# Builder image FROM rust:buster as builder RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ make cmake g++ gcc llvm libclang-dev RUN mkdir /zebra WORKDIR /zebra ENV RUST_BACKTRACE 1 ENV CARGO_HOME /zebra/.cargo/ # Copy local code to the container image. # Assumes that we are in the git repo. COPY . . RUN cargo fetch --verbose COPY . . RUN rustc -V; cargo -V; rustup -V; cargo test --all && cargo build --release RUN find /zebra/target/debug/deps -type f -perm 755 ! -name '*.dylib' ! -name '*.so' | sed -e 'p;s/-.*//' | xargs -n2 mv # Test binaries image FROM debian:buster AS zebra-tests RUN mkdir /zebra WORKDIR /zebra COPY --from=builder /zebra/target/debug/zebrad /zebra/target/debug/zebrad COPY --from=builder /zebra/target/debug/deps/[a-z0-9_]* /zebra/target/debug/deps/ EXPOSE 8233 18233 # Runner image FROM debian:buster-slim AS zebrad-release COPY --from=builder /zebra/target/release/zebrad / RUN printf "[consensus]\n" >> /zebrad.toml RUN printf "checkpoint_sync = true\n" >> /zebrad.toml RUN printf "[state]\n" >> /zebrad.toml RUN printf "cache_dir = '/zebrad-cache'\n" >> /zebrad.toml RUN printf "memory_cache_bytes = 52428800\n" >> /zebrad.toml RUN printf "[tracing]\n" >> /zebrad.toml RUN printf "endpoint_addr = ''\n" >> /zebrad.toml EXPOSE 3000 8233 18233 CMD [ "/zebrad", "-c", "/zebrad.toml", "start" ]