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//! Block height.
use std::ops::{Add, Sub};
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::{serialization::SerializationError, BoxError};
#[cfg(feature = "json-conversion")]
pub mod json_conversion;
/// The length of the chain back to the genesis block.
/// Two [`Height`]s can't be added, but they can be *subtracted* to get their difference,
/// represented as an [`HeightDiff`]. This difference can then be added to or subtracted from a
/// [`Height`]. Note the similarity with `chrono::DateTime` and `chrono::Duration`.
/// # Invariants
/// Users should not construct block heights greater than `Height::MAX`.
/// # Consensus
/// There are multiple formats for serializing a height, so we don't implement
/// `ZcashSerialize` or `ZcashDeserialize` for `Height`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[cfg_attr(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"), derive(Default))]
pub struct Height(pub u32);
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum HeightError {
#[error("The resulting height would overflow Height::MAX.")]
#[error("The resulting height would underflow Height::MIN.")]
impl std::str::FromStr for Height {
type Err = SerializationError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s.parse() {
Ok(h) if (Height(h) <= Height::MAX) => Ok(Height(h)),
Ok(_) => Err(SerializationError::Parse("Height exceeds maximum height")),
Err(_) => Err(SerializationError::Parse("Height(u32) integer parse error")),
impl Height {
/// The minimum [`Height`].
/// Due to the underlying type, it is impossible to construct block heights
/// less than [`Height::MIN`].
/// Style note: Sometimes, [`Height::MIN`] is less readable than
/// `Height(0)`. Use whichever makes sense in context.
pub const MIN: Height = Height(0);
/// The maximum [`Height`].
/// Users should not construct block heights greater than [`Height::MAX`].
/// The spec says *"Implementations MUST support block heights up to and
/// including 2^31 1"*.
/// Note that `u32::MAX / 2 == 2^31 - 1 == i32::MAX`.
pub const MAX: Height = Height(u32::MAX / 2);
/// The maximum [`Height`] as a [`u32`], for range patterns.
/// `Height::MAX.0` can't be used in match range patterns, use this
/// alias instead.
pub const MAX_AS_U32: u32 = Self::MAX.0;
/// The maximum expiration [`Height`] that is allowed in all transactions
/// previous to Nu5 and in non-coinbase transactions from Nu5 activation
/// height and above.
pub const MAX_EXPIRY_HEIGHT: Height = Height(499_999_999);
/// Returns the next [`Height`].
/// # Panics
/// - If the current height is at its maximum.
pub fn next(self) -> Result<Self, HeightError> {
(self + 1).ok_or(HeightError::Overflow)
/// Returns the previous [`Height`].
/// # Panics
/// - If the current height is at its minimum.
pub fn previous(self) -> Result<Self, HeightError> {
(self - 1).ok_or(HeightError::Underflow)
/// Returns `true` if the [`Height`] is at its minimum.
pub fn is_min(self) -> bool {
self == Self::MIN
/// Returns the value as a `usize`.
pub fn as_usize(self) -> usize {
self.0.try_into().expect("fits in usize")
/// A difference between two [`Height`]s, possibly negative.
/// This can represent the difference between any height values,
/// even if they are outside the valid height range (for example, in buggy RPC code).
pub type HeightDiff = i64;
// We don't implement TryFrom<u64>, because it causes type inference issues for integer constants.
// Instead, use 1u64.try_into_height().
impl TryFrom<u32> for Height {
type Error = &'static str;
/// Checks that the `height` is within the valid [`Height`] range.
fn try_from(height: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// Check the bounds.
// Clippy warns that `height >= Height::MIN.0` is always true.
assert_eq!(Height::MIN.0, 0);
if height <= Height::MAX.0 {
} else {
Err("heights must be less than or equal to Height::MAX")
/// Convenience trait for converting a type into a valid Zcash [`Height`].
pub trait TryIntoHeight {
/// The error type returned by [`Height`] conversion failures.
type Error;
/// Convert `self` to a `Height`, if possible.
fn try_into_height(&self) -> Result<Height, Self::Error>;
impl TryIntoHeight for u64 {
type Error = BoxError;
fn try_into_height(&self) -> Result<Height, Self::Error> {
impl TryIntoHeight for usize {
type Error = BoxError;
fn try_into_height(&self) -> Result<Height, Self::Error> {
impl TryIntoHeight for str {
type Error = BoxError;
fn try_into_height(&self) -> Result<Height, Self::Error> {
impl TryIntoHeight for String {
type Error = BoxError;
fn try_into_height(&self) -> Result<Height, Self::Error> {
impl TryIntoHeight for i32 {
type Error = BoxError;
fn try_into_height(&self) -> Result<Height, Self::Error> {
// We don't implement Add<u32> or Sub<u32>, because they cause type inference issues for integer constants.
impl Sub<Height> for Height {
type Output = HeightDiff;
/// Subtract two heights, returning the result, which can be negative.
