
879 lines
34 KiB

//! Fully populate the Sapling and Orchard note commitment subtrees for existing blocks in the database.
use std::sync::{mpsc, Arc};
use hex_literal::hex;
use itertools::Itertools;
use tracing::instrument;
use zebra_chain::{
subtree::{NoteCommitmentSubtree, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex},
use crate::service::finalized_state::{
disk_format::upgrade::CancelFormatChange, DiskWriteBatch, ZebraDb,
/// Runs disk format upgrade for adding Sapling and Orchard note commitment subtrees to database.
/// Trees are added to the database in reverse height order, so that wallets can sync correctly
/// while the upgrade is running.
/// Returns `Ok` if the upgrade completed, and `Err` if it was cancelled.
#[instrument(skip(upgrade_db, cancel_receiver))]
pub fn run(
initial_tip_height: Height,
upgrade_db: &ZebraDb,
cancel_receiver: &mpsc::Receiver<CancelFormatChange>,
) -> Result<(), CancelFormatChange> {
// # Consensus
// Zebra stores exactly one note commitment tree for every block with sapling notes.
// (It also stores the empty note commitment tree for the genesis block, but we skip that.)
// The consensus rules limit blocks to less than 2^16 sapling and 2^16 orchard outputs. So a
// block can't complete multiple level 16 subtrees (or complete an entire subtree by itself).
// Currently, with 2MB blocks and v4/v5 sapling and orchard output sizes, the subtree index can
// increase by at most 1 every ~20 blocks.
// # Compatibility
// Because wallets search backwards from the chain tip, subtrees need to be added to the
// database in reverse height order. (Tip first, genesis last.)
// Otherwise, wallets that sync during the upgrade will be missing some notes.
// Generate a list of sapling subtree inputs: previous and current trees, and their end heights.
let subtrees = upgrade_db
// We need both the tree and its previous tree for each shielded block.
// Because the iterator is reversed, the larger tree is first.
.map(|((end_height, tree), (prev_end_height, prev_tree))| {
(prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree)
// Find new subtrees.
.filter(|(_prev_end_height, prev_tree, _end_height, tree)| {
for (prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree) in subtrees {
// Return early if the upgrade is cancelled.
if !matches!(cancel_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)) {
return Err(CancelFormatChange);
let subtree =
calculate_sapling_subtree(upgrade_db, prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree);
write_sapling_subtree(upgrade_db, subtree);
// Generate a list of orchard subtree inputs: previous and current trees, and their end heights.
let subtrees = upgrade_db
// We need both the tree and its previous tree for each shielded block.
// Because the iterator is reversed, the larger tree is first.
.map(|((end_height, tree), (prev_end_height, prev_tree))| {
(prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree)
// Find new subtrees.
.filter(|(_prev_end_height, prev_tree, _end_height, tree)| {
for (prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree) in subtrees {
// Return early if the upgrade is cancelled.
if !matches!(cancel_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)) {
return Err(CancelFormatChange);
let subtree =
calculate_orchard_subtree(upgrade_db, prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree);
write_orchard_subtree(upgrade_db, subtree);
/// Reset data from previous upgrades. This data can be complete or incomplete.
/// Returns `Ok` if the upgrade completed, and `Err` if it was cancelled.
#[instrument(skip(upgrade_db, cancel_receiver))]
pub fn reset(
_initial_tip_height: Height,
upgrade_db: &ZebraDb,
cancel_receiver: &mpsc::Receiver<CancelFormatChange>,
) -> Result<(), CancelFormatChange> {
// Return early if the upgrade is cancelled.
if !matches!(cancel_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)) {
return Err(CancelFormatChange);
// This doesn't delete the maximum index, but the consensus rules make that subtree impossible.
// (Adding a note to a full note commitment tree is an error.)
// TODO: convert zs_delete_range() to take std::ops::RangeBounds, and delete the upper bound.
let mut batch = DiskWriteBatch::new();
batch.delete_range_sapling_subtree(upgrade_db, 0.into(), u16::MAX.into());
.expect("deleting old sapling note commitment subtrees is a valid database operation");
if !matches!(cancel_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)) {
return Err(CancelFormatChange);
let mut batch = DiskWriteBatch::new();
batch.delete_range_orchard_subtree(upgrade_db, 0.into(), u16::MAX.into());
.expect("deleting old orchard note commitment subtrees is a valid database operation");
/// Quickly check that the first calculated subtree is correct.
