
879 lines
34 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Execute the standard smoke tests for Zcash releases.
import argparse
import datetime
import os
import requests
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
from decimal import Decimal
from slickrpc import Proxy
from slickrpc.exc import RpcException
DEFAULT_FEE = Decimal('0.0001')
URL_FAUCET_DONATION = 'https://faucet.testnet.z.cash/donations'
URL_FAUCET_TAP = 'https://faucet.testnet.z.cash/'
# Smoke test definitions
# (case, expected_mainnet, expected_testnet)
# zcashd start/stop/restart flows
('1a', True, True), # zcashd start
('1b', True, True), # Graceful zcashd stop
('1c', True, True), # Ungraceful zcashd stop
('1d', True, True), # zcashd start; graceful zcashd stop; zcashd start
('1e', True, True), # zcashd start; ungraceful zcashd stop; zcashd start
# Control
('2a', True, True), # Run getinfo
('2b', True, True), # Run help
# Address generation
('3a', True, True), # Generate a Sprout z-addr
('3b', True, True), # Generate multiple Sprout z-addrs
('3c', True, True), # Generate a t-addr
('3d', True, True), # Generate multiple t-addrs
('3e', True, True), # Generate a Sapling z-addr
('3f', True, True), # Generate multiple Sapling z-addrs
# Transactions
('4a', True, True ), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to same Sprout z-addr
('4b', True, True ), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to a different Sprout z-addr
('4c', True, True ), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to a t-addr
('4d', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr to Sprout z-addr
('4e', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr to t-addr
('4f', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr to Sapling z-addr
('4g', True, True ), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr to same Sapling z-addr
('4h', True, True ), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr to a different Sapling z-addr
('4i', True, True ), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr to a t-addr
('4j', False, False), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to Sapling z-addr
('4k', True, True ), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to multiple Sprout z-addrs
('4l', True, True ), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to multiple t-addrs
('4m', True, True ), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to t-addr and Sprout z-addrs
('4n', False, False), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to t-addr and Sapling z-addr
('4o', False, False), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr to multiple Sapling z-addrs
('4p', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr to multiple t-addrs
('4q', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr to multiple Sprout z-addrs
('4r', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr to multiple Sapling z-addrs
('4s', False, False), # Send funds from t-addr to Sprout z-addr and Sapling z-addr
('4t', True, True ), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr to multiple Sapling z-addrs
('4u', False, False), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr to multiple Sprout z-addrs
('4v', True, True ), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr to multiple t-addrs
('4w', True, True ), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr to t-addr and Sapling z-addr
('4x', False, False), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr to Sapling z-addr and Sprout z-addr
('4y', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr to Sprout z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
('4z', True, True ), # Send funds from 2 different t-addrs to Sprout z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
('4aa', False, False), # Send funds from the same 2 t-addrs to Sprout z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
('4bb', True, True ), # Send funds from 2 different t-addrs to Sapling z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
('4cc', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr to Sapling z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
('4dd', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr and Sprout z-addr to Sprout z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
('4ee', True, True ), # Send funds from t-addr and Sapling z-addr to Sapling z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
('4ff', True, True ), # Send funds from Sprout z-addr and Sprout z-addr to Sprout z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
