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use std::{cmp::min, sync::Arc};
use futures::stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use tokio::time::{sleep_until, timeout, Instant};
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
use zebra_chain::serialization::DateTime32;
use crate::{constants, types::MetaAddr, AddressBook, BoxError, Request, Response};
mod tests;
/// The [`CandidateSet`] manages outbound peer connection attempts.
/// Successful connections become peers in the [`PeerSet`].
/// The candidate set divides the set of all possible outbound peers into
/// disjoint subsets, using the [`PeerAddrState`]:
/// 1. [`Responded`] peers, which we have had an outbound connection to.
/// 2. [`NeverAttemptedGossiped`] peers, which we learned about from other peers
/// but have never connected to.
/// 3. [`NeverAttemptedAlternate`] peers, canonical addresses which we learned
/// from the [`Version`] messages of inbound and outbound connections,
/// but have never connected to.
/// 4. [`Failed`] peers, which failed a connection attempt, or had an error
/// during an outbound connection.
/// 5. [`AttemptPending`] peers, which we've recently queued for a connection.
/// Never attempted peers are always available for connection.
/// If a peer's attempted, responded, or failure time is recent
/// (within the liveness limit), we avoid reconnecting to it.
/// Otherwise, we assume that it has disconnected or hung,
/// and attempt reconnection.
/// ```ascii,no_run
/// ┌──────────────────┐
/// │ Config / DNS │
/// ┌───────────│ Seed │───────────┐
/// │ │ Addresses │ │
/// │ └──────────────────┘ │
/// │ │ untrusted_last_seen │
/// │ │ is unknown │
/// ▼ │ ▼
/// ┌──────────────────┐ │ ┌──────────────────┐
/// │ Handshake │ │ │ Peer Set │
/// │ Canonical │──────────┼──────────│ Gossiped │
/// │ Addresses │ │ │ Addresses │
/// └──────────────────┘ │ └──────────────────┘
/// untrusted_last_seen │ provides
/// set to now │ untrusted_last_seen
/// ▼
/// Λ if attempted, responded, or failed:
/// ╲ ignore gossiped info
/// ▕ ▏ otherwise, if never attempted:
/// ╲ skip updates to existing fields
/// V
/// ┌───────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┐
/// │ AddressBook │ │
/// │ disjoint `PeerAddrState`s ▼ │
/// │ ┌─────────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ │
/// │ │ `Responded` │ │`NeverAttemptedGossiped` │ │ `Failed` │ │
/// ┌┼▶│ Peers │ │`NeverAttemptedAlternate`│ │ Peers │◀┼┐
/// ││ │ │ │ Peers │ │ │ ││
/// ││ └─────────────┘ └─────────────────────────┘ └─────────────┘ ││
/// ││ │ │ │ ││
/// ││ #1 oldest_first #2 newest_first #3 oldest_first ││
/// ││ ├──────────────────────┴──────────────────────┘ ││
/// ││ ▼ ││
/// ││ Λ ││
/// ││ ╲ filter by ││
/// ││ ▕ ▏ is_ready_for_connection_attempt ││
/// ││ ╲ to remove recent `Responded`, ││
/// ││ V `AttemptPending`, and `Failed` peers ││
/// ││ │ ││
/// ││ │ try outbound connection, ││
/// ││ ▼ update last_attempt to now() ││
/// ││┌────────────────┐ ││
/// │││`AttemptPending`│ ││
/// │││ Peers │ ││
/// ││└────────────────┘ ││
/// │└────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘│
/// │ ▼ │
/// │ Λ │
/// │ ╲ │
/// │ ▕ ▏─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
/// │ ╲ connection failed, update last_failure to now()
/// │ V
/// │ │
/// │ │ connection succeeded
/// │ ▼
/// │ ┌────────────┐
/// │ │ send │
/// │ │peer::Client│
/// │ │to Discover │
/// │ └────────────┘
/// │ │
/// │ ▼
/// │┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
/// ││ every time we receive a peer message: │
/// └│ * update state to `Responded` │
/// │ * update last_response to now() │
/// └───────────────────────────────────────┘
/// ```
// TODO:
// * show all possible transitions between Attempt/Responded/Failed,
// except Failed -> Responded is invalid, must go through Attempt
// * for now, seed peers go straight to handshaking and responded,
// but we'll fix that once we add the Seed state
// When we add the Seed state:
// * show that seed peers that transition to other never attempted
// states are already in the address book
pub(crate) struct CandidateSet<S> {
pub(super) address_book: Arc<std::sync::Mutex<AddressBook>>,
pub(super) peer_service: S,
min_next_handshake: Instant,
min_next_crawl: Instant,
impl<S> CandidateSet<S>
S: Service<Request, Response = Response, Error = BoxError>,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
/// Uses `address_book` and `peer_service` to manage a [`CandidateSet`] of peers.
pub fn new(
address_book: Arc<std::sync::Mutex<AddressBook>>,
peer_service: S,
) -> CandidateSet<S> {
CandidateSet {
min_next_handshake: Instant::now(),
min_next_crawl: Instant::now(),
/// Update the peer set from the network, using the default fanout limit.
/// See [`update_initial`][Self::update_initial] for details.
pub async fn update(&mut self) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
/// Update the peer set from the network, limiting the fanout to
/// `fanout_limit`.
/// - Ask a few live [`Responded`] peers to send us more peers.
/// - Process all completed peer responses, adding new peers in the
/// [`NeverAttemptedGossiped`] state.
/// ## Correctness
/// Pass the initial peer set size as `fanout_limit` during initialization,
/// so that Zebra does not send duplicate requests to the same peer.
/// The crawler exits when update returns an error, so it must only return
/// errors on permanent failures.
/// The handshaker sets up the peer message receiver so it also sends a
/// [`Responded`] peer address update.
/// [`report_failed`][Self::report_failed] puts peers into the [`Failed`] state.
/// [`next`][Self::next] puts peers into the [`AttemptPending`] state.
/// ## Security
/// This call is rate-limited to prevent sending a burst of repeated requests for new peer
/// addresses. Each call will only update the [`CandidateSet`] if more time
/// than [`MIN_PEER_GET_ADDR_INTERVAL`][constants::MIN_PEER_GET_ADDR_INTERVAL] has passed since
/// the last call. Otherwise, the update is skipped.
/// [`Responded`]: crate::PeerAddrState::Responded
/// [`NeverAttemptedGossiped`]: crate::PeerAddrState::NeverAttemptedGossiped
/// [`Failed`]: crate::PeerAddrState::Failed
/// [`AttemptPending`]: crate::PeerAddrState::AttemptPending
pub async fn update_initial(&mut self, fanout_limit: usize) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
/// Update the peer set from the network, limiting the fanout to
/// `fanout_limit`, and imposing a timeout on the entire fanout.
/// See [`update_initial`][Self::update_initial] for details.
async fn update_timeout(&mut self, fanout_limit: Option<usize>) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// Rate limit sending `GetAddr` messages to peers.
if self.min_next_crawl <= Instant::now() {
// Use a timeout to avoid deadlocks when there are no connected
// peers, and:
// - we're waiting on a handshake to complete so there are peers, or
// - another task that handles or adds peers is waiting on this task
// to complete.
if let Ok(fanout_result) = timeout(
} else {
// update must only return an error for permanent failures
info!("timeout waiting for peer service readiness or peer responses");
self.min_next_crawl = Instant::now() + constants::MIN_PEER_GET_ADDR_INTERVAL;
/// Update the peer set from the network, limiting the fanout to
/// `fanout_limit`.
/// See [`update_initial`][Self::update_initial] for details.
/// # Correctness
/// This function does not have a timeout.
/// Use [`update_timeout`][Self::update_timeout] instead.
async fn update_fanout(&mut self, fanout_limit: Option<usize>) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// Opportunistically crawl the network on every update call to ensure
// we're actively fetching peers. Continue independently of whether we
// actually receive any peers, but always ask the network for more.
// Because requests are load-balanced across existing peers, we can make
// multiple requests concurrently, which will be randomly assigned to
// existing peers, but we don't make too many because update may be
// called while the peer set is already loaded.
let mut responses = FuturesUnordered::new();
let fanout_limit = fanout_limit
.map(|fanout_limit| min(fanout_limit, constants::GET_ADDR_FANOUT))
debug!(?fanout_limit, "sending GetPeers requests");
// TODO: launch each fanout in its own task (might require tokio 1.6)
for _ in 0..fanout_limit {
let peer_service = self.peer_service.ready().await?;
while let Some(rsp) = responses.next().await {
match rsp {
Ok(Response::Peers(addrs)) => {
addr_count = ?addrs.len(),
"got response to GetPeers"
let addrs = validate_addrs(addrs, DateTime32::now());
Err(e) => {
// since we do a fanout, and new updates are triggered by
// each demand, we can ignore errors in individual responses
trace!(?e, "got error in GetPeers request");
Ok(_) => unreachable!("Peers requests always return Peers responses"),
/// Add new `addrs` to the address book.
fn send_addrs(&self, addrs: impl IntoIterator<Item = MetaAddr>) {
let addrs = addrs
.map(|maybe_addr| {
maybe_addr.expect("Received gossiped peers always have services set")
// # Correctness
// Briefly hold the address book threaded mutex, to extend
// the address list.
