use color_eyre::eyre::Report; use std::sync::Arc; use crate::block::Block; use crate::serialization::ZcashDeserialize; use super::super::*; // Alias the struct constants here, so the code is easier to read. const PRECISION: u32 = CompactDifficulty::PRECISION; const SIGN_BIT: u32 = CompactDifficulty::SIGN_BIT; const UNSIGNED_MANTISSA_MASK: u32 = CompactDifficulty::UNSIGNED_MANTISSA_MASK; const OFFSET: i32 = CompactDifficulty::OFFSET; /// Test debug formatting. #[test] fn debug_format() { zebra_test::init(); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", CompactDifficulty(0)), "CompactDifficulty(0x00000000)" ); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", CompactDifficulty(1)), "CompactDifficulty(0x00000001)" ); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", CompactDifficulty(u32::MAX)), "CompactDifficulty(0xffffffff)" ); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", ExpandedDifficulty(U256::zero())), "ExpandedDifficulty(\"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\")" ); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", ExpandedDifficulty(U256::one())), "ExpandedDifficulty(\"0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\")" ); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", ExpandedDifficulty(U256::MAX)), "ExpandedDifficulty(\"ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\")" ); assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", Work(0)), "Work(0x0, 0, -inf)"); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", Work(u8::MAX as u128)), "Work(0xff, 255, 7.99435)" ); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", Work(u64::MAX as u128)), "Work(0xffffffffffffffff, 18446744073709551615, 64.00000)" ); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", Work(u128::MAX)), "Work(0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455, 128.00000)" ); } /// Test zero values for CompactDifficulty. #[test] fn compact_zero() { zebra_test::init(); let natural_zero = CompactDifficulty(0); assert_eq!(natural_zero.to_expanded(), None); assert_eq!(natural_zero.to_work(), None); // Small value zeroes let small_zero_1 = CompactDifficulty(1); assert_eq!(small_zero_1.to_expanded(), None); assert_eq!(small_zero_1.to_work(), None); let small_zero_max = CompactDifficulty(UNSIGNED_MANTISSA_MASK); assert_eq!(small_zero_max.to_expanded(), None); assert_eq!(small_zero_max.to_work(), None); // Special-cased zeroes, negative in the floating-point representation let sc_zero = CompactDifficulty(SIGN_BIT); assert_eq!(sc_zero.to_expanded(), None); assert_eq!(sc_zero.to_work(), None); let sc_zero_next = CompactDifficulty(SIGN_BIT + 1); assert_eq!(sc_zero_next.to_expanded(), None); assert_eq!(sc_zero_next.to_work(), None); let sc_zero_high = CompactDifficulty((1 << PRECISION) - 1); assert_eq!(sc_zero_high.to_expanded(), None); assert_eq!(sc_zero_high.to_work(), None); let sc_zero_max = CompactDifficulty(u32::MAX); assert_eq!(sc_zero_max.to_expanded(), None); assert_eq!(sc_zero_max.to_work(), None); } /// Test extreme values for CompactDifficulty. #[test] fn compact_extremes() { zebra_test::init(); // Values equal to one let expanded_one = Some(ExpandedDifficulty(U256::one())); let work_one = None; let canonical_one = CompactDifficulty((1 << PRECISION) + (1 << 16)); assert_eq!(canonical_one.to_expanded(), expanded_one); assert_eq!( canonical_one.to_expanded().unwrap().to_compact(), canonical_one ); assert_eq!(canonical_one.to_work(), work_one); let another_one = CompactDifficulty(OFFSET as u32 * (1 << PRECISION) + 1); assert_eq!(another_one.to_expanded(), expanded_one); assert_eq!( another_one.to_expanded().unwrap().to_compact(), canonical_one ); assert_eq!(another_one.to_work(), work_one); // Maximum mantissa let expanded_mant = Some(ExpandedDifficulty(UNSIGNED_MANTISSA_MASK.into())); let work_mant = None; let mant = CompactDifficulty(OFFSET as u32 * (1 << PRECISION) + UNSIGNED_MANTISSA_MASK); assert_eq!