//! The syncer downloads and verifies large numbers of blocks from peers to Zebra. //! //! It is used when Zebra is a long way behind the current chain tip. use std::{collections::HashSet, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::Poll, time::Duration}; use color_eyre::eyre::{eyre, Report}; use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt}; use indexmap::IndexSet; use tokio::time::sleep; use tower::{ builder::ServiceBuilder, hedge::Hedge, limit::ConcurrencyLimit, retry::Retry, timeout::Timeout, Service, ServiceExt, }; use zebra_chain::{ block::{self, Block}, chain_tip::ChainTip, parameters::genesis_hash, }; use zebra_consensus::{ chain::VerifyChainError, BlockError, VerifyBlockError, VerifyCheckpointError, }; use zebra_network as zn; use zebra_state as zs; use crate::{ components::sync::downloads::BlockDownloadVerifyError, config::ZebradConfig, BoxError, }; mod downloads; mod gossip; mod recent_sync_lengths; mod status; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; use downloads::{AlwaysHedge, Downloads}; pub use gossip::{gossip_best_tip_block_hashes, BlockGossipError}; pub use recent_sync_lengths::RecentSyncLengths; pub use status::SyncStatus; /// Controls the number of peers used for each ObtainTips and ExtendTips request. const FANOUT: usize = 3; /// Controls how many times we will retry each block download. /// /// Failing block downloads is important because it defends against peers who /// feed us bad hashes. But spurious failures of valid blocks cause the syncer to /// restart from the previous checkpoint, potentially re-downloading blocks. /// /// We also hedge requests, so we may retry up to twice this many times. Hedged /// retries may be concurrent, inner retries are sequential. const BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_LIMIT: usize = 3; /// A lower bound on the user-specified lookahead limit. /// /// Set to two checkpoint intervals, so that we're sure that the lookahead /// limit always contains at least one complete checkpoint. /// /// ## Security /// /// If a malicious node is chosen for an ObtainTips or ExtendTips request, it can /// provide up to 500 malicious block hashes. These block hashes will be /// distributed across all available peers. Assuming there are around 50 connected /// peers, the malicious node will receive approximately 10 of those block requests. /// /// Malicious deserialized blocks can take up a large amount of RAM, see /// [`super::inbound::downloads::MAX_INBOUND_CONCURRENCY`] and #1880 for details. /// So we want to keep the lookahead limit reasonably small. /// /// Once these malicious blocks start failing validation, the syncer will cancel all /// the pending download and verify tasks, drop all the blocks, and start a new /// ObtainTips with a new set of peers. pub const MIN_LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT: usize = zebra_consensus::MAX_CHECKPOINT_HEIGHT_GAP * 2; /// The default for the user-specified lookahead limit. /// /// See [`MIN_LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT`] for details. pub const DEFAULT_LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT: usize = zebra_consensus::MAX_CHECKPOINT_HEIGHT_GAP * 5; /// The expected maximum number of hashes in an ObtainTips or ExtendTips response. /// /// This is used to allow block heights that are slightly beyond the lookahead limit, /// but still limit the number of blocks in the pipeline between the downloader and /// the state. /// /// See [`MIN_LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT`] for details. pub const MAX_TIPS_RESPONSE_HASH_COUNT: usize = 500; /// Controls how long we wait for a tips response to return. /// /// ## Correctness /// /// If this timeout is removed (or set too high), the syncer will sometimes hang. /// /// If this timeout is set too low, the syncer will sometimes get stuck in a /// failure loop. pub const TIPS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(6); /// Controls how long we wait for a block download request to complete. /// /// This timeout makes sure that the syncer doesn't hang when: /// - the lookahead queue is full, and /// - we are waiting for a request that is stuck. /// See [`BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT`] for details. /// /// ## Correctness /// /// If this timeout is removed (or set too high), the syncer will sometimes hang. /// /// If this timeout is set too low, the syncer will sometimes get stuck in a /// failure loop. pub(super) const BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(15); /// Controls how long we wait for a block verify request to complete. /// /// This timeout makes sure that the syncer doesn't hang when: /// - the lookahead queue is full, and /// - all pending verifications: /// - are waiting on a missing download