('4gg', True, True ), # Send funds from Sapling z-addr and Sapling z-addr to Sapling z-addr using z_mergetoaddress
# Wallet
('5a', True, True), # After generating multiple z-addrs, run z_listaddresses
('5b', True, True), # Run z_validateaddress with a Sprout z-addr
('5c', True, True), # Run z_validateaddress with a Sapling z-addr
('5d', True, True), # After a transaction, run z_listunspent
('5e', True, True), # After a transaction, run z_listreceivedbyaddress
('5f', True, True), # After a transaction, run z_getbalance
('5g', True, True), # After a transaction, run z_gettotalbalance
('5h', True, True), # Run z_exportkey using a Sprout z-addr
('5i', True, True), # Run z_importkey using the zkey from a Sprout z-addr
('5j', True, True), # Run z_exportkey using a Sapling z-addr
('5k', True, True), # Run z_importkey using the zkey from a Sapling z-addr
('5l', True, True), # Run z_exportwallet
('5m', True, True), # Run z_importwallet
('5n', True, True), # Run z_shieldcoinbase
('5o', True, True), # Run getwalletinfo
# Network
('6a', True, True), # Run getpeerinfo
('6b', True, True), # Run getnetworkinfo
('6c', True, False), # Run getdeprecationinfo
('6d', True, True), # Run getconnectioncount
('6e', True, True), # Run getaddednodeinfo
# Mining
('7a', True, True), # Run getblocksubsidy
('7b', True, True), # Run getblocktemplate
('7c', True, True), # Run getmininginfo
('7d', True, True), # Run getnetworkhashps
('7e', True, True), # Run getnetworksolps
TIME_STARTED = datetime.datetime.now()
# Test helpers
def run_cmd(results, case, zcash, name, args=[]):
print('----- %s -----' % (datetime.datetime.now() - TIME_STARTED))
print('%s $ zcash-cli %s %s' % (
' '.join([str(arg) for arg in args],
res = zcash.__getattr__(name)(*args)
if results is not None and len(case) > 0:
results[case] = True
return res
except RpcException as e:
print('ERROR: %s' % str(e))
if results is not None and len(case) > 0:
results[case] = False
return None
def wait_for_balance(zcash, zaddr, expected=None):
print('Waiting for funds to %s...' % zaddr)
unconfirmed_balance = Decimal(zcash.z_getbalance(zaddr, 0)).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
print('Expecting: %s; Unconfirmed Balance: %s' % (expected, unconfirmed_balance))
if expected is not None and unconfirmed_balance != expected:
print('WARNING: Unconfirmed balance does not match expected balance')
# Default timeout is 15 minutes
ttl = 900
while True:
balance = Decimal(zcash.z_getbalance(zaddr)).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
if (expected is not None and balance == unconfirmed_balance) or (expected is None and balance > 0):
print('Received %s' % balance)
return balance
ttl -= 1
if ttl == 0:
if zcash.automated:
# Reset timeout
ttl = 300
# Ask user if they want to keep waiting
print('Balance: %s Expected: %s' % (balance, expected))
ret = input('Do you wish to continue waiting? (Y/n) ')
if ret.lower() == 'n':
print('Address contained %s at timeout' % balance)
return balance
# Wait another 5 minutes before asking again
ttl = 300
def wait_and_check_balance(results, case, zcash, addr, expected):
balance = wait_for_balance(zcash, addr, expected)
if balance != expected and results is not None and len(case) > 0:
results[case] = False
return balance
def wait_for_txid_operation(zcash, opid, timeout=300):
print('Waiting for async operation %s' % opid)
result = None
for _ in iter(range(timeout)):
results = zcash.z_getoperationresult([opid])
if len(results) > 0:
result = results[0]
status = result['status']
if status == 'failed':
print('Operation failed')
return None
elif status == 'success':
txid = result['result']['txid']
print('txid: %s' % txid)
return txid
def async_txid_cmd(results, case, zcash, name, args=[]):
opid = run_cmd(results, case, zcash, name, args)
# Some async commands return a dictionary containing the opid
if isinstance(opid, dict):
opid = opid['opid']
if opid is None:
if results is not None and len(case) > 0:
results[case] = False
return None
txid = wait_for_txid_operation(zcash, opid)
if txid is None:
if results is not None and len(case) > 0:
results[case] = False
return txid
def z_sendmany(results, case, zcash, from_addr, recipients):
return async_txid_cmd(results, case, zcash, 'z_sendmany', [
'address': to_addr,
'amount': amount,
} for (to_addr, amount) in recipients]
def check_z_sendmany(results, case, zcash, from_addr, recipients):
txid = z_sendmany(results, case, zcash, from_addr, recipients)
if txid is None:
return [Decimal('0')]
return [wait_and_check_balance(results, case, zcash, to_addr, amount) for (to_addr, amount) in recipients]
def check_z_sendmany_parallel(results, zcash, runs):
