
364 lines
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//! Fixed test vectors for the ReadStateService.
use std::sync::Arc;
use zebra_chain::{
block::{Block, Height},
subtree::{NoteCommitmentSubtree, NoteCommitmentSubtreeData, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex},
use zebra_test::{
transcript::{ExpectedTranscriptError, Transcript},
use crate::{
init_test_services, populated_state,
finalized_state::{DiskWriteBatch, ZebraDb},
read::{orchard_subtrees, sapling_subtrees},
Config, ReadRequest, ReadResponse,
/// Test that ReadStateService responds correctly when empty.
async fn empty_read_state_still_responds_to_requests() -> Result<()> {
let _init_guard = zebra_test::init();
let transcript = Transcript::from(empty_state_test_cases());
let network = Mainnet;
let (_state, read_state, _latest_chain_tip, _chain_tip_change) = init_test_services(network);
/// Test that ReadStateService responds correctly when the state contains blocks.
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn populated_read_state_responds_correctly() -> Result<()> {
let _init_guard = zebra_test::init();
// Create a continuous chain of mainnet blocks from genesis
let blocks: Vec<Arc<Block>> = zebra_test::vectors::CONTINUOUS_MAINNET_BLOCKS
.map(|(_height, block_bytes)| block_bytes.zcash_deserialize_into().unwrap())
let (_state, read_state, _latest_chain_tip, _chain_tip_change) =
populated_state(blocks.clone(), Mainnet).await;
let tip_height = Height(blocks.len() as u32 - 1);
let empty_cases = Transcript::from(empty_state_test_cases());
for block in blocks {
let block_cases = vec![
let block_cases = Transcript::from(block_cases);
// Spec: transactions in the genesis block are ignored.
if block.coinbase_height().unwrap().0 == 0 {
for transaction in &block.transactions {
let transaction_cases = vec![(
Ok(ReadResponse::Transaction(Some(MinedTx {
tx: transaction.clone(),
height: block.coinbase_height().unwrap(),
confirmations: 1 + tip_height.0 - block.coinbase_height().unwrap().0,
let transaction_cases = Transcript::from(transaction_cases);
/// Tests if Zebra combines the note commitment subtrees from the finalized and
/// non-finalized states correctly.
async fn test_read_subtrees() -> Result<()> {
use std::ops::Bound::*;
let dummy_subtree = |(index, height)| {
u16::try_from(index).expect("should fit in u16"),
let num_db_subtrees = 10;
let num_chain_subtrees = 2;
let index_offset = usize::try_from(num_db_subtrees).expect("constant should fit in usize");
let db_height_range = 0..num_db_subtrees;
let chain_height_range = num_db_subtrees..(num_db_subtrees + num_chain_subtrees);
// Prepare the finalized state.
let db = {
let db = ZebraDb::new(&Config::ephemeral(), Mainnet, true);
let db_subtrees = db_height_range.enumerate().map(dummy_subtree);
for db_subtree in db_subtrees {
let mut db_batch = DiskWriteBatch::new();
db_batch.insert_sapling_subtree(&db, &db_subtree);
.expect("Writing a batch with a Sapling subtree should succeed.");
// Prepare the non-finalized state.
let chain = {
let mut chain = Chain::default();
let chain_subtrees = chain_height_range
.map(|(index, height)| dummy_subtree((index_offset + index, height)));
for chain_subtree in chain_subtrees {
let modify_chain = |chain: &Arc<Chain>, index: usize, height| {
let mut chain = chain.as_ref().clone();
chain.insert_sapling_subtree(dummy_subtree((index, height)));
// There should be 10 entries in db and 2 in chain with no overlap
// Unbounded range should start at 0
let all_subtrees = sapling_subtrees(Some(chain.clone()), &db, ..);
assert_eq!(all_subtrees.len(), 12, "should have 12 subtrees in state");
// Add a subtree to `chain` that overlaps and is not consistent with the db subtrees
let first_chain_index = index_offset - 1;
let end_height = Height(400_000);
let modified_chain = modify_chain(&chain, first_chain_index, end_height.0);
// The inconsistent entry and any later entries should be omitted
let all_subtrees = sapling_subtrees(modified_chain.clone(), &db, ..);
assert_eq!(all_subtrees.len(), 10, "should have 10 subtrees in state");
let first_chain_index =
NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(u16::try_from(first_chain_index).expect("should fit in u16"));
// Entries should be returned without reading from disk if the chain contains the first subtree index in the range
let mut chain_subtrees = sapling_subtrees(modified_chain, &db, first_chain_index..);
assert_eq!(chain_subtrees.len(), 3, "should have 3 subtrees in chain");
let (index, subtree) = chain_subtrees
.expect("chain_subtrees should not be empty");
assert_eq!(first_chain_index, index, "subtree indexes should match");
end_height, subtree.end_height,
"subtree end heights should match"
// Check that Zebra retrieves subtrees correctly when using a range with an Excluded start bound
let start = 0.into();
let range = (Excluded(start), Unbounded);
let subtrees = sapling_subtrees(Some(chain), &db, range);
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 11);
"should not contain excluded start bound"
/// Tests if Zebra combines the Sapling note commitment subtrees from the finalized and
/// non-finalized states correctly.
