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//! User-configurable RPC settings.
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub mod mining;
/// RPC configuration section.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, default)]
pub struct Config {
/// IP address and port for the RPC server.
/// Note: The RPC server is disabled by default.
/// To enable the RPC server, set a listen address in the config:
/// ```toml
/// [rpc]
/// listen_addr = ''
/// ```
/// The recommended ports for the RPC server are:
/// - Mainnet:
/// - Testnet:
/// # Security
/// If you bind Zebra's RPC port to a public IP address,
/// anyone on the internet can send transactions via your node.
/// They can also query your node's state.
pub listen_addr: Option<SocketAddr>,
/// The number of threads used to process RPC requests and responses.
/// Zebra's RPC server has a separate thread pool and a `tokio` executor for each thread.
/// State queries are run concurrently using the shared thread pool controlled by
/// the [`SyncSection.parallel_cpu_threads`](https://doc.zebra.zfnd.org/zebrad/config/struct.SyncSection.html#structfield.parallel_cpu_threads) config.
/// We recommend setting both configs to `0` (automatic scaling) for the best performance.
/// This uses one thread per available CPU core.
/// Set to `1` by default, which runs all RPC queries on a single thread, and detects RPC
/// port conflicts from multiple Zebra or `zcashd` instances.
/// For details, see [the `jsonrpc_http_server` documentation](https://docs.rs/jsonrpc-http-server/latest/jsonrpc_http_server/struct.ServerBuilder.html#method.threads).
/// ## Warning
/// Changing this config disables RPC port conflict detection.
/// This can allow multiple Zebra instances to share the same RPC port.
/// If some of those instances are outdated or failed, RPC queries can be slow or inconsistent.
pub parallel_cpu_threads: usize,
/// Test-only option that makes Zebra say it is at the chain tip,
/// no matter what the estimated height or local clock is.
pub debug_force_finished_sync: bool,
// This impl isn't derivable because it depends on features.
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
// Disable RPCs by default.
listen_addr: None,
// Use a single thread, so we can detect RPC port conflicts.
#[cfg(not(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs"))]
parallel_cpu_threads: 1,
// Use multiple threads, because we pause requests during getblocktemplate long polling
#[cfg(feature = "getblocktemplate-rpcs")]
parallel_cpu_threads: 0,
// Debug options are always off by default.
debug_force_finished_sync: false,