(mant.to_expanded(), expanded_mant); assert_eq!(mant.to_expanded().unwrap().to_compact(), mant); assert_eq!(mant.to_work(), work_mant); // Maximum valid exponent let exponent: U256 = (31 * 8).into(); let u256_exp = U256::from(2).pow(exponent); let expanded_exp = Some(ExpandedDifficulty(u256_exp)); let work_exp = Some(Work( ((U256::MAX - u256_exp) / (u256_exp + 1) + 1).as_u128(), )); let canonical_exp = CompactDifficulty(((31 + OFFSET - 2) as u32) * (1 << PRECISION) + (1 << 16)); let another_exp = CompactDifficulty((31 + OFFSET as u32) * (1 << PRECISION) + 1); assert_eq!(canonical_exp.to_expanded(), expanded_exp); assert_eq!(another_exp.to_expanded(), expanded_exp); assert_eq!( canonical_exp.to_expanded().unwrap().to_compact(), canonical_exp ); assert_eq!( another_exp.to_expanded().unwrap().to_compact(), canonical_exp ); assert_eq!(canonical_exp.to_work(), work_exp); assert_eq!(another_exp.to_work(), work_exp); // Maximum valid mantissa and exponent let exponent: U256 = (29 * 8).into(); let u256_me = U256::from(UNSIGNED_MANTISSA_MASK) * U256::from(2).pow(exponent); let expanded_me = Some(ExpandedDifficulty(u256_me)); let work_me = Some(Work((!u256_me / (u256_me + 1) + 1).as_u128())); let me = CompactDifficulty((31 + 1) * (1 << PRECISION) + UNSIGNED_MANTISSA_MASK); assert_eq!(me.to_expanded(), expanded_me); assert_eq!(me.to_expanded().unwrap().to_compact(), me); assert_eq!(me.to_work(), work_me); // Maximum value, at least according to the spec // // According to ToTarget() in the spec, this value is // `(2^23 - 1) * 256^253`, which is larger than the maximum expanded // value. Therefore, a block can never pass with this threshold. // // zcashd rejects these blocks without comparing the hash. let difficulty_max = CompactDifficulty(u32::MAX & !SIGN_BIT); assert_eq!(difficulty_max.to_expanded(), None); assert_eq!(difficulty_max.to_work(), None); // Bitcoin test vectors for CompactDifficulty // See // These values are not in the table below, because they do not fit in u128 // // The minimum difficulty on the bitcoin mainnet and testnet let difficulty_btc_main = CompactDifficulty(0x1d00ffff); let u256_btc_main = U256::from(0xffff) << 208; let expanded_btc_main = Some(ExpandedDifficulty(u256_btc_main)); let work_btc_main = Some(Work(0x100010001)); assert_eq!(difficulty_btc_main.to_expanded(), expanded_btc_main); assert_eq!( difficulty_btc_main.to_expanded().unwrap().to_compact(), difficulty_btc_main ); assert_eq!(difficulty_btc_main.to_work(), work_btc_main); // The minimum difficulty in bitcoin regtest // This is also the easiest respesentable difficulty let difficulty_btc_reg = CompactDifficulty(0x207fffff); let u256_btc_reg = U256::from(0x7fffff) << 232; let expanded_btc_reg = Some(ExpandedDifficulty(u256_btc_reg)); let work_btc_reg = Some(Work(0x2)); assert_eq!(difficulty_btc_reg.to_expanded(), expanded_btc_reg); assert_eq!( difficulty_btc_reg.to_expanded().unwrap().to_compact(), difficulty_btc_reg ); assert_eq!(difficulty_btc_reg.to_work(), work_btc_reg); } /// Bitcoin test vectors for CompactDifficulty, and their corresponding /// ExpandedDifficulty and Work values. /// See static COMPACT_DIFFICULTY_CASES: &[(u32, Option, Option)] = &[ // These Work values will never happen in practice, because the corresponding // difficulties are extremely high. So it is ok for us to reject them. (0x01003456, None /* 0x00 */, None), (0x01123456, Some(0x12), None), (0x02008000, Some(0x80), None), (0x05009234, Some(0x92340000), None), (0x04923456, None /* -0x12345600 */, None), (0x04123456, Some(0x12345600), None), ]; /// Test Bitcoin test vectors for CompactDifficulty. #[test] #[spandoc::spandoc] fn compact_bitcoin_test_vectors() { zebra_test::init(); // We use two spans, so we can diagnose conversion panics, and mismatching results for (compact, expected_expanded, expected_work) in COMPACT_DIFFICULTY_CASES.iter().cloned() { /// SPANDOC: Convert compact to expanded and work {?compact, ?expected_expanded, ?expected_work} { let expected_expanded =; let expected_work =; let compact = CompactDifficulty(compact); let actual_expanded = compact.to_expanded(); let actual_work = compact.to_work(); let canonical_compact =|e| e.to_compact()); let round_trip_expanded =|c| c.to_expanded()); /// SPANDOC: Test that compact produces the expected expanded and work {?compact, ?expected_expanded, ?actual_expanded, ?expected_work, ?actual_work, ?canonical_compact, ?round_trip_expanded} { assert_eq!