
557 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

//! The scanner task and scanning APIs.
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap},
use color_eyre::{eyre::eyre, Report};
use itertools::Itertools;
use tokio::{sync::mpsc::Sender, task::JoinHandle};
use tower::{buffer::Buffer, util::BoxService, Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing::Instrument;
use zcash_client_backend::{
ChainMetadata, CompactBlock, CompactSaplingOutput, CompactSaplingSpend, CompactTx,
scanning::{ScanError, ScanningKey},
use zcash_primitives::{
zip32::{AccountId, DiversifiableFullViewingKey, Scope},
use zebra_chain::{
block::{Block, Height},
use zebra_node_services::scan_service::response::ScanResult;
use zebra_state::{ChainTipChange, SaplingScannedResult, TransactionIndex};
use crate::{
service::{ScanTask, ScanTaskCommand},
storage::{SaplingScanningKey, Storage},
use super::executor;
mod scan_range;
pub use scan_range::ScanRangeTaskBuilder;
/// The generic state type used by the scanner.
pub type State = Buffer<
BoxService<zebra_state::Request, zebra_state::Response, zebra_state::BoxError>,
/// Wait a few seconds at startup for some blocks to get verified.
/// But sometimes the state might be empty if the network is slow.
const INITIAL_WAIT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(15);
/// The amount of time between checking for new blocks and starting new scans.
/// TODO: The current value is set to 10 so that tests don't sleep for too long and finish faster.
/// Set it to 30 after #8250 gets addressed or remove this const completely in the refactor.
pub const CHECK_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10);
/// We log an info log with progress after this many blocks.
const INFO_LOG_INTERVAL: u32 = 10_000;
/// Start a scan task that reads blocks from `state`, scans them with the configured keys in
/// `storage`, and then writes the results to `storage`.
pub async fn start(
state: State,
chain_tip_change: ChainTipChange,
storage: Storage,
mut cmd_receiver: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver<ScanTaskCommand>,
) -> Result<(), Report> {
let network = storage.network();
let sapling_activation_height = network.sapling_activation_height();
info!(?network, "starting scan task");
// Do not scan and notify if we are below sapling activation height.
"Sapling activation",
// Read keys from the storage on disk, which can block async execution.
let key_storage = storage.clone();
let key_heights = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || key_storage.sapling_keys_last_heights())
let key_heights = Arc::new(key_heights);
let mut height = get_min_height(&key_heights).unwrap_or(sapling_activation_height);
info!(start_height = ?height, "got min scan height");
// Parse and convert keys once, then use them to scan all blocks.
// There is some cryptography here, but it should be fast even with thousands of keys.
let mut parsed_keys: HashMap<
(Vec<DiversifiableFullViewingKey>, Vec<SaplingIvk>),
> = key_heights
.map(|key| {
let parsed_keys = sapling_key_to_scan_block_keys(key, network)?;
Ok::<_, Report>((key.clone(), parsed_keys))
let mut subscribed_keys: HashMap<SaplingScanningKey, Sender<ScanResult>> = HashMap::new();
let (subscribed_keys_sender, subscribed_keys_receiver) =
let (scan_task_sender, scan_task_executor_handle) =
let mut scan_task_executor_handle = Some(scan_task_executor_handle);
// Give empty states time to verify some blocks before we start scanning.
loop {
if let Some(handle) = scan_task_executor_handle {
if handle.is_finished() {
warn!("scan task finished unexpectedly");
handle.await?.map_err(|err| eyre!(err))?;
return Ok(());
} else {
scan_task_executor_handle = Some(handle);
let was_parsed_keys_empty = parsed_keys.is_empty();
let (new_keys, new_result_senders) =
ScanTask::process_messages(&mut cmd_receiver, &mut parsed_keys, network)?;
// Send the latest version of `subscribed_keys` before spawning the scan range task
if !new_result_senders.is_empty() {
// Ignore send errors, it's okay if there aren't any receivers.
let _ = subscribed_keys_sender.send(subscribed_keys.clone());
// TODO: Check if the `start_height` is at or above the current height
if !new_keys.is_empty() {
let state = state.clone();
let storage = storage.clone();
let start_height = new_keys
.map(|(_, (_, _, height))| *height)
if was_parsed_keys_empty {
info!(?start_height, "setting new start height");
height = start_height;
} else if start_height < height {
.send(ScanRangeTaskBuilder::new(height, new_keys, state, storage))
.expect("scan_until_task channel should not be closed");
if !parsed_keys.is_empty() {
let scanned_height = scan_height_and_store_results(
// If we've reached the tip, sleep for a while then try and get the same block.
if scanned_height.is_none() {
} else {
height = height
.expect("a valid blockchain never reaches the max height");
/// Polls state service for tip height every [`CHECK_INTERVAL`] until the tip reaches the provided `tip_height`
pub async fn wait_for_height(
height: Height,
height_name: &'static str,
state: State,
) -> Result<(), Report> {
loop {
let tip_height = tip_height(state.clone()).await?;
if tip_height < height {
"scanner is waiting for {height_name}. Current tip: {}, {height_name}: {}",
tip_height.0, height.0
} else {
"scanner finished waiting for {height_name}. Current tip: {}, {height_name}: {}",
tip_height.0, height.0
/// Get the block at `height` from `state`, scan it with the keys in `parsed_keys`, and store the
/// results in `storage`. If `height` is lower than the `key_birthdays` for that key, skip it.
