
772 lines
28 KiB

//! Non-finalized chain state management as defined by [RFC0005]
//! [RFC0005]: https://zebra.zfnd.org/dev/rfcs/0005-state-updates.html
use std::{
collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap},
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block},
sprout, transparent,
use crate::{
request::{ContextuallyVerifiedBlock, FinalizableBlock},
service::{check, finalized_state::ZebraDb},
SemanticallyVerifiedBlock, ValidateContextError,
mod chain;
mod tests;
pub(crate) use chain::Chain;
/// The state of the chains in memory, including queued blocks.
/// Clones of the non-finalized state contain independent copies of the chains.
/// This is different from `FinalizedState::clone()`,
/// which returns a shared reference to the database.
/// Most chain data is clone-on-write using [`Arc`].
pub struct NonFinalizedState {
// Chain Data
/// Verified, non-finalized chains, in ascending work order.
/// The best chain is [`NonFinalizedState::best_chain()`], or `chain_iter().next()`.
/// Using `chain_set.last()` or `chain_set.iter().next_back()` is deprecated,
/// callers should migrate to `chain_iter().next()`.
chain_set: BTreeSet<Arc<Chain>>,
// Configuration
/// The configured Zcash network.
pub network: Network,
// Diagnostics
/// Configures the non-finalized state to count metrics.
/// Used for skipping metrics and progress bars when testing block proposals
/// with a commit to a cloned non-finalized state.
// TODO: make this field private and set it via an argument to NonFinalizedState::new()
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
should_count_metrics: bool,
/// Number of chain forks transmitter.
#[cfg(feature = "progress-bar")]
chain_count_bar: Option<howudoin::Tx>,
/// A chain fork length transmitter for each [`Chain`] in [`chain_set`](Self.chain_set).
/// Because `chain_set` contains `Arc<Chain>`s, it is difficult to update the metrics state
/// on each chain. ([`Arc`]s are read-only, and we don't want to clone them just for metrics.)
#[cfg(feature = "progress-bar")]
chain_fork_length_bars: Vec<howudoin::Tx>,
impl std::fmt::Debug for NonFinalizedState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let mut f = f.debug_struct("NonFinalizedState");
f.field("chain_set", &self.chain_set)
.field("network", &self.network);
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
f.field("should_count_metrics", &self.should_count_metrics);
impl Clone for NonFinalizedState {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
chain_set: self.chain_set.clone(),
network: self.network,
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
should_count_metrics: self.should_count_metrics,
// Don't track progress in clones.
#[cfg(feature = "progress-bar")]
chain_count_bar: None,
#[cfg(feature = "progress-bar")]
chain_fork_length_bars: Vec::new(),
impl NonFinalizedState {
/// Returns a new non-finalized state for `network`.
pub fn new(network: Network) -> NonFinalizedState {
NonFinalizedState {
chain_set: Default::default(),
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
should_count_metrics: true,
#[cfg(feature = "progress-bar")]
chain_count_bar: None,
#[cfg(feature = "progress-bar")]
chain_fork_length_bars: Vec::new(),
/// Is the internal state of `self` the same as `other`?
/// [`Chain`] has a custom [`Eq`] implementation based on proof of work,
/// which is used to select the best chain. So we can't derive [`Eq`] for [`NonFinalizedState`].
/// Unlike the custom trait impl, this method returns `true` if the entire internal state
/// of two non-finalized states is equal.
/// If the internal states are different, it returns `false`,
/// even if the chains and blocks are equal.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn eq_internal_state(&self, other: &NonFinalizedState) -> bool {
// this method must be updated every time a consensus-critical field is added to NonFinalizedState
// (diagnostic fields can be ignored)
self.chain_set.len() == other.chain_set.len()
&& self
.all(|(self_chain, other_chain)| self_chain.eq_internal_state(other_chain))
&& self.network == other.network
/// Returns an iterator over the non-finalized chains, with the best chain first.
