
296 lines
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//! Long polling support for the `getblocktemplate` RPC.
//! These implementation details are private, and should not be relied upon by miners.
//! They are also different from the `zcashd` implementation of long polling.
use std::{str::FromStr, sync::Arc};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Height},
transaction::{self, UnminedTxId},
use zebra_node_services::BoxError;
/// The length of a serialized [`LongPollId`] string.
/// This is an internal Zebra implementation detail, which does not need to match `zcashd`.
pub const LONG_POLL_ID_LENGTH: usize = 46;
/// The inputs to the long polling check.
/// If these inputs change, Zebra should return a response to any open long polls.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct LongPollInput {
// Fields that invalidate old work:
/// The tip height used to generate the template containing this long poll ID.
/// If the tip block height changes, a new template must be provided.
/// Old work is no longer valid.
/// The height is technically redundant, but it helps with debugging.
/// It also reduces the probability of a missed tip change.
pub tip_height: Height,
/// The tip hash used to generate the template containing this long poll ID.
/// If the tip block changes, a new template must be provided.
/// Old work is no longer valid.
pub tip_hash: block::Hash,
/// The max time in the same template as this long poll ID.
/// If the max time is reached, a new template must be provided.
/// Old work is no longer valid.
/// Ideally, a new template should be provided at least one target block interval before
/// the max time. This avoids wasted work.
pub max_time: DateTime32,
// Fields that allow old work:
/// The effecting hashes of the transactions in the mempool,
/// when the template containing this long poll ID was generated.
/// We ignore changes to authorizing data.
/// This might be different from the transactions in the template, due to ZIP-317.
/// If the mempool transactions change, a new template might be provided.
/// Old work is still valid.
pub mempool_transaction_mined_ids: Arc<[transaction::Hash]>,
impl LongPollInput {
/// Returns a new [`LongPollInput`], based on the supplied fields.
pub fn new(
tip_height: Height,
tip_hash: block::Hash,
max_time: DateTime32,
mempool_tx_ids: impl IntoIterator<Item = UnminedTxId>,
) -> Self {
let mempool_transaction_mined_ids =
mempool_tx_ids.into_iter().map(|id| id.mined_id()).collect();
LongPollInput {
/// Returns the [`LongPollId`] for this [`LongPollInput`].
/// Performs lossy conversion on some fields.
pub fn generate_id(&self) -> LongPollId {
let mut tip_hash_checksum = 0;
update_checksum(&mut tip_hash_checksum, self.tip_hash.0);
let mut mempool_transaction_content_checksum: u32 = 0;
for tx_mined_id in self.mempool_transaction_mined_ids.iter() {
update_checksum(&mut mempool_transaction_content_checksum, tx_mined_id.0);
LongPollId {
tip_height: self.tip_height.0,
max_timestamp: self.max_time.timestamp(),
// It's ok to do wrapping conversions here,
// because long polling checks are probabilistic.
mempool_transaction_count: self.mempool_transaction_mined_ids.len() as u32,
/// The encoded long poll ID, generated from the [`LongPollInput`].
/// `zcashd` IDs are currently 69 hex/decimal digits long.
/// Since Zebra's IDs are only 46 hex/decimal digits, mining pools should be able to handle them.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(try_from = "String", into = "String")]
pub struct LongPollId {
// Fields that invalidate old work:
/// The tip height used to generate the template containing this long poll ID.
/// If the tip block height changes, a new template must be provided.
/// Old work is no longer valid.
/// The height is technically redundant, but it helps with debugging.
/// It also reduces the probability of a missed tip change.
pub tip_height: u32,
/// A checksum of the tip hash used to generate the template containing this long poll ID.
/// If the tip block changes, a new template must be provided.
/// Old work is no longer valid.
/// This checksum is not cryptographically secure.
/// It's ok to do a probabilistic check here,
/// so we choose a 1 in 2^32 chance of missing a block change.
pub tip_hash_checksum: u32,
/// The max time in the same template as this long poll ID.
/// If the max time is reached, a new template must be provided.
/// Old work is no longer valid.
/// Ideally, a new template should be provided at least one target block interval before
/// the max time. This avoids wasted work.
