
651 lines
21 KiB

//! Finding and reading block hashes and headers, in response to peer requests.
//! In the functions in this module:
//! The block write task commits blocks to the finalized state before updating
//! `chain` with a cached copy of the best non-finalized chain from
//! `NonFinalizedState.chain_set`. Then the block commit task can commit additional blocks to
//! the finalized state after we've cloned the `chain`.
//! This means that some blocks can be in both:
//! - the cached [`Chain`], and
//! - the shared finalized [`ZebraDb`] reference.
use std::{
ops::{RangeBounds, RangeInclusive},
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block, Height},
use crate::{
check::{difficulty::POW_MEDIAN_BLOCK_SPAN, AdjustedDifficulty},
non_finalized_state::{Chain, NonFinalizedState},
read::{self, block::block_header, FINALIZED_STATE_QUERY_RETRIES},
BoxError, KnownBlock,
mod tests;
/// Returns the tip of the best chain in the non-finalized or finalized state.
pub fn best_tip(
non_finalized_state: &NonFinalizedState,
db: &ZebraDb,
) -> Option<(block::Height, block::Hash)> {
tip(non_finalized_state.best_chain(), db)
/// Returns the tip of `chain`.
/// If there is no chain, returns the tip of `db`.
pub fn tip<C>(chain: Option<C>, db: &ZebraDb) -> Option<(Height, block::Hash)>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
// # Correctness
// If there is an overlap between the non-finalized and finalized states,
// where the finalized tip is above the non-finalized tip,
// Zebra is receiving a lot of blocks, or this request has been delayed for a long time,
// so it is acceptable to return either tip.
.map(|chain| chain.as_ref().non_finalized_tip())
.or_else(|| db.tip())
/// Returns the tip [`Height`] of `chain`.
/// If there is no chain, returns the tip of `db`.
pub fn tip_height<C>(chain: Option<C>, db: &ZebraDb) -> Option<Height>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
tip(chain, db).map(|(height, _hash)| height)
/// Returns the tip [`block::Hash`] of `chain`.
/// If there is no chain, returns the tip of `db`.
pub fn tip_hash<C>(chain: Option<C>, db: &ZebraDb) -> Option<block::Hash>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
tip(chain, db).map(|(_height, hash)| hash)
/// Return the depth of block `hash` from the chain tip.
/// Searches `chain` for `hash`, then searches `db`.
pub fn depth<C>(chain: Option<C>, db: &ZebraDb, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<u32>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
let chain = chain.as_ref();
// # Correctness
// It is ok to do this lookup in two different calls. Finalized state updates
// can only add overlapping blocks, and hashes are unique.
let tip = tip_height(chain, db)?;
let height = height_by_hash(chain, db, hash)?;
Some(tip.0 - height.0)
/// Returns the location of the block if present in the non-finalized state.
/// Returns None if the block hash is not found in the non-finalized state.
pub fn non_finalized_state_contains_block_hash(
non_finalized_state: &NonFinalizedState,
hash: block::Hash,
) -> Option<KnownBlock> {
let mut chains_iter = non_finalized_state.chain_iter();
let is_hash_in_chain = |chain: &Arc<Chain>| chain.contains_block_hash(hash);
// Equivalent to `chain_set.iter().next_back()` in `NonFinalizedState.best_chain()` method.
let best_chain = chains_iter.next();
match best_chain.map(is_hash_in_chain) {
Some(true) => Some(KnownBlock::BestChain),
Some(false) if chains_iter.any(is_hash_in_chain) => Some(KnownBlock::SideChain),
Some(false) | None => None,
/// Returns the location of the block if present in the finalized state.
/// Returns None if the block hash is not found in the finalized state.
pub fn finalized_state_contains_block_hash(db: &ZebraDb, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<KnownBlock> {
/// Return the height for the block at `hash`, if `hash` is in `chain` or `db`.
pub fn height_by_hash<C>(chain: Option<C>, db: &ZebraDb, hash: block::Hash) -> Option<Height>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
// # Correctness
// Finalized state updates can only add overlapping blocks, and hashes are unique.
.and_then(|chain| chain.as_ref().height_by_hash(hash))
.or_else(|| db.height(hash))
/// Return the hash for the block at `height`, if `height` is in `chain` or `db`.
pub fn hash_by_height<C>(chain: Option<C>, db: &ZebraDb, height: Height) -> Option<block::Hash>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
// # Correctness
// Finalized state updates can only add overlapping blocks, and heights are unique
// in the current `chain`.
