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//! Contains impls of `ZcashSerialize`, `ZcashDeserialize` for all of the
//! transaction types, so that all of the serialization logic is in one place.
use std::{borrow::Borrow, io, sync::Arc};
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
use halo2::pasta::group::ff::PrimeField;
use hex::FromHex;
use reddsa::{orchard::Binding, orchard::SpendAuth, Signature};
use crate::{
primitives::{Halo2Proof, ZkSnarkProof},
zcash_deserialize_external_count, zcash_serialize_empty_list,
zcash_serialize_external_count, AtLeastOne, ReadZcashExt, SerializationError,
TrustedPreallocate, ZcashDeserialize, ZcashDeserializeInto, ZcashSerialize,
use super::*;
use sapling::{Output, SharedAnchor, Spend};
impl ZcashDeserialize for jubjub::Fq {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let possible_scalar = jubjub::Fq::from_bytes(&reader.read_32_bytes()?);
if possible_scalar.is_some().into() {
} else {
"Invalid jubjub::Fq, input not canonical",
impl ZcashDeserialize for pallas::Scalar {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let possible_scalar = pallas::Scalar::from_repr(reader.read_32_bytes()?);
if possible_scalar.is_some().into() {
} else {
"Invalid pallas::Scalar, input not canonical",
impl ZcashDeserialize for pallas::Base {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
let possible_field_element = pallas::Base::from_repr(reader.read_32_bytes()?);
if possible_field_element.is_some().into() {
} else {
"Invalid pallas::Base, input not canonical",
impl<P: ZkSnarkProof> ZcashSerialize for JoinSplitData<P> {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
// Denoted as `nJoinSplit` and `vJoinSplit` in the spec.
let joinsplits: Vec<_> = self.joinsplits().cloned().collect();
joinsplits.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `joinSplitPubKey` in the spec.
writer.write_all(&<[u8; 32]>::from(self.pub_key)[..])?;
// Denoted as `joinSplitSig` in the spec.
writer.write_all(&<[u8; 64]>::from(self.sig)[..])?;
impl<P> ZcashDeserialize for Option<JoinSplitData<P>>
P: ZkSnarkProof,
sprout::JoinSplit<P>: TrustedPreallocate,
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// Denoted as `nJoinSplit` and `vJoinSplit` in the spec.
let joinsplits: Vec<sprout::JoinSplit<P>> = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
match joinsplits.split_first() {
None => Ok(None),
Some((first, rest)) => {
// Denoted as `joinSplitPubKey` in the spec.
let pub_key = reader.read_32_bytes()?.into();
// Denoted as `joinSplitSig` in the spec.
let sig = reader.read_64_bytes()?.into();
Ok(Some(JoinSplitData {
first: first.clone(),
rest: rest.to_vec(),
// Transaction::V5 serializes sapling ShieldedData in a single continuous byte
// range, so we can implement its serialization and deserialization separately.
// (Unlike V4, where it must be serialized as part of the transaction.)
impl ZcashSerialize for Option<sapling::ShieldedData<SharedAnchor>> {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
match self {
None => {
// Denoted as `nSpendsSapling` in the spec.
zcash_serialize_empty_list(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `nOutputsSapling` in the spec.
zcash_serialize_empty_list(&mut writer)?;
Some(sapling_shielded_data) => {
sapling_shielded_data.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
impl ZcashSerialize for sapling::ShieldedData<SharedAnchor> {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
// Collect arrays for Spends
// There's no unzip3, so we have to unzip twice.
let (spend_prefixes, spend_proofs_sigs): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = self
.map(|(prefix, proof, sig)| (prefix, (proof, sig)))
let (spend_proofs, spend_sigs) = spend_proofs_sigs.into_iter().unzip();
// Collect arrays for Outputs
let (output_prefixes, output_proofs): (Vec<_>, _) =
// Denoted as `nSpendsSapling` and `vSpendsSapling` in the spec.
spend_prefixes.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `nOutputsSapling` and `vOutputsSapling` in the spec.
output_prefixes.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `valueBalanceSapling` in the spec.
self.value_balance.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `anchorSapling` in the spec.