request, /// - are waiting on a download or verify request that has failed, but we have /// deliberately ignored the error, /// - are for blocks a long way ahead of the current tip, or /// - are for invalid blocks which will never verify, because they depend on /// missing blocks or transactions. /// These conditions can happen during normal operation - they are not bugs. /// /// This timeout also mitigates or hides the following kinds of bugs: /// - all pending verifications: /// - are waiting on a download or verify request that has failed, but we have /// accidentally dropped the error, /// - are waiting on a download request that has hung inside Zebra, /// - are on tokio threads that are waiting for blocked operations. /// /// ## Correctness /// /// If this timeout is removed (or set too high), the syncer will sometimes hang. /// /// If this timeout is set too low, the syncer will sometimes get stuck in a /// failure loop. pub(super) const BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(180); /// Controls how long we wait to restart syncing after finishing a sync run. /// /// This delay should be long enough to: /// - allow zcashd peers to process pending requests. If the node only has a /// few peers, we want to clear as much peer state as possible. In /// particular, zcashd sends "next block range" hints, based on zcashd's /// internal model of our sync progress. But we want to discard these hints, /// so they don't get confused with ObtainTips and ExtendTips responses, and /// - allow in-progress downloads to time out. /// /// This delay is particularly important on instances with slow or unreliable /// networks, and on testnet, which has a small number of slow peers. /// /// Using a prime number makes sure that syncer fanouts don't synchronise with other crawls. /// /// ## Correctness /// /// If this delay is removed (or set too low), the syncer will /// sometimes get stuck in a failure loop, due to leftover downloads from /// previous sync runs. const SYNC_RESTART_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(67); /// Controls how long we wait to retry a failed attempt to download /// and verify the genesis block. /// /// This timeout gives the crawler time to find better peers. /// /// ## Security /// /// If this timeout is removed (or set too low), Zebra will immediately retry /// to download and verify the genesis block from its peers. This can cause /// a denial of service on those peers. const GENESIS_TIMEOUT_RETRY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5); /// Helps work around defects in the bitcoin protocol by checking whether /// the returned hashes actually extend a chain tip. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)] struct CheckedTip { tip: block::Hash, expected_next: block::Hash, } pub struct ChainSync where ZN: Service + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, ZN::Future: Send, ZS: Service + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, ZS::Future: Send, ZV: Service, Response = block::Hash, Error = BoxError> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, ZV::Future: Send, ZSTip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static, { // Configuration /// The genesis hash for the configured network genesis_hash: block::Hash, /// The configured lookahead limit, after applying the minimum limit. lookahead_limit: usize, // Services /// A network service which is used to perform ObtainTips and ExtendTips /// requests. /// /// Has no retry logic, because failover is handled using fanout. tip_network: Timeout, /// A service which downloads and verifies blocks, using the provided /// network and verifier services. downloads: Pin< Box< Downloads< Hedge>>, AlwaysHedge>, Timeout, ZSTip, >, >, >, /// The cached block chain state. state: ZS, /// Allows efficient access to the best tip of the blockchain. latest_chain_tip: ZSTip, // Internal sync state /// The tips that the syncer is currently following. prospective_tips: HashSet, /// The lengths of recent sync responses. recent_syncs: RecentSyncLengths, } /// Polls the network to determine whether further blocks are available and /// downloads them. /// /// This component is used for initial block sync, but the `Inbound` service is /// responsible for participating in the gossip protocols used for block /// diffusion. impl ChainSync where ZN: Service + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, ZN::Future: Send, ZS: Service + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, ZS::Future: Send, ZV: Service, Response = block::Hash, Error = BoxError> + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, ZV::Future: Send, ZSTip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + 'static, { /// Returns a new syncer instance, using: /// - chain: the zebra-chain `Network` to