
418 lines
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//! Inventory Registry Implementation
//! [RFC]: https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0003-inventory-tracking.html
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt};
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use tokio::{
time::{self, Instant},
use tokio_stream::wrappers::{errors::BroadcastStreamRecvError, BroadcastStream, IntervalStream};
use zebra_chain::serialization::AtLeastOne;
use crate::{
protocol::{external::InventoryHash, internal::InventoryResponse},
BoxError, PeerSocketAddr,
use self::update::Update;
/// Underlying type for the alias InventoryStatus::*
use InventoryResponse::*;
pub mod update;
mod tests;
/// The maximum number of inventory hashes we will track from a single peer.
/// # Security
/// This limits known memory denial of service attacks like <https://invdos.net/> to a total of:
/// ```text
/// 1000 inventory * 2 maps * 32-64 bytes per inventory = less than 1 MB
/// 1000 inventory * 70 peers * 2 maps * 6-18 bytes per address = up to 3 MB
/// ```
/// Since the inventory registry is an efficiency optimisation, which falls back to a
/// random peer, we only need to track a small number of hashes for available inventory.
/// But we want to be able to track a significant amount of missing inventory,
/// to limit queries for globally missing inventory.
// TODO: split this into available (25) and missing (1000 or more?)
pub const MAX_INV_PER_MAP: usize = 1000;
/// The maximum number of peers we will track inventory for.
/// # Security
/// This limits known memory denial of service attacks. See [`MAX_INV_PER_MAP`] for details.
/// Since the inventory registry is an efficiency optimisation, which falls back to a
/// random peer, we only need to track a small number of peers per inv for available inventory.
/// But we want to be able to track missing inventory for almost all our peers,
/// so we only query a few peers for inventory that is genuinely missing from the network.
// TODO: split this into available (25) and missing (70)
pub const MAX_PEERS_PER_INV: usize = 70;
/// A peer inventory status, which tracks a hash for both available and missing inventory.
pub type InventoryStatus<T> = InventoryResponse<T, T>;
/// A peer inventory status change, used in the inventory status channel.
/// For performance reasons, advertisements should only be tracked
/// for hashes that are rare on the network.
/// So Zebra only tracks single-block inventory messages.
/// For security reasons, all `notfound` rejections should be tracked.
/// This also helps with performance, if the hash is rare on the network.
pub type InventoryChange = InventoryStatus<(AtLeastOne<InventoryHash>, PeerSocketAddr)>;
/// An internal marker used in inventory status hash maps.
type InventoryMarker = InventoryStatus<()>;
/// An Inventory Registry for tracking recent inventory advertisements and missing inventory.
/// For more details please refer to the [RFC].
/// [RFC]: https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0003-inventory-tracking.html
pub struct InventoryRegistry {
/// Map tracking the latest inventory status from the current interval
/// period.
// TODO: split maps into available and missing, so we can limit them separately.
current: IndexMap<InventoryHash, IndexMap<PeerSocketAddr, InventoryMarker>>,
/// Map tracking inventory statuses from the previous interval period.
prev: IndexMap<InventoryHash, IndexMap<PeerSocketAddr, InventoryMarker>>,
/// Stream of incoming inventory statuses to register.
inv_stream: Pin<
Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<InventoryChange, BroadcastStreamRecvError>> + Send + 'static>,
/// Interval tracking when we should next rotate our maps.
interval: IntervalStream,
impl std::fmt::Debug for InventoryRegistry {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("current", &self.current)
.field("prev", &self.prev)
impl InventoryChange {
/// Returns a new available inventory change from a single hash.
pub fn new_available(hash: InventoryHash, peer: PeerSocketAddr) -> Self {
InventoryStatus::Available((AtLeastOne::from_one(hash), peer))
/// Returns a new missing inventory change from a single hash.
pub fn new_missing(hash: InventoryHash, peer: PeerSocketAddr) -> Self {
InventoryStatus::Missing((AtLeastOne::from_one(hash), peer))
/// Returns a new available multiple inventory change, if `hashes` contains at least one change.
pub fn new_available_multi<'a>(
hashes: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a InventoryHash>,
peer: PeerSocketAddr,
) -> Option<Self> {
let mut hashes: Vec<InventoryHash> = hashes.into_iter().copied().collect();
// # Security
// Don't send more hashes than we're going to store.