// TODO: replace chain_set.iter().rev() with this method
pub fn chain_iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Arc<Chain>> {
/// Insert `chain` into `self.chain_set`, apply `chain_filter` to the chains,
/// then limit the number of tracked chains.
fn insert_with<F>(&mut self, chain: Arc<Chain>, chain_filter: F)
F: FnOnce(&mut BTreeSet<Arc<Chain>>),
chain_filter(&mut self.chain_set);
while self.chain_set.len() > MAX_NON_FINALIZED_CHAIN_FORKS {
// The first chain is the chain with the lowest work.
/// Insert `chain` into `self.chain_set`, then limit the number of tracked chains.
fn insert(&mut self, chain: Arc<Chain>) {
self.insert_with(chain, |_ignored_chain| { /* no filter */ })
/// Finalize the lowest height block in the non-finalized portion of the best
/// chain and update all side-chains to match.
pub fn finalize(&mut self) -> FinalizableBlock {
// Chain::cmp uses the partial cumulative work, and the hash of the tip block.
// Neither of these fields has interior mutability.
// (And when the tip block is dropped for a chain, the chain is also dropped.)
let chains = mem::take(&mut self.chain_set);
let mut chains = chains.into_iter();
// extract best chain
let mut best_chain = chains.next_back().expect("there's at least one chain");
// clone if required
let mut_best_chain = Arc::make_mut(&mut best_chain);
// extract the rest into side_chains so they can be mutated
let side_chains = chains;
// Pop the lowest height block from the best chain to be finalized, and
// also obtain its associated treestate.
let (best_chain_root, root_treestate) = mut_best_chain.pop_root();
// add best_chain back to `self.chain_set`
if !best_chain.is_empty() {
// for each remaining chain in side_chains
for mut side_chain in side_chains.rev() {
if side_chain.non_finalized_root_hash() != best_chain_root.hash {
// If we popped the root, the chain would be empty or orphaned,
// so just drop it now.
// otherwise, the popped root block is the same as the finalizing block
// clone if required
let mut_side_chain = Arc::make_mut(&mut side_chain);
// remove the first block from `chain`
let (side_chain_root, _treestate) = mut_side_chain.pop_root();
assert_eq!(side_chain_root.hash, best_chain_root.hash);
// add the chain back to `self.chain_set`
// Add the treestate to the finalized block.
FinalizableBlock::new(best_chain_root, root_treestate)
/// Commit block to the non-finalized state, on top of:
/// - an existing chain's tip, or
/// - a newly forked chain.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, finalized_state, prepared))]
pub fn commit_block(
&mut self,
prepared: SemanticallyVerifiedBlock,
finalized_state: &ZebraDb,
) -> Result<(), ValidateContextError> {
let parent_hash = prepared.block.header.previous_block_hash;
let (height, hash) = (prepared.height, prepared.hash);
let parent_chain = self.parent_chain(parent_hash)?;
// If the block is invalid, return the error,
// and drop the cloned parent Arc, or newly created chain fork.
let modified_chain = self.validate_and_commit(parent_chain, prepared, finalized_state)?;
// If the block is valid:
// - add the new chain fork or updated chain to the set of recent chains
// - remove the parent chain, if it was in the chain set
// (if it was a newly created fork, it won't be in the chain set)
self.insert_with(modified_chain, |chain_set| {
chain_set.retain(|chain| chain.non_finalized_tip_hash() != parent_hash)
self.update_metrics_for_committed_block(height, hash);
/// Commit block to the non-finalized state as a new chain where its parent
/// is the finalized tip.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, finalized_state, prepared))]
pub fn commit_new_chain(
&mut self,
prepared: SemanticallyVerifiedBlock,
finalized_state: &ZebraDb,
) -> Result<(), ValidateContextError> {
let finalized_tip_height = finalized_state.finalized_tip_height();
// TODO: fix tests that don't initialize the finalized state
let finalized_tip_height = finalized_tip_height.expect("finalized state contains blocks");
let finalized_tip_height = finalized_tip_height.unwrap_or(zebra_chain::block::Height(0));
let chain = Chain::new(
let (height, hash) = (prepared.height, prepared.hash);
// If the block is invalid, return the error, and drop the newly created chain fork
let chain = self.validate_and_commit(Arc::new(chain), prepared, finalized_state)?;
// If the block is valid, add the new chain fork to the set of recent chains.
self.update_metrics_for_committed_block(height, hash);
/// Contextually validate `prepared` using `finalized_state`.
