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//! Transaction types.
/// OutPoint
/// A particular transaction output reference.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct OutPoint {
/// The hash of the referenced transaction.
pub hash: [u8; 32],
/// The index of the specific output in the transaction. The first output is 0, etc.
pub index: u32,
/// Transaction Input
// `Copy` cannot be implemented for `Vec<u8>`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct TransactionInput {
/// The previous output transaction reference.
pub previous_output: OutPoint,
/// Computational Script for confirming transaction authorization.
// XXX pzec uses their own `Bytes` type that wraps a `Vec<u8>`
// with some extra methods.
pub signature_script: Vec<u8>,
/// Transaction version as defined by the sender. Intended for
/// "replacement" of transactions when information is updated
/// before inclusion into a block.
pub sequence: u32,
/// Transaction Output
// `Copy` cannot be implemented for `Vec<u8>`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct TransactionOutput {
/// Transaction value.
// At https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#tx, this is an i64.
pub value: u64,
/// Usually contains the public key as a Bitcoin script setting up
/// conditions to claim this output.
pub pk_script: Vec<u8>,
/// Transaction Input
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Transaction {
/// Transaction data format version (note, this is signed).
pub version: i32,
/// A list of 1 or more transaction inputs or sources for coins.
pub tx_in: Vec<TransactionInput>,
/// A list of 1 or more transaction outputs or destinations for coins.
pub tx_out: Vec<TransactionOutput>,
/// The block number or timestamp at which this transaction is unlocked:
/// |Value |Description |
/// |------------|----------------------------------------------------|
/// |0 |Not locked (default) |
/// |< 500000000 |Block number at which this transaction is unlocked |
/// |>= 500000000|UNIX timestamp at which this transaction is unlocked|
/// If all `TransactionInput`s have final (0xffffffff) sequence
/// numbers, then lock_time is irrelevant. Otherwise, the
/// transaction may not be added to a block until after `lock_time`.
pub lock_time: u32,