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<h1 id="wallet-backup-instructions"><a class="header" href="#wallet-backup-instructions">Wallet Backup Instructions</a></h1>
<h2 id="overview"><a class="header" href="#overview">Overview</a></h2>
<p>Backing up your Zcash private keys is the best way to be proactive about
preventing loss of access to your ZEC.</p>
<p>Problems resulting from bugs in the code, user error, device failure, etc. may
lead to losing access to your wallet (and as a result, the private keys of
addresses which are required to spend from them).</p>
<p>No matter what the cause of a corrupted or lost wallet could be, we highly
recommend all users backup on a regular basis. Anytime a new address in the
wallet is generated, we recommending making a new backup so all private keys
for addresses in your wallet are safe.</p>
<p>Note that a backup is a duplicate of data needed to spend ZEC so where you keep
your backup(s) is another important consideration. You should not store backups
where they would be equally or increasingly susceptible to loss or theft.</p>
<h2 id="instructions-for-backing-up-your-wallet-andor-private-keys"><a class="header" href="#instructions-for-backing-up-your-wallet-andor-private-keys">Instructions for backing up your wallet and/or private keys</a></h2>
<p>These instructions are specific for the officially supported Zcash Linux
client. For backing up with third-party wallets, please consult with user
guides or support channels provided for those services.</p>
<p>There are multiple ways to make sure you have at least one other copy of the
private keys needed to spend your ZEC and view your shielded ZEC.</p>
<p>For all methods, you will need to include an export directory setting in your
config file (<code>zcash.conf</code> located in the data directory which is <code>~/.zcash/</code>
unless it's been overridden with <code>datadir=</code> setting):</p>
<p>You may chose any directory within the home directory as the location for
export &amp; backup files. If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created.</p>
<p>Note that zcashd will need to be stopped and restarted for edits in the config
file to take effect.</p>
<h3 id="using-backupwallet"><a class="header" href="#using-backupwallet">Using <code>backupwallet</code></a></h3>
<p>To create a backup of your wallet, use:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli backupwallet &lt;nameofbackup&gt;
<p>The backup will be an exact copy of the current state of your wallet.dat file
stored in the export directory you specified in the config file. The file path
will also be returned.</p>
<p>If you generate a new Zcash address, it will not be reflected in the backup
<p>If your original <code>wallet.dat</code> file becomes inaccessible for whatever reason,
you can use your backup by copying it into your data directory and renaming the
copy to <code>wallet.dat</code>.</p>
<h3 id="using-z_exportwallet--z_importwallet"><a class="header" href="#using-z_exportwallet--z_importwallet">Using <code>z_exportwallet</code> &amp; <code>z_importwallet</code></a></h3>
<p>If you prefer to have an export of your private keys in human readable format,
you can use:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli z_exportwallet &lt;nameofbackup&gt;`
<p>This will generate a file in the export directory listing all transparent and
shielded private keys with their associated public addresses. The file path
will be returned in the command line.</p>
<p>To import keys into a wallet which were previously exported to a file, use:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli z_importwallet &lt;path/to/exportdir/nameofbackup&gt;
<h3 id="using-z_exportkey-z_importkey-dumpprivkey--importprivkey"><a class="header" href="#using-z_exportkey-z_importkey-dumpprivkey--importprivkey">Using <code>z_exportkey</code>, <code>z_importkey</code>, <code>dumpprivkey</code> &amp; <code>importprivkey</code></a></h3>
<p>If you prefer to export a single private key for a shielded address, you can
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli z_exportkey &lt;z-address&gt;
<p>This will return the private key and will not create a new file.</p>
<p>For exporting a single private key for a transparent address, you can use the
command inherited from Bitcoin:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli dumpprivkey &lt;t-address&gt;
<p>This will return the private key and will not create a new file.</p>
<p>To import a private key for a shielded address, use:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli z_importkey &lt;z-priv-key&gt;
<p>This will add the key to your wallet and rescan the wallet for associated
transactions if it is not already part of the wallet.</p>
<p>The rescanning process can take a few minutes for a new private key. To skip
it, instead use:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli z_importkey &lt;z-private-key&gt; no
<p>For other instructions on fine-tuning the wallet rescan, see the command's help
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli help z_importkey
<p>To import a private key for a transparent address, use:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli importprivkey &lt;t-priv-key&gt;
<p>This has the same functionality as <code>z_importkey</code> but works with transparent
<p>See the command's help documentation for instructions on fine-tuning the wallet
<pre><code class="language-bash">$ zcash-cli help importprivkey
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