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use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
time::{Duration, Instant},
2020-11-18 17:55:34 -08:00
use check::difficulty::POW_MEDIAN_BLOCK_SPAN;
use futures::future::FutureExt;
2020-11-16 16:05:35 -08:00
use non_finalized_state::{NonFinalizedState, QueuedBlocks};
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tower::{util::BoxService, Service};
use tracing::instrument;
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block},
2020-11-18 17:55:34 -08:00
use crate::{
request::HashOrHeight, BoxError, CommitBlockError, Config, FinalizedBlock, PreparedBlock,
Request, Response, Utxo, ValidateContextError,
mod check;
2020-11-16 16:05:35 -08:00
mod finalized_state;
mod non_finalized_state;
mod pending_utxos;
mod tests;
use self::{finalized_state::FinalizedState, pending_utxos::PendingUtxos};
pub type QueuedBlock = (
oneshot::Sender<Result<block::Hash, BoxError>>,
pub type QueuedFinalized = (
oneshot::Sender<Result<block::Hash, BoxError>>,
struct StateService {
/// Holds data relating to finalized chain state.
disk: FinalizedState,
/// Holds data relating to non-finalized chain state.
mem: NonFinalizedState,
/// Blocks awaiting their parent blocks for contextual verification.
queued_blocks: QueuedBlocks,
/// The set of outpoints with pending requests for their associated transparent::Output
pending_utxos: PendingUtxos,
/// The configured Zcash network
network: Network,
/// Instant tracking the last time `pending_utxos` was pruned
last_prune: Instant,
impl StateService {
const PRUNE_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
pub fn new(config: Config, network: Network) -> Self {
let disk = FinalizedState::new(&config, network);
let mem = NonFinalizedState::default();
let queued_blocks = QueuedBlocks::default();
let pending_utxos = PendingUtxos::default();
Self {
last_prune: Instant::now(),
/// Queue a non finalized block for verification and check if any queued
/// blocks are ready to be verified and committed to the state.
/// This function encodes the logic for [committing non-finalized blocks][1]
/// in RFC0005.
/// [1]: https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0005-state-updates.html#committing-non-finalized-blocks
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, prepared))]
fn queue_and_commit_non_finalized(
&mut self,
prepared: PreparedBlock,
) -> oneshot::Receiver<Result<block::Hash, BoxError>> {
tracing::debug!(block = %prepared.block, "queueing block for contextual verification");
let parent_hash = prepared.block.header.previous_block_hash;
if self.mem.any_chain_contains(&prepared.hash) || self.disk.hash(prepared.height).is_some()
let (rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let _ = rsp_tx.send(Err("block is already committed to the state".into()));
return rsp_rx;
// Request::CommitBlock contract: a request to commit a block which has
// been queued but not yet committed to the state fails the older
// request and replaces it with the newer request.
let rsp_rx = if let Some((_, old_rsp_tx)) = self.queued_blocks.get_mut(&prepared.hash) {
tracing::debug!("replacing older queued request with new request");
let (mut rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
std::mem::swap(old_rsp_tx, &mut rsp_tx);
let _ = rsp_tx.send(Err("replaced by newer request".into()));
} else {
let (rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
self.queued_blocks.queue((prepared, rsp_tx));
if !self.can_fork_chain_at(&parent_hash) {
tracing::trace!("unready to verify, returning early");
return rsp_rx;
while self.mem.best_chain_len() > crate::constants::MAX_BLOCK_REORG_HEIGHT {
tracing::trace!("finalizing block past the reorg limit");
let finalized = self.mem.finalize();
.expect("expected that disk errors would not occur");
"Finalized state must have at least one block before committing non-finalized state",
tracing::trace!("finished processing queued block");
/// Run contextual validation on the prepared block and add it to the
/// non-finalized state if it is contextually valid.
fn validate_and_commit(&mut self, prepared: PreparedBlock) -> Result<(), CommitBlockError> {
let parent_hash = prepared.block.header.previous_block_hash;
if self.disk.finalized_tip_hash() == parent_hash {
} else {
/// Returns `true` if `hash` is a valid previous block hash for new non-finalized blocks.
fn can_fork_chain_at(&self, hash: &block::Hash) -> bool {
self.mem.any_chain_contains(hash) || &self.disk.finalized_tip_hash() == hash
/// Attempt to validate and commit all queued blocks whose parents have
/// recently arrived starting from `new_parent`, in breadth-first ordering.
fn process_queued(&mut self, new_parent: block::Hash) {
let mut new_parents = vec![new_parent];
while let Some(parent_hash) = new_parents.pop() {
let queued_children = self.queued_blocks.dequeue_children(parent_hash);
for (child, rsp_tx) in queued_children {
2020-11-22 19:38:25 -08:00
let child_hash = child.hash;
tracing::trace!(?child_hash, "validating queued child");
let result = self
.map(|()| child_hash)
let _ = rsp_tx.send(result);
/// Check that the prepared block is contextually valid for the configured
/// network, based on the committed finalized and non-finalized state.