/// If validation succeeds, push `prepared` onto `new_chain`.
/// `new_chain` should start as a clone of the parent chain fork,
/// or the finalized tip.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip(self, finalized_state, new_chain))]
fn validate_and_commit(
new_chain: Arc<Chain>,
prepared: SemanticallyVerifiedBlock,
finalized_state: &ZebraDb,
) -> Result<Arc<Chain>, ValidateContextError> {
// Reads from disk
// TODO: if these disk reads show up in profiles, run them in parallel, using std::thread::spawn()
let spent_utxos = check::utxo::transparent_spend(
// Reads from disk
// Reads from disk
let sprout_final_treestates = check::anchors::block_fetch_sprout_final_treestates(
// Quick check that doesn't read from disk
let contextual = ContextuallyVerifiedBlock::with_block_and_spent_utxos(
.map_err(|value_balance_error| {
ValidateContextError::CalculateBlockChainValueChange {
height: prepared.height,
block_hash: prepared.hash,
transaction_count: prepared.block.transactions.len(),
spent_utxo_count: spent_utxos.len(),
Self::validate_and_update_parallel(new_chain, contextual, sprout_final_treestates)
/// Validate `contextual` and update `new_chain`, doing CPU-intensive work in parallel batches.
#[tracing::instrument(skip(new_chain, sprout_final_treestates))]
fn validate_and_update_parallel(
new_chain: Arc<Chain>,
contextual: ContextuallyVerifiedBlock,
sprout_final_treestates: HashMap<sprout::tree::Root, Arc<sprout::tree::NoteCommitmentTree>>,
) -> Result<Arc<Chain>, ValidateContextError> {
let mut block_commitment_result = None;
let mut sprout_anchor_result = None;
let mut chain_push_result = None;
// Clone function arguments for different threads
let block = contextual.block.clone();
let network = new_chain.network();
let history_tree = new_chain.history_block_commitment_tree();
let block2 = contextual.block.clone();
let height = contextual.height;
let transaction_hashes = contextual.transaction_hashes.clone();
rayon::in_place_scope_fifo(|scope| {
scope.spawn_fifo(|_scope| {
block_commitment_result = Some(check::block_commitment_is_valid_for_chain_history(
scope.spawn_fifo(|_scope| {
sprout_anchor_result =
// We're pretty sure the new block is valid,
// so clone the inner chain if needed, then add the new block.
// Pushing a block onto a Chain can launch additional parallel batches.
// TODO: should we pass _scope into Chain::push()?
scope.spawn_fifo(|_scope| {
// TODO: Replace with Arc::unwrap_or_clone() when it stabilises:
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/93610
let new_chain = Arc::try_unwrap(new_chain)
.unwrap_or_else(|shared_chain| (*shared_chain).clone());
chain_push_result = Some(new_chain.push(contextual).map(Arc::new));
// Don't return the updated Chain unless all the parallel results were Ok
block_commitment_result.expect("scope has finished")?;
sprout_anchor_result.expect("scope has finished")?;
chain_push_result.expect("scope has finished")
/// Returns the length of the non-finalized portion of the current best chain
/// or `None` if the best chain has no blocks.
pub fn best_chain_len(&self) -> Option<u32> {
// This `as` can't overflow because the number of blocks in the chain is limited to i32::MAX,
// and the non-finalized chain is further limited by the fork length (slightly over 100 blocks).
Some(self.best_chain()?.blocks.len() as u32)
/// Returns `true` if `hash` is contained in the non-finalized portion of any
/// known chain.
pub fn any_chain_contains(&self, hash: &block::Hash) -> bool {
.any(|chain| chain.height_by_hash.contains_key(hash))
/// Returns the first chain satisfying the given predicate.
