
253 lines
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//! Unspent transparent output data structures and functions.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::{
block::{self, Block, Height},
transaction::{self, Transaction},
/// An unspent `transparent::Output`, with accompanying metadata.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"),
derive(proptest_derive::Arbitrary, serde::Serialize)
pub struct Utxo {
/// The output itself.
pub output: transparent::Output,
// TODO: replace the height and from_coinbase fields with OutputLocation,
// and provide lookup/calculation methods for height and from_coinbase
/// The height at which the output was created.
pub height: block::Height,
/// Whether the output originated in a coinbase transaction.
pub from_coinbase: bool,
/// A [`Utxo`], and the index of its transaction within its block.
/// This extra index is used to check that spends come after outputs,
/// when a new output and its spend are both in the same block.
/// The extra index is only used during block verification,
/// so it does not need to be sent to the state.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"),
// TODO: after modifying UTXO to contain an OutputLocation, replace this type with UTXO
pub struct OrderedUtxo {
/// An unspent transaction output.
pub utxo: Utxo,
/// The index of the transaction that created the output, in the block at `height`.
/// Used to make sure that transaction can only spend outputs
/// that were created earlier in the chain.
/// Note: this is different from `OutPoint.index`,
/// which is the index of the output in its transaction.
pub tx_index_in_block: usize,
impl AsRef<Utxo> for OrderedUtxo {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Utxo {
impl Utxo {
/// Create a new UTXO from its fields.
pub fn new(output: transparent::Output, height: block::Height, from_coinbase: bool) -> Utxo {
Utxo {
/// Create a new UTXO from an output and its transaction location.
pub fn from_location(
output: transparent::Output,
height: block::Height,
tx_index_in_block: usize,
) -> Utxo {
// Coinbase transactions are always the first transaction in their block,
// we check the other consensus rules separately.
let from_coinbase = tx_index_in_block == 0;
Utxo {
impl OrderedUtxo {
/// Create a new ordered UTXO from its fields.
pub fn new(
output: transparent::Output,
height: block::Height,
tx_index_in_block: usize,
) -> OrderedUtxo {
// Coinbase transactions are always the first transaction in their block,
// we check the other consensus rules separately.
let from_coinbase = tx_index_in_block == 0;
OrderedUtxo {
utxo: Utxo::new(output, height, from_coinbase),
/// Create a new ordered UTXO from a UTXO and transaction index.
pub fn from_utxo(utxo: Utxo, tx_index_in_block: usize) -> OrderedUtxo {
OrderedUtxo {
/// A restriction that must be checked before spending a transparent output of a
/// coinbase transaction.
/// See the function `transparent_coinbase_spend` in `zebra-state` for the
/// consensus rules.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"),
pub enum CoinbaseSpendRestriction {
/// The UTXO is spent in a transaction with one or more transparent outputs
/// The UTXO is spent in a transaction which only has shielded outputs
OnlyShieldedOutputs {
/// The height at which the UTXO is spent
spend_height: block::Height,
/// Compute an index of [`Utxo`]s, given an index of [`OrderedUtxo`]s.
pub fn utxos_from_ordered_utxos(
ordered_utxos: HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, OrderedUtxo>,
) -> HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, Utxo> {
.map(|(outpoint, ordered_utxo)| (outpoint, ordered_utxo.utxo))
/// Compute an index of [`transparent::Output`]s, given an index of [`Utxo`]s.
pub fn outputs_from_utxos(
utxos: HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, Utxo>,
) -> HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, transparent::Output> {
.map(|(outpoint, utxo)| (outpoint, utxo.output))
/// Compute an index of newly created [`Utxo`]s, given a block and a
/// list of precomputed transaction hashes.
pub fn new_outputs(
block: &Block,
transaction_hashes: &[transaction::Hash],
) -> HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, Utxo> {
utxos_from_ordered_utxos(new_ordered_outputs(block, transaction_hashes))
/// Compute an index of newly created [`Utxo`]s, given a block and a
/// list of precomputed transaction hashes.
/// This is a test-only function, prefer [`new_outputs`].
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn new_outputs_with_height(
block: &Block,
height: Height,
transaction_hashes: &[transaction::Hash],
) -> HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, Utxo> {
/// Compute an index of newly created [`OrderedUtxo`]s, given a block and a
/// list of precomputed transaction hashes.
pub fn new_ordered_outputs(
block: &Block,
transaction_hashes: &[transaction::Hash],
) -> HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, OrderedUtxo> {
let height = block.coinbase_height().expect("block has coinbase height");
new_ordered_outputs_with_height(block, height, transaction_hashes)
/// Compute an index of newly created [`OrderedUtxo`]s, given a block and a
/// list of precomputed transaction hashes.
/// This function is intended for use in this module, and in tests.
/// Prefer [`new_ordered_outputs`].
pub fn new_ordered_outputs_with_height(
block: &Block,
height: Height,
transaction_hashes: &[transaction::Hash],
) -> HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, OrderedUtxo> {
let mut new_ordered_outputs = HashMap::new();
for (tx_index_in_block, (transaction, hash)) in block
/// Compute an index of newly created [`OrderedUtxo`]s, given a transaction,
/// its precomputed transaction hash, the transaction's index in its block,
/// and the block's height.
/// This function is only for use in this module, and in tests.
pub fn new_transaction_ordered_outputs(
transaction: &Transaction,
hash: transaction::Hash,
tx_index_in_block: usize,
height: block::Height,
) -> HashMap<transparent::OutPoint, OrderedUtxo> {
let mut new_ordered_outputs = HashMap::new();
for (output_index_in_transaction, output) in transaction.outputs().iter().cloned().enumerate() {
let output_index_in_transaction = output_index_in_transaction
.expect("unexpectedly large number of outputs");
transparent::OutPoint {
index: output_index_in_transaction,
OrderedUtxo::new(output, height, tx_index_in_block),