download (Mainnet or Testnet) /// - peers: the zebra-network peers to contact for downloads /// - verifier: the zebra-consensus verifier that checks the chain /// - state: the zebra-state that stores the chain /// - latest_chain_tip: the latest chain tip from `state` /// /// Also returns a [`SyncStatus`] to check if the syncer has likely reached the chain tip. pub fn new( config: &ZebradConfig, peers: ZN, verifier: ZV, state: ZS, latest_chain_tip: ZSTip, ) -> (Self, SyncStatus) { let tip_network = Timeout::new(peers.clone(), TIPS_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); // The Hedge middleware is the outermost layer, hedging requests // between two retry-wrapped networks. The innermost timeout // layer is relatively unimportant, because slow requests will // probably be pre-emptively hedged. // // The Hedge goes outside the Retry, because the Retry layer // abstracts away spurious failures from individual peers // making a less-fallible network service, and the Hedge layer // tries to reduce latency of that less-fallible service. // // XXX add ServiceBuilder::hedge() so this becomes // ServiceBuilder::new().hedge(...).retry(...)... let block_network = Hedge::new( ServiceBuilder::new() .concurrency_limit(config.sync.max_concurrent_block_requests) .retry(zn::RetryLimit::new(BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_LIMIT)) .timeout(BLOCK_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT) .service(peers), AlwaysHedge, 20, 0.95, 2 * SYNC_RESTART_DELAY, ); // We apply a timeout to the verifier to avoid hangs due to missing earlier blocks. let verifier = Timeout::new(verifier, BLOCK_VERIFY_TIMEOUT); assert!( config.sync.lookahead_limit >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT, "configured lookahead limit {} too low, must be at least {}", config.sync.lookahead_limit, MIN_LOOKAHEAD_LIMIT ); let (sync_status, recent_syncs) = SyncStatus::new(); let new_syncer = Self { genesis_hash: genesis_hash(config.network.network), lookahead_limit: config.sync.lookahead_limit, tip_network, downloads: Box::pin(Downloads::new( block_network, verifier, latest_chain_tip.clone(), config.sync.lookahead_limit, )), state, latest_chain_tip, prospective_tips: HashSet::new(), recent_syncs, }; (new_syncer, sync_status) } /// Runs the syncer to synchronize the chain and keep it synchronized. #[instrument(skip(self))] pub async fn sync(mut self) -> Result<(), Report> { // We can't download the genesis block using our normal algorithm, // due to protocol limitations self.request_genesis().await?; loop { if self.try_to_sync().await.is_err() { self.downloads.cancel_all(); } self.update_metrics(); info!( timeout = ?SYNC_RESTART_DELAY, state_tip = ?self.latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height(), "waiting to restart sync" ); sleep(SYNC_RESTART_DELAY).await; } } /// Tries to synchronize the chain as far as it can. /// /// Obtains some prospective tips and iteratively tries to extend them and download the missing /// blocks. /// /// Returns `Ok` if it was able to synchronize as much of the chain as it could, and then ran /// out of prospective tips. This happens when synchronization finishes or if Zebra ended up /// following a fork. Either way, Zebra should attempt to obtain some more tips. /// /// Returns `Err` if there was an unrecoverable error and restarting the synchronization is /// necessary. #[instrument(skip(self))] async fn try_to_sync(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> { self.prospective_tips = HashSet::new(); info!( state_tip = ?self.latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height(), "starting sync, obtaining new tips" ); if let Err(e) = self.obtain_tips().await { info!("temporary error obtaining tips: {:#}", e); return Err(()); } self.update_metrics(); while !self.prospective_tips.is_empty() { // Check whether any block tasks are currently ready: while let Poll::Ready(Some(rsp)) = futures::poll!(self.downloads.next()) { self.handle_block_response(rsp).await?; } self.update_metrics(); // If we have too many pending tasks, wait for some to finish. // // Starting to wait is interesting, but logging each wait can be // very verbose. if self.downloads.in_flight() > self.lookahead_limit { tracing::info!( tips.len = self.prospective_tips.len(), in_flight = self.downloads.in_flight(), lookahead_limit = self.lookahead_limit, "waiting for pending blocks", ); } while self.downloads.in_flight() > self.lookahead_limit { trace!( tips.len = self.prospective_tips.len(), in_flight = self.downloads.in_flight(), lookahead_limit = self.lookahead_limit, state_tip = ?self.latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height(), "waiting for pending blocks", ); let response = self.downloads.next().await.expect("downloads is nonempty"); self.handle_block_response(response).await?; self.update_metrics(); } // Once we're below the lookahead limit, we can keep extending the tips. info!