#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Zcash developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php . from io import BytesIO import codecs from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, CANOPY_BRANCH_ID, NU5_BRANCH_ID, get_coinbase_address, hex_str_to_bytes, nuparams, nustr, start_nodes, wait_and_assert_operationid_status, ) from test_framework.mininode import ( CTransaction, ) from test_framework.blocktools import ( create_block ) from decimal import Decimal class GetBlockTemplateTest(BitcoinTestFramework): ''' Test getblocktemplate, ensure that a block created from its result can be submitted and accepted. ''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True def setup_network(self, split=False): args = [ nuparams(CANOPY_BRANCH_ID, 115), nuparams(NU5_BRANCH_ID, 130), ] self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, [args] * self.num_nodes) self.is_network_split = False self.node = self.nodes[0] def add_nu5_v4_tx_to_mempool(self): node = self.node # sprout to transparent (v4) recipients = [{"address": self.transparent_addr, "amount": Decimal('0.1')}] myopid = node.z_sendmany(self.sprout_addr, recipients, 1) wait_and_assert_operationid_status(node, myopid) def add_nu5_v5_tx_to_mempool(self): node = self.node recipients = [{"address": self.unified_addr, "amount": Decimal('9.99999')}] myopid = node.z_sendmany(get_coinbase_address(node), recipients, 1, Decimal('0.00001'), 'AllowRevealedSenders') wait_and_assert_operationid_status(node, myopid) def add_transparent_tx_to_mempool(self): node = self.node # transparent to transparent (v5 after nu5) outputs = {self.transparent_addr: 0.1} node.sendmany('', outputs) def gbt_submitblock(self, nu5_active): node = self.node mempool_tx_list = node.getrawmempool() gbt = node.getblocktemplate() # make sure no transactions were left out (or added) assert_equal(len(mempool_tx_list), len(gbt['transactions'])) assert_equal(set(mempool_tx_list), set([tx['hash'] for tx in gbt['transactions']])) prevhash = int(gbt['previousblockhash'], 16) nTime = gbt['mintime'] nBits = int(gbt['bits'], 16) if nu5_active: blockcommitmentshash = int(gbt['defaultroots']['blockcommitmentshash'], 16) else: blockcommitmentshash = int(gbt['defaultroots']['chainhistoryroot'], 16) assert 'blockcommitmentshash' not in gbt['defaultroots'] # Confirm that the legacy fields match this default value. assert_equal(blockcommitmentshash, int(gbt['blockcommitmentshash'], 16)) assert_equal(blockcommitmentshash, int(gbt['lightclientroothash'], 16)) assert_equal(blockcommitmentshash, int(gbt['finalsaplingroothash'], 16)) f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(gbt['coinbasetxn']['data'])) coinbase = CTransaction() coinbase.deserialize(f) coinbase.calc_sha256() assert_equal(coinbase.hash, gbt['coinbasetxn']['hash']) assert_equal(coinbase.auth_digest_hex, gbt['coinbasetxn']['authdigest']) block = create_block(prevhash, coinbase, nTime, nBits, blockcommitmentshash) # copy the non-coinbase transactions from the block template to the block for gbt_tx in gbt['transactions']: f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(gbt_tx['data'])) tx = CTransaction() tx.deserialize(f) tx.calc_sha256() assert_equal(tx.hash, gbt_tx['hash']) assert_equal(tx.auth_digest_hex, node.getrawtransaction(tx.hash, 1)['authdigest']) block.vtx.append(tx) block.hashMerkleRoot = int(gbt['defaultroots']['merkleroot'], 16) assert_equal(block.hashMerkleRoot, block.calc_merkle_root(), "merkleroot") assert_equal(len(block.vtx), len(gbt['transactions']) + 1, "number of transactions") assert_equal(block.hashPrevBlock, int(gbt['previousblockhash'], 16), "prevhash") if nu5_active: block.hashAuthDataRoot = int(gbt['defaultroots']['authdataroot'], 16) assert_equal(block.hashAuthDataRoot, block.calc_auth_data_root(), "authdataroot") else: assert 'authdataroot' not in gbt['defaultroots'] block.solve() block.calc_sha256() submitblock_reply = node.submitblock(codecs.encode(block.serialize(), 'hex_codec')) assert_equal(None, submitblock_reply) assert_equal(block.hash, node.getbestblockhash()) # Wait until the wallet has been notified of all blocks, so that it doesn't try to # double-spend transparent coins in subsequent test phases. self.sync_all() def run_test(self): node = self.node # Generate Sprout funds before Canopy activates; using the Sprout address will # force the generation of v4 transactions from NU5. print("Generating pre-Canopy blocks to create sprout funds") # coinbase only becomes mature after 100 blocks, so make one mature. node.generate(105) self.sprout_addr = node.z_getnewaddress('sprout') myopid = node.z_shieldcoinbase('*', self.sprout_addr)['opid'] wait_and_assert_operationid_status(node, myopid) self.transparent_addr = node.getnewaddress() account = node.z_getnewaccount()['account'] self.unified_addr = node.z_getaddressforaccount(account)['address'] node.generate(15) # at height 120, NU5 is not active assert_equal(node.getblockchaininfo()['upgrades'][nustr(NU5_BRANCH_ID)]['status'], 'pending') print("Testing getblocktemplate for pre-NU5") # Only the coinbase; this covers the case where the Merkle root # is equal to the coinbase txid. print("- only coinbase") self.gbt_submitblock(False) # Adding one transaction triggering a single Merkle digest. print("- one transaction (plus coinbase)") self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.gbt_submitblock(False) # Adding two transactions to trigger hash Merkle root edge case. print("- two transactions (plus coinbase)") self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.gbt_submitblock(False) # Activate NU5, repeat the above cases node.generate(7) assert_equal(node.getblockchaininfo()['upgrades'][nustr(NU5_BRANCH_ID)]['status'], 'active') print("Testing getblocktemplate for post-NU5") # Only the coinbase; this covers the case where the block authdata root # is equal to the coinbase authdata print("- only coinbase") self.gbt_submitblock(True) # Adding one transaction triggering a single Merkle digest. print("- one transaction (plus coinbase)") self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.gbt_submitblock(True) # Adding two transactions to trigger hash Merkle root edge case. print("- two transactions (plus coinbase)") self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.gbt_submitblock(True) # Adding both v4 and v5 to cover legacy auth digest (without full auth digest subtree). print("- both v4 and v5 transactions (plus coinbase)") self.add_nu5_v4_tx_to_mempool() self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.gbt_submitblock(True) # Adding both v4 and v5 to cover legacy auth digest (with full auth digest subtree). print("- both v4 and v5 transactions (plus coinbase)") self.add_nu5_v4_tx_to_mempool() self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.add_transparent_tx_to_mempool() self.gbt_submitblock(True) print("- block with 6 Orchard transactions (plus coinbase)") for i in range(0, 6): print(str(node.z_getbalance(self.transparent_addr))) self.add_nu5_v5_tx_to_mempool() self.gbt_submitblock(True) print("- block with 7 Orchard transactions (plus coinbase)") for i in range(0, 7): self.add_nu5_v5_tx_to_mempool() self.gbt_submitblock(True) if __name__ == '__main__': GetBlockTemplateTest().main()