
339 lines
11 KiB

//! Contains code that interfaces with the zcash_primitives crate from
//! librustzcash.
use std::{io, ops::Deref};
use zcash_primitives::transaction as zp_tx;
use crate::{
amount::{Amount, NonNegative},
parameters::{Network, NetworkUpgrade},
transaction::{AuthDigest, HashType, SigHash, Transaction},
transparent::{self, Script},
// TODO: move copied and modified code to a separate module.
// Used by boilerplate code below.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TransparentAuth<'a> {
all_prev_outputs: &'a [transparent::Output],
impl zp_tx::components::transparent::Authorization for TransparentAuth<'_> {
type ScriptSig = zcash_primitives::legacy::Script;
// In this block we convert our Output to a librustzcash to TxOut.
// (We could do the serialize/deserialize route but it's simple enough to convert manually)
impl zp_tx::sighash::TransparentAuthorizingContext for TransparentAuth<'_> {
fn input_amounts(&self) -> Vec<zp_tx::components::amount::Amount> {
.map(|prevout| {
.expect("will not fail since it was previously validated")
fn input_scriptpubkeys(&self) -> Vec<zcash_primitives::legacy::Script> {
.map(|prevout| {
// Boilerplate mostly copied from `zcash/src/rust/src/transaction_ffi.rs` which is required
// to compute sighash.
// TODO: remove/change if they improve the API to not require this.
struct MapTransparent<'a> {
auth: TransparentAuth<'a>,
> for MapTransparent<'a>
fn map_script_sig(
s: <zp_tx::components::transparent::Authorized as zp_tx::components::transparent::Authorization>::ScriptSig,
) -> <TransparentAuth as zp_tx::components::transparent::Authorization>::ScriptSig {
fn map_authorization(
_: zp_tx::components::transparent::Authorized,
) -> TransparentAuth<'a> {
// TODO: This map should consume self, so we can move self.auth
struct IdentityMap;
> for IdentityMap
fn map_spend_proof(
p: <zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized as zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorization>::SpendProof,
) -> <zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized as zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorization>::SpendProof
fn map_output_proof(
p: <zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized as zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorization>::OutputProof,
) -> <zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized as zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorization>::OutputProof
fn map_auth_sig(
s: <zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized as zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorization>::AuthSig,
) -> <zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized as zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorization>::AuthSig{
fn map_authorization(
a: zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized,
) -> zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized {
impl zp_tx::components::orchard::MapAuth<orchard::bundle::Authorized, orchard::bundle::Authorized>
for IdentityMap
fn map_spend_auth(
s: <orchard::bundle::Authorized as orchard::bundle::Authorization>::SpendAuth,
) -> <orchard::bundle::Authorized as orchard::bundle::Authorization>::SpendAuth {
fn map_authorization(&self, a: orchard::bundle::Authorized) -> orchard::bundle::Authorized {
struct PrecomputedAuth<'a> {
_phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>,
impl<'a> zp_tx::Authorization for PrecomputedAuth<'a> {
type TransparentAuth = TransparentAuth<'a>;
type SaplingAuth = zp_tx::components::sapling::Authorized;
type OrchardAuth = orchard::bundle::Authorized;
// End of (mostly) copied code
impl TryFrom<&Transaction> for zp_tx::Transaction {
type Error = io::Error;
/// Convert a Zebra transaction into a librustzcash one.
/// # Panics
/// If the transaction is not V5. (Currently there is no need for this
/// conversion for other versions.)
fn try_from(trans: &Transaction) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let network_upgrade = match trans {
Transaction::V5 {
network_upgrade, ..
} => network_upgrade,
Transaction::V1 { .. }
| Transaction::V2 { .. }
| Transaction::V3 { .. }
| Transaction::V4 { .. } => panic!("Zebra only uses librustzcash for V5 transactions"),
convert_tx_to_librustzcash(trans, *network_upgrade)
pub(crate) fn convert_tx_to_librustzcash(
trans: &Transaction,
network_upgrade: NetworkUpgrade,
) -> Result<zp_tx::Transaction, io::Error> {
let serialized_tx = trans.zcash_serialize_to_vec()?;
let branch_id: u32 = network_upgrade
.expect("Network upgrade must have a Branch ID")
// We've already parsed this transaction, so its network upgrade must be valid.