/// This allows us to fail the upgrade quickly in tests and during development,
/// rather than waiting ~20 minutes to see if it failed.
/// This check runs the first subtree calculation, but it doesn't read the subtree data in the
/// database. So it can be run before the upgrade is started.
pub fn subtree_format_calculation_pre_checks(db: &ZebraDb) -> Result<(), String> {
// Check the entire format before returning any errors.
let sapling_result = quick_check_sapling_subtrees(db);
let orchard_result = quick_check_orchard_subtrees(db);
if sapling_result.is_err() || orchard_result.is_err() {
let err = Err(format!(
"missing or bad first subtree: sapling: {sapling_result:?}, orchard: {orchard_result:?}"
return err;
/// A quick test vector that allows us to fail an incorrect upgrade within a few seconds.
fn first_sapling_mainnet_subtree() -> NoteCommitmentSubtree<sapling::tree::Node> {
// This test vector was generated using the command:
// ```sh
// zcash-cli z_getsubtreesbyindex sapling 0 1
// ```
NoteCommitmentSubtree {
index: 0.into(),
root: hex!("754bb593ea42d231a7ddf367640f09bbf59dc00f2c1d2003cc340e0c016b5b13")
.expect("test vector is valid"),
end_height: Height(558822),
/// A quick test vector that allows us to fail an incorrect upgrade within a few seconds.
fn first_orchard_mainnet_subtree() -> NoteCommitmentSubtree<orchard::tree::Node> {
// This test vector was generated using the command:
// ```sh
// zcash-cli z_getsubtreesbyindex orchard 0 1
// ```
NoteCommitmentSubtree {
index: 0.into(),
root: hex!("d4e323b3ae0cabfb6be4087fec8c66d9a9bbfc354bf1d9588b6620448182063b")
.expect("test vector is valid"),
end_height: Height(1707429),
/// Quickly check that the first calculated sapling subtree is correct.
/// This allows us to fail the upgrade quickly in tests and during development,
/// rather than waiting ~20 minutes to see if it failed.
/// Returns an error if a note commitment subtree is missing or incorrect.
fn quick_check_sapling_subtrees(db: &ZebraDb) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
// We check the first sapling subtree on mainnet, so skip this check if it isn't available.
if db.network() != Mainnet {
return Ok(());
let Some(NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(tip_subtree_index)) =
else {
return Ok(());
if tip_subtree_index == 0 && !db.sapling_tree_for_tip().is_complete_subtree() {
return Ok(());
// Find the first complete subtree: previous and current trees, and their end heights.
let first_complete_subtree = db
// We need both the tree and its previous tree for each shielded block.
.map(|((prev_end_height, prev_tree), (end_height, tree))| {
(prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree)
.find(|(_prev_end_height, prev_tree, _end_height, tree)| {
let Some((prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree)) = first_complete_subtree else {
let result = Err("iterator did not find complete subtree, but the tree has it");
return result;
// Creating this test vector involves a cryptographic check, so only do it once.
let expected_subtree = first_sapling_mainnet_subtree();
let db_subtree = calculate_sapling_subtree(db, prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree);
if db_subtree != expected_subtree {
let result = Err("first subtree did not match expected test vector");
error!(?result, ?db_subtree, ?expected_subtree);
return result;
/// Quickly check that the first calculated orchard subtree is correct.
/// This allows us to fail the upgrade quickly in tests and during development,
/// rather than waiting ~20 minutes to see if it failed.
/// Returns an error if a note commitment subtree is missing or incorrect.
fn quick_check_orchard_subtrees(db: &ZebraDb) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
// We check the first orchard subtree on mainnet, so skip this check if it isn't available.
if db.network() != Mainnet {
return Ok(());
let Some(NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(tip_subtree_index)) =
else {
return Ok(());
if tip_subtree_index == 0 && !db.orchard_tree_for_tip().is_complete_subtree() {
return Ok(());
// Find the first complete subtree: previous and current trees, and their end heights.
let first_complete_subtree = db
// We need both the tree and its previous tree for each shielded block.
.map(|((prev_end_height, prev_tree), (end_height, tree))| {
(prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree)
.find(|(_prev_end_height, prev_tree, _end_height, tree)| {
let Some((prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree)) = first_complete_subtree else {
let result = Err("iterator did not find complete subtree, but the tree has it");
return result;
// Creating this test vector involves a cryptographic check, so only do it once.
let expected_subtree = first_orchard_mainnet_subtree();
let db_subtree = calculate_orchard_subtree(db, prev_end_height, prev_tree, end_height, tree);
if db_subtree != expected_subtree {
let result = Err("first subtree did not match expected test vector");
error!(?result, ?db_subtree, ?expected_subtree);
return result;
/// Check that note commitment subtrees were correctly added.
pub fn subtree_format_validity_checks_detailed(
db: &ZebraDb,
cancel_receiver: &mpsc::Receiver<CancelFormatChange>,
) -> Result<Result<(), String>, CancelFormatChange> {
// This is redundant in some code paths, but not in others. But it's quick anyway.
let quick_result = subtree_format_calculation_pre_checks(db);
// Check the entire format before returning any errors.
let sapling_result = check_sapling_subtrees(db, cancel_receiver)?;
let orchard_result = check_orchard_subtrees(db, cancel_receiver)?;
if quick_result.is_err() || sapling_result.is_err() || orchard_result.is_err() {
let err = Err(format!(
"missing or invalid subtree(s): \
quick: {quick_result:?}, sapling: {sapling_result:?}, orchard: {orchard_result:?}"
return Ok(err);
/// Check that Sapling note commitment subtrees were correctly added.
/// Returns an error if a note commitment subtree is missing or incorrect.
fn check_sapling_subtrees(
db: &ZebraDb,
cancel_receiver: &mpsc::Receiver<CancelFormatChange>,
) -> Result<Result<(), &'static str>, CancelFormatChange> {
let Some(NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(mut first_incomplete_subtree_index)) =
else {
return Ok(Ok(()));
// If there are no incomplete subtrees in the tree, also expect a subtree for the final index.
if db.sapling_tree_for_tip().is_complete_subtree() {
first_incomplete_subtree_index += 1;
let mut result = Ok(());
for index in 0..first_incomplete_subtree_index {
// Return early if the format check is cancelled.
if !matches!(cancel_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)) {
return Err(CancelFormatChange);
// Check that there's a continuous range of subtrees from index [0, first_incomplete_subtree_index)
let Some(subtree) = db.sapling_subtree_by_index(index) else {
result = Err("missing subtree");
error!(?result, index);
// Check that there was a sapling note at the subtree's end height.
let Some(tree) = db.sapling_tree_by_height(&subtree.end_height) else {
result = Err("missing note commitment tree at subtree completion height");
error!(?result, ?subtree.end_height);
// Check the index and root if the sapling note commitment tree at this height is a complete subtree.
if let Some((index, node)) = tree.completed_subtree_index_and_root() {
if subtree.index != index {
result = Err("completed subtree indexes should match");
if subtree.root != node {
result = Err("completed subtree roots should match");
// Check that the final note has a greater subtree index if it didn't complete a subtree.
else {
let prev_height = subtree
.expect("Note commitment subtrees should not end at the minimal height.");
let Some(prev_tree) = db.sapling_tree_by_height(&prev_height) else {
result = Err("missing note commitment tree below subtree completion height");
error!(?result, ?subtree.end_height);
let prev_subtree_index = prev_tree.subtree_index();
let subtree_index = tree.subtree_index();
if subtree_index <= prev_subtree_index {
result =
Err("note commitment tree at end height should have incremented subtree index");
error!(?result, ?subtree_index, ?prev_subtree_index,);
let mut subtree_count = 0;
for (index, height, tree) in db
// Exclude empty sapling tree and add subtree indexes
.filter_map(|(height, tree)| Some((tree.subtree_index()?, height, tree)))
// Exclude heights that don't complete a subtree and count completed subtrees
.filter_map(|(subtree_index, height, tree)| {
if tree.is_complete_subtree() || subtree_index.0 > subtree_count {
let subtree_index = subtree_count;
subtree_count += 1;
Some((subtree_index, height, tree))
} else {
// Return early if the format check is cancelled.
if !matches!(cancel_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)) {
return Err(CancelFormatChange);
// Check that there's an entry for every completed sapling subtree root in all sapling trees
let Some(subtree) = db.sapling_subtree_by_index(index) else {
result = Err("missing subtree");
error!(?result, index);
// Check that the subtree end height matches that in the sapling trees.