/// Zcash times are limited to 32 bits by the consensus rules.
pub max_timestamp: u32,
// Fields that allow old work:
/// The number of transactions in the mempool when the template containing this long poll ID
/// was generated. This might be different from the number of transactions in the template,
/// due to ZIP-317.
/// If the number of mempool transactions changes, a new template might be provided.
/// Old work is still valid.
/// The number of transactions is limited by the mempool DoS limit.
/// Using the number of transactions makes mempool checksum attacks much harder.
/// It also helps with debugging, and reduces the probability of a missed mempool change.
pub mempool_transaction_count: u32,
/// A checksum of the effecting hashes of the transactions in the mempool,
/// when the template containing this long poll ID was generated.
/// We ignore changes to authorizing data.
/// This might be different from the transactions in the template, due to ZIP-317.
/// If the content of the mempool changes, a new template might be provided.
/// Old work is still valid.
/// This checksum is not cryptographically secure.
/// It's ok to do a probabilistic check here,
/// so we choose a 1 in 2^32 chance of missing a transaction change.
/// # Security
/// Attackers could use dust transactions to keep the checksum at the same value.
/// But this would likely change the number of transactions in the mempool.
/// If an attacker could also keep the number of transactions constant,
/// a new template will be generated when the tip hash changes, or the max time is reached.
pub mempool_transaction_content_checksum: u32,
impl LongPollId {
/// Returns `true` if shares using `old_long_poll_id` can be submitted in response to the
/// template for `self`:
/// <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0022#Optional:_Long_Polling>
/// Old shares may be valid if only the mempool transactions have changed,
/// because newer transactions don't have to be included in the old shares.
/// But if the chain tip has changed, the block header has changed, so old shares are invalid.
/// (And if the max time has changed on testnet, the block header has changed.)
pub fn submit_old(&self, old_long_poll_id: &LongPollId) -> bool {
self.tip_height == old_long_poll_id.tip_height
&& self.tip_hash_checksum == old_long_poll_id.tip_hash_checksum
&& self.max_timestamp == old_long_poll_id.max_timestamp
/// Update `checksum` from `item`, so changes in `item` are likely to also change `checksum`.
/// This checksum is not cryptographically secure.
fn update_checksum(checksum: &mut u32, item: [u8; 32]) {
for chunk in item.chunks(4) {
let chunk = chunk.try_into().expect("chunk is u32 size");
// The endianness of this conversion doesn't matter,
// so we make it efficient on the most common platforms.
let chunk = u32::from_le_bytes(chunk);
// It's ok to use xor here, because long polling checks are probabilistic,
// and the height, time, and transaction count fields will detect most changes.
// Without those fields, miners could game the xor-ed block hash,
// and hide block changes from other miners, gaining an advantage.
// But this would reduce their profit under proof of work,
// because the first valid block hash a miner generates will pay
// a significant block subsidy.
*checksum ^= chunk;
impl ToString for LongPollId {
/// Exact conversion from LongPollId to a string.
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
let LongPollId {
} = self;
// We can't do this using `serde`, because it names each field,
// but we want a single string containing all the fields.
// Height as decimal, padded with zeroes to the width of Height::MAX
// Checksums as hex, padded with zeroes to the width of u32::MAX
// Timestamp as decimal, padded with zeroes to the width of u32::MAX
// Transaction Count as decimal, padded with zeroes to the width of u32::MAX
impl FromStr for LongPollId {
type Err = BoxError;
/// Exact conversion from a string to LongPollId.
fn from_str(long_poll_id: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
if long_poll_id.len() != LONG_POLL_ID_LENGTH {
return Err(format!(
"incorrect long poll id length, must be {LONG_POLL_ID_LENGTH} for Zebra"
Ok(Self {
tip_height: long_poll_id[0..10].parse()?,
tip_hash_checksum: u32::from_str_radix(&long_poll_id[10..18], 16)?,
max_timestamp: long_poll_id[18..28].parse()?,
mempool_transaction_count: long_poll_id[28..38].parse()?,
mempool_transaction_content_checksum: u32::from_str_radix(
// Wrappers for serde conversion
impl From<LongPollId> for String {
fn from(id: LongPollId) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<String> for LongPollId {
type Error = BoxError;
fn try_from(s: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {