//! Tests for checkpoint-based block verification use std::{cmp::min, mem::drop, time::Duration}; use color_eyre::eyre::{eyre, Report}; use futures::{ future::TryFutureExt, stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt}, }; use tokio::time::timeout; use tower::{Service, ServiceExt}; use tracing_futures::Instrument; use zebra_chain::parameters::Network::*; use zebra_chain::serialization::ZcashDeserialize; use super::{ types::{Progress::*, TargetHeight::*}, *, }; /// The timeout we apply to each verify future during testing. /// /// The checkpoint verifier uses `tokio::sync::oneshot` channels as futures. /// If the verifier doesn't send a message on the channel, any tests that /// await the channel future will hang. /// /// This value is set to a large value, to avoid spurious failures due to /// high system load. const VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: u64 = 10; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn single_item_checkpoint_list_test() -> Result<(), Report> { single_item_checkpoint_list().await } #[spandoc::spandoc] async fn single_item_checkpoint_list() -> Result<(), Report> { let _init_guard = zebra_test::init(); let block0 = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(&zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_GENESIS_BYTES[..])?; let hash0 = block0.hash(); // Make a checkpoint list containing only the genesis block let genesis_checkpoint_list: BTreeMap = [(block0.coinbase_height().unwrap(), hash0)] .iter() .cloned() .collect(); let state_service = zebra_state::init_test(Mainnet); let mut checkpoint_verifier = CheckpointVerifier::from_list(genesis_checkpoint_list, Mainnet, None, state_service) .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); /// SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; /// SPANDOC: Set up the future for block 0 let verify_future = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(block0.clone()), ); /// SPANDOC: Wait for the response for block 0 // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let verify_response = verify_future .map_err(|e| eyre!(e)) .await .expect("timeout should not happen") .expect("block should verify"); assert_eq!(verify_response, hash0); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn multi_item_checkpoint_list_test() -> Result<(), Report> { multi_item_checkpoint_list().await } #[spandoc::spandoc] async fn multi_item_checkpoint_list() -> Result<(), Report> { let _init_guard = zebra_test::init(); // Parse all the blocks let mut checkpoint_data = Vec::new(); for b in &[ // This list is used as a checkpoint list, and as a list of blocks to // verify. So it must be continuous. &zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_GENESIS_BYTES[..], &zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_1_BYTES[..], ] { let block = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(*b)?; let hash = block.hash(); checkpoint_data.push((block.clone(), block.coinbase_height().unwrap(), hash)); } // Make a checkpoint list containing all the blocks let checkpoint_list: BTreeMap = checkpoint_data .iter() .map(|(_block, height, hash)| (*height, *hash)) .collect(); let state_service = zebra_state::init_test(Mainnet); let mut checkpoint_verifier = CheckpointVerifier::from_list(checkpoint_list, Mainnet, None, state_service) .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(1) ); // Now verify each block for (block, height, hash) in checkpoint_data { /// SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; /// SPANDOC: Set up the future for block {?height} let verify_future = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(block.clone()), ); /// SPANDOC: Wait for the response for block {?height} // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let verify_response = verify_future .map_err(|e| eyre!(e)) .await .expect("timeout should not happen") .expect("future should succeed"); assert_eq!(verify_response, hash); if height < checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height() { assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), PreviousCheckpoint(height) ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); } else { assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying ); } assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(1) ); } assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(1) ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn continuous_blockchain_no_restart() -> Result<(), Report> { continuous_blockchain(None, Mainnet).await?; continuous_blockchain(None, Testnet).await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn continuous_blockchain_restart() -> Result<(), Report> { for height in 0..zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_MAINNET_BLOCKS.len() { continuous_blockchain(Some(block::Height(height.try_into().unwrap())), Mainnet).await?; } for height in 0..zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_TESTNET_BLOCKS.len() { continuous_blockchain(Some(block::Height(height.try_into().unwrap())), Testnet).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Test a continuous blockchain on `network`, restarting verification at `restart_height`. // // This span is far too verbose for use during normal testing. // Turn the SPANDOC: comments into doc comments to re-enable. //#[spandoc::spandoc] async fn continuous_blockchain( restart_height: Option, network: Network, ) -> Result<(), Report> { let _init_guard = zebra_test::init(); // A continuous blockchain let blockchain = match network { Mainnet => zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_MAINNET_BLOCKS.iter(), Testnet => zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_TESTNET_BLOCKS.iter(), }; let blockchain: Vec<_> = blockchain .map(|(height, b)| { let block = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(*b).unwrap(); let hash = block.hash(); let coinbase_height = block.coinbase_height().unwrap(); assert_eq!(*height, coinbase_height.0); (block, coinbase_height, hash) }) .collect(); let blockchain_len = blockchain.len(); // Use some of the blocks as checkpoints // We use these indexes so that we test: // - checkpoints don't have to be the same length // - checkpoints start at genesis // - checkpoints end at the end of the range (there's no point in having extra blocks) let expected_max_height = block::Height((blockchain_len - 1).try_into().unwrap()); let checkpoint_list = vec![ &blockchain[0], &blockchain[blockchain_len / 3], &blockchain[blockchain_len / 2], &blockchain[blockchain_len - 1], ]; let checkpoint_list: BTreeMap = checkpoint_list .iter() .map(|(_block, height, hash)| (*height, *hash)) .collect(); // SPANDOC: Verify blocks, restarting at {?restart_height} {?network} { let initial_tip = restart_height.map(|block::Height(height)| { (blockchain[height as usize].1, blockchain[height as usize].2) }); let state_service = zebra_state::init_test(Mainnet); let mut checkpoint_verifier = CheckpointVerifier::from_list( checkpoint_list, network, initial_tip, state_service.clone(), ) .