//! Code for creating isolated connections to specific peers. use std::{ future::Future, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use futures::future::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt}; use tokio::net::TcpStream; use tower::{ util::{BoxService, Oneshot}, Service, }; use zebra_chain::chain_tip::NoChainTip; use crate::{ peer::{self, ConnectedAddr, HandshakeRequest}, peer_set::ActiveConnectionCounter, BoxError, Config, Request, Response, }; /// Use the provided TCP connection to create a Zcash connection completely /// isolated from all other node state. /// /// The connection pool returned by `init` should be used for all requests that /// don't require isolated state or use of an existing TCP connection. However, /// this low-level API is useful for custom network crawlers or Tor connections. /// /// In addition to being completely isolated from all other node state, this /// method also aims to be minimally distinguishable from other clients. /// /// Note that this method does not implement any timeout behavior, so callers may /// want to layer it with a timeout as appropriate for their application. /// /// # Inputs /// /// - `conn`: an existing TCP connection to use. Passing an existing TCP /// connection allows this method to be used with clearnet or Tor transports. /// /// - `user_agent`: a valid BIP14 user-agent, e.g., the empty string. /// /// # Bug /// /// `connect_isolated` only works on `Mainnet`, see #1687. pub fn connect_isolated( conn: TcpStream, user_agent: String, ) -> impl Future< Output = Result< BoxService>, Box, >, > { let handshake = peer::Handshake::builder() .with_config(Config::default()) .with_inbound_service(tower::service_fn(|_req| async move { Ok::>(Response::Nil) })) .with_user_agent(user_agent) .with_latest_chain_tip(NoChainTip) .finish() .expect("provided mandatory builder parameters"); // Don't send or track any metadata about the connection let connected_addr = ConnectedAddr::new_isolated(); let connection_tracker = ActiveConnectionCounter::new_counter().track_connection(); Oneshot::new( handshake, HandshakeRequest { tcp_stream: conn, connected_addr, connection_tracker, }, ) .map_ok(|client| BoxService::new(Wrapper(client))) } // This can be deleted when a new version of Tower with map_err is released. struct Wrapper(peer::Client); impl Service for Wrapper { type Response = Response; type Error = BoxError; type Future = Pin> + Send + 'static>>; fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll> { self.0.poll_ready(cx).map_err(Into::into) } fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future { self.0.call(req).map_err(Into::into).boxed() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[tokio::test] async fn connect_isolated_sends_minimally_distinguished_version_message() { use std::net::SocketAddr; use futures::stream::StreamExt; use tokio_util::codec::Framed; use crate::{ protocol::external::{AddrInVersion, Codec, Message}, types::PeerServices, }; let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap(); let listen_addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap(); let fixed_isolated_addr: SocketAddr = "".parse().unwrap(); let conn = tokio::net::TcpStream::connect(listen_addr).await.unwrap(); tokio::spawn(connect_isolated(conn, "".to_string())); let (conn, _) = listener.accept().await.unwrap(); let mut stream = Framed::new(conn, Codec::builder().finish()); if let Message::Version { services, timestamp, address_from, user_agent, start_height, relay, .. } = stream .next() .await .expect("stream item") .expect("item is Ok(msg)") { // Check that the version message sent by connect_isolated // has the fields specified in the Stolon RFC. assert_eq!(services, PeerServices::empty()); assert_eq!(timestamp.timestamp() % (5 * 60), 0); assert_eq!( address_from, AddrInVersion::new(fixed_isolated_addr, PeerServices::empty()), ); assert_eq!(user_agent, ""); assert_eq!(start_height.0, 0); assert!(!relay); } else { panic!("handshake did not send version message"); } } }