.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_roots_sapling.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_roots_empty_sapling.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_serialization_sapling.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_witness_serialization_sapling.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_path_sapling.json.h" #include "test/data/merkle_commitments_sapling.json.h" #include #include #include "utilstrencodings.h" #include "version.h" #include "serialize.h" #include "streams.h" #include "zcash/IncrementalMerkleTree.hpp" #include "zcash/util.h" #include #include "json_test_vectors.h" using namespace std; template<> void expect_deser_same(const SproutTestingWitness& expected) { // Cannot check this; IncrementalWitness cannot be // deserialized because it can only be constructed by // IncrementalMerkleTree, and it does not yet have a // canonical serialized representation. } template void expect_ser_test_vector(B& b, const C& c, const A& tree) { expect_test_vector(b, c); } template void test_tree( UniValue commitment_tests, UniValue root_tests, UniValue ser_tests, UniValue witness_ser_tests, UniValue path_tests ) { size_t witness_ser_i = 0; size_t path_i = 0; Tree tree; // The root of the tree at this point is expected to be the root of the // empty tree. ASSERT_TRUE(tree.root() == Tree::empty_root()); // The tree doesn't have a 'last' element added since it's blank. ASSERT_THROW(tree.last(), std::runtime_error); // The tree is empty. ASSERT_TRUE(tree.size() == 0); // We need to witness at every single point in the tree, so // that the consistency of the tree and the merkle paths can // be checked. vector witnesses; for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { uint256 test_commitment = uint256S(commitment_tests[i].get_str()); // Witness here witnesses.push_back(tree.witness()); // Now append a commitment to the tree tree.append(test_commitment); // Size incremented by one. ASSERT_TRUE(tree.size() == i+1); // Last element added to the tree was `test_commitment` ASSERT_TRUE(tree.last() == test_commitment); // Check tree root consistency expect_test_vector(root_tests[i], tree.root()); // Check serialization of tree expect_ser_test_vector(ser_tests[i], tree, tree); bool first = true; // The first witness can never form a path BOOST_FOREACH(Witness& wit, witnesses) { // Append the same commitment to all the witnesses wit.append(test_commitment); if (first) { ASSERT_THROW(wit.path(), std::runtime_error); ASSERT_THROW(wit.element(), std::runtime_error); } else { auto path = wit.path(); expect_test_vector(path_tests[path_i++], path); } // Check witness serialization expect_ser_test_vector(witness_ser_tests[witness_ser_i++], wit, tree); ASSERT_TRUE(wit.root() == tree.root()); first = false; } } { // Tree should be full now ASSERT_THROW(tree.append(uint256()), std::runtime_error); BOOST_FOREACH(Witness& wit, witnesses) { ASSERT_THROW(wit.append(uint256()), std::runtime_error); } } } #define MAKE_STRING(x) std::string((x), (x)+sizeof(x)) TEST(merkletree, vectors) { UniValue root_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_roots)); UniValue ser_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_serialization)); UniValue witness_ser_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_witness_serialization)); UniValue path_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_path)); UniValue commitment_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_commitments)); test_tree( commitment_tests, root_tests, ser_tests, witness_ser_tests, path_tests ); } TEST(merkletree, SaplingVectors) { UniValue root_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_roots_sapling)); UniValue ser_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_serialization_sapling)); UniValue witness_ser_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_witness_serialization_sapling)); UniValue path_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_path_sapling)); UniValue commitment_tests = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_commitments_sapling)); test_tree( commitment_tests, root_tests, ser_tests, witness_ser_tests, path_tests ); } TEST(merkletree, emptyroots) { UniValue empty_roots = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_roots_empty)); libzcash::EmptyMerkleRoots<64, libzcash::SHA256Compress> emptyroots; for (size_t depth = 0; depth <= 64; depth++) { expect_test_vector(empty_roots[depth], emptyroots.empty_root(depth)); } // Double check that we're testing (at least) all the empty roots we'll use. ASSERT_TRUE(INCREMENTAL_MERKLE_TREE_DEPTH <= 64); } TEST(merkletree, EmptyrootsSapling) { UniValue empty_roots = read_json(MAKE_STRING(json_tests::merkle_roots_empty_sapling)); libzcash::EmptyMerkleRoots<62, libzcash::PedersenHash> emptyroots; for (size_t depth = 0; depth <= 62; depth++) { expect_test_vector(empty_roots[depth], emptyroots.empty_root(depth)); } // Double check that we're testing (at least) all the empty roots we'll use. ASSERT_TRUE(INCREMENTAL_MERKLE_TREE_DEPTH <= 62); } TEST(merkletree, emptyroot) { // This literal is the depth-29 empty tree root with the bytes reversed to // account for the fact that uint256S() loads a big-endian representation of // an integer which converted to little-endian internally. uint256 expected = uint256S("59d2cde5e65c1414c32ba54f0fe4bdb3d67618125286e6a191317917c812c6d7"); ASSERT_TRUE(SproutMerkleTree::empty_root() == expected); } TEST(merkletree, EmptyrootSapling) { // This literal is the depth-32 empty tree root with the bytes reversed to // account for the fact that uint256S() loads a big-endian representation of // an integer which converted to little-endian internally. uint256 expected = uint256S("3e49b5f954aa9d3545bc6c37744661eea48d7c34e3000d82b7f0010c30f4c2fb"); ASSERT_TRUE(SaplingMerkleTree::empty_root() == expected); } TEST(merkletree, deserializeInvalid) { // attempt to deserialize a small tree from a serialized large tree // (exceeds depth well-formedness check) SproutMerkleTree newTree; for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { newTree.append(uint256S("54d626e08c1c802b305dad30b7e54a82f102390cc92c7d4db112048935236e9c")); } newTree.append(uint256S("54d626e08c1c802b305dad30b7e54a82f102390cc92c7d4db112048935236e9c")); CDataStream ss(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ss << newTree; SproutTestingMerkleTree newTreeSmall; ASSERT_THROW({ss >> newTreeSmall;}, std::ios_base::failure); } TEST(merkletree, deserializeInvalid2) { // the most ancestral parent is empty CDataStream ss( ParseHex("0155b852781b9995a44c939b64e441ae2724b96f99c8f4fb9a141cfc9842c4b0e3000100"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION ); SproutMerkleTree tree; ASSERT_THROW(ss >> tree, std::ios_base::failure); } TEST(merkletree, deserializeInvalid3) { // left doesn't exist but right does CDataStream ss( ParseHex("000155b852781b9995a44c939b64e441ae2724b96f99c8f4fb9a141cfc9842c4b0e300"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION ); SproutMerkleTree tree; ASSERT_THROW(ss >> tree, std::ios_base::failure); } TEST(merkletree, deserializeInvalid4) { // left doesn't exist but a parent does CDataStream ss( ParseHex("000001018695873d63ec0bceeadb5bf4ccc6723ac803c1826fc7cfb34fc76180305ae27d"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION ); SproutMerkleTree tree; ASSERT_THROW(ss >> tree, std::ios_base::failure); } TEST(merkletree, testZeroElements) { for (int start = 0; start < 20; start++) { SproutMerkleTree newTree; ASSERT_TRUE(newTree.root() == SproutMerkleTree::empty_root()); for (int i = start; i > 0; i--) { newTree.append(uint256S("54d626e08c1c802b305dad30b7e54a82f102390cc92c7d4db112048935236e9c")); } uint256 oldroot = newTree.root(); // At this point, appending tons of null objects to the tree // should preserve its root. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { newTree.append(uint256()); } ASSERT_TRUE(newTree.root() == oldroot); } }