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// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 The Zcash developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php .
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
// A WeightedMap represents a map from keys (of type K) to values (of type V),
// each entry having a weight (of type W). Elements can be randomly selected and
// removed from the map with probability in proportion to their weight. This is
// used to implement mempool limiting specified in ZIP 401.
// In order to efficiently implement random selection by weight, we keep track
// of the total weight of all keys in the map. For performance reasons, the
// map is represented as a binary tree where each node knows the sum of the
// weights of the children. This allows for addition, removal, and random
// selection/dropping in logarithmic time.
// random(w) must be defined to return a uniform random value between zero
// inclusive and w exclusive. The type W must support addition, binary and
// unary -, and < comparisons, and W() must construct the zero value (these
// constraints are met for primitive signed integer types).
template <typename K, typename V, typename W, W random(W)>
class WeightedMap
struct Node {
K key;
V value;
W weight;
W sumOfDescendantWeights;
// The following vector is the tree representation of this collection.
// For each node, we keep track of the key, its associated value,
// its weight, and the sum of the weights of all its descendants.
std::vector<Node> nodes;
// The following map is to simplify removal.
std::map<K, size_t> indexMap;
static inline size_t leftChild(size_t i) { return i*2 + 1; }
static inline size_t rightChild(size_t i) { return i*2 + 2; }
static inline size_t parent(size_t i) { return (i-1)/2; }
// Check internal invariants (for tests).
void checkInvariants() const
assert(indexMap.size() == nodes.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
assert(indexMap.at(nodes.at(i).key) == i);
assert(nodes.at(i).sumOfDescendantWeights == getWeightAt(leftChild(i)) + getWeightAt(rightChild(i)));
// Return the sum of weights of the node at a given index and all of its descendants.
W getWeightAt(size_t index) const
if (index >= nodes.size()) {
return W();
auto& node = nodes.at(index);
return node.weight + node.sumOfDescendantWeights;
// When adding and removing a node we need to update its parent and all of its
// ancestors to reflect its weight.
void backPropagate(size_t fromIndex, W weightDelta)
while (fromIndex > 0) {
fromIndex = parent(fromIndex);
nodes[fromIndex].sumOfDescendantWeights += weightDelta;
// For a given random weight, this method recursively finds the index of the
// correct entry. This is used by WeightedMap::takeRandom().
size_t findByWeight(size_t fromIndex, W weightToFind) const
W leftWeight = getWeightAt(leftChild(fromIndex));
// On Left
if (weightToFind < leftWeight) {
return findByWeight(leftChild(fromIndex), weightToFind);
W rightWeight = getWeightAt(fromIndex) - getWeightAt(rightChild(fromIndex));
// Found
if (weightToFind < rightWeight) {
return fromIndex;
// On Right
return findByWeight(rightChild(fromIndex), weightToFind - rightWeight);
WeightedMap() {}
// Return the total weight of all entries in the map.
W getTotalWeight() const
return getWeightAt(0);
// Return true when the map has no entries.
bool empty() const
return nodes.empty();
// Return the number of entries.
size_t size() const
return nodes.size();
// Return false if the key already exists in the map.
// Otherwise, add an entry mapping `key` to `value` with the given weight,
// and return true. The weight must be positive.
bool add(K key, V value, W weight)
assert(W() < weight);
if (indexMap.count(key) > 0) {
return false;
size_t index = nodes.size();
nodes.push_back(Node {
.key = key,
.value = value,
.weight = weight,
.sumOfDescendantWeights = W(),
indexMap[key] = index;
backPropagate(index, weight);
return true;
// If the given key is not present in the map, return std::nullopt.
// Otherwise, remove that key's entry and return its associated value.
std::optional<V> remove(K key)
auto it = indexMap.find(key);
if (it == indexMap.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
size_t removeIndex = it->second;
V removeValue = nodes.at(removeIndex).value;
size_t lastIndex = nodes.size()-1;
Node lastNode = nodes.at(lastIndex);
W weightDelta = lastNode.weight - nodes.at(removeIndex).weight;
backPropagate(lastIndex, -lastNode.weight);
if (removeIndex < lastIndex) {
nodes[removeIndex].key = lastNode.key;
nodes[removeIndex].value = lastNode.value;
nodes[removeIndex].weight = lastNode.weight;
// nodes[removeIndex].sumOfDescendantWeights should not change here.
indexMap[lastNode.key] = removeIndex;
backPropagate(removeIndex, weightDelta);
return removeValue;
// If the map is empty, return std::nullopt. Otherwise, pick a random entry
// with probability proportional to its weight; remove it and return a tuple of
// the key, its associated value, and its weight.
std::optional<std::tuple<K, V, W>> takeRandom()
if (empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
W totalWeight = getTotalWeight();
W randomWeight = random(totalWeight);
assert(W() <= randomWeight && randomWeight < totalWeight);
size_t index = findByWeight(0, randomWeight);
assert(index < nodes.size());
const Node& drop = nodes.at(index);
auto res = std::make_tuple(drop.key, drop.value, drop.weight); // copy values
return res;