// If there is an overlap between the non-finalized and finalized states,
// where the finalized tip is above the non-finalized tip,
// Zebra is receiving a lot of blocks, or this request has been delayed for a long time,
// so it is acceptable to return hashes from either chain.
.and_then(|chain| chain.as_ref().hash_by_height(height))
.or_else(|| db.hash(height))
/// Return true if `hash` is in `chain` or `db`.
pub fn chain_contains_hash<C>(chain: Option<C>, db: &ZebraDb, hash: block::Hash) -> bool
C: AsRef<Chain>,
// # Correctness
// Finalized state updates can only add overlapping blocks, and hashes are unique.
// If there is an overlap between the non-finalized and finalized states,
// where the finalized tip is above the non-finalized tip,
// Zebra is receiving a lot of blocks, or this request has been delayed for a long time,
// so it is acceptable to return hashes from either chain.
.map(|chain| chain.as_ref().height_by_hash.contains_key(&hash))
|| db.contains_hash(hash)
/// Create a block locator from `chain` and `db`.
/// A block locator is used to efficiently find an intersection of two node's chains.
/// It contains a list of block hashes at decreasing heights, skipping some blocks,
/// so that any intersection can be located, no matter how long or different the chains are.
pub fn block_locator<C>(chain: Option<C>, db: &ZebraDb) -> Option<Vec<block::Hash>>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
let chain = chain.as_ref();
// # Correctness
// It is ok to do these lookups using multiple database calls. Finalized state updates
// can only add overlapping blocks, and hashes are unique.
// If there is an overlap between the non-finalized and finalized states,
// where the finalized tip is above the non-finalized tip,
// Zebra is receiving a lot of blocks, or this request has been delayed for a long time,
// so it is acceptable to return a set of hashes from multiple chains.
// Multiple heights can not map to the same hash, even in different chains,
// because the block height is covered by the block hash,
// via the transaction merkle tree commitments.
let tip_height = tip_height(chain, db)?;
let heights = block_locator_heights(tip_height);
let mut hashes = Vec::with_capacity(heights.len());
for height in heights {
if let Some(hash) = hash_by_height(chain, db, height) {
/// Get the heights of the blocks for constructing a block_locator list.
/// Zebra uses a decreasing list of block heights, starting at the tip, and skipping some heights.
/// See [`block_locator()`] for details.
pub fn block_locator_heights(tip_height: block::Height) -> Vec<block::Height> {
// The initial height in the returned `vec` is the tip height,
// and the final height is `MAX_BLOCK_REORG_HEIGHT` below the tip.
// The initial distance between heights is 1, and it doubles between each subsequent height.
// So the number of returned heights is approximately `log_2(MAX_BLOCK_REORG_HEIGHT)`.
// Limit the maximum locator depth.
let min_locator_height = tip_height
// Create an exponentially decreasing set of heights.
let exponential_locators = iter::successors(Some(1u32), |h| h.checked_mul(2))
.flat_map(move |step| tip_height.0.checked_sub(step));
// Start at the tip, add decreasing heights, and end MAX_BLOCK_REORG_HEIGHT below the tip.
let locators = iter::once(tip_height.0)
.take_while(move |&height| height > min_locator_height)
"created block locator"
/// Find the first hash that's in the peer's `known_blocks`, and in `chain` or `db`.
/// Returns `None` if:
/// * there is no matching hash in the chain, or
/// * the state is empty.
fn find_chain_intersection<C>(
chain: Option<C>,
db: &ZebraDb,
known_blocks: Vec<block::Hash>,
) -> Option<block::Hash>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
// We can get a block locator request before we have downloaded the genesis block
if chain.is_none() && db.is_empty() {
return None;
let chain = chain.as_ref();
.find(|&&hash| chain_contains_hash(chain, db, hash))
/// Returns a range of [`Height`]s in the chain,
/// starting after the `intersection` hash on the chain.