/// If multiple chains satisfy the predicate, returns the chain with the highest difficulty.
/// (Using the tip block hash tie-breaker.)
pub fn find_chain<P>(&self, mut predicate: P) -> Option<Arc<Chain>>
P: FnMut(&Chain) -> bool,
// Reverse the iteration order, to find highest difficulty chains first.
.find(|chain| predicate(chain))
/// Returns the [`transparent::Utxo`] pointed to by the given
/// [`transparent::OutPoint`] if it is present in any chain.
/// UTXOs are returned regardless of whether they have been spent.
pub fn any_utxo(&self, outpoint: &transparent::OutPoint) -> Option<transparent::Utxo> {
.find_map(|chain| chain.created_utxo(outpoint))
/// Returns the `block` with the given hash in any chain.
pub fn any_block_by_hash(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<Arc<Block>> {
// This performs efficiently because the number of chains is limited to 10.
for chain in self.chain_set.iter().rev() {
if let Some(prepared) = chain
.and_then(|height| chain.blocks.get(height))
return Some(prepared.block.clone());
/// Returns the previous block hash for the given block hash in any chain.
pub fn any_prev_block_hash_for_hash(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<block::Hash> {
// This performs efficiently because the blocks are in memory.
.map(|block| block.header.previous_block_hash)
/// Returns the hash for a given `block::Height` if it is present in the best chain.
pub fn best_hash(&self, height: block::Height) -> Option<block::Hash> {
.map(|prepared| prepared.hash)
/// Returns the tip of the best chain.
pub fn best_tip(&self) -> Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)> {
let best_chain = self.best_chain()?;
let height = best_chain.non_finalized_tip_height();
let hash = best_chain.non_finalized_tip_hash();
Some((height, hash))
/// Returns the block at the tip of the best chain.
pub fn best_tip_block(&self) -> Option<&ContextuallyVerifiedBlock> {
let best_chain = self.best_chain()?;
/// Returns the height of `hash` in the best chain.
pub fn best_height_by_hash(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<block::Height> {
let best_chain = self.best_chain()?;
let height = *best_chain.height_by_hash.get(&hash)?;
/// Returns the height of `hash` in any chain.
pub fn any_height_by_hash(&self, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<block::Height> {
for chain in self.chain_set.iter().rev() {
if let Some(height) = chain.height_by_hash.get(&hash) {
return Some(*height);
/// Returns `true` if the best chain contains `sprout_nullifier`.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn best_contains_sprout_nullifier(&self, sprout_nullifier: &sprout::Nullifier) -> bool {
.map(|best_chain| best_chain.sprout_nullifiers.contains(sprout_nullifier))
/// Returns `true` if the best chain contains `sapling_nullifier`.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn best_contains_sapling_nullifier(
sapling_nullifier: &zebra_chain::sapling::Nullifier,
) -> bool {
.map(|best_chain| best_chain.sapling_nullifiers.contains(sapling_nullifier))
/// Returns `true` if the best chain contains `orchard_nullifier`.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn best_contains_orchard_nullifier(
orchard_nullifier: &zebra_chain::orchard::Nullifier,
) -> bool {
.map(|best_chain| best_chain.orchard_nullifiers.contains(orchard_nullifier))
/// Return the non-finalized portion of the current best chain.
pub fn best_chain(&self) -> Option<&Arc<Chain>> {
/// Return the number of chains.
pub fn chain_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Return the chain whose tip block hash is `parent_hash`.