# First attempt to create all the transactions
txids = [(run, z_sendmany(results, run[0], zcash, run[1], run[2])) for run in runs]
# Then wait for balance updates caused by successful transactions
return [
wait_and_check_balance(results, run[0], zcash, to_addr, amount) if txid is not None else Decimal('0')
for (run, txid) in txids
for (to_addr, amount) in run[2]]
def z_mergetoaddress(results, case, zcash, from_addrs, to_addr):
return async_txid_cmd(results, case, zcash, 'z_mergetoaddress', [from_addrs, to_addr])
def check_z_mergetoaddress(results, case, zcash, from_addrs, to_addr, amount):
txid = z_mergetoaddress(results, case, zcash, from_addrs, to_addr)
if txid is None:
return Decimal('0')
return wait_and_check_balance(results, case, zcash, to_addr, amount)
def check_z_mergetoaddress_parallel(results, zcash, runs):
# First attempt to create all the transactions
txids = [(run, z_mergetoaddress(results, run[0], zcash, run[1], run[2])) for run in runs]
# Then wait for balance updates caused by successful transactions
return [
wait_and_check_balance(results, run[0], zcash, run[2], run[3]) if txid is not None else Decimal('0')
for (run, txid) in txids]
def tap_zfaucet(addr):
with requests.Session() as session:
# Get token to request TAZ from faucet with a given zcash address
response = session.get(URL_FAUCET_TAP)
if response.status_code != 200:
print("Error establishing session at:", URL_FAUCET_TAP)
csrftoken = response.cookies['csrftoken']
# Request TAZ from the faucet
data_params = dict(csrfmiddlewaretoken=csrftoken, address=addr)
response2 = session.post(URL_FAUCET_TAP, data=data_params, headers=dict(Referer=URL_FAUCET_TAP))
if response2.status_code != 200:
print("Error tapping faucet at:", URL_FAUCET_TAP)
def get_zfaucet_addrs():
with requests.Session() as session:
response = session.get(URL_FAUCET_DONATION)
if response.status_code != 200:
print("Error establishing session at:", URL_FAUCET_DONATION)
data = response.json()
return data
def get_zfaucet_taddr():
return get_zfaucet_addrs()["t_address"]
def get_zfaucet_zsapaddr():
# At the time of writing this, it appears these(keys) are backwards
return get_zfaucet_addrs()["z_address_legacy"]
def get_zfaucet_zsproutaddr():
# At the time of writing this, it appears these(keys) are backwards
return get_zfaucet_addrs()["z_address_sapling"]
# Test runners
def simple_commands(zcash):
results = {}
run_cmd(results, '2a', zcash, 'getinfo'),
run_cmd(results, '2b', zcash, 'help'),
run_cmd(results, '5o', zcash, 'getwalletinfo'),
run_cmd(results, '6a', zcash, 'getpeerinfo'),
run_cmd(results, '6b', zcash, 'getnetworkinfo'),
run_cmd(results, '6c', zcash, 'getdeprecationinfo'),
run_cmd(results, '6d', zcash, 'getconnectioncount'),
run_cmd(results, '6e', zcash, 'getaddednodeinfo', [False]),
run_cmd(results, '7a', zcash, 'getblocksubsidy'),
run_cmd(results, '7c', zcash, 'getmininginfo'),
run_cmd(results, '7d', zcash, 'getnetworkhashps'),
run_cmd(results, '7e', zcash, 'getnetworksolps'),
return results
def transaction_chain(zcash):
results = {}
# Generate the various addresses we will use
sprout_zaddr_1 = run_cmd(results, '3a', zcash, 'z_getnewaddress', ['sprout'])
sprout_zaddr_2 = run_cmd(results, '3b', zcash, 'z_getnewaddress', ['sprout'])
sprout_zaddr_3 = run_cmd(results, '3b', zcash, 'z_getnewaddress', ['sprout'])
taddr_1 = run_cmd(results, '3c', zcash, 'getnewaddress')
taddr_2 = run_cmd(results, '3d', zcash, 'getnewaddress')
taddr_3 = run_cmd(results, '3d', zcash, 'getnewaddress')
taddr_4 = run_cmd(results, '3d', zcash, 'getnewaddress')
taddr_5 = run_cmd(results, '3d', zcash, 'getnewaddress')
sapling_zaddr_1 = run_cmd(results, '3e', zcash, 'z_getnewaddress', ['sapling'])
sapling_zaddr_2 = run_cmd(results, '3f', zcash, 'z_getnewaddress', ['sapling'])
sapling_zaddr_3 = run_cmd(results, '3f', zcash, 'z_getnewaddress', ['sapling'])
# Check that the zaddrs are all listed
zaddrs = run_cmd(results, '5a', zcash, 'z_listaddresses')
if (sprout_zaddr_1 not in zaddrs or
sprout_zaddr_2 not in zaddrs or
sapling_zaddr_1 not in zaddrs or
sapling_zaddr_2 not in zaddrs):
results['5a'] = False
# Validate the addresses
ret = run_cmd(results, '5b', zcash, 'z_validateaddress', [sprout_zaddr_1])
if not ret['isvalid'] or ret['type'] != 'sprout':
results['5b'] = False
ret = run_cmd(results, '5c', zcash, 'z_validateaddress', [sapling_zaddr_1])
if not ret['isvalid'] or ret['type'] != 'sapling':
results['5c'] = False
# Set up beginning and end of the chain
print('# Initialising transaction chain')
if zcash.use_faucet:
print('Tapping the testnet faucet for testing funds...')
