#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Run this script inside of src/ and it will look for all the files that were changed this year that still have the last year in the copyright headers, and it will fix the headers on that file using a perl regex one liner. For example: if it finds something like this and we're in 2014 // Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The Bitcoin Core developers it will change it to // Copyright (c) 2009-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers It will do this for all the files in the folder and its children. Author: @gubatron ''' import os import time year = time.gmtime()[0] last_year = year - 1 command = "perl -pi -e 's/%s The Bitcoin/%s The Bitcoin/' %s" listFilesCommand = "find . | grep %s" extensions = [".cpp",".h"] def getLastGitModifiedDate(filePath): gitGetLastCommitDateCommand = "git log " + filePath +" | grep Date | head -n 1" p = os.popen(gitGetLastCommitDateCommand) result = "" for l in p: result = l break result = result.replace("\n","") return result n=1 for extension in extensions: foundFiles = os.popen(listFilesCommand % extension) for filePath in foundFiles: filePath = filePath[1:-1] if filePath.endswith(extension): filePath = os.getcwd() + filePath modifiedTime = getLastGitModifiedDate(filePath) if len(modifiedTime) > 0 and str(year) in modifiedTime: print(n,"Last Git Modified: ", modifiedTime, " - ", filePath) os.popen(command % (last_year,year,filePath)) n = n + 1