// It doesn't matter which hashes we choose, because this is an efficiency optimisation.
// This limits known memory denial of service attacks to:
// `1000 hashes * 200 peers/channel capacity * 32-64 bytes = up to 12 MB`
let hashes = hashes.try_into().ok();
hashes.map(|hashes| InventoryStatus::Available((hashes, peer)))
/// Returns a new missing multiple inventory change, if `hashes` contains at least one change.
pub fn new_missing_multi<'a>(
hashes: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a InventoryHash>,
peer: PeerSocketAddr,
) -> Option<Self> {
let mut hashes: Vec<InventoryHash> = hashes.into_iter().copied().collect();
// # Security
// Don't send more hashes than we're going to store.
// It doesn't matter which hashes we choose, because this is an efficiency optimisation.
let hashes = hashes.try_into().ok();
hashes.map(|hashes| InventoryStatus::Missing((hashes, peer)))
impl<T> InventoryStatus<T> {
/// Get a marker for the status, without any associated data.
pub fn marker(&self) -> InventoryMarker {
self.as_ref().map(|_inner| ())
/// Maps an `InventoryStatus<T>` to `InventoryStatus<U>` by applying a function to a contained value.
pub fn map<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, f: F) -> InventoryStatus<U> {
// Based on Option::map from https://doc.rust-lang.org/src/core/option.rs.html#844
match self {
Available(item) => Available(f(item)),
Missing(item) => Missing(f(item)),
impl<T: Clone> InventoryStatus<T> {
/// Returns a clone of the inner item, regardless of status.
pub fn to_inner(&self) -> T {
match self {
Available(item) | Missing(item) => item.clone(),
impl InventoryRegistry {
/// Returns a new Inventory Registry for `inv_stream`.
pub fn new(inv_stream: broadcast::Receiver<InventoryChange>) -> Self {
// Don't do an immediate rotation, current and prev are already empty.
let mut interval = tokio::time::interval_at(Instant::now() + interval, interval);
// # Security
// If the rotation time is late, execute as many ticks as needed to catch up.
// This is a tradeoff between memory usage and quickly accessing remote data
// under heavy load. Bursting prioritises lower memory usage.
// Skipping or delaying could keep peer inventory in memory for a longer time,
// further increasing memory load or delays due to virtual memory swapping.
Self {
current: Default::default(),
prev: Default::default(),
inv_stream: BroadcastStream::new(inv_stream).boxed(),
interval: IntervalStream::new(interval),
/// Returns an iterator over addrs of peers that have recently advertised `hash` in their inventory.
pub fn advertising_peers(&self, hash: InventoryHash) -> impl Iterator<Item = &PeerSocketAddr> {
.filter_map(|addr_status| addr_status.available())
/// Returns an iterator over addrs of peers that have recently missed `hash` in their inventory.
pub fn missing_peers(&self, hash: InventoryHash) -> impl Iterator<Item = &PeerSocketAddr> {
.filter_map(|addr_status| addr_status.missing())
/// Returns an iterator over peer inventory statuses for `hash`.
/// Prefers current statuses to previously rotated statuses for the same peer.
pub fn status_peers(
hash: InventoryHash,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = InventoryStatus<&PeerSocketAddr>> {
let prev = self.prev.get(&hash);
let current = self.current.get(&hash);
// # Security
// Prefer `current` statuses for the same peer over previously rotated statuses.
// This makes sure Zebra is using the most up-to-date network information.
let prev = prev
.filter(move |(addr, _status)| !self.has_current_status(hash, **addr));
let current = current.into_iter().flatten();
.map(|(addr, status)| status.map(|()| addr))
/// Returns true if there is a current status entry for `hash` and `addr`.
pub fn has_current_status(&self, hash: InventoryHash, addr: PeerSocketAddr) -> bool {
.and_then(|current| current.get(&addr))
/// Returns an iterator over peer inventory status hashes.
