#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2017 The Zcash developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php . import sys; assert sys.version_info < (3,), ur"This script does not run under Python 3. Please use Python 2.7.x." from decimal import Decimal from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_greater_than, start_nodes,\ initialize_chain_clean, connect_nodes_bi, wait_and_assert_operationid_status import logging logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO) fee = Decimal('0.0001') # constant (but can be changed within reason) class ZkeyImportExportTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def setup_chain(self): print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir) initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 5) def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(5, self.options.tmpdir) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,1,2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,3) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes,0,4) self.is_network_split=False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): [alice, bob, charlie, david, miner] = self.nodes # the sender loses 'amount' plus fee; to_addr receives exactly 'amount' def z_send(from_node, from_addr, to_addr, amount): global fee opid = from_node.z_sendmany(from_addr, [{"address": to_addr, "amount": Decimal(amount)}], 1, fee) wait_and_assert_operationid_status(from_node, opid) self.sync_all() miner.generate(1) self.sync_all() def verify_utxos(node, amts, zaddr): amts.sort(reverse=True) txs = node.z_listreceivedbyaddress(zaddr) def cmp_confirmations_high_to_low(a, b): return cmp(b["amount"], a["amount"]) txs.sort(cmp_confirmations_high_to_low) print("Sorted txs", txs) print("amts", amts) try: assert_equal(amts, [tx["amount"] for tx in txs]) for tx in txs: # make sure JoinSplit keys exist and have valid values assert_equal("jsindex" in tx, True) assert_equal("jsoutindex" in tx, True) assert_greater_than(tx["jsindex"], -1) assert_greater_than(tx["jsoutindex"], -1) except AssertionError: logging.error( 'Expected amounts: %r; txs: %r', amts, txs) raise def get_private_balance(node): balance = node.z_gettotalbalance() return balance['private'] def find_imported_key(node, import_zaddr): zaddrs = node.z_listaddresses() assert(import_zaddr in zaddrs) return import_zaddr # Seed Alice with some funds alice.generate(10) self.sync_all() miner.generate(100) self.sync_all() # Shield Alice's coinbase funds to her zaddr alice_zaddr = alice.z_getnewaddress('sprout') res = alice.z_shieldcoinbase("*", alice_zaddr) wait_and_assert_operationid_status(alice, res['opid']) self.sync_all() miner.generate(1) self.sync_all() # Now get a pristine z-address for receiving transfers: bob_zaddr = bob.z_getnewaddress('sprout') verify_utxos(bob, [], bob_zaddr) # TODO: Verify that charlie doesn't have funds in addr # verify_utxos(charlie, []) # the amounts of each txn embodied which generates a single UTXO: amounts = map(Decimal, ['2.3', '3.7', '0.1', '0.5', '1.0', '0.19']) # Internal test consistency assertion: assert_greater_than( get_private_balance(alice), reduce(Decimal.__add__, amounts)) logging.info("Sending pre-export txns...") for amount in amounts[0:2]: z_send(alice, alice_zaddr, bob_zaddr, amount) logging.info("Exporting privkey from bob...") bob_privkey = bob.z_exportkey(bob_zaddr) logging.info("Sending post-export txns...") for amount in amounts[2:4]: z_send(alice, alice_zaddr, bob_zaddr, amount) verify_utxos(bob, amounts[:4], bob_zaddr) # verify_utxos(charlie, []) logging.info("Importing bob_privkey into charlie...") # z_importkey rescan defaults to "whenkeyisnew", so should rescan here charlie.z_importkey(bob_privkey) ipk_zaddr = find_imported_key(charlie, bob_zaddr) # z_importkey should have rescanned for new key, so this should pass: verify_utxos(charlie, amounts[:4], ipk_zaddr) # Verify idempotent behavior: charlie.z_importkey(bob_privkey) ipk_zaddr2 = find_imported_key(charlie, bob_zaddr) assert_equal(ipk_zaddr, ipk_zaddr2) # amounts should be unchanged verify_utxos(charlie, amounts[:4], ipk_zaddr2) logging.info("Sending post-import txns...") for amount in amounts[4:]: z_send(alice, alice_zaddr, bob_zaddr, amount) verify_utxos(bob, amounts, bob_zaddr) verify_utxos(charlie, amounts, ipk_zaddr) verify_utxos(charlie, amounts, ipk_zaddr2) # keep track of the fees incurred by bob (his sends) bob_fee = Decimal(0) # Try to reproduce zombie balance reported in #1936 # At generated zaddr, receive ZEC, and send ZEC back out. bob -> alice for amount in amounts[:2]: print("Sending amount from bob to alice: ", amount) z_send(bob, bob_zaddr, alice_zaddr, amount) bob_fee += fee bob_balance = sum(amounts[2:]) - bob_fee assert_equal(bob.z_getbalance(bob_zaddr), bob_balance) # z_import onto new node "david" (blockchain rescan, default or True?) david.z_importkey(bob_privkey) d_ipk_zaddr = find_imported_key(david, bob_zaddr) # Check if amt bob spent is deducted for charlie and david assert_equal(charlie.z_getbalance(ipk_zaddr), bob_balance) assert_equal(david.z_getbalance(d_ipk_zaddr), bob_balance) if __name__ == '__main__': ZkeyImportExportTest().main()