chain_end = get_zfaucet_taddr()
print('Done! Leftover funds will be sent back to the faucet.')
chain_end = input('Type or paste transparent address where leftover funds should be sent: ')
if not zcash.validateaddress(chain_end)['isvalid']:
print('Invalid transparent address')
return results
print('Please send at least 0.01 ZEC/TAZ to the following address:')
input('Press Enter once the funds have been sent.')
# Wait to receive starting balance
sprout_balance = wait_for_balance(zcash, sprout_zaddr_1)
starting_balance = sprout_balance
# Start the transaction chain!
print('# Starting transaction chain')
# First, split the funds across all three pools
# Sprout -> taddr
taddr_balance = check_z_sendmany(
results, '4c', zcash, sprout_zaddr_1, [(taddr_1, (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('6'))])[0]
sprout_balance -= taddr_balance + DEFAULT_FEE
balance = Decimal(run_cmd(results, '5f', zcash, 'z_getbalance', [sprout_zaddr_1])).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
if balance != sprout_balance:
results['5f'] = False
# taddr -> Sapling
# Send it all here because z_sendmany pick a new t-addr for change
sapling_balance = check_z_sendmany(
results, '4f', zcash, taddr_1, [(sapling_zaddr_1, taddr_balance - DEFAULT_FEE)])[0]
taddr_balance = Decimal('0')
# Sapling -> taddr
taddr_balance = check_z_sendmany(
results, '4i', zcash, sapling_zaddr_1, [(taddr_1, (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('3'))])[0]
sapling_balance -= taddr_balance + DEFAULT_FEE
# Intra-pool tests
# Sprout -> same Sprout
# Sapling -> same Sapling
(sprout_balance, sapling_balance) = check_z_sendmany_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4a', sprout_zaddr_1, [(sprout_zaddr_1, sprout_balance - DEFAULT_FEE)]),
('4g', sapling_zaddr_1, [(sapling_zaddr_1, sapling_balance - DEFAULT_FEE)]),
# Sprout -> different Sprout
# taddr -> different taddr
# Sapling -> different Sapling
(sprout_balance, taddr_balance, sapling_balance) = check_z_sendmany_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4b', sprout_zaddr_1, [(sprout_zaddr_2, sprout_balance - DEFAULT_FEE)]),
('4e', taddr_1, [(taddr_2, taddr_balance - DEFAULT_FEE)]),
('4h', sapling_zaddr_1, [(sapling_zaddr_2, sapling_balance - DEFAULT_FEE)]),
# Sprout -> multiple Sprout
# taddr -> multiple taddr
# Sapling -> multiple Sapling
check_z_sendmany_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4k', sprout_zaddr_2, [
(sprout_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sprout_zaddr_3, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
('4p', taddr_2, [
(taddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(taddr_3, taddr_balance - (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) - DEFAULT_FEE),
('4t', sapling_zaddr_2, [
(sapling_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sapling_zaddr_3, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
sprout_balance -= DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance -= DEFAULT_FEE
sapling_balance -= DEFAULT_FEE
# multiple Sprout -> Sprout
# multiple Sapling -> Sapling
# multiple taddr -> taddr
check_z_mergetoaddress_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4ff', [sprout_zaddr_1, sprout_zaddr_3], sprout_zaddr_2, sprout_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
('4gg', [sapling_zaddr_1, sapling_zaddr_3], sapling_zaddr_2, sapling_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
('', [taddr_1, taddr_3], taddr_2, taddr_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
sprout_balance -= DEFAULT_FEE
sapling_balance -= DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance -= DEFAULT_FEE
# Now test a bunch of failing cases
# Sprout -> Sapling
txid = z_sendmany(results, '4j', zcash, sprout_zaddr_2, [(sapling_zaddr_1, sprout_balance - DEFAULT_FEE)])
if txid is not None:
print('Should have failed')
return results
# Sprout -> taddr and Sapling
txid = z_sendmany(results, '4n', zcash, sprout_zaddr_2, [
(taddr_2, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sapling_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
