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# Zebra Shielded Scanning gRPC Server
## Get Started
### Setup
After setting up [Zebra Shielded Scanning](https://zebra.zfnd.org/user/shielded-scan.html), add a `listen_addr` field to the shielded-scan configuration:
listen_addr = ""
Then, run `zebrad` to start the scan gRPC server.
Making requests to the server will also require a gRPC client, the examples here use `grpcurl`, though any gRPC client should work.
[See installation instructions for `grpcurl` here](https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl?tab=readme-ov-file#installation).
The types can be accessed through the `zebra-grpc` crate's root `scanner` module for clients in a Rust environment, and the [`scanner.proto` file here](https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/blob/main/zebra-grpc/proto/scanner.proto) can be used to build types in other environments.
### Usage
To check that the gRPC server is running, try calling `scanner.Scanner/GetInfo`, for example with `grpcurl`:
grpcurl -plaintext '' scanner.Scanner/GetInfo
The response should look like:
"minSaplingBirthdayHeight": 419200
An example request to the `Scan` method with `grpcurl` would look like:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{ "keys": { "key": ["sapling_extended_full_viewing_key"] } }' '' scanner.Scanner/Scan
This will start scanning for transactions in Zebra's state and in new blocks as they're validated.
Or, to use the scanner gRPC server without streaming, try calling `RegisterKeys` with your Sapling extended full viewing key, waiting for the scanner to cache some results, then calling `GetResults`:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{ "keys": { "key": ["sapling_extended_full_viewing_key"] } }' '' scanner.Scanner/RegisterKeys
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{ "keys": ["sapling_extended_full_viewing_key"] }' '' scanner.Scanner/GetResults
## gRPC Reflection
To see all of the provided methods with `grpcurl`, try:
grpcurl -plaintext '' list scanner.Scanner
This will list the paths to each method in the `Scanner` service:
To see the the request and response types for a method, for example the `GetResults` method, try:
grpcurl -plaintext '' describe scanner.Scanner.GetResults \
&& grpcurl -plaintext '' describe scanner.GetResultsRequest \
&& grpcurl -plaintext '' describe scanner.GetResultsResponse \
&& grpcurl -plaintext '' describe scanner.Results \
&& grpcurl -plaintext '' describe scanner.Transactions \
&& grpcurl -plaintext '' describe scanner.Transaction
The response should be the request and response types for the `GetResults` method:
scanner.Scanner.GetResults is a method:
// Get all data we have stored for the given keys.
rpc GetResults ( .scanner.GetResultsRequest ) returns ( .scanner.GetResultsResponse );
scanner.GetResultsRequest is a message:
// A request for getting results for a set of keys.
message GetResultsRequest {
// Keys for which to get results.
repeated string keys = 1;
scanner.GetResultsResponse is a message:
// A set of responses for each provided key of a GetResults call.
message GetResultsResponse {
// Results for each key.
map<string, .scanner.Results> results = 1;
scanner.Results is a message:
// A result for a single key.
message Results {
// A height, transaction id map
map<uint32, .scanner.Transactions> by_height = 1;
scanner.Transactions is a message:
// A vector of transaction hashes
message Transactions {
// Transactions
repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
scanner.Transaction is a message:
// Transaction data
message Transaction {
// The transaction hash/id
string hash = 1;
## Methods
<!-- TODO: Add a reference to zebra-grpc method docs -->
#### GetInfo
Returns basic information about the `zebra-scan` instance.
#### RegisterKeys
Starts scanning for a set of keys, with optional start heights, and caching the results.
Cached results can later be retrieved by calling the `GetResults` or `Scan` methods.
#### DeleteKeys
Stops scanning transactions for a set of keys. Deletes the keys and their cached results for the keys from zebra-scan.
#### GetResults
Returns cached results for a set of keys.
#### ClearResults
Deletes any cached results for a set of keys.
#### Scan
Starts scanning for a set of keys and returns a stream of results.