//! Acceptance test: runs zebrad as a subprocess and asserts its //! output for given argument combinations matches what is expected. //! //! ### Note on port conflict //! If the test child has a cache or port conflict with another test, or a //! running zebrad or zcashd, then it will panic. But the acceptance tests //! expect it to run until it is killed. //! //! If these conflicts cause test failures: //! - run the tests in an isolated environment, //! - run zebrad on a custom cache path and port, //! - run zcashd on a custom port. #![warn(warnings, missing_docs, trivial_casts, unused_qualifications)] #![forbid(unsafe_code)] use color_eyre::eyre::Result; use eyre::WrapErr; use tempdir::TempDir; use std::{borrow::Borrow, fs, io::Write, time::Duration}; use zebra_test::prelude::*; use zebrad::config::ZebradConfig; fn default_test_config() -> Result { let mut config = ZebradConfig::default(); config.state = zebra_state::Config::ephemeral(); config.state.memory_cache_bytes = 256000000; config.network.listen_addr = "".parse()?; Ok(config) } fn persistent_test_config() -> Result { let mut config = default_test_config()?; config.state.ephemeral = false; Ok(config) } fn testdir() -> Result { TempDir::new("zebrad_tests").map_err(Into::into) } /// Extension trait for methods on `tempdir::TempDir` for using it as a test /// directory. trait TestDirExt where Self: Borrow + Sized, { /// Spawn the zebrad as a child process in this test directory, potentially /// taking ownership of the tempdir for the duration of the child process. fn spawn_child(self, args: &[&str]) -> Result>; /// Add the given config to the test directory and use it for all /// subsequently spawned processes. fn with_config(self, config: ZebradConfig) -> Result; } impl TestDirExt for T where Self: Borrow + Sized, { fn spawn_child(self, args: &[&str]) -> Result> { let tempdir = self.borrow(); let mut cmd = test_cmd(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_zebrad"), tempdir.path())?; let default_config_path = tempdir.path().join("zebrad.toml"); if default_config_path.exists() { cmd.arg("-c").arg(default_config_path); } Ok(cmd .args(args) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn2(self) .unwrap()) } fn with_config(self, mut config: ZebradConfig) -> Result { let dir = self.borrow().path(); if !config.state.ephemeral { let cache_dir = dir.join("state"); fs::create_dir(&cache_dir)?; config.state.cache_dir = cache_dir; } fs::File::create(dir.join("zebrad.toml"))? .write_all(toml::to_string(&config)?.as_bytes())?; Ok(self) } } #[test] fn generate_no_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let child = testdir()? .with_config(default_test_config()?)? .spawn_child(&["generate"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_success()?; // First line output.stdout_contains(r"# Default configuration for zebrad.")?; Ok(()) } macro_rules! assert_with_context { ($pred:expr, $source:expr) => { if !$pred { use color_eyre::Section as _; use color_eyre::SectionExt as _; use zebra_test::command::ContextFrom as _; let report = color_eyre::eyre::eyre!("failed assertion") .section(stringify!($pred).header("Predicate:")) .context_from($source); panic!("Error: {:?}", report); } }; } #[test] fn generate_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?; let testdir = &testdir; // unexpected free argument `argument` let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "argument"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; output.assert_failure()?; // unrecognized option `-f` let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "-f"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; output.assert_failure()?; // missing argument to option `-o` let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "-o"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; output.assert_failure()?; // Add a config file name to tempdir path let generated_config_path = testdir.path().join("zebrad.toml"); // Valid let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "-o", generated_config_path.to_str().unwrap()])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_success()?; // Check if the temp dir still exist assert_with_context!(testdir.path().exists(), &output); // Check if the file was created assert_with_context!(generated_config_path.exists(), &output); Ok(()) } #[test] fn help_no_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(default_test_config()?)?; let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["help"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_success()?; // First line haves the version output.stdout_contains(r"zebrad [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]")?; // Make sure we are in help by looking usage string output.stdout_contains(r"USAGE:")?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn help_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?; let testdir = &testdir; // The subcommand "argument" wasn't recognized. let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["help", "argument"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; output.assert_failure()?; // option `-f` does not accept an argument let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["help", "-f"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; output.assert_failure()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn revhex_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(default_test_config()?)