
87 lines
2.8 KiB

use crate::{
block::Commitment::{self, ChainHistoryActivationReserved},
use crate::primitives::zcash_history::*;
use color_eyre::eyre;
use eyre::Result;
/// Test the MMR tree using the activation block of a network upgrade
/// and its next block.
fn tree() -> Result<()> {
for network in Network::iter() {
tree_for_network_upgrade(&network, NetworkUpgrade::Heartwood)?;
tree_for_network_upgrade(&network, NetworkUpgrade::Canopy)?;
fn tree_for_network_upgrade(network: &Network, network_upgrade: NetworkUpgrade) -> Result<()> {
let (blocks, sapling_roots) = network.block_sapling_roots_map();
let height = network_upgrade
.expect("must have activation height on default network")
// Load Block 0 (activation block of the given network upgrade)
let block0 = Arc::new(
.expect("test vector exists")
.expect("block is structurally valid"),
// Check its commitment
let commitment0 = block0.commitment(network)?;
if network_upgrade == NetworkUpgrade::Heartwood {
// Heartwood is the only upgrade that has a reserved value.
// (For other upgrades we could compare with the expected commitment,
// but we haven't calculated them.)
assert_eq!(commitment0, ChainHistoryActivationReserved);
// Build initial MMR tree with only Block 0
let sapling_root0 =
sapling::tree::Root::try_from(**sapling_roots.get(&height).expect("test vector exists"))?;
let (mut tree, _) =
Tree::<V1>::new_from_block(network, block0, &sapling_root0, &Default::default())?;
// Compute root hash of the MMR tree, which will be included in the next block
let hash0 = tree.hash();
// Load Block 1 (activation + 1)
let block1 = Arc::new(
.get(&(height + 1))
.expect("test vector exists")
.expect("block is structurally valid"),
// Check its commitment
let commitment1 = block1.commitment(network)?;
assert_eq!(commitment1, Commitment::ChainHistoryRoot(hash0));
// Append Block to MMR tree
let sapling_root1 = sapling::tree::Root::try_from(
.get(&(height + 1))
.expect("test vector exists"),
let append = tree
.append_leaf(block1, &sapling_root1, &Default::default())
// Tree how has 3 nodes: two leafs for each block, and one parent node
// which is the new root
assert_eq!(tree.inner.len(), 3);
// Two nodes were appended: the new leaf and the parent node
assert_eq!(append.len(), 2);