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; // Setup checks if restart_height.is_some() { assert!( restart_height <= Some(checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height()), "restart heights after the final checkpoint are not supported by this test" ); } if restart_height .map(|h| h == checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height()) .unwrap_or(false) { assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying ); } else { assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), restart_height.map(InitialTip).unwrap_or(BeforeGenesis) ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); } assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), expected_max_height ); let mut handles = FuturesUnordered::new(); // Now verify each block for (block, height, _hash) in blockchain { // Commit directly to the state until after the (fake) restart height if let Some(restart_height) = restart_height { if height <= restart_height { let mut state_service = state_service.clone(); // SPANDOC: Make sure the state service is ready for block {?height} let ready_state_service = state_service.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; // SPANDOC: Add block directly to the state {?height} ready_state_service .call(zebra_state::Request::CommitFinalizedBlock( block.clone().into(), )) .await .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; // Skip verification for (fake) previous blocks continue; } } // SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready for block {?height} let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; // SPANDOC: Set up the future for block {?height} let verify_future = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(block.clone()), ); // SPANDOC: spawn verification future in the background for block {?height} let handle = tokio::spawn(verify_future.in_current_span()); handles.push(handle); // Execution checks if height < checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height() { assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); } else { assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying ); } } // Check that we have the correct number of verify tasks if let Some(block::Height(restart_height)) = restart_height { let restart_height = restart_height as usize; if restart_height == blockchain_len - 1 { assert_eq!( handles.len(), 0, "unexpected number of verify tasks for restart height: {restart_height:?}", ); } else { assert_eq!( handles.len(), blockchain_len - restart_height - 1, "unexpected number of verify tasks for restart height: {restart_height:?}", ); } } else { assert_eq!( handles.len(), blockchain_len, "unexpected number of verify tasks with no restart height", ); } // SPANDOC: wait on spawned verification tasks for restart height {?restart_height} {?network} while let Some(result) = handles.next().await { result??.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; } // Final checks assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint, "unexpected previous checkpoint for restart height: {restart_height:?}", ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying, "unexpected target checkpoint for restart height: {restart_height:?}", ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), expected_max_height, "unexpected max checkpoint height for restart height: {restart_height:?}", ); } Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn block_higher_than_max_checkpoint_fail_test() -> Result<(), Report> { block_higher_than_max_checkpoint_fail().await } #[spandoc::spandoc] async fn block_higher_than_max_checkpoint_fail() -> Result<(), Report> { let _init_guard = zebra_test::init(); let block0 = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(&zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_GENESIS_BYTES[..])?; let block415000 = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(&zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_415000_BYTES[..])?; // Make a checkpoint list containing only the genesis block let genesis_checkpoint_list: BTreeMap = [(block0.coinbase_height().unwrap(), block0.as_ref().into())] .iter() .cloned() .collect(); let state_service = zebra_state::init_test(Mainnet); let mut checkpoint_verifier = CheckpointVerifier::from_list(genesis_checkpoint_list, Mainnet, None, state_service) .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); /// SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; /// SPANDOC: Set up the future for block 415000 let verify_future = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(block415000.clone()), ); /// SPANDOC: Wait for the response for block 415000, and expect failure // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let _ = verify_future .map_err(|e| eyre!(e)) .await .expect("timeout should not happen") .expect_err("bad block hash should fail"); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn wrong_checkpoint_hash_fail_test() -> Result<(), Report> { wrong_checkpoint_hash_fail().await } #[spandoc::spandoc] async fn wrong_checkpoint_hash_fail() -> Result<(), Report> { let _init_guard = zebra_test::init(); let good_block0 = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(&zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_GENESIS_BYTES[..])?; let good_block0_hash = good_block0.hash(); // Change the header hash let mut bad_block0 = good_block0.clone(); let bad_block0_mut = Arc::make_mut(&mut bad_block0); Arc::make_mut(&mut bad_block0_mut.header).version = 0; // Make a checkpoint list containing the genesis block checkpoint let genesis_checkpoint_list: BTreeMap = [(good_block0.coinbase_height().unwrap(), good_block0_hash)] .iter() .cloned() .collect(); let state_service = zebra_state::init_test(Mainnet); let mut checkpoint_verifier = CheckpointVerifier::from_list(genesis_checkpoint_list, Mainnet, None, state_service) .