// Extend handles duplicate addresses internally.
/// Returns the next candidate for a connection attempt, if any are available.
/// Returns peers in reconnection order, based on
/// [`AddressBook::reconnection_peers`].
/// Skips peers that have recently been active, attempted, or failed.
/// ## Correctness
/// `AttemptPending` peers will become `Responded` if they respond, or
/// become `Failed` if they time out or provide a bad response.
/// Live `Responded` peers will stay live if they keep responding, or
/// become a reconnection candidate if they stop responding.
/// ## Security
/// Zebra resists distributed denial of service attacks by making sure that
/// new peer connections are initiated at least
pub async fn next(&mut self) -> Option<MetaAddr> {
// # Correctness
// In this critical section, we hold the address mutex, blocking the
// current thread, and all async tasks scheduled on that thread.
// To avoid deadlocks, the critical section:
// - must not acquire any other locks
// - must not await any futures
// To avoid hangs, any computation in the critical section should
// be kept to a minimum.
let reconnect = {
let mut guard = self.address_book.lock().unwrap();
// It's okay to return without sleeping here, because we're returning
// `None`. We only need to sleep before yielding an address.
let reconnect = guard.reconnection_peers().next()?;
let reconnect = MetaAddr::new_reconnect(&reconnect.addr);
// SECURITY: rate-limit new outbound peer connections
self.min_next_handshake = Instant::now() + constants::MIN_PEER_CONNECTION_INTERVAL;
/// Mark `addr` as a failed peer.
pub fn report_failed(&mut self, addr: &MetaAddr) {
let addr = MetaAddr::new_errored(&addr.addr, addr.services);
// # Correctness
// Briefly hold the address book threaded mutex, to update the state for
// a single address.
/// Check new `addrs` before adding them to the address book.
/// `last_seen_limit` is the maximum permitted last seen time, typically
/// [`Utc::now`].
/// If the data in an address is invalid, this function can:
/// - modify the address data, or
/// - delete the address.
/// # Security
/// Adjusts untrusted last seen times so they are not in the future. This stops
/// malicious peers keeping all their addresses at the front of the connection
/// queue. Honest peers with future clock skew also get adjusted.
/// Rejects all addresses if any calculated times overflow or underflow.
fn validate_addrs(
addrs: impl IntoIterator<Item = MetaAddr>,
last_seen_limit: DateTime32,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = MetaAddr> {
// Note: The address book handles duplicate addresses internally,
// so we don't need to de-duplicate addresses here.
// TODO:
// We should eventually implement these checks in this function:
// - Zebra should ignore peers that are older than 3 weeks (part of #1865)
// - Zebra should count back 3 weeks from the newest peer timestamp sent
// by the other peer, to compensate for clock skew
// - Zebra should limit the number of addresses it uses from a single Addrs
// response (#1869)
let mut addrs: Vec<_> = addrs.into_iter().collect();
limit_last_seen_times(&mut addrs, last_seen_limit);
/// Ensure all reported `last_seen` times are less than or equal to `last_seen_limit`.
/// This will consider all addresses as invalid if trying to offset their
/// `last_seen` times to be before the limit causes an underflow.
fn limit_last_seen_times(addrs: &mut Vec<MetaAddr>, last_seen_limit: DateTime32) {
let last_seen_times = addrs.iter().map(|meta_addr| {
.expect("unexpected missing last seen: should be provided by deserialization")
let oldest_seen = last_seen_times.clone().min().unwrap_or(DateTime32::MIN);
let newest_seen = last_seen_times.max().unwrap_or(DateTime32::MAX);
// If any time is in the future, adjust all times, to compensate for clock skew on honest peers
if newest_seen > last_seen_limit {
let offset = newest_seen
.expect("unexpected underflow: just checked newest_seen is greater");
// Check for underflow
if oldest_seen.checked_sub(offset).is_some() {
// No underflow is possible, so apply offset to all addresses
for addr in addrs {
let last_seen = addr
.expect("unexpected missing last seen: should be provided by deserialization");
let last_seen = last_seen
.expect("unexpected underflow: just checked oldest_seen");
} else {
// An underflow will occur, so reject all gossiped peers