
332 lines
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//! Provides high-level access to the database using [`zebra_chain`] types.
//! This module makes sure that:
//! - all disk writes happen inside a RocksDB transaction, and
//! - format-specific invariants are maintained.
//! # Correctness
//! [`crate::constants::state_database_format_version_in_code()`] must be incremented
//! each time the database format (column, serialization, etc) changes.
use std::{
sync::{mpsc, Arc},
use semver::Version;
use zebra_chain::parameters::Network;
use crate::{
upgrade::{DbFormatChange, DbFormatChangeThreadHandle},
write_database_format_version_to_disk, BoxError, Config,
pub mod block;
pub mod chain;
pub mod metrics;
pub mod shielded;
pub mod transparent;
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl", feature = "shielded-scan"))]
// TODO: when the database is split out of zebra-state, always expose these methods.
pub mod arbitrary;
/// Wrapper struct to ensure high-level `zebra-state` database access goes through the correct API.
/// `rocksdb` allows concurrent writes through a shared reference,
/// so database instances are cloneable. When the final clone is dropped,
/// the database is closed.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ZebraDb {
// Configuration
// This configuration cannot be modified after the database is initialized,
// because some clones would have different values.
/// The configuration for the database.
// TODO: move the config to DiskDb
config: Arc<Config>,
/// Should format upgrades and format checks be skipped for this instance?
/// Only used in test code.
// TODO: move this to DiskDb
debug_skip_format_upgrades: bool,
// Owned State
// Everything contained in this state must be shared by all clones, or read-only.
/// A handle to a running format change task, which cancels the task when dropped.
/// # Concurrency
/// This field should be dropped before the database field, so the format upgrade task is
/// cancelled before the database is dropped. This helps avoid some kinds of deadlocks.
// TODO: move the generic upgrade code and fields to DiskDb
format_change_handle: Option<DbFormatChangeThreadHandle>,
/// The inner low-level database wrapper for the RocksDB database.
db: DiskDb,
impl ZebraDb {
/// Opens or creates the database at a path based on the kind, major version and network,
/// with the supplied column families, preserving any existing column families,
/// and returns a shared high-level typed database wrapper.
/// If `debug_skip_format_upgrades` is true, don't do any format upgrades or format checks.
/// This argument is only used when running tests, it is ignored in production code.
// TODO: rename to StateDb and remove the db_kind and column_families_in_code arguments
pub fn new(
config: &Config,
db_kind: impl AsRef<str>,
format_version_in_code: &Version,
network: Network,
debug_skip_format_upgrades: bool,
column_families_in_code: impl IntoIterator<Item = String>,
read_only: bool,
) -> ZebraDb {
let disk_version = database_format_version_on_disk(
.expect("unable to read database format version file");
// Log any format changes before opening the database, in case opening fails.
let format_change = DbFormatChange::open_database(format_version_in_code, disk_version);
// Format upgrades try to write to the database, so we always skip them if `read_only` is
// `true`.
// We allow skipping the upgrades by the scanner because it doesn't support them yet and we
// also allow skipping them when we are running tests.
// TODO: Make scanner support format upgrades, then remove `shielded-scan` here.
let debug_skip_format_upgrades = read_only
|| ((cfg!(test) || cfg!(feature = "shielded-scan")) && debug_skip_format_upgrades);
// Open the database and do initial checks.
let mut db = ZebraDb {
config: Arc::new(config.clone()),
format_change_handle: None,
// After the database directory is created, a newly created database temporarily
// changes to the default database version. Then we set the correct version in the
// upgrade thread. We need to do the version change in this order, because the version
// file can only be changed while we hold the RocksDB database lock.
db: DiskDb::new(
/// Launch any required format changes or format checks, and store their thread handle.
pub fn spawn_format_change(&mut self, format_change: DbFormatChange) {
if self.debug_skip_format_upgrades {
// We have to get this height before we spawn the upgrade task, because threads can take
// a while to start, and new blocks can be committed as soon as we return from this method.