( tips.len = self.prospective_tips.len(), in_flight = self.downloads.in_flight(), lookahead_limit = self.lookahead_limit, state_tip = ?self.latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height(), "extending tips", ); if let Err(e) = self.extend_tips().await { info!("temporary error extending tips: {:#}", e); return Err(()); } self.update_metrics(); } info!("exhausted prospective tip set"); Ok(()) } /// Given a block_locator list fan out request for subsequent hashes to /// multiple peers #[instrument(skip(self))] async fn obtain_tips(&mut self) -> Result<(), Report> { let block_locator = self .state .ready() .await .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))? .call(zebra_state::Request::BlockLocator) .await .map(|response| match response { zebra_state::Response::BlockLocator(block_locator) => block_locator, _ => unreachable!( "GetBlockLocator request can only result in Response::BlockLocator" ), }) .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; debug!( tip = ?block_locator.first().expect("we have at least one block locator object"), ?block_locator, "got block locator and trying to obtain new chain tips" ); let mut requests = FuturesUnordered::new(); for attempt in 0..FANOUT { if attempt > 0 { // Let other tasks run, so we're more likely to choose a different peer. // // TODO: move fanouts into the PeerSet, so we always choose different peers (#2214) tokio::task::yield_now().await; } let ready_tip_network = self.tip_network.ready().await; requests.push(tokio::spawn(ready_tip_network.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?.call( zn::Request::FindBlocks { known_blocks: block_locator.clone(), stop: None, }, ))); } let mut download_set = IndexSet::new(); while let Some(res) = requests.next().await { match res .expect("panic in spawned obtain tips request") .map_err::(|e| eyre!(e)) { Ok(zn::Response::BlockHashes(hashes)) => { trace!(?hashes); // zcashd sometimes appends an unrelated hash at the start // or end of its response. // // We can't discard the first hash, because it might be a // block we want to download. So we just accept any // out-of-order first hashes. // We use the last hash for the tip, and we want to avoid bad // tips. So we discard the last hash. (We don't need to worry // about missed downloads, because we will pick them up again // in ExtendTips.) let hashes = match hashes.as_slice() { [] => continue, [rest @ .., _last] => rest, }; let mut first_unknown = None; for (i, &hash) in hashes.iter().enumerate() { if !self.state_contains(hash).await? { first_unknown = Some(i); break; } } debug!(hashes.len = ?hashes.len(), ?first_unknown); let unknown_hashes = if let Some(index) = first_unknown { &hashes[index..] } else { continue; }; trace!(?unknown_hashes); let new_tip = if let Some(end) = unknown_hashes.rchunks_exact(2).next() { CheckedTip { tip: end[0], expected_next: end[1], } } else { debug!("discarding response that extends only one block"); continue; }; // Make sure we get the same tips, regardless of the // order of peer responses if !download_set.contains(&new_tip.expected_next) { debug!(?new_tip, "adding new prospective tip, and removing existing tips in the new block hash list"); self.prospective_tips .retain(|t| !unknown_hashes.contains(&t.expected_next)); self.prospective_tips.insert(new_tip); } else { debug!( ?new_tip, "discarding prospective tip: already in download set" ); } // security: the first response determines our download order // // TODO: can we make the download order independent of response order? let prev_download_len = download_set.len(); download_set.extend(unknown_hashes); let new_download_len = download_set.len(); let new_hashes = new_download_len - prev_download_len; debug!(new_hashes, "added hashes to download set"); metrics::histogram!("sync.obtain.response.hash.count", new_hashes as f64); } Ok(_) => unreachable!("network returned wrong response"), // We ignore this error because we made multiple fanout requests. Err(e) => debug!(?e), } } debug!(?self.prospective_tips); // Check that the new tips we got are actually unknown. for hash in &download_set { debug!(?hash, "checking if state contains hash"); if self.state_contains(*hash).await? { return Err(eyre!("queued download of hash behind our chain tip")); } } let new_downloads = download_set.len(); debug!(new_downloads, "queueing new downloads"); metrics::gauge!("sync.obtain.queued.hash.count", new_downloads as f64); // security: use the actual number of new downloads from all peers, // so the last peer to respond can't toggle our mempool self.recent_syncs.push_obtain_tips_length(new_downloads); self.request_blocks(download_set).await?; Ok(()) } #[instrument(skip(self))] async fn extend_tips(&mut self) -> Result<(), Report> { let tips = std::mem::take(&mut self.prospective_tips); let mut download_set = IndexSet::new(); debug!