fn check_contextual_validity(
&mut self,
prepared: &PreparedBlock,
) -> Result<(), ValidateContextError> {
let relevant_chain = self.chain(prepared.block.header.previous_block_hash);
assert!(relevant_chain.len() >= POW_AVERAGING_WINDOW + POW_MEDIAN_BLOCK_SPAN,
"contextual validation requires at least 28 (POW_AVERAGING_WINDOW + POW_MEDIAN_BLOCK_SPAN) blocks");
/// Create a block locator for the current best chain.
fn block_locator(&self) -> Option<Vec<block::Hash>> {
let tip_height = self.tip()?.0;
let heights = crate::util::block_locator_heights(tip_height);
let mut hashes = Vec::with_capacity(heights.len());
for height in heights {
if let Some(hash) = self.best_hash(height) {
/// Return the tip of the current best chain.
pub fn tip(&self) -> Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)> {
self.mem.tip().or_else(|| self.disk.tip())
/// Return the depth of block `hash` in the current best chain.
pub fn depth(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<u32> {
let tip = self.tip()?.0;
let height = self
.or_else(|| self.disk.height(hash))?;
Some(tip.0 - height.0)
/// Return the block identified by either its `height` or `hash` if it exists
/// in the current best chain.
pub fn best_block(&self, hash_or_height: HashOrHeight) -> Option<Arc<Block>> {
.or_else(|| self.disk.block(hash_or_height))
/// Return the transaction identified by `hash` if it exists in the current
/// best chain.
pub fn transaction(&self, hash: transaction::Hash) -> Option<Arc<Transaction>> {
.or_else(|| self.disk.transaction(hash))
/// Return the hash for the block at `height` in the current best chain.
pub fn best_hash(&self, height: block::Height) -> Option<block::Hash> {
.or_else(|| self.disk.hash(height))
/// Return true if `hash` is in the current best chain.
pub fn best_chain_contains(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> bool {
/// Return the height for the block at `hash`, if `hash` is in the best chain.
pub fn best_height_by_hash(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<block::Height> {
.or_else(|| self.disk.height(hash))
/// Return the height for the block at `hash` in any chain.
pub fn any_height_by_hash(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<block::Height> {
.or_else(|| self.disk.height(hash))
/// Return the [`Utxo`] pointed to by `outpoint` if it exists in any chain.
pub fn utxo(&self, outpoint: &transparent::OutPoint) -> Option<Utxo> {
.or_else(|| self.queued_blocks.utxo(outpoint))
.or_else(|| self.disk.utxo(outpoint))
/// Return an iterator over the relevant chain of the block identified by
/// `hash`.
/// The block identified by `hash` is included in the chain of blocks yielded
/// by the iterator.
pub fn chain(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Iter<'_> {
Iter {
service: self,
state: IterState::NonFinalized(hash),
/// Find the first hash that's in the peer's `known_blocks` and the local best chain.
/// Returns `None` if:
/// * there is no matching hash in the best chain, or
/// * the state is empty.
fn find_chain_intersection(&self, known_blocks: Vec<block::Hash>) -> Option<block::Hash> {
// We can get a block locator request before we have downloaded the genesis block
.find(|&&hash| self.best_chain_contains(hash))
/// Returns a list of block hashes in the best chain, following the `intersection` with the best
/// chain. If there is no intersection with the best chain, starts from the genesis hash.
/// Includes finalized and non-finalized blocks.
/// Stops the list of hashes after:
/// * adding the best tip,
/// * adding the `stop` hash to the list, if it is in the best chain, or
/// * adding `max_len` hashes to the list.
/// Returns an empty list if the state is empty.
pub fn collect_chain_hashes(
intersection: Option<block::Hash>,
stop: Option<block::Hash>,
max_len: usize,
) -> Vec<block::Hash> {
assert!(max_len > 0, "max_len must be at least 1");
// We can get a block locator request before we have downloaded the genesis block
let chain_tip_height = if let Some((height, _)) = self.tip() {
} else {
return Vec::new();
let intersection_height = intersection.map(|hash| {
.expect("the intersection hash must be in the best chain")
let max_len_height = if let Some(intersection_height) = intersection_height {
// start after the intersection_height, and return max_len hashes
(intersection_height + (max_len as i32))
.expect("the Find response height does not exceed Height::MAX")
} else {
// start at genesis, and return max_len hashes
block::Height((max_len - 1) as _)
let stop_height = stop.map(|hash| self.best_height_by_hash(hash)).flatten();
// Compute the final height, making sure it is:
// * at or below our chain tip, and
// * at or below the height of the stop hash.
