# Developer Libraries 2018.06.26 13:00-14:00 Jack (Str4d) Grigg The workshop was mainly a discussion on what kind of libraries and tools are needed in the ZCash ecosystem The state of ZCash Libraries now: - Zcash libraries are mostly ported from Bitcoin ones - Libraries with t-address support - Bitcore - python-bitcoinlib - z-nomp - Shielded Addresses - Nothing! - Most of the codes are in Rust - Librustzcash - Libwallet-zcash - What functionalities do we want it to do? - Also used in Zcash Fullnode - Discussion on what do we need? - In-browser Signing / Creation of transactions - cross-language tools - Need for a curated list of dev tools - APIs for humans and machines - Back to where dev tools are required: -- Low friction - Convenience: --- Browser --- Docker --- Packages with every language (npm, pip) - Operations required for such libraries to do: -- Address creation --- ZIP32 -- Address (key) Management -- Signing --- Multi-signature Architecture -- Proving -- Payment detection -- UTXO Management -- Serialization