let branch_id: zcash_primitives::consensus::BranchId = branch_id
.expect("zcash_primitives and Zebra have the same branch ids");
let alt_tx = zp_tx::Transaction::read(&serialized_tx[..], branch_id)?;
/// Convert a Zebra transparent::Output into a librustzcash one.
impl TryFrom<&transparent::Output> for zp_tx::components::TxOut {
type Error = io::Error;
fn try_from(output: &transparent::Output) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let serialized_output_bytes = output
.expect("zcash_primitives and Zebra transparent output formats must be compatible");
zp_tx::components::TxOut::read(&mut serialized_output_bytes.as_slice())
/// Convert a Zebra transparent::Output into a librustzcash one.
impl TryFrom<transparent::Output> for zp_tx::components::TxOut {
type Error = io::Error;
// The borrow is actually needed to use TryFrom<&transparent::Output>
fn try_from(output: transparent::Output) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
/// Convert a Zebra Amount into a librustzcash one.
impl TryFrom<Amount<NonNegative>> for zp_tx::components::Amount {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(amount: Amount<NonNegative>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
/// Convert a Zebra Script into a librustzcash one.
impl From<&Script> for zcash_primitives::legacy::Script {
fn from(script: &Script) -> Self {
/// Convert a Zebra Script into a librustzcash one.
impl From<Script> for zcash_primitives::legacy::Script {
// The borrow is actually needed to use From<&Script>
fn from(script: Script) -> Self {
/// Compute a signature hash using librustzcash.
/// # Inputs
/// - `transaction`: the transaction whose signature hash to compute.
/// - `hash_type`: the type of hash (SIGHASH) being used.
/// - `network_upgrade`: the network upgrade of the block containing the transaction.
/// - `input`: information about the transparent input for which this signature
/// hash is being computed, if any. A tuple with the matching output of the
/// previous transaction, the input itself, and the index of the input in
/// the transaction.
pub(crate) fn sighash(
trans: &Transaction,
hash_type: HashType,
network_upgrade: NetworkUpgrade,
all_previous_outputs: &[transparent::Output],
input_index: Option<usize>,
) -> SigHash {
let alt_tx = convert_tx_to_librustzcash(trans, network_upgrade)
.expect("zcash_primitives and Zebra transaction formats must be compatible");
let script: zcash_primitives::legacy::Script;
let signable_input = match input_index {
Some(input_index) => {
let output = all_previous_outputs[input_index].clone();
script = output.lock_script.into();
zp_tx::sighash::SignableInput::Transparent {
hash_type: hash_type.bits() as _,
index: input_index,
script_code: &script,
script_pubkey: &script,
value: output
.expect("amount was previously validated"),
None => zp_tx::sighash::SignableInput::Shielded,
let txid_parts = alt_tx.deref().digest(zp_tx::txid::TxIdDigester);
let f_transparent = MapTransparent {
auth: TransparentAuth {
all_prev_outputs: all_previous_outputs,
let txdata: zp_tx::TransactionData<PrecomputedAuth> =
.map_authorization(f_transparent, IdentityMap, IdentityMap);
SigHash(*zp_tx::sighash::signature_hash(&txdata, &signable_input, &txid_parts).as_ref())
/// Compute the authorizing data commitment of this transaction as specified
/// in [ZIP-244].
/// # Panics
/// If passed a pre-v5 transaction.
/// [ZIP-244]: https://zips.z.cash/zip-0244
pub(crate) fn auth_digest(trans: &Transaction) -> AuthDigest {
let alt_tx: zp_tx::Transaction = trans
.expect("zcash_primitives and Zebra transaction formats must be compatible");
let digest_bytes: [u8; 32] = alt_tx
.expect("digest has the correct size");
/// Return the destination address from a transparent output.
/// Returns None if the address type is not valid or unrecognized.
pub(crate) fn transparent_output_address(
output: &transparent::Output,
network: &Network,
) -> Option<transparent::Address> {
let tx_out = zp_tx::components::TxOut::try_from(output)
.expect("zcash_primitives and Zebra transparent output formats must be compatible");
let alt_addr = tx_out.recipient_address();
match alt_addr {
Some(zcash_primitives::legacy::TransparentAddress::PublicKey(pub_key_hash)) => Some(
transparent::Address::from_pub_key_hash(network.kind(), pub_key_hash),
Some(zcash_primitives::legacy::TransparentAddress::Script(script_hash)) => Some(
transparent::Address::from_script_hash(network.kind(), script_hash),
None => None,