
187 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{
future::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt},
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tower::{buffer::Buffer, util::BoxService, Service, ServiceExt};
use zebra_network as zn;
use zebra_network::AddressBook;
use zebra_state as zs;
type Outbound = Buffer<BoxService<zn::Request, zn::Response, zn::BoxError>, zn::Request>;
type State = Buffer<BoxService<zs::Request, zs::Response, zs::BoxError>, zs::Request>;
pub type SetupData = (Outbound, Arc<Mutex<AddressBook>>);
/// Uses the node state to respond to inbound peer requests.
/// This service, wrapped in appropriate middleware, is passed to
/// `zebra_network::init` to respond to inbound peer requests.
/// The `Inbound` service is responsible for:
/// - supplying network data like peer addresses to other nodes;
/// - supplying chain data like blocks to other nodes;
/// - performing transaction diffusion;
/// - performing block diffusion.
/// Because the `Inbound` service is responsible for participating in the gossip
/// protocols used for transaction and block diffusion, there is a potential
/// overlap with the `ChainSync` component.
/// The division of responsibility is that the `ChainSync` component is
/// *internally driven*, periodically polling the network to check whether it is
/// behind the current tip, while the `Inbound` service is *externally driven*,
/// responding to block gossip by attempting to download and validate advertised
/// blocks.
pub struct Inbound {
// invariant: outbound, address_book are Some if network_setup is None
// why not use an enum for the inbound state? because it would mean
// match-wrapping the body of Service::call rather than just expect()ing
// some Options.
network_setup: Option<oneshot::Receiver<SetupData>>,
outbound: Option<Outbound>,
address_book: Option<Arc<Mutex<zn::AddressBook>>>,
state: State,
impl Inbound {
pub fn new(network_setup: oneshot::Receiver<SetupData>, state: State) -> Self {
Self {
network_setup: Some(network_setup),
outbound: None,
address_book: None,
impl Service<zn::Request> for Inbound {
type Response = zn::Response;
type Error = zn::BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
#[instrument(skip(self, cx))]
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
use oneshot::error::TryRecvError;
match self.network_setup.take() {
// If we're waiting for setup, check if we became ready
Some(mut rx) => match rx.try_recv() {
Ok((outbound, address_book)) => {
self.outbound = Some(outbound);
self.address_book = Some(address_book);
self.network_setup = None;
Err(e @ TryRecvError::Closed) => {
// returning poll_ready(err) means that poll_ready should
// never be called again, but put the oneshot back so we
// error again in case someone does.
self.network_setup = Some(rx);
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => {
self.network_setup = Some(rx);
// Otherwise, check readiness of services we might call to propagate backpressure.
None => {
match (
) {
(Poll::Ready(Err(e)), _) | (_, Poll::Ready(Err(e))) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)),
(Poll::Pending, _) | (_, Poll::Pending) => Poll::Pending,
(Poll::Ready(Ok(())), Poll::Ready(Ok(()))) => Poll::Ready(Ok(())),
fn call(&mut self, req: zn::Request) -> Self::Future {
match req {
zn::Request::Peers => {
// We could truncate the list to try to not reveal our entire
// peer set. But because we don't monitor repeated requests,
// this wouldn't actually achieve anything, because a crawler
// could just repeatedly query it.
let mut peers = self
const MAX_ADDR: usize = 1000; // bitcoin protocol constant
async { Ok(zn::Response::Peers(peers)) }.boxed()
zn::Request::BlocksByHash(hashes) => {
let state = self.state.clone();
let requests = futures::stream::iter(
.map(|hash| zs::Request::Block(hash.into())),
.try_filter_map(|rsp| {
futures::future::ready(match rsp {
zs::Response::Block(Some(block)) => Ok(Some(block)),
// XXX: check how zcashd handles missing blocks?
zs::Response::Block(None) => Err("missing block".into()),
_ => unreachable!("wrong response from state"),
zn::Request::TransactionsByHash(_transactions) => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::FindBlocks { .. } => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::FindHeaders { .. } => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::PushTransaction(_transaction) => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::AdvertiseTransactions(_transactions) => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::AdvertiseBlock(_block) => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::MempoolTransactions => {
debug!("ignoring unimplemented request");
async { Ok(zn::Response::Nil) }.boxed()
zn::Request::Ping(_) => {
unreachable!("ping requests are handled internally");