use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, pin::Pin, task::{Context, Poll}, time::Duration, }; use color_eyre::eyre::eyre; use futures::{ future::TryFutureExt, ready, stream::{FuturesUnordered, Stream}, }; use pin_project::pin_project; use tokio::{sync::oneshot, task::JoinHandle}; use tower::{Service, ServiceExt}; use tracing_futures::Instrument; use zebra_chain::transaction::{self, UnminedTx, UnminedTxId}; use zebra_consensus::transaction as tx; use zebra_network as zn; use zebra_state as zs; use crate::components::sync::{BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT}; use super::MempoolError; type BoxError = Box; /// Controls how long we wait for a transaction download request to complete. /// /// This is currently equal to [`crate::components::sync::BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT`] for /// consistency, even though parts of the rationale used for defining the value /// don't apply here (e.g. we can drop transactions hashes when the queue is full). pub(crate) const TRANSACTION_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT: Duration = BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT; /// Controls how long we wait for a transaction verify request to complete. /// /// This is currently equal to [`crate::components::sync::BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT`] for /// consistency. /// /// This timeout may lead to denial of service, which will be handled in /// pub(crate) const TRANSACTION_VERIFY_TIMEOUT: Duration = BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT; /// The maximum number of concurrent inbound download and verify tasks. /// /// We expect the mempool crawler to download and verify most mempool transactions, so this bound /// can be small. /// /// ## Security /// /// We use a small concurrency limit, to prevent memory denial-of-service /// attacks. /// /// The maximum transaction size is 2 million bytes. A deserialized malicious /// transaction with ~225_000 transparent outputs can take up 9MB of RAM. /// (See #1880 for more details.) /// /// Malicious transactions will eventually timeout or fail validation. /// Once validation fails, the transaction is dropped, and its memory is deallocated. /// /// Since Zebra keeps an `inv` index, inbound downloads for malicious transactions /// will be directed to the malicious node that originally gossiped the hash. /// Therefore, this attack can be carried out by a single malicious node. pub(crate) const MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY: usize = 10; /// A gossiped transaction, which can be the transaction itself or just its ID. #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Gossip { Id(UnminedTxId), Tx(UnminedTx), } impl Gossip { /// Return the [`UnminedTxId`] of a gossiped transaction. pub fn id(&self) -> UnminedTxId { match self { Gossip::Id(txid) => *txid, Gossip::Tx(tx) =>, } } } impl From for Gossip { fn from(txid: UnminedTxId) -> Self { Gossip::Id(txid) } } impl From for Gossip { fn from(tx: UnminedTx) -> Self { Gossip::Tx(tx) } } /// Represents a [`Stream`] of download and verification tasks. #[pin_project] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Downloads where ZN: Service + Send + 'static, ZN::Future: Send, ZV: Service + Send + Clone + 'static, ZV::Future: Send, ZS: Service + Send + Clone + 'static, ZS::Future: Send, { // Services /// A service that forwards requests to connected peers, and returns their /// responses. network: ZN, /// A service that verifies downloaded transactions. verifier: ZV, /// A service that manages cached blockchain state. state: ZS, // Internal downloads state /// A list of pending transaction download and verify tasks. #[pin] pending: FuturesUnordered>>, /// A list of channels that can be used to cancel pending transaction download and /// verify tasks. cancel_handles: HashMap>, } impl Stream for Downloads where ZN: Service + Send + Clone + 'static, ZN::Future: Send, ZV: Service + Send + Clone + 'static, ZV::Future: Send, ZS: Service + Send + Clone + 'static, ZS::Future: Send, { type Item = Result; fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll> { let this = self.project(); // CORRECTNESS // // The current task must be scheduled for wakeup every time we return // `Poll::Pending`. // // If no download and verify tasks have exited since the last poll, this // task is scheduled for wakeup when the next task becomes ready. // // TODO: this would be cleaner with poll_map (#2693) if let Some(join_result) = ready!(this.pending.poll_next(cx)) { match join_result.expect("transaction download and verify tasks must not panic") { Ok(tx) => { this.cancel_handles.remove(&; Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(tx))) } Err((e, hash)) => { this.cancel_handles.remove(&hash); Poll::Ready(Some(Err(e))) } } } else { Poll::Ready(None) } } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { self.pending.size_hint() } } impl Downloads where ZN: Service + Send + Clone + 'static, ZN::Future: Send, ZV: Service + Send + Clone + 'static, ZV::Future: Send, ZS: Service + Send + Clone + 'static, ZS::Future: Send, { /// Initialize a new download stream with the provided `network` and /// `verifier` services. /// /// The [`Downloads`] stream is agnostic to the network policy, so retry and /// timeout limits should be applied to the `network` service passed into /// this constructor. pub fn new(network: ZN, verifier: ZV, state: ZS) -> Self { Self { network, verifier, state, pending: FuturesUnordered::new(), cancel_handles: HashMap::new(), } } /// Queue a transaction for download (if needed) and verification. /// /// Returns the action taken in response to the queue request. #[instrument(skip(self, gossiped_tx), fields(txid =] pub fn download_if_needed_and_verify( &mut self, gossiped_tx: Gossip, ) -> Result<(), MempoolError> { let txid =; if self.cancel_handles.contains_key(&txid) { tracing::debug!