(tips = ?tips.len(), "trying to extend chain tips"); for tip in tips { debug!(?tip, "asking peers to extend chain tip"); let mut responses = FuturesUnordered::new(); for attempt in 0..FANOUT { if attempt > 0 { // Let other tasks run, so we're more likely to choose a different peer. // // TODO: move fanouts into the PeerSet, so we always choose different peers (#2214) tokio::task::yield_now().await; } let ready_tip_network = self.tip_network.ready().await; responses.push(tokio::spawn(ready_tip_network.map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?.call( zn::Request::FindBlocks { known_blocks: vec![tip.tip], stop: None, }, ))); } while let Some(res) = responses.next().await { match res .expect("panic in spawned extend tips request") .map_err::(|e| eyre!(e)) { Ok(zn::Response::BlockHashes(hashes)) => { debug!(first = ?hashes.first(), len = ?hashes.len()); trace!(?hashes); // zcashd sometimes appends an unrelated hash at the // start or end of its response. Check the first hash // against the previous response, and discard mismatches. let unknown_hashes = match hashes.as_slice() { [expected_hash, rest @ ..] if expected_hash == &tip.expected_next => { rest } // If the first hash doesn't match, retry with the second. [first_hash, expected_hash, rest @ ..] if expected_hash == &tip.expected_next => { debug!(?first_hash, ?tip.expected_next, ?tip.tip, "unexpected first hash, but the second matches: using the hashes after the match"); rest } // We ignore these responses [] => continue, [single_hash] => { debug!(?single_hash, ?tip.expected_next, ?tip.tip, "discarding response containing a single unexpected hash"); continue; } [first_hash, second_hash, rest @ ..] => { debug!(?first_hash, ?second_hash, rest_len = ?rest.len(), ?tip.expected_next, ?tip.tip, "discarding response that starts with two unexpected hashes"); continue; } }; // We use the last hash for the tip, and we want to avoid // bad tips. So we discard the last hash. (We don't need // to worry about missed downloads, because we will pick // them up again in the next ExtendTips.) let unknown_hashes = match unknown_hashes { [] => continue, [rest @ .., _last] => rest, }; let new_tip = if let Some(end) = unknown_hashes.rchunks_exact(2).next() { CheckedTip { tip: end[0], expected_next: end[1], } } else { debug!("discarding response that extends only one block"); continue; }; trace!(?unknown_hashes); // Make sure we get the same tips, regardless of the // order of peer responses if !download_set.contains(&new_tip.expected_next) { debug!(?new_tip, "adding new prospective tip, and removing any existing tips in the new block hash list"); self.prospective_tips .retain(|t| !unknown_hashes.contains(&t.expected_next)); self.prospective_tips.insert(new_tip); } else { debug!( ?new_tip, "discarding prospective tip: already in download set" ); } // security: the first response determines our download order // // TODO: can we make the download order independent of response order? let prev_download_len = download_set.len(); download_set.extend(unknown_hashes); let new_download_len = download_set.len(); let new_hashes = new_download_len - prev_download_len; debug!(new_hashes, "added hashes to download set"); metrics::histogram!("sync.extend.response.hash.count", new_hashes as f64); } Ok(_) => unreachable!("network returned wrong response"), // We ignore this error because we made multiple fanout requests. Err(e) => debug!(?e), } } } let new_downloads = download_set.len(); debug!(new_downloads, "queueing new downloads"); metrics::gauge!("sync.extend.queued.hash.count", new_downloads as f64); // security: use the actual number of new downloads from all peers, // so the last peer to respond can't toggle our mempool self.recent_syncs.push_extend_tips_length(new_downloads); self.request_blocks(download_set).await?; Ok(()) } /// Download and verify the genesis block, if it isn't currently known to /// our node. async fn request_genesis(&mut self) -> Result<(), Report> { // Due to Bitcoin protocol limitations, we can't request the genesis // block using our standard tip-following algorithm: // - getblocks requires at least one hash // - responses start with the block *after* the requested block, and // - the genesis hash is used as a placeholder for "no matches". // // So we just download and verify the genesis block here. while !self.state_contains(self.genesis_hash).await? { info!("starting genesis block download and verify"); self.downloads .download_and_verify(self.genesis_hash) .await .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))?; match self.downloads.next().await.expect("downloads is nonempty") { Ok(hash) => trace!