(actual_expanded, expected_expanded); if expected_expanded.is_some() { assert_eq!(round_trip_expanded.unwrap(), actual_expanded); } assert_eq!(actual_work, expected_work); } } } } /// Test blocks using CompactDifficulty. #[test] #[spandoc::spandoc] fn block_difficulty() -> Result<(), Report> { zebra_test::init(); let mut blockchain = Vec::new(); for b in zebra_test::vectors::BLOCKS.iter() { let block = Arc::::zcash_deserialize(*b)?; let hash = block.hash(); blockchain.push((block.clone(), block.coinbase_height().unwrap(), hash)); } let diff_zero = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::zero()); let diff_one = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::one()); let diff_max = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::MAX); let work_zero = PartialCumulativeWork(0); let work_max = PartialCumulativeWork(u128::MAX); let mut cumulative_work = PartialCumulativeWork::default(); let mut previous_cumulative_work = PartialCumulativeWork::default(); for (block, height, hash) in blockchain { /// SPANDOC: Calculate the threshold for block {?height} let threshold = block .header .difficulty_threshold .to_expanded() .expect("Chain blocks have valid difficulty thresholds."); /// SPANDOC: Check the difficulty for block {?height, ?threshold, ?hash} { assert!(hash <= threshold); // also check the comparison operators work assert!(hash > diff_zero); assert!(hash > diff_one); assert!(hash < diff_max); } /// SPANDOC: Check compact round-trip for block {?height} { let canonical_compact = threshold.to_compact(); assert_eq!(block.header.difficulty_threshold, canonical_compact); } /// SPANDOC: Check the work for block {?height} { let work = block .header .difficulty_threshold .to_work() .expect("Chain blocks have valid work."); // also check the comparison operators work assert!(PartialCumulativeWork::from(work) > work_zero); assert!(PartialCumulativeWork::from(work) < work_max); cumulative_work += work; assert!(cumulative_work > work_zero); assert!(cumulative_work < work_max); assert!(cumulative_work > previous_cumulative_work); previous_cumulative_work = cumulative_work; } } Ok(()) } /// Test ExpandedDifficulty ordering #[test] #[spandoc::spandoc] #[allow(clippy::eq_op)] fn expanded_order() -> Result<(), Report> { zebra_test::init(); let zero = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::zero()); let one = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::one()); let max_value = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::MAX); assert!(zero < one); assert!(zero < max_value); assert!(one < max_value); assert_eq!(zero, zero); assert!(zero <= one); assert!(one >= zero); assert!(one > zero); Ok(()) } /// Test ExpandedDifficulty and block::Hash ordering #[test] #[spandoc::spandoc] fn expanded_hash_order() -> Result<(), Report> { zebra_test::init(); let ex_zero = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::zero()); let ex_one = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::one()); let ex_max = ExpandedDifficulty(U256::MAX); let hash_zero = block::Hash([0; 32]); let hash_max = block::Hash([0xff; 32]); assert_eq!(hash_zero, ex_zero); assert!(hash_zero < ex_one); assert!(hash_zero < ex_max); assert!(hash_max > ex_zero); assert!(hash_max > ex_one); assert_eq!(hash_max, ex_max); assert!(ex_one > hash_zero); assert!(ex_one < hash_max); assert!(hash_zero >= ex_zero); assert!(ex_zero >= hash_zero); assert!(hash_zero <= ex_zero); assert!(ex_zero <= hash_zero); Ok(()) }