/// The chain can be an existing chain in the non-finalized state, or a freshly
/// created fork.
fn parent_chain(&self, parent_hash: block::Hash) -> Result<Arc<Chain>, ValidateContextError> {
match self.find_chain(|chain| chain.non_finalized_tip_hash() == parent_hash) {
// Clone the existing Arc<Chain> in the non-finalized state
Some(chain) => Ok(chain.clone()),
// Create a new fork
None => {
// Check the lowest difficulty chains first,
// because the fork could be closer to their tip.
let fork_chain = self
.find_map(|chain| chain.fork(parent_hash))
/// Should this `NonFinalizedState` instance track metrics and progress bars?
fn should_count_metrics(&self) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
return self.should_count_metrics;
#[cfg(not(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs"))]
return true;
/// Update the metrics after `block` is committed
fn update_metrics_for_committed_block(&self, height: block::Height, hash: block::Hash) {
if !self.should_count_metrics() {
metrics::gauge!("state.memory.committed.block.height").set(height.0 as f64);
if self
.expect("metrics are only updated after initialization")
== hash
metrics::gauge!("state.memory.best.committed.block.height").set(height.0 as f64);
/// Update the metrics after `self.chain_set` is modified
fn update_metrics_for_chains(&self) {
if !self.should_count_metrics() {
metrics::gauge!("state.memory.chain.count").set(self.chain_set.len() as f64);
.set(self.best_chain_len().unwrap_or_default() as f64);
/// Update the progress bars after any chain is modified.
/// This includes both chain forks and committed blocks.
fn update_metrics_bars(&mut self) {
// TODO: make chain_count_bar interior mutable, move to update_metrics_for_committed_block()
if !self.should_count_metrics() {
#[cfg(feature = "progress-bar")]
use std::cmp::Ordering::*;
if matches!(howudoin::cancelled(), Some(true)) {
// Update the chain count bar
if self.chain_count_bar.is_none() {
self.chain_count_bar = Some(howudoin::new_root().label("Chain Forks"));
let chain_count_bar = self
.expect("just initialized if missing");
let finalized_tip_height = self
.map(|chain| chain.non_finalized_root_height().0 - 1);
chain_count_bar.set_pos(u64::try_from(self.chain_count()).expect("fits in u64"));
// .set_len(u64::try_from(MAX_NON_FINALIZED_CHAIN_FORKS).expect("fits in u64"));
if let Some(finalized_tip_height) = finalized_tip_height {
chain_count_bar.desc(format!("Finalized Root {finalized_tip_height}"));
// Update each chain length bar, creating or deleting bars as needed
let prev_length_bars = self.chain_fork_length_bars.len();
match self.chain_count().cmp(&prev_length_bars) {
Greater => self
.resize_with(self.chain_count(), || {
Less => {
let redundant_bars = self.chain_fork_length_bars.split_off(self.chain_count());
for bar in redundant_bars {
Equal => {}
// It doesn't matter what chain the bar was previously used for,
// because we update everything based on the latest chain in that position.
for (chain_length_bar, chain) in
std::iter::zip(self.chain_fork_length_bars.iter(), self.chain_iter())
let fork_height = chain
.unwrap_or_else(|| chain.non_finalized_tip_height())
// We need to initialize and set all the values of the bar here, because:
// - the bar might have been newly created, or
// - the chain this bar was previously assigned to might have changed position.
.label(format!("Fork {fork_height}"))
.set_pos(u64::try_from(chain.len()).expect("fits in u64"));
// TODO: should this be MAX_BLOCK_REORG_HEIGHT?
// .set_len(u64::from(
// zebra_chain::transparent::MIN_TRANSPARENT_COINBASE_MATURITY,
// ));
// TODO: store work in the finalized state for each height (#7109),
// and show the full chain work here, like `zcashd` (#7110)
// For now, we don't show any work here, see the deleted code in PR #7087.
let mut desc = String::new();
if let Some(recent_fork_height) = chain.recent_fork_height() {
let recent_fork_length = chain
.expect("just checked recent fork height");
let mut plural = "s";
if recent_fork_length == 1 {
plural = "";
" at {recent_fork_height:?} + {recent_fork_length} block{plural}"
/// Stop tracking metrics for this non-finalized state and all its chains.
pub fn disable_metrics(&mut self) {
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
self.should_count_metrics = false;
#[cfg(feature = "progress-bar")]
let count_bar = self.chain_count_bar.take().into_iter();
let fork_bars = self.chain_fork_length_bars.drain(..);
impl Drop for NonFinalizedState {
fn drop(&mut self) {