// `TransferData` ensures this field is only present when there is at
// least one spend.
if let Some(shared_anchor) = self.shared_anchor() {
writer.write_all(&<[u8; 32]>::from(shared_anchor)[..])?;
// Denoted as `vSpendProofsSapling` in the spec.
zcash_serialize_external_count(&spend_proofs, &mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `vSpendAuthSigsSapling` in the spec.
zcash_serialize_external_count(&spend_sigs, &mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `vOutputProofsSapling` in the spec.
zcash_serialize_external_count(&output_proofs, &mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `bindingSigSapling` in the spec.
writer.write_all(&<[u8; 64]>::from(self.binding_sig)[..])?;
// we can't split ShieldedData out of Option<ShieldedData> deserialization,
// because the counts are read along with the arrays.
impl ZcashDeserialize for Option<sapling::ShieldedData<SharedAnchor>> {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// Denoted as `nSpendsSapling` and `vSpendsSapling` in the spec.
let spend_prefixes: Vec<_> = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// Denoted as `nOutputsSapling` and `vOutputsSapling` in the spec.
let output_prefixes: Vec<_> = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// nSpendsSapling and nOutputsSapling as variables
let spends_count = spend_prefixes.len();
let outputs_count = output_prefixes.len();
// All the other fields depend on having spends or outputs
if spend_prefixes.is_empty() && output_prefixes.is_empty() {
return Ok(None);
// Denoted as `valueBalanceSapling` in the spec.
let value_balance = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// Denoted as `anchorSapling` in the spec.
// # Consensus
// > Elements of a Spend description MUST be valid encodings of the types given above.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#spenddesc
// Type is `B^{[_{Sapling}_{Merkle}]}`, i.e. 32 bytes
// > LEOS2IP_{256}(anchorSapling), if present, MUST be less than 𝑞_𝕁.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#spendencodingandconsensus
// Validated in [`crate::sapling::tree::Root::zcash_deserialize`].
let shared_anchor = if spends_count > 0 {
Some((&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?)
} else {
// Denoted as `vSpendProofsSapling` in the spec.
// # Consensus
// > Elements of a Spend description MUST be valid encodings of the types given above.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#spenddesc
// Type is `ZKSpend.Proof`, described in
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#grothencoding
// It is not enforced here; this just reads 192 bytes.
// The type is validated when validating the proof, see
// [`groth16::Item::try_from`]. In #3179 we plan to validate here instead.
let spend_proofs = zcash_deserialize_external_count(spends_count, &mut reader)?;
// Denoted as `vSpendAuthSigsSapling` in the spec.
// # Consensus
// > Elements of a Spend description MUST be valid encodings of the types given above.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#spenddesc
// Type is SpendAuthSig^{Sapling}.Signature, i.e.
// B^Y^{[ceiling(_G/8) + ceiling(bitlength(𝑟_G)/8)]} i.e. 64 bytes
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#concretereddsa
// See [`redjubjub::Signature<SpendAuth>::zcash_deserialize`].
let spend_sigs = zcash_deserialize_external_count(spends_count, &mut reader)?;
// Denoted as `vOutputProofsSapling` in the spec.
// # Consensus
// > Elements of an Output description MUST be valid encodings of the types given above.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#outputdesc
// Type is `ZKOutput.Proof`, described in
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#grothencoding
// It is not enforced here; this just reads 192 bytes.
// The type is validated when validating the proof, see
// [`groth16::Item::try_from`]. In #3179 we plan to validate here instead.
let output_proofs = zcash_deserialize_external_count(outputs_count, &mut reader)?;
// Denoted as `bindingSigSapling` in the spec.
let binding_sig = reader.read_64_bytes()?.into();
// Create shielded spends from deserialized parts
let spends: Vec<_> = spend_prefixes
.map(|((prefix, proof), sig)| Spend::<SharedAnchor>::from_v5_parts(prefix, proof, sig))
// Create shielded outputs from deserialized parts
let outputs = output_prefixes
.map(|(prefix, proof)| Output::from_v5_parts(prefix, proof))
// Create transfers
// # Consensus
// > The anchor of each Spend description MUST refer to some earlier
// > blocks final Sapling treestate. The anchor is encoded separately
// > in each Spend description for v4 transactions, or encoded once and
// > shared between all Spend descriptions in a v5 transaction.