async fn test_sapling_subtrees() -> Result<()> {
let dummy_subtree_root = sapling::tree::Node::default();
// Prepare the finalized state.
let db_subtree = NoteCommitmentSubtree::new(0, Height(1), dummy_subtree_root);
let db = ZebraDb::new(&Config::ephemeral(), Mainnet, true);
let mut db_batch = DiskWriteBatch::new();
db_batch.insert_sapling_subtree(&db, &db_subtree);
.expect("Writing a batch with a Sapling subtree should succeed.");
// Prepare the non-finalized state.
let chain_subtree = NoteCommitmentSubtree::new(1, Height(3), dummy_subtree_root);
let mut chain = Chain::default();
let chain = Some(Arc::new(chain));
// At this point, we have one Sapling subtree in the finalized state and one Sapling subtree in
// the non-finalized state.
// Retrieve only the first subtree and check its properties.
let subtrees = sapling_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(0)..1.into());
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 1);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &db_subtree));
// Retrieve both subtrees using a limit and check their properties.
let subtrees = sapling_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(0)..2.into());
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 2);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &db_subtree));
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
// Retrieve both subtrees without using a limit and check their properties.
let subtrees = sapling_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(0)..);
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 2);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &db_subtree));
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
// Retrieve only the second subtree and check its properties.
let subtrees = sapling_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(1)..2.into());
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 1);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
// Retrieve only the second subtree, using a limit that would allow for more trees if they were
// present, and check its properties.
let subtrees = sapling_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(1)..3.into());
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 1);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
// Retrieve only the second subtree, without using any limit, and check its properties.
let subtrees = sapling_subtrees(chain, &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(1)..);
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 1);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
/// Tests if Zebra combines the Orchard note commitment subtrees from the finalized and
/// non-finalized states correctly.
async fn test_orchard_subtrees() -> Result<()> {
let dummy_subtree_root = orchard::tree::Node::default();
// Prepare the finalized state.
let db_subtree = NoteCommitmentSubtree::new(0, Height(1), dummy_subtree_root);
let db = ZebraDb::new(&Config::ephemeral(), Mainnet, true);
let mut db_batch = DiskWriteBatch::new();
db_batch.insert_orchard_subtree(&db, &db_subtree);
.expect("Writing a batch with an Orchard subtree should succeed.");
// Prepare the non-finalized state.
let chain_subtree = NoteCommitmentSubtree::new(1, Height(3), dummy_subtree_root);
let mut chain = Chain::default();
let chain = Some(Arc::new(chain));
// At this point, we have one Orchard subtree in the finalized state and one Orchard subtree in
// the non-finalized state.
// Retrieve only the first subtree and check its properties.
let subtrees = orchard_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(0)..1.into());
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 1);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &db_subtree));
// Retrieve both subtrees using a limit and check their properties.
let subtrees = orchard_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(0)..2.into());
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 2);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &db_subtree));
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
// Retrieve both subtrees without using a limit and check their properties.
let subtrees = orchard_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(0)..);
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 2);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &db_subtree));
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
// Retrieve only the second subtree and check its properties.
let subtrees = orchard_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(1)..2.into());
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 1);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
// Retrieve only the second subtree, using a limit that would allow for more trees if they were
// present, and check its properties.
let subtrees = orchard_subtrees(chain.clone(), &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(1)..3.into());
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 1);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
// Retrieve only the second subtree, without using any limit, and check its properties.
let subtrees = orchard_subtrees(chain, &db, NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex(1)..);
let mut subtrees = subtrees.iter();
assert_eq!(subtrees.len(), 1);
assert!(subtrees_eq(subtrees.next().unwrap(), &chain_subtree));
/// Returns test cases for the empty state and missing blocks.
fn empty_state_test_cases() -> Vec<(ReadRequest, Result<ReadResponse, ExpectedTranscriptError>)> {
let block: Arc<Block> = zebra_test::vectors::BLOCK_MAINNET_419200_BYTES
ReadRequest::Transaction(transaction::Hash([0; 32])),
/// Returns `true` if `index` and `subtree_data` match the contents of `subtree`. Otherwise, returns
/// `false`.
fn subtrees_eq<N>(
(index, subtree_data): (&NoteCommitmentSubtreeIndex, &NoteCommitmentSubtreeData<N>),
subtree: &NoteCommitmentSubtree<N>,
) -> bool
N: PartialEq + Copy,
index == &subtree.index && subtree_data == &subtree.into_data()