if txid is not None:
print('Should have failed')
return results
# Sprout -> multiple Sapling
txid = z_sendmany(results, '4o', zcash, sprout_zaddr_2, [
(sapling_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sapling_zaddr_2, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
if txid is not None:
print('Should have failed')
return results
# taddr -> Sprout and Sapling
txid = z_sendmany(results, '4s', zcash, taddr_2, [
(sprout_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sapling_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
if txid is not None:
print('Should have failed')
return results
# Sapling -> multiple Sprout
txid = z_sendmany(results, '4u', zcash, sapling_zaddr_2, [
(sprout_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sprout_zaddr_2, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
if txid is not None:
print('Should have failed')
return results
# Sapling -> Sapling and Sprout
txid = z_sendmany(results, '4x', zcash, sapling_zaddr_2, [
(sapling_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sprout_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
if txid is not None:
print('Should have failed')
return results
# multiple same taddr -> Sprout
txid = z_mergetoaddress(results, '4aa', zcash, [taddr_2, taddr_2], sprout_zaddr_2)
if txid is not None:
print('Should have failed')
return results
# Inter-pool tests
# Sprout -> taddr and Sprout
# Sapling -> taddr and Sapling
check_z_sendmany_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4m', sprout_zaddr_2, [
(taddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sprout_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
('4w', sapling_zaddr_2, [
(taddr_3, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
(sapling_zaddr_1, starting_balance / Decimal('10')),
sprout_balance -= (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) + DEFAULT_FEE
sapling_balance -= (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) + DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance += (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('2')
# taddr and Sprout -> Sprout
# taddr and Sapling -> Sapling
check_z_mergetoaddress_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4dd', [taddr_1, sprout_zaddr_1], sprout_zaddr_2, sprout_balance + (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) - DEFAULT_FEE),
('4ee', [taddr_3, sapling_zaddr_1], sapling_zaddr_2, sapling_balance + (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) - DEFAULT_FEE),
sprout_balance += (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) - DEFAULT_FEE
sapling_balance += (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) - DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance -= (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('2')
# Sprout -> multiple taddr
# Sapling -> multiple taddr
check_z_sendmany_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4l', sprout_zaddr_2, [
(taddr_1, (starting_balance / Decimal('10'))),
(taddr_3, (starting_balance / Decimal('10'))),
('4v', sapling_zaddr_2, [
(taddr_4, (starting_balance / Decimal('10'))),
(taddr_5, (starting_balance / Decimal('10'))),
sprout_balance -= ((starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('2')) + DEFAULT_FEE
sapling_balance -= ((starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('2')) + DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance += (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('4')
# multiple taddr -> Sprout
# multiple taddr -> Sapling
check_z_mergetoaddress_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4z', [taddr_1, taddr_3], sprout_zaddr_2, sprout_balance + ((starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('2')) - DEFAULT_FEE),
('4bb', [taddr_4, taddr_5], sapling_zaddr_2, sapling_balance + ((starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('2')) - DEFAULT_FEE),
sprout_balance += ((starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('2')) - DEFAULT_FEE