// <https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#spendsandoutputs>
// This rule is also implemented in
// [`zebra_state::service::check::anchor`] and
// [`zebra_chain::sapling::spend`].
// The "anchor encoding for v5 transactions" is implemented here.
let transfers = match shared_anchor {
Some(shared_anchor) => sapling::TransferData::SpendsAndMaybeOutputs {
spends: spends
.expect("checked spends when parsing shared anchor"),
maybe_outputs: outputs,
None => sapling::TransferData::JustOutputs {
outputs: outputs
.expect("checked spends or outputs and returned early"),
Ok(Some(sapling::ShieldedData {
impl ZcashSerialize for Option<orchard::ShieldedData> {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
match self {
None => {
// Denoted as `nActionsOrchard` in the spec.
// We don't need to write anything else here.
// "The fields flagsOrchard, valueBalanceOrchard, anchorOrchard, sizeProofsOrchard,
// proofsOrchard , and bindingSigOrchard are present if and only if nActionsOrchard > 0."
// `§` note of the second table of https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnencoding
Some(orchard_shielded_data) => {
orchard_shielded_data.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
impl ZcashSerialize for orchard::ShieldedData {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
// Split the AuthorizedAction
let (actions, sigs): (Vec<orchard::Action>, Vec<Signature<SpendAuth>>) = self
// Denoted as `nActionsOrchard` and `vActionsOrchard` in the spec.
actions.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `flagsOrchard` in the spec.
self.flags.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `valueBalanceOrchard` in the spec.
self.value_balance.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `anchorOrchard` in the spec.
self.shared_anchor.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `sizeProofsOrchard` and `proofsOrchard` in the spec.
self.proof.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `vSpendAuthSigsOrchard` in the spec.
zcash_serialize_external_count(&sigs, &mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `bindingSigOrchard` in the spec.
self.binding_sig.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// we can't split ShieldedData out of Option<ShieldedData> deserialization,
// because the counts are read along with the arrays.
impl ZcashDeserialize for Option<orchard::ShieldedData> {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// Denoted as `nActionsOrchard` and `vActionsOrchard` in the spec.
let actions: Vec<orchard::Action> = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// "The fields flagsOrchard, valueBalanceOrchard, anchorOrchard, sizeProofsOrchard,
// proofsOrchard , and bindingSigOrchard are present if and only if nActionsOrchard > 0."
// `§` note of the second table of https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnencoding
if actions.is_empty() {
return Ok(None);
// # Consensus
// > Elements of an Action description MUST be canonical encodings of the types given above.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#actiondesc
// Some Action elements are validated in this function; they are described below.
// Denoted as `flagsOrchard` in the spec.
// Consensus: type of each flag is 𝔹, i.e. a bit. This is enforced implicitly
// in [`Flags::zcash_deserialized`].
let flags: orchard::Flags = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// Denoted as `valueBalanceOrchard` in the spec.
let value_balance: amount::Amount = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// Denoted as `anchorOrchard` in the spec.
// Consensus: type is `{0 .. 𝑞_ 1}`. See [`orchard::tree::Root::zcash_deserialize`].
let shared_anchor: orchard::tree::Root = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// Denoted as `sizeProofsOrchard` and `proofsOrchard` in the spec.
// Consensus: type is `ZKAction.Proof`, i.e. a byte sequence.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#halo2encoding
let proof: Halo2Proof = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// Denoted as `vSpendAuthSigsOrchard` in the spec.
// Consensus: this validates the `spendAuthSig` elements, whose type is
// SpendAuthSig^{Orchard}.Signature, i.e.