/// See [`find_chain_hashes()`] for details.
fn find_chain_height_range<C>(
chain: Option<C>,
db: &ZebraDb,
intersection: Option<block::Hash>,
stop: Option<block::Hash>,
max_len: u32,
) -> impl RangeBounds<u32> + Iterator<Item = u32>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
const EMPTY_RANGE: RangeInclusive<u32> = 1..=0;
assert!(max_len > 0, "max_len must be at least 1");
let chain = chain.as_ref();
// We can get a block locator request before we have downloaded the genesis block
let chain_tip_height = if let Some(height) = tip_height(chain, db) {
} else {
response_len = ?0,
"responding to peer GetBlocks or GetHeaders with empty state",
// Find the intersection height
let intersection_height = match intersection {
Some(intersection_hash) => match height_by_hash(chain, db, intersection_hash) {
Some(intersection_height) => Some(intersection_height),
// A recently committed block dropped the intersection we previously found
None => {
"state found intersection but then dropped it, ignoring request",
// There is no intersection
None => None,
// Now find the start and maximum heights
let (start_height, max_height) = match intersection_height {
// start after the intersection_height, and return max_len hashes or headers
Some(intersection_height) => (
Height(intersection_height.0 + 1),
Height(intersection_height.0 + max_len),
// start at genesis, and return max_len hashes or headers
None => (Height(0), Height(max_len - 1)),
let stop_height = stop.and_then(|hash| height_by_hash(chain, db, hash));
// Compute the final height, making sure it is:
// * at or below our chain tip, and
// * at or below the height of the stop hash.
let final_height = std::cmp::min(max_height, chain_tip_height);
let final_height = stop_height
.map(|stop_height| std::cmp::min(final_height, stop_height))
// TODO: implement Step for Height, when Step stabilises
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/42168
let height_range = start_height.0..=final_height.0;
let response_len = height_range.clone().count();
"responding to peer GetBlocks or GetHeaders",
// Check the function implements the Find protocol
response_len <= max_len.try_into().expect("fits in usize"),
"a Find response must not exceed the maximum response length",
/// Returns a list of [`block::Hash`]es in the chain,
/// following the `intersection` with the chain.
/// See [`find_chain_hashes()`] for details.
fn collect_chain_hashes<C>(
chain: Option<C>,
db: &ZebraDb,
intersection: Option<block::Hash>,
stop: Option<block::Hash>,
max_len: u32,
) -> Vec<block::Hash>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
let chain = chain.as_ref();
let height_range = find_chain_height_range(chain, db, intersection, stop, max_len);
// All the hashes should be in the chain.
// If they are not, we don't want to return them.
let hashes: Vec<block::Hash> = height_range.into_iter().map_while(|height| {
let hash = hash_by_height(chain, db, Height(height));
// A recently committed block dropped the intersection we previously found.
if hash.is_none() {
"state found height range, but then partially dropped it, returning partial response",
"adding hash to peer Find response",
// Check the function implements the Find protocol
.map(|hash| !hashes.contains(&hash))
"the list must not contain the intersection hash",
if let (Some(stop), Some((_, hashes_except_last))) = (stop, hashes.split_last()) {
"if the stop hash is in the list, it must be the final hash",
/// Returns a list of [`block::Header`]s in the chain,
/// following the `intersection` with the chain.
/// See [`find_chain_hashes()`] for details.
fn collect_chain_headers<C>(
chain: Option<C>,
db: &ZebraDb,
intersection: Option<block::Hash>,
stop: Option<block::Hash>,
max_len: u32,
) -> Vec<Arc<block::Header>>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
let chain = chain.as_ref();
let height_range = find_chain_height_range(chain, db, intersection, stop, max_len);
// We don't check that this function implements the Find protocol,
// because fetching extra hashes (or re-calculating hashes) is expensive.
// (This was one of the most expensive and longest-running functions in the state.)
// All the headers should be in the chain.
// If they are not, we don't want to return them.
height_range.into_iter().map_while(|height| {
let header = block_header(chain, db, Height(height).into());
// A recently committed block dropped the intersection we previously found
if header.is_none() {
"state found height range, but then partially dropped it, returning partial response",
"adding header to peer Find response",
/// Finds the first hash that's in the peer's `known_blocks` and the chain.
/// Returns a list of hashes that follow that intersection, from the chain.
/// Starts from the first matching hash in the chain, ignoring all other hashes in
/// `known_blocks`. If there is no matching hash in the chain, starts from the genesis
/// hash.
/// Includes finalized and non-finalized blocks.
