#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2021 The Zcash developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php . from decimal import Decimal from test_framework.mininode import ( NU5_PROTO_VERSION, CInv, NetworkThread, NodeConn, mininode_lock, msg_getdata, msg_mempool, msg_reject, uint256_from_str, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( BLOSSOM_BRANCH_ID, HEARTWOOD_BRANCH_ID, CANOPY_BRANCH_ID, NU5_BRANCH_ID, DEFAULT_FEE, assert_equal, assert_false, assert_true, fail, hex_str_to_bytes, nuparams, p2p_port, start_nodes, wait_and_assert_operationid_status, ) from tx_expiry_helper import TestNode import os.path import time # Test ZIP 239 behaviour before and after NU5. class Zip239Test(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.cache_behavior = 'sprout' def setup_nodes(self): return start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args=[[ # Enable Canopy at height 205 nuparams(BLOSSOM_BRANCH_ID, 205), nuparams(HEARTWOOD_BRANCH_ID, 205), nuparams(CANOPY_BRANCH_ID, 205), nuparams(NU5_BRANCH_ID, 210), "-preferredtxversion=5", "-allowdeprecated=getnewaddress", "-allowdeprecated=z_getbalance", ]] * self.num_nodes) def cinv_for(self, txid, authDigest=None): if authDigest is not None: return CInv(5, txid, authDigest) else: return CInv(1, txid) def verify_inv(self, testnode, txs): # Make sure we are synced before sending the mempool message testnode.sync_with_ping() # Send p2p message "mempool" to receive contents from zcashd node in "inv" message with mininode_lock: testnode.last_inv = None testnode.send_message(msg_mempool()) # Sync up with node after p2p messages delivered testnode.sync_with_ping(waiting_for=lambda x: x.last_inv) with mininode_lock: msg = testnode.last_inv assert_equal(len(msg.inv), len(txs)) expected_invs = sorted(txs, key=lambda inv: (inv.type, inv.hash, inv.hash_aux)) actual_invs = sorted(msg.inv, key=lambda inv: (inv.type, inv.hash, inv.hash_aux)) for (expected, actual) in zip(expected_invs, actual_invs): assert_equal(expected, actual) def send_data_message(self, testnode, txid, authDigest=None): # Send p2p message "getdata" to verify tx gets sent in "tx" message getdatamsg = msg_getdata() getdatamsg.inv = [self.cinv_for(txid, authDigest)] with mininode_lock: testnode.last_tx = None testnode.last_notfound = None testnode.send_message(getdatamsg) def verify_last_tx(self, testnode, txid, authDigest=None): # Sync up with node after p2p messages delivered testnode.sync_with_ping() # Verify data received in "tx" message is for tx with mininode_lock: assert_true(testnode.last_notfound is None, "'%r' is not None" % testnode.last_notfound) assert_false(testnode.last_tx is None, "No tx received") incoming_tx = testnode.last_tx.tx incoming_tx.rehash() assert_equal(txid, incoming_tx.sha256) def verify_last_notfound(self, testnode, txid, authDigest=None): # Sync up with node after p2p messages delivered testnode.sync_with_ping() # Verify data received in "notfound" message is for tx with mininode_lock: assert_true(testnode.last_tx is None, "'%r' is not None" % testnode.last_tx) assert_false(testnode.last_notfound is None, "notfound not received") assert_equal(len(testnode.last_notfound.inv), 1) assert_equal(testnode.last_notfound.inv[0], self.cinv_for(txid, authDigest)) def verify_invalid_cinv(self, testnode, conn, msg_type, expected_msg): # Send p2p message "getdata" containing an invalid CInv message getdatamsg = msg_getdata() getdatamsg.inv = [CInv(msg_type, 1)] with mininode_lock: testnode.last_tx = None testnode.last_notfound = None testnode.send_message(getdatamsg) # Sync up with node after p2p messages delivered testnode.sync_with_ping() # Verify that we get a reject message expected = msg_reject() expected.message = b"getdata" expected.code = msg_reject.REJECT_MALFORMED expected.reason = b"error parsing message" assert_equal(conn.rejectMessage, expected) # Verify that we see the expected error in the debug log of node 0 log_path = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, 'node0', 'regtest', 'debug.log') with open(log_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as