// B^Y^{[ceiling(_G/8) + ceiling(bitlength(𝑟_G)/8)]} i.e. 64 bytes
// See [`Signature::zcash_deserialize`].
let sigs: Vec<Signature<SpendAuth>> =
zcash_deserialize_external_count(actions.len(), &mut reader)?;
// Denoted as `bindingSigOrchard` in the spec.
let binding_sig: Signature<Binding> = (&mut reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// Create the AuthorizedAction from deserialized parts
let authorized_actions: Vec<orchard::AuthorizedAction> = actions
.map(|(action, spend_auth_sig)| {
orchard::AuthorizedAction::from_parts(action, spend_auth_sig)
let actions: AtLeastOne<orchard::AuthorizedAction> = authorized_actions.try_into()?;
Ok(Some(orchard::ShieldedData {
impl<T: reddsa::SigType> ZcashSerialize for reddsa::Signature<T> {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
writer.write_all(&<[u8; 64]>::from(*self)[..])?;
impl<T: reddsa::SigType> ZcashDeserialize for reddsa::Signature<T> {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
impl ZcashSerialize for Transaction {
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, mut writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
// Post-Sapling, transaction size is limited to MAX_BLOCK_BYTES.
// (Strictly, the maximum transaction size is about 1.5 kB less,
// because blocks also include a block header.)
// Currently, all transaction structs are parsed as part of a
// block. So we don't need to check transaction size here, until
// we start parsing mempool transactions, or generating our own
// transactions (see #483).
// Since we checkpoint on Canopy activation, we won't ever need
// to check the smaller pre-Sapling transaction size limit.
// Denoted as `header` in the spec, contains the `fOverwintered` flag and the `version` field.
// Write `version` and set the `fOverwintered` bit if necessary
let overwintered_flag = if self.is_overwintered() { 1 << 31 } else { 0 };
let version = overwintered_flag | self.version();
match self {
Transaction::V1 {
} => {
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
inputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
outputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
lock_time.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
Transaction::V2 {
} => {
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
inputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
outputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
lock_time.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nJoinSplit`, `vJoinSplit`,
// `joinSplitPubKey` and `joinSplitSig`.
match joinsplit_data {
// Write 0 for nJoinSplits to signal no JoinSplitData.
None => zcash_serialize_empty_list(writer)?,
Some(jsd) => jsd.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?,
Transaction::V3 {
} => {
// Denoted as `nVersionGroupId` in the spec.
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
inputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
outputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
lock_time.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nJoinSplit`, `vJoinSplit`,
// `joinSplitPubKey` and `joinSplitSig`.
match joinsplit_data {
// Write 0 for nJoinSplits to signal no JoinSplitData.
None => zcash_serialize_empty_list(writer)?,
Some(jsd) => jsd.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?,
Transaction::V4 {
} => {
// Transaction V4 spec:
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnencoding
// Denoted as `nVersionGroupId` in the spec.
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
inputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
outputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
lock_time.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `nExpiryHeight` in the spec.
// The previous match arms serialize in one go, because the
// internal structure happens to nicely line up with the
// serialized structure. However, this is not possible for
// version 4 transactions, as the binding_sig for the
// ShieldedData is placed at the end of the transaction. So
// instead we have to interleave serialization of the
// ShieldedData and the JoinSplitData.
match sapling_shielded_data {
None => {
// Signal no value balance.
// Signal no shielded spends and no shielded outputs.
zcash_serialize_empty_list(&mut writer)?;
zcash_serialize_empty_list(&mut writer)?;
Some(sapling_shielded_data) => {
// Denoted as `valueBalanceSapling` in the spec.
.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `nSpendsSapling` and `vSpendsSapling` in the spec.
let spends: Vec<_> = sapling_shielded_data.spends().cloned().collect();
spends.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `nOutputsSapling` and `vOutputsSapling` in the spec.
let outputs: Vec<_> = sapling_shielded_data
outputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nJoinSplit`, `vJoinSplit`,
// `joinSplitPubKey` and `joinSplitSig`.
match joinsplit_data {
None => zcash_serialize_empty_list(&mut writer)?,
Some(jsd) => jsd.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?,
// Denoted as `bindingSigSapling` in the spec.
match sapling_shielded_data {
Some(sd) => writer.write_all(&<[u8; 64]>::from(sd.binding_sig)[..])?,
None => {}
Transaction::V5 {
} => {
// Transaction V5 spec:
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnencoding
// Denoted as `nVersionGroupId` in the spec.