(?hash, "verified and committed block to state"), Err(e) => { warn!(?e, "could not download or verify genesis block, retrying"); tokio::time::sleep(GENESIS_TIMEOUT_RETRY).await; } } } Ok(()) } /// Queue download and verify tasks for each block that isn't currently known to our node async fn request_blocks(&mut self, hashes: IndexSet) -> Result<(), Report> { debug!(hashes.len = hashes.len(), "requesting blocks"); for hash in hashes.into_iter() { self.downloads.download_and_verify(hash).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Handles a response for a requested block. /// /// Returns `Ok` if the block was successfully verified and committed to the state, or if an /// expected error occurred, so that the synchronization can continue normally. /// /// Returns `Err` if an unexpected error occurred, to force the synchronizer to restart. async fn handle_block_response( &mut self, response: Result, ) -> Result<(), ()> { match response { Ok(hash) => trace!(?hash, "verified and committed block to state"), Err(error) => { if Self::should_restart_sync(error) { return Err(()); } } } Ok(()) } /// Returns `true` if the hash is present in the state, and `false` /// if the hash is not present in the state. /// /// BUG: check if the hash is in any chain (#862) /// Depth only checks the main chain. async fn state_contains(&mut self, hash: block::Hash) -> Result { match self .state .ready() .await .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))? .call(zebra_state::Request::Depth(hash)) .await .map_err(|e| eyre!(e))? { zs::Response::Depth(Some(_)) => Ok(true), zs::Response::Depth(None) => Ok(false), _ => unreachable!("wrong response to depth request"), } } fn update_metrics(&mut self) { metrics::gauge!( "sync.prospective_tips.len", self.prospective_tips.len() as f64 ); metrics::gauge!( "sync.downloads.in_flight", self.downloads.in_flight() as f64 ); } /// Return if the sync should be restarted based on the given error /// from the block downloader and verifier stream. fn should_restart_sync(e: BlockDownloadVerifyError) -> bool { match e { // Structural matches BlockDownloadVerifyError::Invalid(VerifyChainError::Checkpoint( VerifyCheckpointError::AlreadyVerified { .. }, )) => { debug!(error = ?e, "block was already verified, possibly from a previous sync run, continuing"); false } BlockDownloadVerifyError::Invalid(VerifyChainError::Block( VerifyBlockError::Block { source: BlockError::AlreadyInChain(_, _), }, )) => { debug!(error = ?e, "block is already in chain, possibly from a previous sync run, continuing"); false } BlockDownloadVerifyError::CancelledDuringDownload | BlockDownloadVerifyError::CancelledDuringVerification => { debug!(error = ?e, "block verification was cancelled, continuing"); false } BlockDownloadVerifyError::BehindTipHeightLimit => { debug!( error = ?e, "block height is behind the current state tip, \ assuming the syncer will eventually catch up to the state, continuing" ); false } // String matches BlockDownloadVerifyError::Invalid(VerifyChainError::Block( VerifyBlockError::Commit(ref source), )) if format!("{:?}", source).contains("block is already committed to the state") => { // TODO: improve this by checking the type (#2908) debug!(error = ?e, "block is already committed, possibly from a previous sync run, continuing"); false } BlockDownloadVerifyError::DownloadFailed(ref source) if format!("{:?}", source).contains("NotFound") => { // Covers both NotFoundResponse and NotFoundRegistry errors. // // TODO: improve this by checking the type (#2908) // restart after a certain number of NotFound errors? debug!(error = ?e, "block was not found, possibly from a peer that doesn't have the block yet, continuing"); false } _ => { // download_and_verify downcasts errors from the block verifier // into VerifyChainError, and puts the result inside one of the // BlockDownloadVerifyError enumerations. This downcast could // become incorrect e.g. after some refactoring, and it is difficult // to write a test to check it. The test below is a best-effort // attempt to catch if that happens and log it. // TODO: add a proper test and remove this // https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/issues/2909 let err_str = format!("{:?}", e); if err_str.contains("AlreadyVerified") || err_str.contains("AlreadyInChain") || err_str.contains("Cancelled") || err_str.contains("BehindTipHeight") || err_str.contains("block is already committed to the state") || err_str.contains("NotFound") { error!(?e, "a BlockDownloadVerifyError that should have been filtered out was detected, \ which possibly indicates a programming error in the downcast inside \ zebrad::components::sync::downloads::Downloads::download_and_verify" ) } warn!(?e, "error downloading and verifying block"); true } } } }