let initial_tip_height = self.finalized_tip_height();
// `upgrade_db` is a special clone of this database, which can't be used to shut down
// the upgrade task. (Because the task hasn't been launched yet,
// its `db.format_change_handle` is always None.)
let upgrade_db = self.clone();
// TODO:
// - should debug_stop_at_height wait for the upgrade task to finish?
let format_change_handle =
format_change.spawn_format_change(upgrade_db, initial_tip_height);
self.format_change_handle = Some(format_change_handle);
/// Returns config for this database.
pub fn config(&self) -> &Config {
/// Returns the configured database kind for this database.
pub fn db_kind(&self) -> String {
/// Returns the format version of the running code that created this `ZebraDb` instance in memory.
pub fn format_version_in_code(&self) -> Version {
/// Returns the fixed major version for this database.
pub fn major_version(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the format version of this database on disk.
/// See `database_format_version_on_disk()` for details.
pub fn format_version_on_disk(&self) -> Result<Option<Version>, BoxError> {
/// Updates the format of this database on disk to the suppled version.
/// See `write_database_format_version_to_disk()` for details.
pub(crate) fn update_format_version_on_disk(
new_version: &Version,
) -> Result<(), BoxError> {
/// Returns the configured network for this database.
pub fn network(&self) -> Network {
/// Returns the `Path` where the files used by this database are located.
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
/// Check for panics in code running in spawned threads.
/// If a thread exited with a panic, resume that panic.
/// This method should be called regularly, so that panics are detected as soon as possible.
pub fn check_for_panics(&mut self) {
if let Some(format_change_handle) = self.format_change_handle.as_mut() {
/// Shut down the database, cleaning up background tasks and ephemeral data.
/// If `force` is true, clean up regardless of any shared references.
/// `force` can cause errors accessing the database from other shared references.
/// It should only be used in debugging or test code, immediately before a manual shutdown.
/// See [`DiskDb::shutdown`] for details.
pub fn shutdown(&mut self, force: bool) {
// Are we shutting down the underlying database instance?
let is_shutdown = force || self.db.shared_database_owners() <= 1;
// # Concurrency
// The format upgrade task should be cancelled before the database is flushed or shut down.
// This helps avoid some kinds of deadlocks.
// See also the correctness note in `DiskDb::shutdown()`.
if !self.debug_skip_format_upgrades && is_shutdown {
if let Some(format_change_handle) = self.format_change_handle.as_mut() {
// # Correctness
// Check that the database format is correct before shutting down.
// This lets users know to delete and re-sync their database immediately,
// rather than surprising them next time Zebra starts up.
// # Testinng
// In Zebra's CI, panicking here stops us writing invalid cached states,
// which would then make unrelated PRs fail when Zebra starts up.
// If the upgrade has completed, or we've done a downgrade, check the state is valid.
let disk_version = database_format_version_on_disk(
.expect("unexpected invalid or unreadable database version file");
if let Some(disk_version) = disk_version {
// We need to keep the cancel handle until the format check has finished,
// because dropping it cancels the format check.
let (_never_cancel_handle, never_cancel_receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(1);
// We block here because the checks are quick and database validity is
// consensus-critical.
if disk_version >= self.db.format_version_in_code() {
// The initial tip height is not used by the new blocks format check.
.expect("cancel handle is never used");
/// Check that the on-disk height is well below the maximum supported database height.
/// Zebra only supports on-disk heights up to 3 bytes.
/// # Logs an Error
/// If Zebra is storing block heights that are close to [`MAX_ON_DISK_HEIGHT`].
pub(crate) fn check_max_on_disk_tip_height(&self) -> Result<(), String> {
if let Some((tip_height, tip_hash)) = self.tip() {
if tip_height.0 > MAX_ON_DISK_HEIGHT.0 / 2 {
let err = Err(format!(
"unexpectedly large tip height, database format upgrade required: \
tip height: {tip_height:?}, tip hash: {tip_hash:?}, \
max height: {MAX_ON_DISK_HEIGHT:?}"
return err;
impl Drop for ZebraDb {
fn drop(&mut self) {