sapling_balance += ((starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('2')) - DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance -= (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) * Decimal('4')
# taddr -> Sprout
check_z_sendmany_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4d', taddr_2, [(sprout_zaddr_3, taddr_balance - DEFAULT_FEE)]),
sprout_balance += taddr_balance - DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance = Decimal('0')
# multiple Sprout -> taddr
# multiple Sapling -> taddr
check_z_mergetoaddress_parallel(None, zcash, [
('', [sprout_zaddr_1, sprout_zaddr_2, sprout_zaddr_3], taddr_1, sprout_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
('', [sapling_zaddr_1, sapling_zaddr_2, sapling_zaddr_3], taddr_2, sapling_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
taddr_balance = sprout_balance + sapling_balance - (2 * DEFAULT_FEE)
sprout_balance = Decimal('0')
sapling_balance = Decimal('0')
# taddr -> multiple Sprout
# taddr -> multiple Sapling
taddr_1_balance = Decimal(zcash.z_getbalance(taddr_1)).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
taddr_2_balance = Decimal(zcash.z_getbalance(taddr_2)).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
check_z_sendmany_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4q', taddr_1, [
(sprout_zaddr_1, (starting_balance / Decimal('10'))),
(sprout_zaddr_2, taddr_1_balance - (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) - DEFAULT_FEE),
('4r', taddr_2, [
(sapling_zaddr_1, (starting_balance / Decimal('10'))),
(sapling_zaddr_2, taddr_2_balance - (starting_balance / Decimal('10')) - DEFAULT_FEE),
sprout_balance = taddr_1_balance - DEFAULT_FEE
sapling_balance = taddr_2_balance - DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance = Decimal('0')
# multiple Sprout -> taddr
# multiple Sapling -> taddr
check_z_mergetoaddress_parallel(None, zcash, [
('', [sprout_zaddr_1, sprout_zaddr_2], taddr_1, sprout_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
('', [sapling_zaddr_1, sapling_zaddr_2], taddr_2, sapling_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
taddr_balance = sprout_balance + sapling_balance - (Decimal('2') * DEFAULT_FEE)
sprout_balance = Decimal('0')
sapling_balance = Decimal('0')
# z_mergetoaddress taddr -> Sprout
# z_mergetoaddress taddr -> Sapling
taddr_1_balance = Decimal(zcash.z_getbalance(taddr_1)).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
taddr_2_balance = Decimal(zcash.z_getbalance(taddr_2)).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
check_z_mergetoaddress_parallel(results, zcash, [
('4y', [taddr_1], sprout_zaddr_1, taddr_1_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
('4cc', [taddr_2], sapling_zaddr_1, taddr_2_balance - DEFAULT_FEE),
sprout_balance = taddr_1_balance - DEFAULT_FEE
sapling_balance = taddr_2_balance - DEFAULT_FEE
taddr_balance = Decimal('0')
except Exception as e:
print('Error: %s' % e)
# End the chain by returning the remaining funds
print('# Finishing transaction chain')
all_addrs = [
sprout_zaddr_1, sprout_zaddr_2, sprout_zaddr_3,
taddr_1, taddr_2, taddr_3, taddr_4, taddr_5,
sapling_zaddr_1, sapling_zaddr_2, sapling_zaddr_3,
print('Waiting for all transactions to be mined')
for addr in all_addrs:
balance = Decimal(zcash.z_getbalance(addr, 0)).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
if balance > 0:
wait_for_balance(zcash, addr, balance)
print('Returning remaining balance minus fees')
for addr in all_addrs:
balance = Decimal(zcash.z_getbalance(addr)).quantize(Decimal('1.00000000'))
if balance > 0:
z_sendmany(None, '', zcash, addr, [(chain_end, balance - DEFAULT_FEE)])
return results
# Test stages
'simple-commands': simple_commands,
'transaction-chain': transaction_chain,
def run_stage(stage, zcash):
print('Running stage %s' % stage)
print('=' * (len(stage) + 14))
cmd = STAGE_COMMANDS[stage]
if cmd is not None:
ret = cmd(zcash)
print('WARNING: stage not yet implemented, skipping')
ret = {}
print('-' * (len(stage) + 15))
print('Finished stage %s' % stage)
return ret