/// Returns:
/// - `Ok(Some(height))` if the height was scanned,
/// - `Ok(None)` if the height was not in the state, and
/// - `Err(error)` on fatal errors.
pub async fn scan_height_and_store_results(
height: Height,
mut state: State,
chain_tip_change: Option<ChainTipChange>,
storage: Storage,
key_last_scanned_heights: Arc<HashMap<SaplingScanningKey, Height>>,
parsed_keys: HashMap<SaplingScanningKey, (Vec<DiversifiableFullViewingKey>, Vec<SaplingIvk>)>,
subscribed_keys: HashMap<SaplingScanningKey, Sender<ScanResult>>,
) -> Result<Option<Height>, Report> {
let network = storage.network();
// Only log at info level every 100,000 blocks.
// TODO: also log progress every 5 minutes once we reach the tip?
let is_info_log = height.0 % INFO_LOG_INTERVAL == 0;
// Get a block from the state.
// We can't use ServiceExt::oneshot() here, because it causes lifetime errors in init().
let block = state
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?;
let block = match block {
zebra_state::Response::Block(Some(block)) => block,
zebra_state::Response::Block(None) => return Ok(None),
_ => unreachable!("unmatched response to a state::Block request"),
for (key_index_in_task, (sapling_key, (dfvks, ivks))) in parsed_keys.into_iter().enumerate() {
match key_last_scanned_heights.get(&sapling_key) {
// Only scan what was not scanned for each key
Some(last_scanned_height) if height <= *last_scanned_height => continue,
Some(last_scanned_height) if is_info_log => {
if let Some(chain_tip_change) = &chain_tip_change {
// # Security
// We can't log `sapling_key` here because it is a private viewing key. Anyone who reads
// the logs could use the key to view those transactions.
"Scanning the blockchain for key {}, started at block {:?}, now at block {:?}, current tip {:?}",
key_index_in_task, last_scanned_height.next().expect("height is not maximum").as_usize(),
chain_tip_change.latest_chain_tip().best_tip_height().expect("we should have a tip to scan").as_usize(),
} else {
"Scanning the blockchain for key {}, started at block {:?}, now at block {:?}",
key_index_in_task, last_scanned_height.next().expect("height is not maximum").as_usize(),
_other => {}
let results_sender = subscribed_keys.get(&sapling_key).cloned();
let sapling_key = sapling_key.clone();
let block = block.clone();
let mut storage = storage.clone();
// We use a dummy size of the Sapling note commitment tree.
// We can't set the size to zero, because the underlying scanning function would return
// `zcash_client_backeng::scanning::ScanError::TreeSizeUnknown`.
// And we can't set them close to 0, because the scanner subtracts the number of notes
// in the block, and panics with "attempt to subtract with overflow". The number of
// notes in a block must be less than this value, this is a consensus rule.
// TODO: use the real sapling tree size: `zs::Response::SaplingTree().position() + 1`
let sapling_tree_size = 1 << 16;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let dfvk_res =
scan_block(network, &block, sapling_tree_size, &dfvks).map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?;
let ivk_res =
scan_block(network, &block, sapling_tree_size, &ivks).map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?;
let dfvk_res = scanned_block_to_db_result(dfvk_res);
let ivk_res = scanned_block_to_db_result(ivk_res);
if let Some(results_sender) = results_sender {
let results = dfvk_res.iter().chain(ivk_res.iter());
for (_tx_index, &tx_id) in results {
// TODO: Handle `SendErrors` by dropping sender from `subscribed_keys`
let _ = results_sender.try_send(ScanResult {
key: sapling_key.clone(),
tx_id: tx_id.into(),
storage.add_sapling_results(&sapling_key, height, dfvk_res);
storage.add_sapling_results(&sapling_key, height, ivk_res);
Ok::<_, Report>(())
/// Returns the transactions from `block` belonging to the given `scanning_keys`.
/// This list of keys should come from a single configured `SaplingScanningKey`.
/// For example, there are two individual viewing keys for most shielded transfers:
/// - the payment (external) key, and
/// - the change (internal) key.
/// # Performance / Hangs
/// This method can block while reading database files, so it must be inside spawn_blocking()
/// in async code.
/// TODO:
/// - Pass the real `sapling_tree_size` parameter from the state.