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); /// SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready (1/3) let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; /// SPANDOC: Set up the future for bad block 0 (1/3) // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let bad_verify_future_1 = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(bad_block0.clone()), ); // We can't await the future yet, because bad blocks aren't cleared // until the chain is verified assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); /// SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready (2/3) let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; /// SPANDOC: Set up the future for bad block 0 again (2/3) // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let bad_verify_future_2 = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(bad_block0.clone()), ); // We can't await the future yet, because bad blocks aren't cleared // until the chain is verified assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); /// SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready (3/3) let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; /// SPANDOC: Set up the future for good block 0 (3/3) let good_verify_future = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(good_block0.clone()), ); /// SPANDOC: Wait for the response for good block 0, and expect success (3/3) // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let verify_response = good_verify_future .map_err(|e| eyre!(e)) .await .expect("timeout should not happen") .expect("future should succeed"); assert_eq!(verify_response, good_block0_hash); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); // Now, await the bad futures, which should have completed /// SPANDOC: Wait for the response for block 0, and expect failure (1/3) // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let _ = bad_verify_future_1 .map_err(|e| eyre!(e)) .await .expect("timeout should not happen") .expect_err("bad block hash should fail"); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); /// SPANDOC: Wait for the response for block 0, and expect failure again (2/3) // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let _ = bad_verify_future_2 .map_err(|e| eyre!(e)) .await .expect("timeout should not happen") .expect_err("bad block hash should fail"); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), FinalCheckpoint ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), FinishedVerifying ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(0) ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn checkpoint_drop_cancel_test() -> Result<(), Report> { checkpoint_drop_cancel().await } #[spandoc::spandoc] async fn checkpoint_drop_cancel() -> Result<(), Report> { let _init_guard = zebra_test::init(); // Parse all the blocks let mut checkpoint_data = Vec::new(); for b in &[ // Continuous blocks are verified &zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_GENESIS_BYTES[..], &zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_1_BYTES[..], // Other blocks can't verify, so they are rejected on drop &zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_415000_BYTES[..], &zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_434873_BYTES[..], ] { let block = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(*b)?; let hash = block.hash(); checkpoint_data.push((block.clone(), block.coinbase_height().unwrap(), hash)); } // Make a checkpoint list containing all the blocks let checkpoint_list: BTreeMap = checkpoint_data .iter() .map(|(_block, height, hash)| (*height, *hash)) .collect(); let state_service = zebra_state::init_test(Mainnet); let mut checkpoint_verifier = CheckpointVerifier::from_list(checkpoint_list, Mainnet, None, state_service) .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(434873) ); let mut futures = Vec::new(); // Now collect verify futures for each block for (block, height, hash) in checkpoint_data { /// SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; /// SPANDOC: Set up the future for block {?height} let verify_future = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(block.clone()), ); futures.push((verify_future, height, hash)); // Only continuous checkpoints verify assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), PreviousCheckpoint(block::Height(min(height.0, 1))) ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height(), block::Height(434873) ); } // Now drop the verifier, to cancel the futures drop(checkpoint_verifier); for (verify_future, height, hash) in futures { /// SPANDOC: Check the response for block {?height} let verify_response = verify_future .map_err(|e| eyre!(e)) .await .expect("timeout should not happen"); if height <= block::Height(1) { let verify_hash = verify_response.expect("Continuous checkpoints should have succeeded before drop"); assert_eq!(verify_hash, hash); } else { // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind verify_response.expect_err("Pending futures should fail on drop"); } } Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn hard_coded_mainnet_test() -> Result<(), Report> { hard_coded_mainnet().await } #[spandoc::spandoc] async fn hard_coded_mainnet() -> Result<(), Report> { let _init_guard = zebra_test::init(); let block0 = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(&zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_GENESIS_BYTES[..])?; let hash0 = block0.hash(); let state_service = zebra_state::init_test(Mainnet); // Use the hard-coded checkpoint list let mut checkpoint_verifier = CheckpointVerifier::new(Network::Mainnet, None, state_service); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), BeforeGenesis ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); assert!(checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height() > block::Height(0)); /// SPANDOC: Make sure the verifier service is ready let ready_verifier_service = checkpoint_verifier.ready().map_err(|e| eyre!(e)).await?; /// SPANDOC: Set up the future for block 0 let verify_future = timeout( Duration::from_secs(VERIFY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), ready_verifier_service.call(block0.clone()), ); /// SPANDOC: Wait for the response for block 0 // TODO(teor || jlusby): check error kind let verify_response = verify_future .map_err(|e| eyre!(e)) .await .expect("timeout should not happen") .expect("block should verify"); assert_eq!(verify_response, hash0); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.previous_checkpoint_height(), PreviousCheckpoint(block::Height(0)) ); assert_eq!( checkpoint_verifier.target_checkpoint_height(), WaitingForBlocks ); // The lists will get bigger over time, so we just pick a recent height assert!(checkpoint_verifier.checkpoint_list.max_height() > block::Height(900_000)); Ok(()) }