if subtree.end_height != height {
let is_complete = tree.is_complete_subtree();
result = Err("bad sapling subtree end height");
error!(?result, ?subtree.end_height, ?height, ?index, ?is_complete, );
// Check the root if the sapling note commitment tree at this height is a complete subtree.
if let Some((_index, node)) = tree.completed_subtree_index_and_root() {
if subtree.root != node {
result = Err("completed subtree roots should match");
if result.is_err() {
"missing or bad sapling subtrees"
/// Check that Orchard note commitment subtrees were correctly added.
/// Returns an error if a note commitment subtree is missing or incorrect.
fn check_orchard_subtrees(
db: &ZebraDb,
cancel_receiver: &mpsc::Receiver<CancelFormatChange>,
) -> Result<Result<(), &'static str>, CancelFormatChange> {
let Some(NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(mut first_incomplete_subtree_index)) =
else {
return Ok(Ok(()));
// If there are no incomplete subtrees in the tree, also expect a subtree for the final index.
if db.orchard_tree_for_tip().is_complete_subtree() {
first_incomplete_subtree_index += 1;
let mut result = Ok(());
for index in 0..first_incomplete_subtree_index {
// Return early if the format check is cancelled.
if !matches!(cancel_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)) {
return Err(CancelFormatChange);
// Check that there's a continuous range of subtrees from index [0, first_incomplete_subtree_index)
let Some(subtree) = db.orchard_subtree_by_index(index) else {
result = Err("missing subtree");
error!(?result, index);
// Check that there was a orchard note at the subtree's end height.
let Some(tree) = db.orchard_tree_by_height(&subtree.end_height) else {
result = Err("missing note commitment tree at subtree completion height");
error!(?result, ?subtree.end_height);
// Check the index and root if the orchard note commitment tree at this height is a complete subtree.
if let Some((index, node)) = tree.completed_subtree_index_and_root() {
if subtree.index != index {
result = Err("completed subtree indexes should match");
if subtree.root != node {
result = Err("completed subtree roots should match");
// Check that the final note has a greater subtree index if it didn't complete a subtree.
else {
let prev_height = subtree
.expect("Note commitment subtrees should not end at the minimal height.");
let Some(prev_tree) = db.orchard_tree_by_height(&prev_height) else {
result = Err("missing note commitment tree below subtree completion height");
error!(?result, ?subtree.end_height);
let prev_subtree_index = prev_tree.subtree_index();
let subtree_index = tree.subtree_index();
if subtree_index <= prev_subtree_index {
result =
Err("note commitment tree at end height should have incremented subtree index");
error!(?result, ?subtree_index, ?prev_subtree_index,);
let mut subtree_count = 0;
for (index, height, tree) in db
// Exclude empty orchard tree and add subtree indexes
.filter_map(|(height, tree)| Some((tree.subtree_index()?, height, tree)))
// Exclude heights that don't complete a subtree and count completed subtrees
.filter_map(|(subtree_index, height, tree)| {
if tree.is_complete_subtree() || subtree_index.0 > subtree_count {
let subtree_index = subtree_count;
subtree_count += 1;
Some((subtree_index, height, tree))
} else {
// Return early if the format check is cancelled.
if !matches!(cancel_receiver.try_recv(), Err(mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty)) {
return Err(CancelFormatChange);
// Check that there's an entry for every completed orchard subtree root in all orchard trees
let Some(subtree) = db.orchard_subtree_by_index(index) else {
result = Err("missing subtree");
error!(?result, index);
// Check that the subtree end height matches that in the orchard trees.
if subtree.end_height != height {
let is_complete = tree.is_complete_subtree();
result = Err("bad orchard subtree end height");
error!(?result, ?subtree.end_height, ?height, ?index, ?is_complete, );
// Check the root if the orchard note commitment tree at this height is a complete subtree.
if let Some((_index, node)) = tree.completed_subtree_index_and_root() {
if subtree.root != node {
result = Err("completed subtree roots should match");
if result.is_err() {
"missing or bad orchard subtrees"
/// Calculates a note commitment subtree for Sapling, reading blocks from `read_db` if needed.
/// The subtree must be completed by a note commitment in the block at `end_height`.