/// Since [`HeightDiff`] is `i64` and [`Height`] is `u32`, the result is always correct.
fn sub(self, rhs: Height) -> Self::Output {
// All these conversions are exact, and the subtraction can't overflow or underflow.
let lhs = HeightDiff::from(self.0);
let rhs = HeightDiff::from(rhs.0);
lhs - rhs
impl Sub<HeightDiff> for Height {
type Output = Option<Self>;
/// Subtract a height difference from a height, returning `None` if the resulting height is
/// outside the valid `Height` range (this also checks the result is non-negative).
fn sub(self, rhs: HeightDiff) -> Option<Self> {
// We need to convert the height to [`i64`] so we can subtract negative [`HeightDiff`]s.
let lhs = HeightDiff::from(self.0);
let res = lhs - rhs;
// Check the bounds.
let res = u32::try_from(res).ok()?;
impl Add<HeightDiff> for Height {
type Output = Option<Height>;
/// Add a height difference to a height, returning `None` if the resulting height is outside
/// the valid `Height` range (this also checks the result is non-negative).
fn add(self, rhs: HeightDiff) -> Option<Height> {
// We need to convert the height to [`i64`] so we can add negative [`HeightDiff`]s.
let lhs = i64::from(self.0);
let res = lhs + rhs;
// Check the bounds.
let res = u32::try_from(res).ok()?;
fn operator_tests() {
let _init_guard = zebra_test::init();
// Elementary checks.
assert_eq!(Some(Height(2)), Height(1) + 1);
assert_eq!(None, Height::MAX + 1);
let height = Height(u32::pow(2, 31) - 2);
assert!(height < Height::MAX);
let max_height = (height + 1).expect("this addition should produce the max height");
assert!(height < max_height);
assert!(max_height <= Height::MAX);
assert_eq!(Height::MAX, max_height);
assert_eq!(None, max_height + 1);
// Bad heights aren't caught at compile-time or runtime, until we add or subtract
assert_eq!(None, Height(Height::MAX_AS_U32 + 1) + 0);
assert_eq!(None, Height(i32::MAX as u32) + 1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(u32::MAX) + 0);
// Adding negative numbers
assert_eq!(Some(Height(1)), Height(2) + -1);
assert_eq!(Some(Height(0)), Height(1) + -1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(0) + -1);
assert_eq!(Some(Height(Height::MAX_AS_U32 - 1)), Height::MAX + -1);
// Bad heights aren't caught at compile-time or runtime, until we add or subtract,
// and the result is invalid
assert_eq!(None, Height(Height::MAX_AS_U32 + 1) + 1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(i32::MAX as u32) + 1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(u32::MAX) + 1);
// Adding negative numbers
assert_eq!(Some(Height::MAX), Height(i32::MAX as u32 + 1) + -1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(u32::MAX) + -1);
assert_eq!(Some(Height(1)), Height(2) - 1);
assert_eq!(Some(Height(0)), Height(1) - 1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(0) - 1);
assert_eq!(Some(Height(Height::MAX_AS_U32 - 1)), Height::MAX - 1);
// Subtracting negative numbers
assert_eq!(Some(Height(2)), Height(1) - -1);
assert_eq!(Some(Height::MAX), Height(Height::MAX_AS_U32 - 1) - -1);
assert_eq!(None, Height::MAX - -1);
// Bad heights aren't caught at compile-time or runtime, until we add or subtract,
// and the result is invalid
assert_eq!(Some(Height::MAX), Height(i32::MAX as u32 + 1) - 1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(u32::MAX) - 1);
// Subtracting negative numbers
assert_eq!(None, Height(Height::MAX_AS_U32 + 1) - -1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(i32::MAX as u32) - -1);
assert_eq!(None, Height(u32::MAX) - -1);
assert_eq!(1, (Height(2) - Height(1)));
assert_eq!(0, (Height(1) - Height(1)));
assert_eq!(-1, Height(0) - Height(1));
assert_eq!(-5, Height(2) - Height(7));
assert_eq!(Height::MAX.0 as HeightDiff, (Height::MAX - Height(0)));
assert_eq!(1, (Height::MAX - Height(Height::MAX_AS_U32 - 1)));
assert_eq!(-1, Height(Height::MAX_AS_U32 - 1) - Height::MAX);
assert_eq!(-(Height::MAX_AS_U32 as HeightDiff), Height(0) - Height::MAX);