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//! Chain state updates for Zebra.
//! Chain state updates occur in multiple stages:
//! - verify blocks (using `BlockVerifier` or `CheckpointVerifier`)
//! - update the list of verified blocks on disk
//! - create the chain state needed to verify child blocks
//! - choose the best tip from all the available chain tips
//! - update the mature chain state on disk
//! - prune orphaned side-chains
//! Chain state updates are provided via a `tower::Service`, to support
//! backpressure and batch verification.
mod tests;
use crate::checkpoint::{CheckpointList, CheckpointVerifier};
use crate::Config;
use futures_util::FutureExt;
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use tower::{buffer::Buffer, Service, ServiceExt};
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
use zebra_chain::block::{self, Block};
use zebra_chain::parameters::{Network, NetworkUpgrade::Sapling};
/// The maximum expected gap between blocks.
/// Used to identify unexpected high blocks.
const MAX_EXPECTED_BLOCK_GAP: u32 = 100_000;
/// A wrapper type that holds the `ChainVerifier`'s `CheckpointVerifier`, and
/// its associated state.
struct ChainCheckpointVerifier {
/// The underlying `CheckpointVerifier`, wrapped in a buffer, so we can
/// clone and share it with futures.
verifier: Buffer<CheckpointVerifier, Arc<Block>>,
/// The maximum checkpoint height for `checkpoint_verifier`.
max_height: block::Height,
/// A service that verifies the chain, using its associated `CheckpointVerifier`
/// and `BlockVerifier`.
struct ChainVerifier<BV, S>
BV: Service<Arc<Block>, Response = block::Hash, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
BV::Future: Send + 'static,
S: Service<zebra_state::Request, Response = zebra_state::Response, Error = Error>
+ Send
+ Clone
+ 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
/// The underlying `BlockVerifier`, possibly wrapped in other services.
block_verifier: BV,
/// The `ChainVerifier`'s underlying `CheckpointVerifier`, and its
/// associated state.
/// None if all the checkpoints have been verified.
checkpoint: Option<ChainCheckpointVerifier>,
/// The underlying `ZebraState`, possibly wrapped in other services.
state_service: S,
/// The most recent block height that was submitted to the verifier.
/// Used for debugging.
/// Updated before verification: the block at this height might not be valid.
last_block_height: Option<block::Height>,
/// The error type for the ChainVerifier Service.
// TODO(jlusby): Error = Report ?
type Error = Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;
/// The ChainVerifier service implementation.
/// After verification, blocks are added to the underlying state service.
impl<BV, S> Service<Arc<Block>> for ChainVerifier<BV, S>
BV: Service<Arc<Block>, Response = block::Hash, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
BV::Future: Send + 'static,
S: Service<zebra_state::Request, Response = zebra_state::Response, Error = Error>
+ Send
+ Clone
+ 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
type Response = block::Hash;
type Error = Error;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// We don't expect the state or verifiers to exert backpressure on our
// users, so we don't need to call `state_service.poll_ready()` here.
// (And we don't know which verifier to choose at this point, anyway.)
fn call(&mut self, block: Arc<Block>) -> Self::Future {
// TODO(jlusby): Error = Report, handle errors from state_service.
let height = block.coinbase_height();
let hash = block.hash();
let span = tracing::debug_span!("block_verify", ?height, ?hash,);
let mut block_verifier = self.block_verifier.clone();
let mut state_service = self.state_service.clone();
let checkpoint_verifier = self.checkpoint.clone().map(|c| c.verifier);
let max_checkpoint_height = self.checkpoint.clone().map(|c| c.max_height);
// Log an info-level message on unexpected high blocks
let is_unexpected_high_block = match (height, self.last_block_height) {
(Some(block::Height(height)), Some(block::Height(last_block_height)))
if (height > last_block_height + MAX_EXPECTED_BLOCK_GAP) =>
self.last_block_height = Some(block::Height(height));
(Some(height), _) => {
self.last_block_height = Some(height);
// The other cases are covered by the verifiers
_ => false,
async move {
// TODO(teor): in the post-sapling checkpoint range, allow callers
// to use BlockVerifier, CheckpointVerifier, or both.
// Call a verifier based on the block height and checkpoints.
if is_higher_than_max_checkpoint(height, max_checkpoint_height) {
// Log a message on early high blocks.
// The sync service rejects most of these blocks, but we
// still want to know if a large number get through.
// This message can also happen if we keep getting unexpected
// low blocks. (We can't distinguish between these cases, until
// we've verified the blocks.)
if is_unexpected_high_block {
tracing::debug!(?height, "unexpected high block, or recent unexpected low blocks");
} else {
.expect("Missing checkpoint verifier: verifier must be Some if max checkpoint height is Some")
tracing::trace!(?height, ?hash, "Verified block");
height.expect("Valid blocks have a block height").0 as _
metrics::counter!("chain.verified.block.count", 1);
let add_block = state_service
.call(zebra_state::Request::AddBlock { block });
match add_block.await? {
zebra_state::Response::Added { hash } => Ok(hash),
_ => Err("adding block to zebra-state failed".into()),
/// Returns true if block_height is higher than the maximum checkpoint
/// height. Also returns true if there is no maximum checkpoint height.