?; // Valid let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["revhex", "33eeff55"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_success()?; output.stdout_equals("55ffee33\n")?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn start_no_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); // start caches state, so run one of the start tests with persistent state let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(persistent_test_config()?)?; let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&["-v", "start"])?; // Run the program and kill it at 1 second std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); child.kill()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_failure()?; output.stdout_contains(r"Starting zebrad$")?; // Make sure the command was killed output.assert_was_killed()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn start_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(default_test_config()?)?; let testdir = &testdir; // Any free argument is valid let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&["start", "argument"])?; // Run the program and kill it at 1 second std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); child.kill()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; // Make sure the command was killed output.assert_was_killed()?; output.assert_failure()?; // unrecognized option `-f` let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["start", "-f"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; output.assert_failure()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn persistent_mode() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(persistent_test_config()?)?; let testdir = &testdir; let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&["-v", "start"])?; // Run the program and kill it at 1 second std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); child.kill()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; // Make sure the command was killed output.assert_was_killed()?; // Check that we have persistent sled database let cache_dir = testdir.path().join("state"); assert_with_context!(cache_dir.read_dir()?.count() > 0, &output); Ok(()) } #[test] fn ephemeral_mode() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(default_test_config()?)?; let testdir = &testdir; // Any free argument is valid let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&["start", "argument"])?; // Run the program and kill it at 1 second std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); child.kill()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; // Make sure the command was killed output.assert_was_killed()?; let cache_dir = testdir.path().join("state"); assert_with_context!(!cache_dir.exists(), &output); Ok(()) } #[test] fn misconfigured_ephemeral_mode() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let dir = TempDir::new("zebrad_tests")?; let cache_dir = dir.path().join("state"); fs::create_dir(&cache_dir)?; // Write a configuration that has both cache_dir and ephemeral options set let mut config = default_test_config()?; // Although cache_dir has a default value, we set it a new temp directory // to test that it is empty later. config.state.cache_dir = cache_dir.clone(); fs::File::create(dir.path().join("zebrad.toml"))? .write_all(toml::to_string(&config)?.as_bytes())?; // Any free argument is valid let mut child = dir .with_config(config)? .spawn_child(&["start", "argument"])?; // Run the program and kill it at 1 second std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); child.kill()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; // Make sure the command was killed output.assert_was_killed()?; // Check that ephemeral takes precedence over cache_dir assert_with_context!( cache_dir .read_dir() .expect("cache_dir should still exist") .count() == 0, &output ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn app_no_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(default_test_config()?)?; let child = testdir.spawn_child(&[])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_success()?; output.stdout_contains(r"USAGE:")?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn version_no_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(default_test_config()?)?; let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["version"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_success()?; output.stdout_matches(r"^zebrad [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]-[A-Za-z]*.[0-9]\n$")?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn version_args() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?.with_config(default_test_config()?)