
241 lines
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use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use displaydoc::Display;
use futures::{
stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt},
use thiserror::Error;
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use zebra_chain::{
primitives::{ed25519, redjubjub},
transaction::{self, HashType, Transaction},
use zebra_state as zs;
use crate::{script, BoxError};
/// Asynchronous transaction verification.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Verifier<ZS> {
script_verifier: script::Verifier<ZS>,
// spend_verifier: groth16::Verifier,
// output_verifier: groth16::Verifier,
// joinsplit_verifier: groth16::Verifier,
impl<ZS> Verifier<ZS>
ZS: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZS::Future: Send + 'static,
// XXX: how should this struct be constructed?
pub fn new(script_verifier: script::Verifier<ZS>) -> Self {
Self { script_verifier }
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
pub enum VerifyTransactionError {
/// Only V4 and later transactions can be verified.
/// Could not verify a transparent script
Script(#[from] zebra_script::Error),
/// Could not verify a Groth16 proof of a JoinSplit/Spend/Output description
// XXX change this when we align groth16 verifier errors with bellman
// and add a from annotation when the error type is more precise
/// Could not verify a Ed25519 signature with JoinSplitData
Ed25519(#[from] ed25519::Error),
/// Could not verify a RedJubjub signature with ShieldedData
/// An error that arises from implementation details of the verification service
impl From<BoxError> for VerifyTransactionError {
fn from(err: BoxError) -> Self {
match err.downcast::<redjubjub::Error>() {
Ok(e) => VerifyTransactionError::RedJubjub(*e),
Err(e) => VerifyTransactionError::Internal(e),
/// Specifies whether a transaction should be verified as part of a block or as
/// part of the mempool.
/// Transaction verification has slightly different consensus rules, depending on
/// whether the transaction is to be included in a block on in the mempool.
pub enum Request {
/// Verify the supplied transaction as part of a block.
/// Verify the supplied transaction as part of the mempool.
impl<ZS> Service<Request> for Verifier<ZS>
ZS: Service<zs::Request, Response = zs::Response, Error = BoxError> + Send + Clone + 'static,
ZS::Future: Send + 'static,
type Response = transaction::Hash;
type Error = VerifyTransactionError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
// TODO: break up each chunk into its own method
fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {
let is_mempool = match req {
Request::Block(_) => false,
Request::Mempool(_) => true,
if is_mempool {
// XXX determine exactly which rules apply to mempool transactions
let tx = match req {
Request::Block(tx) => tx,
Request::Mempool(tx) => tx,
let mut redjubjub_verifier = crate::primitives::redjubjub::VERIFIER.clone();
let mut script_verifier = self.script_verifier.clone();
async move {
match &*tx {
Transaction::V1 { .. } | Transaction::V2 { .. } | Transaction::V3 { .. } => {
Transaction::V4 {
// outputs,
// lock_time,
// expiry_height,
} => {
// A set of asynchronous checks which must all succeed.
// We finish by waiting on these below.
let mut async_checks = FuturesUnordered::new();
// Handle transparent inputs and outputs.
// These are left unimplemented!() pending implementation
// of the async script RFC.
#[allow(clippy::if_same_then_else)] // delete when filled in
if tx.is_coinbase() {
// do something special for coinbase transactions
} else {
// otherwise, check no coinbase inputs
// feed all of the inputs to the script verifier
for input_index in 0..inputs.len() {
let rsp = script_verifier.ready_and().await?.call(script::Request {
transaction: tx.clone(),
let sighash = tx.sighash(
NetworkUpgrade::Sapling, // TODO: pass this in
HashType::ALL, // TODO: check these
None, // TODO: check these
if let Some(_joinsplit_data) = joinsplit_data {
// XXX create a method on JoinSplitData
// that prepares groth16::Items with the correct proofs
// and proof inputs, handling interstitial treestates
// correctly.
// Then, pass those items to self.joinsplit to verify them.
// XXX refactor this into a nicely named check function
// ed25519::VerificationKey::try_from(joinsplit_data.pub_key)
// .and_then(|vk| vk.verify(&joinsplit_data.sig, sighash))
// .map_err(VerifyTransactionError::Ed25519)
if let Some(shielded_data) = shielded_data {
for spend in shielded_data.spends() {
// TODO: check that spend.cv and spend.rk are NOT of small
// order.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/canopy.pdf#spenddesc
// Queue the validation of the RedJubjub spend
// authorization signature for each Spend
// description while adding the resulting future to
// our collection of async checks that (at a
// minimum) must pass for the transaction to verify.
let rsp = redjubjub_verifier
.call((spend.rk, spend.spend_auth_sig, &sighash).into());
// TODO: prepare public inputs for spends, then create
// a groth16::Item and pass to self.spend
// Queue the verification of the Groth16 spend proof
// for each Spend description while adding the
// resulting future to our collection of async
// checks that (at a minimum) must pass for the
// transaction to verify.
shielded_data.outputs().for_each(|_output| {
// TODO: check that output.cv and output.epk are NOT of small
// order.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/canopy.pdf#outputdesc
// TODO: prepare public inputs for outputs, then create
// a groth16::Item and pass to self.output
// Queue the verification of the Groth16 output
// proof for each Output description while adding
// the resulting future to our collection of async
// checks that (at a minimum) must pass for the
// transaction to verify.
let bvk = shielded_data.binding_verification_key(*value_balance);
let rsp = redjubjub_verifier
.call((bvk, shielded_data.binding_sig, &sighash).into())
// Finally, wait for all asynchronous checks to complete
// successfully, or fail verification if they error.
while let Some(check) = async_checks.next().await {