/// Returns false if the block does not have a height.
fn is_higher_than_max_checkpoint(
block_height: Option<block::Height>,
max_checkpoint_height: Option<block::Height>,
) -> bool {
match (block_height, max_checkpoint_height) {
(Some(block_height), Some(max_checkpoint_height)) => block_height > max_checkpoint_height,
(_, None) => true,
(None, _) => false,
/// Return a chain verification service, using `config`, `network` and
/// `state_service`.
/// Gets the initial tip from the state service, and uses it to create a block
/// verifier and checkpoint verifier (if needed).
/// This function should only be called once for a particular state service. If
/// you need shared block or checkpoint verfiers, create them yourself, and pass
/// them to `init_from_verifiers`.
// TODO: revise this interface when we generate our own blocks, or validate
2020-07-20 21:09:19 -07:00
// mempool transactions. We might want to share the BlockVerifier, and we
// might not want to add generated blocks to the state.
pub async fn init<S>(
config: Config,
network: Network,
state_service: S,
) -> impl Service<
Response = block::Hash,
Error = Error,
Future = impl Future<Output = Result<block::Hash, Error>>,
> + Send
+ Clone
+ 'static
S: Service<zebra_state::Request, Response = zebra_state::Response, Error = Error>
+ Send
+ Clone
+ 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
let initial_tip = zebra_state::current_tip(state_service.clone())
.expect("State service poll_ready is Ok");
let block_verifier = crate::block::init(state_service.clone());
let checkpoint_list = match config.checkpoint_sync {
true => CheckpointList::new(network),
false => CheckpointList::new_up_to(network, Sapling),
/// Return a chain verification service, using the provided block verifier,
/// checkpoint list, and state service.
/// The chain verifier holds a state service of type `S`, used as context for
/// block validation and to which newly verified blocks will be committed. This
/// state is pluggable to allow for testing or instrumentation.
/// The returned type is opaque to allow instrumentation or other wrappers, but
/// can be boxed for storage. It is also `Clone` to allow sharing of a
/// verification service.
/// This function should only be called once for a particular state service and
/// block verifier (and the result be shared, cloning if needed). Constructing
/// multiple services from the same underlying state might cause synchronisation
/// bugs.
/// Panics:
/// Panics if the `checkpoint_list` is None, and the `initial_tip_height` is
/// below the Sapling network upgrade for `network`. (The `block_verifier` can't
/// verify all the constraints on pre-Sapling blocks, so they require
/// checkpoints.)
pub(crate) fn init_from_verifiers<BV, S>(
network: Network,
block_verifier: BV,
checkpoint_list: Option<CheckpointList>,
state_service: S,
initial_tip: Option<Arc<Block>>,
) -> impl Service<
Response = block::Hash,
Error = Error,
Future = impl Future<Output = Result<block::Hash, Error>>,
> + Send
+ Clone
+ 'static
BV: Service<Arc<Block>, Response = block::Hash, Error = Error> + Send + Clone + 'static,
BV::Future: Send + 'static,
S: Service<zebra_state::Request, Response = zebra_state::Response, Error = Error>
+ Send
+ Clone
+ 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
let max_checkpoint_height = checkpoint_list.clone().map(|c| c.max_height());
let initial_height = initial_tip.clone().map(|b| b.coinbase_height()).flatten();
let initial_hash = initial_tip.clone().map(|b| b.hash());
"initialising ChainVerifier"
let sapling_activation = Sapling
.expect("Unexpected network upgrade info: Sapling must have an activation height");
let checkpoint = match (initial_height, checkpoint_list, max_checkpoint_height) {
// If we need to verify pre-Sapling blocks, make sure we have checkpoints for them.
(None, None, _) => panic!("We have no checkpoints, and we have no cached blocks: Pre-Sapling blocks must be verified by checkpoints"),
(Some(initial_height), None, _) if (initial_height < sapling_activation) => panic!("We have no checkpoints, and we don't have a cached Sapling activation block: Pre-Sapling blocks must be verified by checkpoints"),
// If we're past the checkpoint range, don't create a checkpoint verifier.
(Some(initial_height), _, Some(max_checkpoint_height)) if (initial_height > max_checkpoint_height) => None,
// No list, no checkpoint verifier
(_, None, _) => None,
(_, Some(_), None) => panic!("Missing max checkpoint height: height must be Some if verifier is Some"),
// We've done all the checks we need to create a checkpoint verifier
(_, Some(list), Some(max_height)) => Some(
ChainCheckpointVerifier {
verifier: Buffer::new(CheckpointVerifier::from_checkpoint_list(list, initial_tip), 1),
ChainVerifier {
last_block_height: initial_height,