/// - Add other prior block metadata.
pub fn scan_block<K: ScanningKey>(
network: Network,
block: &Block,
sapling_tree_size: u32,
scanning_keys: &[K],
) -> Result<ScannedBlock<K::Nf>, ScanError> {
// TODO: Implement a check that returns early when the block height is below the Sapling
// activation height.
let network: zcash_primitives::consensus::Network = network.into();
let chain_metadata = ChainMetadata {
sapling_commitment_tree_size: sapling_tree_size,
// Orchard is not supported at the moment so the tree size can be 0.
orchard_commitment_tree_size: 0,
// Use a dummy `AccountId` as we don't use accounts yet.
let dummy_account = AccountId::from(0);
let scanning_keys: Vec<_> = scanning_keys
.map(|key| (&dummy_account, key))
block_to_compact(block, chain_metadata),
// Ignore whether notes are change from a viewer's own spends for now.
// Ignore previous blocks for now.
/// Converts a Zebra-format scanning key into some `scan_block()` keys.
/// Currently only accepts extended full viewing keys, and returns both their diversifiable full
/// viewing key and their individual viewing key, for testing purposes.
// TODO: work out what string format is used for SaplingIvk, if any, and support it here
// performance: stop returning both the dfvk and ivk for the same key
// TODO: use `ViewingKey::parse` from zebra-chain instead
pub fn sapling_key_to_scan_block_keys(
key: &SaplingScanningKey,
network: Network,
) -> Result<(Vec<DiversifiableFullViewingKey>, Vec<SaplingIvk>), Report> {
let efvk =
decode_extended_full_viewing_key(network.sapling_efvk_hrp(), key).map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?;
// Just return all the keys for now, so we can be sure our code supports them.
let dfvk = efvk.to_diversifiable_full_viewing_key();
let eivk = dfvk.to_ivk(Scope::External);
let iivk = dfvk.to_ivk(Scope::Internal);
Ok((vec![dfvk], vec![eivk, iivk]))
/// Converts a zebra block and meta data into a compact block.
pub fn block_to_compact(block: &Block, chain_metadata: ChainMetadata) -> CompactBlock {
CompactBlock {
height: block
.expect("verified block should have a valid height")
// TODO: performance: look up the block hash from the state rather than recalculating it
hash: block.hash().bytes_in_display_order().to_vec(),
prev_hash: block
time: block
.expect("unsigned 32-bit times should work until 2105"),
header: block
.expect("verified block should serialize"),
vtx: block
chain_metadata: Some(chain_metadata),
// The protocol version is used for the gRPC wire format, so it isn't needed here.
proto_version: 0,
/// Converts a zebra transaction into a compact transaction.
fn transaction_to_compact((index, tx): (usize, Arc<Transaction>)) -> CompactTx {
CompactTx {
index: index
.expect("tx index in block should fit in u64"),
// TODO: performance: look up the tx hash from the state rather than recalculating it
hash: tx.hash().bytes_in_display_order().to_vec(),
// `fee` is not checked by the `scan_block` function. It is allowed to be unset.
// <https://docs.rs/zcash_client_backend/latest/zcash_client_backend/proto/compact_formats/struct.CompactTx.html#structfield.fee>
fee: 0,
spends: tx
.map(|nf| CompactSaplingSpend {
nf: <[u8; 32]>::from(*nf).to_vec(),
// > output encodes the cmu field, ephemeralKey field, and a 52-byte prefix of the encCiphertext field of a Sapling Output
// <https://docs.rs/zcash_client_backend/latest/zcash_client_backend/proto/compact_formats/struct.CompactSaplingOutput.html>
outputs: tx
.map(|output| CompactSaplingOutput {
cmu: output.cm_u.to_bytes().to_vec(),
ephemeral_key: output
.expect("verified output should serialize successfully"),
ciphertext: output
.expect("verified output should serialize successfully")
// `actions` is not checked by the `scan_block` function.
actions: vec![],
/// Convert a scanned block to a list of scanner database results.
fn scanned_block_to_db_result<Nf>(
scanned_block: ScannedBlock<Nf>,
) -> BTreeMap<TransactionIndex, SaplingScannedResult> {
.map(|tx| {
/// Get the minimal height available in a key_heights map.
fn get_min_height(map: &HashMap<String, Height>) -> Option<Height> {
/// Get tip height or return genesis block height if no tip is available.
async fn tip_height(mut state: State) -> Result<Height, Report> {
let tip = state
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?
.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?;
match tip {
zebra_state::Response::Tip(Some((height, _hash))) => Ok(height),
zebra_state::Response::Tip(None) => Ok(Height(0)),
_ => unreachable!("unmatched response to a state::Tip request"),
/// Initialize the scanner based on its config, and spawn a task for it.
/// TODO: add a test for this function.
pub fn spawn_init(
storage: Storage,
state: State,
chain_tip_change: ChainTipChange,
cmd_receiver: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver<ScanTaskCommand>,
) -> JoinHandle<Result<(), Report>> {
tokio::spawn(start(state, chain_tip_change, storage, cmd_receiver).in_current_span())