/// `tree` is the tree for that block, and `prev_tree` is the tree for the previous block.
/// `prev_tree` is only used to rebuild the subtree if it was completed without using the last
/// note commitment in the block at `end_height`.
/// # Panics
/// If a subtree is not completed by a note commitment in the block at `end_height`.
#[must_use = "subtree should be written to the database after it is calculated"]
#[instrument(skip(read_db, prev_tree, tree))]
fn calculate_sapling_subtree(
read_db: &ZebraDb,
prev_end_height: Height,
prev_tree: Arc<sapling::tree::NoteCommitmentTree>,
end_height: Height,
tree: Arc<sapling::tree::NoteCommitmentTree>,
) -> NoteCommitmentSubtree<sapling::tree::Node> {
// If a subtree is completed by a note commitment in the block at `end_height`,
// then that subtree can be completed in two different ways:
if let Some((index, node)) = tree.completed_subtree_index_and_root() {
// If the subtree is completed by the last note commitment in that block,
// we already have that subtree root available in the tree.
NoteCommitmentSubtree::new(index, end_height, node)
} else {
// If the subtree is completed without using the last note commitment in the block,
// we need to calculate the subtree root, starting with the tree from the previous block.
// TODO: move the assertion/panic log string formatting into a separate function?
let prev_position = prev_tree.position().unwrap_or_else(|| {
"previous block must have a partial subtree:\n\
previous subtree:\n\
height: {prev_end_height:?}\n\
current subtree:\n\
height: {end_height:?}"
let prev_index = prev_tree
.expect("previous block must have a partial subtree");
let prev_remaining_notes = prev_tree.remaining_subtree_leaf_nodes();
let current_position = tree.position().unwrap_or_else(|| {
"current block must have a subtree:\n\
previous subtree:\n\
height: {prev_end_height:?}\n\
index: {prev_index}\n\
position: {prev_position}\n\
remaining: {prev_remaining_notes}\n\
current subtree:\n\
height: {end_height:?}"
let current_index = tree
.expect("current block must have a subtree");
let current_remaining_notes = tree.remaining_subtree_leaf_nodes();
prev_index.0 + 1,
"subtree must have been completed by the current block:\n\
previous subtree:\n\
height: {prev_end_height:?}\n\
index: {prev_index}\n\
position: {prev_position}\n\
remaining: {prev_remaining_notes}\n\
current subtree:\n\
height: {end_height:?}\n\
index: {current_index}\n\
position: {current_position}\n\
remaining: {current_remaining_notes}"
// Get the missing notes needed to complete the subtree.
// TODO: consider just reading the block's transactions from the database file,
// because we don't use the block header data at all.
let block = read_db
.expect("height with note commitment tree should have block");
let sapling_note_commitments = block
// This takes less than 1 second per tree, so we don't need to make it cancellable.
let (sapling_nct, subtree) = NoteCommitmentTrees::update_sapling_note_commitment_tree(
.expect("finalized notes should append successfully");
let (index, node) = subtree.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"already checked that the block completed a subtree:\n\
updated subtree:\n\
index: {:?}\n\
position: {:?}\n\
remaining notes: {}\n\
original previous subtree:\n\
height: {prev_end_height:?}\n\
index: {prev_index}\n\
position: {prev_position}\n\
remaining: {prev_remaining_notes}\n\
original current subtree:\n\
height: {end_height:?}\n\
index: {current_index}\n\
position: {current_position}\n\
remaining: {current_remaining_notes}",
NoteCommitmentSubtree::new(index, end_height, node)
/// Calculates a note commitment subtree for Orchard, reading blocks from `read_db` if needed.
/// The subtree must be completed by a note commitment in the block at `end_height`.
/// `tree` is the tree for that block, and `prev_tree` is the tree for the previous block.
/// `prev_tree` is only used to rebuild the subtree if it was completed without using the last
/// note commitment in the block at `end_height`.
/// # Panics
/// If a subtree is not completed by a note commitment in the block at `end_height`.
