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# Default configuration for zebrad.
# This file can be used as a skeleton for custom configs.
# Unspecified fields use default values. Optional fields are Some(field) if the
# field is present and None if it is absent.
# This file is generated as an example using zebrad's current defaults.
# You should set only the config options you want to keep, and delete the rest.
# Only a subset of fields are present in the skeleton, since optional values
# whose default is None are omitted.
# The config format (including a complete list of sections and fields) is
# documented here:
# https://docs.rs/zebrad/latest/zebrad/config/struct.ZebradConfig.html
# zebrad attempts to load configs in the following order:
# 1. The -c flag on the command line, e.g., `zebrad -c myconfig.toml start`;
# 2. The file `zebrad.toml` in the users's preference directory (platform-dependent);
# 3. The default config.
# The user's preference directory and the default path to the `zebrad` config are platform dependent,
# based on `dirs::preference_dir`, see https://docs.rs/dirs/latest/dirs/fn.preference_dir.html :
# | Platform | Value | Example |
# | -------- | ------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
# | Linux | `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` or `$HOME/.config` | `/home/alice/.config/zebrad.toml` |
# | macOS | `$HOME/Library/Preferences` | `/Users/Alice/Library/Preferences/zebrad.toml` |
# | Windows | `{FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}` | `C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Local\zebrad.toml` |
checkpoint_sync = true
eviction_memory_time = "1h"
tx_cost_limit = 80000000
debug_like_zcashd = true
cache_dir = true
crawl_new_peer_interval = "1m 1s"
initial_mainnet_peers = [
initial_testnet_peers = [
listen_addr = ""
max_connections_per_ip = 1
network = "Testnet"
peerset_initial_target_size = 25
activation_heights = [
[1, "BeforeOverwinter"],
[207_500, "Overwinter"],
[280_000, "Sapling"],
[584_000, "Blossom"],
[903_800, "Heartwood"],
[1_028_500, "Canopy"],
[1_842_420, "NU5"],
debug_force_finished_sync = false
parallel_cpu_threads = 0
cache_dir = "cache_dir"
delete_old_database = true
ephemeral = false
checkpoint_verify_concurrency_limit = 1000
download_concurrency_limit = 50
full_verify_concurrency_limit = 20
parallel_cpu_threads = 0
buffer_limit = 128000
force_use_color = false
use_color = true
use_journald = false