# Zcash wrapper
class ZcashNode(object):
def __init__(self, args, zcashd=None, zcash_cli=None):
if zcashd is None:
zcashd = os.getenv('ZCASHD', 'zcashd')
if zcash_cli is None:
zcash_cli = os.getenv('ZCASHCLI', 'zcash-cli')
self.__datadir = args.datadir
self.__wallet = args.wallet
self.__testnet = not args.mainnet
self.__zcashd = zcashd
self.__zcash_cli = zcash_cli
self.__process = None
self.__proxy = None
self.automated = args.automate
self.use_faucet = args.faucet
def start(self, extra_args=None, timewait=None):
if self.__proxy is not None:
raise RuntimeError('Already started')
rpcuser = 'st'
rpcpassword = 'st'
args = [
'-datadir=%s' % self.__datadir,
'-wallet=%s' % self.__wallet,
'-rpcuser=%s' % rpcuser,
'-rpcpassword=%s' % rpcpassword,
if self.__testnet:
if extra_args is not None:
self.__process = subprocess.Popen(args)
cli_args = [
'-datadir=%s' % self.__datadir,
'-rpcuser=%s' % rpcuser,
'-rpcpassword=%s' % rpcpassword,
if self.__testnet:
devnull = open('/dev/null', 'w+', encoding='utf8')
if os.getenv('PYTHON_DEBUG', ''):
print('start_node: zcashd started, calling zcash-cli -rpcwait getblockcount')
subprocess.check_call(cli_args, stdout=devnull)
if os.getenv('PYTHON_DEBUG', ''):
print('start_node: calling zcash-cli -rpcwait getblockcount returned')
rpcuserpass = '%s:%s' % (rpcuser, rpcpassword)
rpchost = ''
rpcport = 18232 if self.__testnet else 8232
url = 'http://%s@%s:%d' % (rpcuserpass, rpchost, rpcport)
if timewait is not None:
self.__proxy = Proxy(url, timeout=timewait)
self.__proxy = Proxy(url)
def stop(self):
if self.__proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError('Not running')
self.__proxy = None
self.__process = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self.__proxy is None:
raise RuntimeError('Not running')
return self.__proxy.__getattr__(name)
# Test driver
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--automate', action='store_true', help='Run the smoke tests without a user present')
parser.add_argument('--list-stages', dest='list', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--mainnet', action='store_true', help='Use mainnet instead of testnet')
parser.add_argument('--use-faucet', dest='faucet', action='store_true', help='Use testnet faucet as source of funds')
parser.add_argument('--wallet', default='wallet.dat', help='Wallet file to use (within data directory)')
parser.add_argument('datadir', help='Data directory to use for smoke testing', default=None)
parser.add_argument('stage', nargs='*', default=STAGES, help='One of %s' % STAGES)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check for list
if args.list:
for s in STAGES:
# Check validity of stages
for s in args.stage:
if s not in STAGES:
print("Invalid stage '%s' (choose from %s)" % (s, STAGES))
# Don't allow using the default wallet.dat in mainnet mode
if args.mainnet and args.wallet == 'wallet.dat':
print('Cannot use wallet.dat as wallet file when running mainnet tests. Keep your funds safe!')
# Testnet faucet cannot be used in mainnet mode
if args.mainnet and args.faucet:
print('Cannot use testnet faucet when running mainnet tests.')
# Enforce correctly-configured automatic mode
if args.automate:
if args.mainnet:
print('Cannot yet automate mainnet tests.')
if not args.faucet:
print('--automate requires --use-faucet')
# Start zcashd
zcash = ZcashNode(args)
print('Start time: %s' % TIME_STARTED)
print('Starting zcashd...')
# Run the stages
results = {}
for s in args.stage:
results.update(run_stage(s, zcash))
# Stop zcashd
print('Stopping zcashd...')
passed = True
print(' Results')
print('Case | Expected | Actual')
for test_case in SMOKE_TESTS:
case = test_case[0]
expected = test_case[1 if args.mainnet else 2]
if case in results:
actual = results[case]
actual_str = '%s%s' % (
'Passed' if actual else 'Failed',
'' if expected == actual else '!!!'
passed &= (expected == actual)
actual_str = ' N/A'
print('%s | %s | %s' % (
' Passed ' if expected else ' Failed ',
if not passed:
print("!!! One or more smoke test stages failed !!!")
if __name__ == '__main__':