#[must_use = "subtree should be written to the database after it is calculated"]
#[instrument(skip(read_db, prev_tree, tree))]
fn calculate_orchard_subtree(
read_db: &ZebraDb,
prev_end_height: Height,
prev_tree: Arc<orchard::tree::NoteCommitmentTree>,
end_height: Height,
tree: Arc<orchard::tree::NoteCommitmentTree>,
) -> NoteCommitmentSubtree<orchard::tree::Node> {
// If a subtree is completed by a note commitment in the block at `end_height`,
// then that subtree can be completed in two different ways:
if let Some((index, node)) = tree.completed_subtree_index_and_root() {
// If the subtree is completed by the last note commitment in that block,
// we already have that subtree root available in the tree.
NoteCommitmentSubtree::new(index, end_height, node)
} else {
// If the subtree is completed without using the last note commitment in the block,
// we need to calculate the subtree root, starting with the tree from the previous block.
// TODO: move the assertion/panic log string formatting into a separate function?
let prev_position = prev_tree.position().unwrap_or_else(|| {
"previous block must have a partial subtree:\n\
previous subtree:\n\
height: {prev_end_height:?}\n\
current subtree:\n\
height: {end_height:?}"
let prev_index = prev_tree
.expect("previous block must have a partial subtree");
let prev_remaining_notes = prev_tree.remaining_subtree_leaf_nodes();
let current_position = tree.position().unwrap_or_else(|| {
"current block must have a subtree:\n\
previous subtree:\n\
height: {prev_end_height:?}\n\
index: {prev_index}\n\
position: {prev_position}\n\
remaining: {prev_remaining_notes}\n\
current subtree:\n\
height: {end_height:?}"
let current_index = tree
.expect("current block must have a subtree");
let current_remaining_notes = tree.remaining_subtree_leaf_nodes();
prev_index.0 + 1,
"subtree must have been completed by the current block:\n\
previous subtree:\n\
height: {prev_end_height:?}\n\
index: {prev_index}\n\
position: {prev_position}\n\
remaining: {prev_remaining_notes}\n\
current subtree:\n\
height: {end_height:?}\n\
index: {current_index}\n\
position: {current_position}\n\
remaining: {current_remaining_notes}"
// Get the missing notes needed to complete the subtree.
// TODO: consider just reading the block's transactions from the database file,
// because we don't use the block header data at all.
let block = read_db
.expect("height with note commitment tree should have block");
let orchard_note_commitments = block
// This takes less than 1 second per tree, so we don't need to make it cancellable.
let (orchard_nct, subtree) = NoteCommitmentTrees::update_orchard_note_commitment_tree(
.expect("finalized notes should append successfully");
let (index, node) = subtree.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"already checked that the block completed a subtree:\n\
updated subtree:\n\
index: {:?}\n\
position: {:?}\n\
remaining notes: {}\n\
original previous subtree:\n\
height: {prev_end_height:?}\n\
index: {prev_index}\n\
position: {prev_position}\n\
remaining: {prev_remaining_notes}\n\
original current subtree:\n\
height: {end_height:?}\n\
index: {current_index}\n\
position: {current_position}\n\
remaining: {current_remaining_notes}",
NoteCommitmentSubtree::new(index, end_height, node)
/// Writes a Sapling note commitment subtree to `upgrade_db`.
fn write_sapling_subtree(
upgrade_db: &ZebraDb,
subtree: NoteCommitmentSubtree<sapling::tree::Node>,
) {
let mut batch = DiskWriteBatch::new();
batch.insert_sapling_subtree(upgrade_db, &subtree);
.expect("writing sapling note commitment subtrees should always succeed.");
if subtree.index.0 % 100 == 0 {
info!(end_height = ?subtree.end_height, index = ?subtree.index.0, "calculated and added sapling subtree");
// This log happens about once per second on recent machines with SSD disks.
debug!(end_height = ?subtree.end_height, index = ?subtree.index.0, "calculated and added sapling subtree");
/// Writes an Orchard note commitment subtree to `upgrade_db`.
fn write_orchard_subtree(
upgrade_db: &ZebraDb,
subtree: NoteCommitmentSubtree<orchard::tree::Node>,
) {
let mut batch = DiskWriteBatch::new();
batch.insert_orchard_subtree(upgrade_db, &subtree);
.expect("writing orchard note commitment subtrees should always succeed.");
if subtree.index.0 % 100 == 0 {
info!(end_height = ?subtree.end_height, index = ?subtree.index.0, "calculated and added orchard subtree");
// This log happens about once per second on recent machines with SSD disks.
debug!(end_height = ?subtree.end_height, index = ?subtree.index.0, "calculated and added orchard subtree");