// Denoted as `nConsensusBranchId` in the spec.
.expect("valid transactions must have a network upgrade with a branch id"),
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
lock_time.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `nExpiryHeight` in the spec.
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
inputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
outputs.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nSpendsSapling`, `vSpendsSapling`,
// `nOutputsSapling`,`vOutputsSapling`, `valueBalanceSapling`, `anchorSapling`,
// `vSpendProofsSapling`, `vSpendAuthSigsSapling`, `vOutputProofsSapling` and
// `bindingSigSapling`.
sapling_shielded_data.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nActionsOrchard`, `vActionsOrchard`,
// `flagsOrchard`,`valueBalanceOrchard`, `anchorOrchard`, `sizeProofsOrchard`,
// `proofsOrchard`, `vSpendAuthSigsOrchard`, and `bindingSigOrchard`.
orchard_shielded_data.zcash_serialize(&mut writer)?;
impl ZcashDeserialize for Transaction {
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// # Consensus
// > [Pre-Sapling] The encoded size of the transaction MUST be less than or
// > equal to 100000 bytes.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnconsensus
// Zebra does not verify this rule because we checkpoint up to Canopy blocks, but:
// Since transactions must get mined into a block to be useful,
// we reject transactions that are larger than blocks.
// If the limit is reached, we'll get an UnexpectedEof error.
let mut limited_reader = reader.take(MAX_BLOCK_BYTES);
let (version, overwintered) = {
const LOW_31_BITS: u32 = (1 << 31) - 1;
// Denoted as `header` in the spec, contains the `fOverwintered` flag and the `version` field.
let header = limited_reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
(header & LOW_31_BITS, header >> 31 != 0)
// # Consensus
// The next rules apply for different transaction versions as follows:
// [Pre-Overwinter]: Transactions version 1 and 2.
// [Overwinter onward]: Transactions version 3 and above.
// [Overwinter only, pre-Sapling]: Transactions version 3.
// [Sapling to Canopy inclusive, pre-NU5]: Transactions version 4.
// [NU5 onward]: Transactions version 4 and above.
// > The transaction version number MUST be greater than or equal to 1.
// > [Pre-Overwinter] The fOverwintered fag MUST NOT be set.
// > [Overwinter onward] The version group ID MUST be recognized.
// > [Overwinter onward] The fOverwintered flag MUST be set.
// > [Overwinter only, pre-Sapling] The transaction version number MUST be 3,
// > and the version group ID MUST be 0x03C48270.
// > [Sapling to Canopy inclusive, pre-NU5] The transaction version number MUST be 4,
// > and the version group ID MUST be 0x892F2085.
// > [NU5 onward] The transaction version number MUST be 4 or 5.
// > If the transaction version number is 4 then the version group ID MUST be 0x892F2085.
// > If the transaction version number is 5 then the version group ID MUST be 0x26A7270A.
// Note: Zebra checkpoints until Canopy blocks, this means only transactions versions
// 4 and 5 get fully verified. This satisfies "The transaction version number MUST be 4"
// and "The transaction version number MUST be 4 or 5" from the last two rules above.
// This is done in the zebra-consensus crate, in the transactions checks.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnconsensus
match (version, overwintered) {
(1, false) => Ok(Transaction::V1 {
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
inputs: Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
outputs: Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
lock_time: LockTime::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
(2, false) => {
// Version 2 transactions use Sprout-on-BCTV14.
type OptV2Jsd = Option<JoinSplitData<Bctv14Proof>>;
Ok(Transaction::V2 {
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
inputs: Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
outputs: Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
lock_time: LockTime::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nJoinSplit`, `vJoinSplit`,
// `joinSplitPubKey` and `joinSplitSig`.
joinsplit_data: OptV2Jsd::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
(3, true) => {
// Denoted as `nVersionGroupId` in the spec.
let id = limited_reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
return Err(SerializationError::Parse(
// Version 3 transactions use Sprout-on-BCTV14.
type OptV3Jsd = Option<JoinSplitData<Bctv14Proof>>;
Ok(Transaction::V3 {
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
inputs: Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
outputs: Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
lock_time: LockTime::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
// Denoted as `nExpiryHeight` in the spec.