/// Stops the list of hashes after:
/// * adding the tip,
/// * adding the `stop` hash to the list, if it is in the chain, or
/// * adding `max_len` hashes to the list.
/// Returns an empty list if the state is empty,
/// and a partial or empty list if the found heights are concurrently modified.
pub fn find_chain_hashes<C>(
chain: Option<C>,
db: &ZebraDb,
known_blocks: Vec<block::Hash>,
stop: Option<block::Hash>,
max_len: u32,
) -> Vec<block::Hash>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
// # Correctness
// See the note in `block_locator()`.
let chain = chain.as_ref();
let intersection = find_chain_intersection(chain, db, known_blocks);
collect_chain_hashes(chain, db, intersection, stop, max_len)
/// Finds the first hash that's in the peer's `known_blocks` and the chain.
/// Returns a list of headers that follow that intersection, from the chain.
/// See [`find_chain_hashes()`] for details.
pub fn find_chain_headers<C>(
chain: Option<C>,
db: &ZebraDb,
known_blocks: Vec<block::Hash>,
stop: Option<block::Hash>,
max_len: u32,
) -> Vec<Arc<block::Header>>
C: AsRef<Chain>,
// # Correctness
// Headers are looked up by their hashes using a unique mapping,
// so it is not possible for multiple hashes to look up the same header,
// even across different chains.
// See also the note in `block_locator()`.
let chain = chain.as_ref();
let intersection = find_chain_intersection(chain, db, known_blocks);
collect_chain_headers(chain, db, intersection, stop, max_len)
/// Returns the median-time-past of the *next* block to be added to the best chain in
/// `non_finalized_state` or `db`.
/// # Panics
/// - If we don't have enough blocks in the state.
pub fn next_median_time_past(
non_finalized_state: &NonFinalizedState,
db: &ZebraDb,
) -> Result<DateTime32, BoxError> {
let mut best_relevant_chain_result = best_relevant_chain(non_finalized_state, db);
// Retry the finalized state query if it was interrupted by a finalizing block.
// TODO: refactor this into a generic retry(finalized_closure, process_and_check_closure) fn
if best_relevant_chain_result.is_ok() {
best_relevant_chain_result = best_relevant_chain(non_finalized_state, db);
/// Do a consistency check by checking the finalized tip before and after all other database queries.
/// Returns recent blocks in reverse height order from the tip.
/// Returns an error if the tip obtained before and after is not the same.
/// # Panics
/// - If we don't have enough blocks in the state.
fn best_relevant_chain(
non_finalized_state: &NonFinalizedState,
db: &ZebraDb,
) -> Result<[Arc<Block>; POW_MEDIAN_BLOCK_SPAN], BoxError> {
let state_tip_before_queries = read::best_tip(non_finalized_state, db).ok_or_else(|| {
BoxError::from("Zebra's state is empty, wait until it syncs to the chain tip")
let best_relevant_chain =
any_ancestor_blocks(non_finalized_state, db, state_tip_before_queries.1);
let best_relevant_chain: Vec<_> = best_relevant_chain
let best_relevant_chain = best_relevant_chain.try_into().map_err(|_error| {
"Zebra's state only has a few blocks, wait until it syncs to the chain tip"
let state_tip_after_queries =
read::best_tip(non_finalized_state, db).expect("already checked for an empty tip");
if state_tip_before_queries != state_tip_after_queries {
return Err("Zebra is committing too many blocks to the state, \
wait until it syncs to the chain tip"
/// Returns the median-time-past for the provided `relevant_chain`.
/// The `relevant_chain` has blocks in reverse height order.
/// See [`next_median_time_past()`] for details.
pub(crate) fn calculate_median_time_past(
relevant_chain: [Arc<Block>; POW_MEDIAN_BLOCK_SPAN],
) -> DateTime32 {
let relevant_data: Vec<DateTime<Utc>> = relevant_chain
.map(|block| block.header.time)
// > Define the median-time-past of a block to be the median of the nTime fields of the
// > preceding PoWMedianBlockSpan blocks (or all preceding blocks if there are fewer than
// > PoWMedianBlockSpan). The median-time-past of a genesis block is not defined.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#blockheader
let median_time_past = AdjustedDifficulty::median_time(
.expect("always has the correct length due to function argument type"),
DateTime32::try_from(median_time_past).expect("valid blocks have in-range times")