let final_height = std::cmp::min(max_len_height, chain_tip_height);
let final_height = stop_height
.map(|stop_height| std::cmp::min(final_height, stop_height))
let final_hash = self
.expect("final height must have a hash");
// We can use an "any chain" method here, because `final_hash` is in the best chain
let mut res: Vec<_> = self
.map(|block| block.hash())
.take_while(|&hash| Some(hash) != intersection)
.inspect(|hash| {
height = ?self.best_height_by_hash(*hash)
.expect("if hash is in the state then it should have an associated height"),
"adding hash to peer Find response",
response_len = ?res.len(),
"responding to peer GetBlocks or GetHeaders",
// Check the function implements the Find protocol
res.len() <= max_len,
"a Find response must not exceed the maximum response length"
.map(|hash| !res.contains(&hash))
"the list must not contain the intersection hash"
stop.map(|hash| !res[..(res.len() - 1)].contains(&hash))
"if the stop hash is in the list, it must be the final hash"
/// Finds the first hash that's in the peer's `known_blocks` and the local best chain.
/// Returns a list of hashes that follow that intersection, from the best chain.
/// Starts from the first matching hash in the best chain, ignoring all other hashes in
/// `known_blocks`. If there is no matching hash in the best chain, starts from the genesis
/// hash.
/// Includes finalized and non-finalized blocks.
/// Stops the list of hashes after:
/// * adding the best tip,
/// * adding the `stop` hash to the list, if it is in the best chain, or
/// * adding 500 hashes to the list.
/// Returns an empty list if the state is empty.
pub fn find_chain_hashes(
known_blocks: Vec<block::Hash>,
stop: Option<block::Hash>,
max_len: usize,
) -> Vec<block::Hash> {
let intersection = self.find_chain_intersection(known_blocks);
self.collect_chain_hashes(intersection, stop, max_len)
struct Iter<'a> {
service: &'a StateService,
state: IterState,
enum IterState {
impl Iter<'_> {
fn next_non_finalized_block(&mut self) -> Option<Arc<Block>> {
let Iter { service, state } = self;
let hash = match state {
IterState::NonFinalized(hash) => *hash,
IterState::Finalized(_) | IterState::Finished => unreachable!(),
if let Some(block) = service.mem.block_by_hash(hash) {
let hash = block.header.previous_block_hash;
self.state = IterState::NonFinalized(hash);
} else {
fn next_finalized_block(&mut self) -> Option<Arc<Block>> {
let Iter { service, state } = self;
let hash_or_height: HashOrHeight = match *state {
IterState::Finalized(height) => height.into(),
IterState::NonFinalized(hash) => hash.into(),
IterState::Finished => unreachable!(),
if let Some(block) = service.disk.block(hash_or_height) {
let height = block
.expect("valid blocks have a coinbase height");
if let Some(next_height) = height - 1 {
self.state = IterState::Finalized(next_height);
} else {
self.state = IterState::Finished;
} else {
self.state = IterState::Finished;
impl Iterator for Iter<'_> {
type Item = Arc<Block>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.state {
IterState::NonFinalized(_) => self
.or_else(|| self.next_finalized_block()),
IterState::Finalized(_) => self.next_finalized_block(),
IterState::Finished => None,
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let len = self.len();
(len, Some(len))
impl std::iter::FusedIterator for Iter<'_> {}
impl ExactSizeIterator for Iter<'_> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
match self.state {
IterState::NonFinalized(hash) => self
.map(|height| (height.0 + 1) as _)
IterState::Finalized(height) => (height.0 + 1) as _,
IterState::Finished => 0,
impl Service<Request> for StateService {
type Response = Response;
type Error = BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
let now = Instant::now();
if self.last_prune + Self::PRUNE_INTERVAL < now {
let tip = self.tip();
let old_len = self.pending_utxos.len();
self.last_prune = now;
let new_len = self.pending_utxos.len();
let prune_count = old_len
.expect("prune does not add any utxo requests");
if prune_count > 0 {
"pruned utxo requests"
} else {
tracing::debug!(len = ?old_len, ?tip, "no utxo requests needed pruning");
#[instrument(name = "state", skip(self, req))]
fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {
match req {
Request::CommitBlock(prepared) => {
metrics::counter!("state.requests", 1, "type" => "commit_block");
let rsp_rx = self.queue_and_commit_non_finalized(prepared);
async move {
.expect("sender is not dropped")
Request::CommitFinalizedBlock(finalized) => {
metrics::counter!("state.requests", 1, "type" => "commit_finalized_block");
let (rsp_tx, rsp_rx) = oneshot::channel();
self.disk.queue_and_commit_finalized((finalized, rsp_tx));
async move {
.expect("sender is not dropped")
2020-09-10 10:52:51 -07:00
Request::Depth(hash) => {
metrics::counter!("state.requests", 1, "type" => "depth");