expiry_height: block::Height(limited_reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?),
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nJoinSplit`, `vJoinSplit`,
// `joinSplitPubKey` and `joinSplitSig`.
joinsplit_data: OptV3Jsd::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?,
(4, true) => {
// Transaction V4 spec:
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnencoding
// Denoted as `nVersionGroupId` in the spec.
let id = limited_reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
return Err(SerializationError::Parse(
// Version 4 transactions use Sprout-on-Groth16.
type OptV4Jsd = Option<JoinSplitData<Groth16Proof>>;
// The previous match arms deserialize in one go, because the
// internal structure happens to nicely line up with the
// serialized structure. However, this is not possible for
// version 4 transactions, as the binding_sig for the
// ShieldedData is placed at the end of the transaction. So
// instead we have to pull the component parts out manually and
// then assemble them.
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
let inputs = Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?;
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
let outputs = Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?;
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
let lock_time = LockTime::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?;
// Denoted as `nExpiryHeight` in the spec.
let expiry_height = block::Height(limited_reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?);
// Denoted as `valueBalanceSapling` in the spec.
let value_balance = (&mut limited_reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// Denoted as `nSpendsSapling` and `vSpendsSapling` in the spec.
let shielded_spends = Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?;
// Denoted as `nOutputsSapling` and `vOutputsSapling` in the spec.
let shielded_outputs =
Vec::<sapling::OutputInTransactionV4>::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nJoinSplit`, `vJoinSplit`,
// `joinSplitPubKey` and `joinSplitSig`.
let joinsplit_data = OptV4Jsd::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?;
let sapling_transfers = if !shielded_spends.is_empty() {
Some(sapling::TransferData::SpendsAndMaybeOutputs {
shared_anchor: FieldNotPresent,
spends: shielded_spends.try_into().expect("checked for spends"),
maybe_outputs: shielded_outputs,
} else if !shielded_outputs.is_empty() {
Some(sapling::TransferData::JustOutputs {
outputs: shielded_outputs.try_into().expect("checked for outputs"),
} else {
// # Consensus
// > [Sapling onward] If effectiveVersion = 4 and there are no Spend
// > descriptions or Output descriptions, then valueBalanceSapling MUST be 0.
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnconsensus
if value_balance != 0 {
return Err(SerializationError::BadTransactionBalance);
let sapling_shielded_data = match sapling_transfers {
Some(transfers) => Some(sapling::ShieldedData {
// Denoted as `bindingSigSapling` in the spec.
binding_sig: limited_reader.read_64_bytes()?.into(),
None => None,
Ok(Transaction::V4 {
(5, true) => {
// Transaction V5 spec:
// https://zips.z.cash/protocol/protocol.pdf#txnencoding
// Denoted as `nVersionGroupId` in the spec.
let id = limited_reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?;
return Err(SerializationError::Parse("expected TX_V5_VERSION_GROUP_ID"));
// Denoted as `nConsensusBranchId` in the spec.
// Convert it to a NetworkUpgrade
let network_upgrade =
.ok_or_else(|| {
"expected a valid network upgrade from the consensus branch id",
// Denoted as `lock_time` in the spec.
let lock_time = LockTime::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?;
// Denoted as `nExpiryHeight` in the spec.
let expiry_height = block::Height(limited_reader.read_u32::<LittleEndian>()?);
// Denoted as `tx_in_count` and `tx_in` in the spec.
let inputs = Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?;
// Denoted as `tx_out_count` and `tx_out` in the spec.
let outputs = Vec::zcash_deserialize(&mut limited_reader)?;
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nSpendsSapling`, `vSpendsSapling`,
// `nOutputsSapling`,`vOutputsSapling`, `valueBalanceSapling`, `anchorSapling`,
// `vSpendProofsSapling`, `vSpendAuthSigsSapling`, `vOutputProofsSapling` and
// `bindingSigSapling`.
