#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2018 The Zcash developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php . from test_framework.authproxy import JSONRPCException from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal, assert_true, start_nodes class WalletImportExportTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def setup_network(self, split=False): num_nodes = 3 extra_args = [([ "-exportdir={}/export{}".format(self.options.tmpdir, i), '-allowdeprecated=getnewaddress', '-allowdeprecated=z_getnewaddress', ] + (["-walletrequirebackup"] if i == 0 else [])) for i in range(num_nodes)] self.nodes = start_nodes(num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args) def run_test(self): sapling_address2 = self.nodes[2].z_getnewaddress('sapling') privkey2 = self.nodes[2].z_exportkey(sapling_address2) self.nodes[0].z_importkey(privkey2) # test walletconfirmbackup try: self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() except JSONRPCException as e: errorString = e.error['message'] assert_equal("Error: Please acknowledge that you have backed up" in errorString, True) try: self.nodes[0].z_getnewaddress('sapling') except JSONRPCException as e: errorString = e.error['message'] assert_equal("Error: Please acknowledge that you have backed up" in errorString, True) dump_path0 = self.nodes[0].z_exportwallet('walletdumpmnem') (mnemonic, _, _, _) = parse_wallet_file(dump_path0) self.nodes[0].walletconfirmbackup(mnemonic) # Now that we've confirmed backup, we can generate addresses sprout_address0 = self.nodes[0].z_getnewaddress('sprout') sapling_address0 = self.nodes[0].z_getnewaddress('sapling') # node 0 should have the keys dump_path0 = self.nodes[0].z_exportwallet('walletdump') (_, t_keys0, sprout_keys0, sapling_keys0) = parse_wallet_file(dump_path0) sapling_line_lengths = [len(sapling_key0.split(' #')[0].split()) for sapling_key0 in sapling_keys0.splitlines()] assert_equal(2, len(sapling_line_lengths), "Should have 2 sapling keys") assert_true(2 in sapling_line_lengths, "Should have a key with 2 parameters") assert_true(4 in sapling_line_lengths, "Should have a key with 4 parameters") assert_true(sprout_address0 in sprout_keys0) assert_true(sapling_address0 in sapling_keys0) assert_true(sapling_address2 in sapling_keys0) # node 1 should not have the keys dump_path1 = self.nodes[1].z_exportwallet('walletdumpbefore') (_, t_keys1, sprout_keys1, sapling_keys1) = parse_wallet_file(dump_path1) assert_true(sprout_address0 not in sprout_keys1) assert_true(sapling_address0 not in sapling_keys1) # import wallet to node 1 self.nodes[1].z_importwallet(dump_path0) # node 1 should now have the keys dump_path1 = self.nodes[1].z_exportwallet('walletdumpafter') (_, t_keys1, sprout_keys1, sapling_keys1) = parse_wallet_file(dump_path1) assert_true(sprout_address0 in sprout_keys1) assert_true(sapling_address0 in sapling_keys1) assert_true(sapling_address2 in sapling_keys1) # make sure we have preserved the metadata for sapling_key0 in sapling_keys0.splitlines(): assert_true(sapling_key0 in sapling_keys1) # Helper functions def parse_wallet_file(dump_path): file_lines = open(dump_path, "r", encoding="utf8").readlines() # We expect information about the HDSeed and fingerpring in the header assert_true("recovery_phrase" in file_lines[5], "Expected emergency recovery phrase") assert_true("language" in file_lines[6], "Expected mnemonic seed language") assert_true("fingerprint" in file_lines[7], "Expected mnemonic seed fingerprint") mnemonic = file_lines[5].split("=")[1].replace("\"", "").strip() (t_keys, i) = parse_wallet_file_lines(file_lines, 0) (sprout_keys, i) = parse_wallet_file_lines(file_lines, i) (sapling_keys, i) = parse_wallet_file_lines(file_lines, i) return (mnemonic, t_keys, sprout_keys, sapling_keys) def parse_wallet_file_lines(file_lines, i): keys = [] # skip blank lines and comments while i < len(file_lines) and (file_lines[i] == '\n' or file_lines[i].startswith("#")): i += 1 # add keys until we hit another blank line or comment while i < len(file_lines) and not (file_lines[i] == '\n' or file_lines[i].startswith("#")): keys.append(file_lines[i]) i += 1 return ("".join(keys), i) if __name__ == '__main__': WalletImportExportTest().main()