( ?txid, queue_len = self.pending.len(), ?MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY, "transaction id already queued for inbound download: ignored transaction" ); return Err(MempoolError::AlreadyQueued); } if self.pending.len() >= MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY { tracing::info!( ?txid, queue_len = self.pending.len(), ?MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY, "too many transactions queued for inbound download: ignored transaction" ); return Err(MempoolError::FullQueue); } // This oneshot is used to signal cancellation to the download task. let (cancel_tx, mut cancel_rx) = oneshot::channel::<()>(); let network =; let verifier = self.verifier.clone(); let mut state = self.state.clone(); let fut = async move { // Don't download/verify if the transaction is already in the state. Self::transaction_in_state(&mut state, txid).await?; let height = match state.oneshot(zs::Request::Tip).await { Ok(zs::Response::Tip(None)) => Err("no block at the tip".into()), Ok(zs::Response::Tip(Some((height, _hash)))) => Ok(height), Ok(_) => unreachable!("wrong response"), Err(e) => Err(e), }?; let height = (height + 1).ok_or_else(|| eyre!("no next height"))?; let tx = match gossiped_tx { Gossip::Id(txid) => { let req = zn::Request::TransactionsById(std::iter::once(txid).collect()); let tx = match network.oneshot(req).await? { zn::Response::Transactions(mut txs) => txs .pop() .expect("successful response has the transaction in it"), _ => unreachable!("wrong response to transaction request"), }; metrics::counter!("gossip.downloaded.transaction.count", 1); tx } Gossip::Tx(tx) => { metrics::counter!("gossip.pushed.transaction.count", 1); tx } }; let result = verifier .oneshot(tx::Request::Mempool { transaction: tx.clone(), height, }) .map_ok(|_hash| tx) .await; tracing::debug!(?txid, ?result, "verified transaction for the mempool"); result } .map_ok(|tx| { metrics::counter!("gossip.verified.transaction.count", 1); tx }) // Tack the hash onto the error so we can remove the cancel handle // on failure as well as on success. .map_err(move |e| (e, txid)) .in_current_span(); let task = tokio::spawn(async move { // TODO: if the verifier and cancel are both ready, which should we // prefer? (Currently, select! chooses one at random.) tokio::select! { _ = &mut cancel_rx => { tracing::trace!("task cancelled prior to completion"); metrics::counter!("gossip.cancelled.count", 1); Err(("canceled".into(), txid)) } verification = fut => verification, } }); self.pending.push(task); assert!( self.cancel_handles.insert(txid, cancel_tx).is_none(), "transactions are only queued once" ); tracing::debug!( ?txid, queue_len = self.pending.len(), ?MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY, "queued transaction hash for download" ); metrics::gauge!("gossip.queued.transaction.count", self.pending.len() as _); Ok(()) } /// Cancel download/verification tasks of transactions with the /// given transaction hash (see [`UnminedTxId::mined_id`]). pub fn cancel(&mut self, mined_ids: HashSet<&transaction::Hash>) { // TODO: this can be simplified with [`HashMap::drain_filter`] which // is currently nightly-only experimental API. let removed_txids: Vec = self .cancel_handles .keys() .filter(|txid| mined_ids.contains(&txid.mined_id())) .cloned() .collect(); for txid in removed_txids { if let Some(handle) = self.cancel_handles.remove(&txid) { let _ = handle.send(()); } } } /// Cancel all running tasks and reset the downloader state. // Note: copied from zebrad/src/components/sync/ pub fn cancel_all(&mut self) { // Replace the pending task list with an empty one and drop it. let _ = std::mem::take(&mut self.pending); // Signal cancellation to all running tasks. // Since we already dropped the JoinHandles above, they should // fail silently. for (_hash, cancel) in self.cancel_handles.drain() { let _ = cancel.send(()); } assert!(self.pending.is_empty()); assert!(self.cancel_handles.is_empty()); } /// Get the number of currently in-flight download tasks. // Note: copied from zebrad/src/components/sync/ #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn in_flight(&self) -> usize { self.pending.len() } /// Check if transaction is already in the state. async fn transaction_in_state(state: &mut ZS, txid: UnminedTxId) -> Result<(), BoxError> { // Check if the transaction is already in the state. match state .ready_and() .await? .call(zs::Request::Transaction(txid.mined_id())) .await { Ok(zs::Response::Transaction(None)) => Ok(()), Ok(zs::Response::Transaction(Some(_))) => Err("already present in state".into()), Ok(_) => unreachable!("wrong response"), Err(e) => Err(e), }?; Ok(()) } }