let sapling_shielded_data = (&mut limited_reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
// A bundle of fields denoted in the spec as `nActionsOrchard`, `vActionsOrchard`,
// `flagsOrchard`,`valueBalanceOrchard`, `anchorOrchard`, `sizeProofsOrchard`,
// `proofsOrchard`, `vSpendAuthSigsOrchard`, and `bindingSigOrchard`.
let orchard_shielded_data = (&mut limited_reader).zcash_deserialize_into()?;
Ok(Transaction::V5 {
(_, _) => Err(SerializationError::Parse("bad tx header")),
impl<T> ZcashDeserialize for Arc<T>
T: ZcashDeserialize,
fn zcash_deserialize<R: io::Read>(reader: R) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
impl<T> ZcashSerialize for Arc<T>
T: ZcashSerialize,
fn zcash_serialize<W: io::Write>(&self, writer: W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
T::zcash_serialize(self, writer)
/// A Tx Input must have an Outpoint (32 byte hash + 4 byte index), a 4 byte sequence number,
/// and a signature script, which always takes a min of 1 byte (for a length 0 script).
pub(crate) const MIN_TRANSPARENT_INPUT_SIZE: u64 = 32 + 4 + 4 + 1;
/// A Transparent output has an 8 byte value and script which takes a min of 1 byte.
pub(crate) const MIN_TRANSPARENT_OUTPUT_SIZE: u64 = 8 + 1;
/// All txs must have at least one input, a 4 byte locktime, and at least one output.
/// Shielded transfers are much larger than transparent transfers,
/// so this is the minimum transaction size.
pub const MIN_TRANSPARENT_TX_SIZE: u64 =
/// The minimum transaction size for v4 transactions.
/// v4 transactions also have an expiry height.
/// The minimum transaction size for v5 transactions.
/// v5 transactions also have an expiry height and a consensus branch ID.
/// No valid Zcash message contains more transactions than can fit in a single block
/// `tx` messages contain a single transaction, and `block` messages are limited to the maximum
/// block size.
impl TrustedPreallocate for Transaction {
fn max_allocation() -> u64 {
// A transparent transaction is the smallest transaction variant
/// The maximum number of inputs in a valid Zcash on-chain transaction.
/// If a transaction contains more inputs than can fit in maximally large block, it might be
/// valid on the network and in the mempool, but it can never be mined into a block. So
/// rejecting these large edge-case transactions can never break consensus.
impl TrustedPreallocate for transparent::Input {
fn max_allocation() -> u64 {
/// The maximum number of outputs in a valid Zcash on-chain transaction.
/// If a transaction contains more outputs than can fit in maximally large block, it might be
/// valid on the network and in the mempool, but it can never be mined into a block. So
/// rejecting these large edge-case transactions can never break consensus.
impl TrustedPreallocate for transparent::Output {
fn max_allocation() -> u64 {
/// A serialized transaction.
/// Stores bytes that are guaranteed to be deserializable into a [`Transaction`].
/// Sorts in lexicographic order of the transaction's serialized data.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct SerializedTransaction {
bytes: Vec<u8>,
impl fmt::Display for SerializedTransaction {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl fmt::Debug for SerializedTransaction {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// A transaction with a lot of transfers can be extremely long in logs.
let mut data_truncated = hex::encode(&self.bytes);
if data_truncated.len() > 1003 {
let end = data_truncated.len() - 500;
// Replace the middle bytes with "...", but leave 500 bytes on either side.
// The data is hex, so this replacement won't panic.
data_truncated.replace_range(500..=end, "...");
/// Build a [`SerializedTransaction`] by serializing a block.
impl<B: Borrow<Transaction>> From<B> for SerializedTransaction {
fn from(tx: B) -> Self {
SerializedTransaction {
bytes: tx
.expect("Writing to a `Vec` should never fail"),
/// Access the serialized bytes of a [`SerializedTransaction`].
impl AsRef<[u8]> for SerializedTransaction {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
impl From<Vec<u8>> for SerializedTransaction {
fn from(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Self { bytes }
impl FromHex for SerializedTransaction {
type Error = <Vec<u8> as FromHex>::Error;
fn from_hex<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(hex: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let bytes = <Vec<u8>>::from_hex(hex)?;