#!/usr/bin/env bash export LC_ALL=C set -eu SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) if [[ -z "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:+x}" ]]; then XDG_CACHE_HOME="${HOME}/.cache" fi # We don’t care too much about most of the properties of `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` in # this script, so we just fall back to `XDG_CACHE_HOME`. if [[ -z "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:+x}" ]]; then XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="${XDG_CACHE_HOME}"; fi uname_S=$(uname -s 2>/dev/null || echo not) if [ "$uname_S" = "Darwin" ]; then PARAMS_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/ZcashParams" else PARAMS_DIR="$HOME/.zcash-params" fi # Commented out because these are unused; see below. #SPROUT_PKEY_NAME='sprout-proving.key' #SPROUT_VKEY_NAME='sprout-verifying.key' SAPLING_SPEND_NAME='sapling-spend.params' SAPLING_OUTPUT_NAME='sapling-output.params' SAPLING_SPROUT_GROTH16_NAME='sprout-groth16.params' DOWNLOAD_URL="${ALTERNATIVE_DOWNLOAD_URL:-https://download.z.cash/downloads}" IPFS_HASH="/ipfs/QmXRHVGLQBiKwvNq7c2vPxAKz1zRVmMYbmt7G5TQss7tY7" SHA256CMD="$(command -v sha256sum || echo shasum)" SHA256ARGS="$(command -v sha256sum >/dev/null || echo '-a 256')" WGETCMD="$(command -v wget || echo '')" IPFSCMD="$(command -v ipfs || echo '')" CURLCMD="$(command -v curl || echo '')" # fetch methods can be disabled with ZC_DISABLE_SOMETHING=1 ZC_DISABLE_WGET="${ZC_DISABLE_WGET:-}" ZC_DISABLE_IPFS="${ZC_DISABLE_IPFS:-}" ZC_DISABLE_CURL="${ZC_DISABLE_CURL:-}" LOCK_DIR="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/zcash" mkdir -p "${LOCK_DIR}" LOCKFILE="${LOCK_DIR}/fetch-params.lock" fetch_wget() { if [ -z "$WGETCMD" ] || [ -n "$ZC_DISABLE_WGET" ]; then return 1 fi cat <&2 < "${dlname}" rm "${dlname}.part.1" "${dlname}.part.2" set +e "$SHA256CMD" $SHA256ARGS -c <&2 exit 1 fi fi unset -v filename unset -v output unset -v dlname unset -v expectedhash } check_and_fetch_params() { # We only set these variables inside this function, # and unset them at the end of the function. filename="$1" output="$2" expectedhash="$3" if ! [ -f "$output" ] then fetch_params "$filename" "$output" "$expectedhash" else # The file in question exists, so we verify its checksum. # If it's not valid, we delete it and fetch it set +e "$SHA256CMD" $SHA256ARGS -c <&2 rm "$output" fetch_params "$filename" "$output" "$expectedhash" fi fi unset -v filename unset -v output unset -v expectedhash } # Use flock to prevent parallel execution. lock() { if [ "$uname_S" = "Darwin" ]; then if shlock -f ${LOCKFILE} -p $$; then return 0 else return 1 fi else # create lock file eval "exec 9>$LOCKFILE" # acquire the lock flock -n 9 \ && return 0 \ || return 1 fi } exit_locked_error() { echo "Only one instance of ${SCRIPT_NAME} can be run at a time." >&2 echo "If you are certain no other instance is running, you can try removing" >&2 echo "${LOCKFILE}" >&2 exit 1 } main() { lock \ || exit_locked_error cat <> "$README_PATH" <