let rsp = Ok(self.depth(hash)).map(Response::Depth);
async move { rsp }.boxed()
Request::Tip => {
metrics::counter!("state.requests", 1, "type" => "tip");
let rsp = Ok(self.tip()).map(Response::Tip);
async move { rsp }.boxed()
Request::BlockLocator => {
metrics::counter!("state.requests", 1, "type" => "block_locator");
let rsp = Ok(self.block_locator().unwrap_or_default()).map(Response::BlockLocator);
async move { rsp }.boxed()
Request::Transaction(hash) => {
metrics::counter!("state.requests", 1, "type" => "transaction");
let rsp = Ok(self.transaction(hash)).map(Response::Transaction);
async move { rsp }.boxed()
Request::Block(hash_or_height) => {
metrics::counter!("state.requests", 1, "type" => "block");
let rsp = Ok(self.best_block(hash_or_height)).map(Response::Block);
async move { rsp }.boxed()
Request::AwaitUtxo(outpoint) => {
metrics::counter!("state.requests", 1, "type" => "await_utxo");
let fut = self.pending_utxos.queue(outpoint);
if let Some(utxo) = self.utxo(&outpoint) {
self.pending_utxos.respond(&outpoint, utxo);
Request::FindBlockHashes { known_blocks, stop } => {
let res = self.find_chain_hashes(known_blocks, stop, MAX_FIND_BLOCK_HASHES_RESULTS);
async move { Ok(Response::BlockHashes(res)) }.boxed()
Request::FindBlockHeaders { known_blocks, stop } => {
state: dodge a bug in zcashd Zcashd will blindly request more block headers as long as it got 160 block headers in response to a previous query, EVEN IF THOSE HEADERS ARE ALREADY KNOWN. To dodge this behavior, return slightly fewer than the maximum, to get it to go away. https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/0ccc885371e01d844ebeced7babe45826623d9c2/src/main.cpp#L6274-L6280 Without this change, communication between a partially-synced `zebrad` and fully-synced `zcashd` looked like this: 1. `zebrad` connects to `zcashd`, which sends an initial `getheaders` request; 2. `zebrad` correctly computes the intersection of the provided block locator with the node's current chain and returns 160 following headers; 3. `zcashd` does not check whether it already has those headers and assumes that any provided headers are new and re-validates them; 4. `zcashd` assumes that because `zebrad` responded with 160 headers, the `zebrad` node is ahead of it, and requests the next 160 headers. 5. Because block locators are sparse, the intersection between the `zcashd` and `zebrad` chains is likely well behind the `zebrad` tip, so this process continues for thousands of blocks. To avoid this problem, we return slightly fewer than the protocol maximum (158 rather than 160, to guard against off-by-one errors in zcashd). This does not interfere with use of the returned headers by peers that check the headers, but does prevent `zcashd` from trying to download thousands of block headers it already has. This problem does not occur in the `zcashd<->zcashd` case only because `zcashd` does not respond to `getheaders` messages while it is syncing. However, implementing this behavior in Zebra would be more complicated, because we don't have a distinct "initial block sync" state (we do poll-based syncing continuously) and we don't have shared global variables to modify to set that state. Relevant links (thanks @str4d): - The PR that introduced this behavior: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/4468/files#r17026905 - https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/6861 - https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/6755 - https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/8306#issuecomment-614916454
2020-12-02 12:08:47 -08:00
// Zcashd will blindly request more block headers as long as it
// got 160 block headers in response to a previous query, EVEN
// IF THOSE HEADERS ARE ALREADY KNOWN. To dodge this behavior,
// return slightly fewer than the maximum, to get it to go away.
// https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/4468/files#r17026905
let res = self.find_chain_hashes(known_blocks, stop, count);
let res: Vec<_> = res
.map(|&hash| {
let block = self
.expect("block for found hash is in the best chain");
block::CountedHeader {
transaction_count: block.transactions.len(),
header: block.header,
async move { Ok(Response::BlockHeaders(res)) }.boxed()
2020-09-09 17:51:08 -07:00
/// Initialize a state service from the provided [`Config`].
/// Each `network` has its own separate on-disk database.
/// To share access to the state, wrap the returned service in a `Buffer`. It's
/// possible to construct multiple state services in the same application (as
/// long as they, e.g., use different storage locations), but doing so is
/// probably not what you want.
pub fn init(config: Config, network: Network) -> BoxService<Request, Response, BoxError> {
BoxService::new(StateService::new(config, network))