log_file: log_content = log_file.read() if expected_msg not in log_content: raise AssertionError("Expected error \"" + expected_msg + "\" not found in:\n" + log_content) def verify_disconnected(self, testnode, timeout=30): sleep_time = 0.05 while timeout > 0: with mininode_lock: if testnode.conn_closed: return time.sleep(sleep_time) timeout -= sleep_time fail("Should have received pong") def run_test(self): # Set up test nodes. # - test_nodes[0] will only request v4 transactions # - test_nodes[1] will only request v5 transactions # - test_nodes[2] will test invalid v4 request using MSG_WTXID # - test_nodes[3] will test invalid v5 request using MSG_TX test_nodes = [] connections = [] for i in range(4): test_nodes.append(TestNode()) connections.append(NodeConn( '', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test_nodes[i], protocol_version=NU5_PROTO_VERSION)) test_nodes[i].add_connection(connections[i]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread [x.wait_for_verack() for x in test_nodes] net_version = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()["protocolversion"] if net_version < NU5_PROTO_VERSION: # Sending a getdata message containing a MSG_WTX CInv message type # results in a reject message. self.verify_invalid_cinv( test_nodes[0], connections[0], 5, "Negotiated protocol version does not support CInv message type MSG_WTX", ) # Sending a getdata message containing an invalid CInv message type # results in a reject message. self.verify_invalid_cinv( test_nodes[1], connections[1], 0xffff, "Unknown CInv message type") print("Node's block index is not NU5-aware, skipping remaining tests") return # Look up the Sprout address that contains existing funds sproutzaddr = self.nodes[0].listaddresses()[0]['sprout']['addresses'][0] assert_equal(self.nodes[0].z_getbalance(sproutzaddr), Decimal('50')) # Activate NU5. Block height after this is 210. self.nodes[0].generate(10) self.sync_all() # Add v4 transaction to the mempool. node1_taddr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() opid = self.nodes[0].z_sendmany(sproutzaddr, [{ 'address': node1_taddr, 'amount': 1, }], 1, DEFAULT_FEE, 'AllowRevealedRecipients') v4_txid = uint256_from_str(hex_str_to_bytes( wait_and_assert_operationid_status(self.nodes[0], opid) )[::-1]) # Add v5 transaction to the mempool. v5_txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(node1_taddr, 1, "", "", True) v5_tx = self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(v5_txid, 1) assert_equal(v5_tx['version'], 5) v5_txid = uint256_from_str(hex_str_to_bytes(v5_txid)[::-1]) v5_auth_digest = uint256_from_str(hex_str_to_bytes(v5_tx['authdigest'])[::-1]) # Wait for the mempools to sync. self.sync_all() # # inv # # On a mempool request, nodes should return an inv message containing: # - the v4 tx, with type MSG_TX. # - the v5 tx, with type MSG_WTX. for testnode in test_nodes: self.verify_inv(testnode, [ self.cinv_for(v4_txid), self.cinv_for(v5_txid, v5_auth_digest), ]) # # getdata # # We can request a v4 transaction with MSG_TX. self.send_data_message(test_nodes[0], v4_txid) self.verify_last_tx(test_nodes[0], v4_txid) # We can request a v5 transaction with MSG_WTX. self.send_data_message(test_nodes[1], v5_txid, v5_auth_digest) self.verify_last_tx(test_nodes[1], v5_txid, v5_auth_digest) # Requesting with a different authDigest results in a notfound. self.send_data_message(test_nodes[1], v5_txid, 1) self.verify_last_notfound(test_nodes[1], v5_txid, 1) # Requesting a v4 transaction with MSG_WTX causes a disconnect. self.send_data_message(test_nodes[2], v4_txid, (1 << 256) - 1) self.verify_disconnected(test_nodes[2]) # Requesting a v5 transaction with MSG_TX causes a disconnect. self.send_data_message(test_nodes[3], v5_txid) self.verify_disconnected(test_nodes[3]) # Sending a getdata message containing an invalid CInv message type # results in a reject message. self.verify_invalid_cinv( test_nodes[0], connections[0], 0xffff, "Unknown CInv message type") [c.disconnect_node() for c in connections] if __name__ == '__main__': Zip239Test().main()