?; let testdir = &testdir; // unexpected free argument `argument` let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["version", "argument"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; output.assert_failure()?; // unrecognized option `-f` let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["version", "-f"])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; output.assert_failure()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn valid_generated_config_test() -> Result<()> { // Unlike the other tests, these tests can not be run in parallel, because // they use the generated config. So parallel execution can cause port and // cache conflicts. valid_generated_config("start", r"Starting zebrad$")?; Ok(()) } fn valid_generated_config(command: &str, expected_output: &str) -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let testdir = testdir()?; let testdir = &testdir; // Add a config file name to tempdir path let generated_config_path = testdir.path().join("zebrad.toml"); // Generate configuration in temp dir path let child = testdir.spawn_child(&["generate", "-o", generated_config_path.to_str().unwrap()])?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_success()?; // Check if the file was created assert_with_context!(generated_config_path.exists(), &output); // Run command using temp dir and kill it at 1 second let mut child = testdir.spawn_child(&[command])?; std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); child.kill()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_failure()?; output.stdout_contains(expected_output)?; // [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict) output.assert_was_killed().wrap_err("Possible port or cache conflict. Are there other acceptance test, zebrad, or zcashd processes running?")?; // Check if the temp dir still exists assert_with_context!(testdir.path().exists(), &output); // Check if the created config file still exists assert_with_context!(generated_config_path.exists(), &output); Ok(()) } #[test] #[ignore] fn sync_one_checkpoint() -> Result<()> { zebra_test::init(); let mut child = testdir()? .with_config(persistent_test_config()?)? .spawn_child(&["start"])? .with_timeout(Duration::from_secs(20)); child.expect_stdout("verified checkpoint range")?; child.kill()?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn metrics_endpoint() -> Result<()> { use hyper::{Client, Uri}; zebra_test::init(); // [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict) let endpoint = ""; let url = ""; // Write a configuration that has metrics endpoint_addr set let mut config = default_test_config()?; config.metrics.endpoint_addr = Some(endpoint.parse().unwrap()); let dir = TempDir::new("zebrad_tests")?; fs::File::create(dir.path().join("zebrad.toml"))? .write_all(toml::to_string(&config)?.as_bytes())?; let mut child = dir.spawn_child(&["start"])?; // Run the program for a second before testing the endpoint std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); // Create an http client let client = Client::new(); // Test metrics endpoint let res = client.get(Uri::from_static(url)).await?; assert!(res.status().is_success()); let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(res).await?; assert!(std::str::from_utf8(&body) .unwrap() .contains("metrics snapshot")); child.kill()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_failure()?; // Make sure metrics was started output.stdout_contains(format!(r"Initializing metrics endpoint at {}", endpoint).as_str())?; // [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict) output .assert_was_killed() .wrap_err("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] #[ignore] async fn tracing_endpoint() -> Result<()> { use hyper::{Body, Client, Request, Uri}; zebra_test::init(); // [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict) let endpoint = ""; let url_default = ""; let url_filter = ""; // Write a configuration that has tracing endpoint_addr option set let mut config = default_test_config()?; config.tracing.endpoint_addr = Some(endpoint.parse().unwrap()); let dir = TempDir::new("zebrad_tests")?; fs::File::create(dir.path().join("zebrad.toml"))? .write_all(toml::to_string(&config)?.as_bytes())?; let mut child = dir.spawn_child(&["start"])?; // Run the program for a second before testing the endpoint std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); // Create an http client let client = Client::new(); // Test tracing endpoint let res = client.get(Uri::from_static(url_default)).await?; assert!(res.status().is_success()); let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(res).await?; assert!(std::str::from_utf8(&body).unwrap().contains( "This HTTP endpoint allows dynamic control of the filter applied to\ntracing events." )); // Set a filter and make sure it was changed let request = Request::post(url_filter) .body(Body::from("zebrad=debug")) .unwrap(); let _post = client.request(request).await?; let tracing_res = client.get(Uri::from_static(url_filter)).await?; assert!(tracing_res.status().is_success()); let tracing_body = hyper::body::to_bytes(tracing_res).await?; assert!(std::str::from_utf8(&tracing_body) .unwrap() .contains("zebrad=debug")); child.kill()?; let output = child.wait_with_output()?; let output = output.assert_failure()?; // Make sure tracing endpoint was started output.stdout_contains(format!(r"Initializing tracing endpoint at {}", endpoint).as_str())?; // Todo: Match some trace level messages from output // [Note on port conflict](#Note on port conflict) output .assert_was_killed() .wrap_err("Possible port conflict. Are there other acceptance tests running?")?; Ok(()) }