/// Yields current statuses first, then previously rotated statuses.
/// This can include multiple statuses for the same hash.
pub fn status_hashes(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&InventoryHash, &IndexMap<PeerSocketAddr, InventoryMarker>)> {
/// Returns a future that polls once for new registry updates.
pub fn update(&mut self) -> Update {
/// Drive periodic inventory tasks
/// # Details
/// - rotates HashMaps based on interval events
/// - drains the inv_stream channel and registers all advertised inventory
pub fn poll_inventory(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
// # Correctness
// Registers the current task for wakeup when the timer next becomes ready.
// # Security
// Only rotate one inventory per peer request, to give the next inventory
// time to gather some peer advertisements. This is a tradeoff between
// memory usage and quickly accessing remote data under heavy load.
// This prevents a burst edge case where all inventory is emptied after
// two interval ticks are delayed.
if Pin::new(&mut self.interval).poll_next(cx).is_ready() {
// This module uses a broadcast channel instead of an mpsc channel, even
// though there's a single consumer of inventory advertisements, because
// the broadcast channel has ring-buffer behavior: when the channel is
// full, sending a new message displaces the oldest message in the
// channel.
// This is the behavior we want for inventory advertisements, because we
// want to have a bounded buffer of unprocessed advertisements, and we
// want to prioritize new inventory (which is likely only at a specific
// peer) over old inventory (which is likely more widely distributed).
// The broadcast channel reports dropped messages by returning
// `RecvError::Lagged`. It's crucial that we handle that error here
// rather than propagating it through the peer set's Service::poll_ready
// implementation, where reporting a failure means reporting a permanent
// failure of the peer set.
while let Poll::Ready(channel_result) = self.inv_stream.next().poll_unpin(cx) {
match channel_result {
Some(Ok(change)) => self.register(change),
Some(Err(BroadcastStreamRecvError::Lagged(count))) => {
metrics::counter!("pool.inventory.dropped", 1);
metrics::counter!("pool.inventory.dropped.messages", count);
// If this message happens a lot, we should improve inventory registry performance,
// or poll the registry or peer set in a separate task.
info!(count, "dropped lagged inventory advertisements");
// This indicates all senders, including the one in the handshaker,
// have been dropped, which really is a permanent failure.
None => return Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed.into()),
/// Record the given inventory `change` for the peer `addr`.
/// `Missing` markers are not updated until the registry rotates, for security reasons.
fn register(&mut self, change: InventoryChange) {
let new_status = change.marker();
let (invs, addr) = change.to_inner();
for inv in invs {
use InventoryHash::*;
matches!(inv, Block(_) | Tx(_) | Wtx(_)),
"unexpected inventory type: {inv:?} from peer: {addr:?}",
let hash_peers = self.current.entry(inv).or_default();
// # Security
// Prefer `missing` over `advertised`, so malicious peers can't reset their own entries,
// and funnel multiple failing requests to themselves.
if let Some(old_status) = hash_peers.get(&addr) {
if old_status.is_missing() && new_status.is_available() {
debug!(?new_status, ?old_status, ?addr, ?inv, "skipping new status");
"keeping both new and old status"
let replaced_status = hash_peers.insert(addr, new_status);
"inserted new status"
// # Security
// Limit the number of stored peers per hash, removing the oldest entries,
// because newer entries are likely to be more relevant.
// TODO: do random or weighted random eviction instead?
if hash_peers.len() > MAX_PEERS_PER_INV {
// Performance: `MAX_PEERS_PER_INV` is small, so O(n) performance is acceptable.
// # Security
// Limit the number of stored inventory hashes, removing the oldest entries,
// because newer entries are likely to be more relevant.
// TODO: do random or weighted random eviction instead?
if self.current.len() > MAX_INV_PER_MAP {
// Performance: `MAX_INV_PER_MAP` is small, so O(n) performance is acceptable.
/// Replace the prev HashMap with current's and replace current with an empty
/// HashMap
fn rotate(&mut self) {
self.prev = std::mem::take(&mut self.current);