
811 lines
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//! The `AddressBook` manages information about what peers exist, when they were
//! seen, and what services they provide.
use std::{
net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr},
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use chrono::Utc;
use ordered_map::OrderedMap;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tracing::Span;
use zebra_chain::{parameters::Network, serialization::DateTime32};
use crate::{
protocol::external::{canonical_peer_addr, canonical_socket_addr},
AddressBookPeers, PeerAddrState, PeerSocketAddr,
mod tests;
/// A database of peer listener addresses, their advertised services, and
/// information on when they were last seen.
/// # Security
/// Address book state must be based on outbound connections to peers.
/// If the address book is updated incorrectly:
/// - malicious peers can interfere with other peers' `AddressBook` state,
/// or
/// - Zebra can advertise unreachable addresses to its own peers.
/// ## Adding Addresses
/// The address book should only contain Zcash listener port addresses from peers
/// on the configured network. These addresses can come from:
/// - DNS seeders
/// - addresses gossiped by other peers
/// - the canonical address (`Version.address_from`) provided by each peer,
/// particularly peers on inbound connections.
/// The remote addresses of inbound connections must not be added to the address
/// book, because they contain ephemeral outbound ports, not listener ports.
/// Isolated connections must not add addresses or update the address book.
/// ## Updating Address State
/// Updates to address state must be based on outbound connections to peers.
/// Updates must not be based on:
/// - the remote addresses of inbound connections, or
/// - the canonical address of any connection.
pub struct AddressBook {
/// Peer listener addresses, suitable for outbound connections,
/// in connection attempt order.
/// Some peers in this list might have open outbound or inbound connections.
/// We reverse the comparison order, because the standard library
/// ([`BTreeMap`](std::collections::BTreeMap)) sorts in ascending order, but
/// [`OrderedMap`] sorts in descending order.
by_addr: OrderedMap<PeerSocketAddr, MetaAddr, Reverse<MetaAddr>>,
/// The address with a last_connection_state of [`PeerAddrState::Responded`] and
/// the most recent `last_response` time by IP.
/// This is used to avoid initiating outbound connections past [`Config::max_connections_per_ip`](crate::config::Config), and
/// currently only supports a `max_connections_per_ip` of 1, and must be `None` when used with a greater `max_connections_per_ip`.
// TODO: Replace with `by_ip: HashMap<IpAddr, BTreeMap<DateTime32, MetaAddr>>` to support configured `max_connections_per_ip` greater than 1
most_recent_by_ip: Option<HashMap<IpAddr, MetaAddr>>,
/// The local listener address.
local_listener: SocketAddr,
/// The configured Zcash network.
network: Network,
/// The maximum number of addresses in the address book.
/// Always set to [`MAX_ADDRS_IN_ADDRESS_BOOK`](constants::MAX_ADDRS_IN_ADDRESS_BOOK),
/// in release builds. Lower values are used during testing.
addr_limit: usize,
/// The span for operations on this address book.
span: Span,
/// A channel used to send the latest address book metrics.
address_metrics_tx: watch::Sender<AddressMetrics>,
/// The last time we logged a message about the address metrics.
last_address_log: Option<Instant>,
/// Metrics about the states of the addresses in an [`AddressBook`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct AddressMetrics {
/// The number of addresses in the `Responded` state.
pub responded: usize,
/// The number of addresses in the `NeverAttemptedGossiped` state.
pub never_attempted_gossiped: usize,
/// The number of addresses in the `Failed` state.
pub failed: usize,
/// The number of addresses in the `AttemptPending` state.
pub attempt_pending: usize,
/// The number of `Responded` addresses within the liveness limit.
pub recently_live: usize,
/// The number of `Responded` addresses outside the liveness limit.
pub recently_stopped_responding: usize,
/// The number of addresses in the address book, regardless of their states.
pub num_addresses: usize,
/// The maximum number of addresses in the address book.
pub address_limit: usize,
impl AddressBook {
/// Construct an [`AddressBook`] with the given `local_listener` on `network`.
/// Uses the supplied [`tracing::Span`] for address book operations.
pub fn new(
local_listener: SocketAddr,
network: &Network,
max_connections_per_ip: usize,
span: Span,
) -> AddressBook {
let constructor_span = span.clone();
let _guard = constructor_span.enter();
let instant_now = Instant::now();
let chrono_now = Utc::now();
// The default value is correct for an empty address book,
// and it gets replaced by `update_metrics` anyway.
let (address_metrics_tx, _address_metrics_rx) = watch::channel(AddressMetrics::default());
// Avoid initiating outbound handshakes when max_connections_per_ip is 1.
let should_limit_outbound_conns_per_ip = max_connections_per_ip == 1;
let mut new_book = AddressBook {
by_addr: OrderedMap::new(|meta_addr| Reverse(*meta_addr)),
local_listener: canonical_socket_addr(local_listener),
network: network.clone(),
addr_limit: constants::MAX_ADDRS_IN_ADDRESS_BOOK,
last_address_log: None,
most_recent_by_ip: should_limit_outbound_conns_per_ip.then(HashMap::new),
new_book.update_metrics(instant_now, chrono_now);
/// Construct an [`AddressBook`] with the given `local_listener`, `network`,
/// `addr_limit`, [`tracing::Span`], and addresses.
/// `addr_limit` is enforced by this method, and by [`AddressBook::update`].
/// If there are multiple [`MetaAddr`]s with the same address,
/// an arbitrary address is inserted into the address book,
/// and the rest are dropped.
/// This constructor can be used to break address book invariants,
/// so it should only be used in tests.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn new_with_addrs(
local_listener: SocketAddr,
network: &Network,
max_connections_per_ip: usize,
addr_limit: usize,
span: Span,
addrs: impl IntoIterator<Item = MetaAddr>,
) -> AddressBook {
let constructor_span = span.clone();
let _guard = constructor_span.enter();
let instant_now = Instant::now();
let chrono_now = Utc::now();
// The maximum number of addresses should be always greater than 0
assert!(addr_limit > 0);
let mut new_book = AddressBook::new(local_listener, network, max_connections_per_ip, span);
new_book.addr_limit = addr_limit;
let addrs = addrs
.map(|mut meta_addr| {
meta_addr.addr = canonical_peer_addr(meta_addr.addr);
.filter(|meta_addr| meta_addr.address_is_valid_for_outbound(network))
.map(|meta_addr| (meta_addr.addr, meta_addr));
for (socket_addr, meta_addr) in addrs {
// overwrite any duplicate addresses
new_book.by_addr.insert(socket_addr, meta_addr);
// Add the address to `most_recent_by_ip` if it has responded
if new_book.should_update_most_recent_by_ip(meta_addr) {
.expect("should be some when should_update_most_recent_by_ip is true")
.insert(socket_addr.ip(), meta_addr);
// exit as soon as we get enough addresses
if new_book.by_addr.len() >= addr_limit {
new_book.update_metrics(instant_now, chrono_now);
/// Return a watch channel for the address book metrics.
/// The metrics in the watch channel are only updated when the address book updates,
/// so they can be significantly outdated if Zebra is disconnected or hung.
/// The current metrics value is marked as seen.
/// So `Receiver::changed` will only return after the next address book update.
pub fn address_metrics_watcher(&self) -> watch::Receiver<AddressMetrics> {
/// Set the local listener address. Only for use in tests.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "proptest-impl"))]
pub fn set_local_listener(&mut self, addr: SocketAddr) {
self.local_listener = addr;
/// Get the local listener address.
/// This address contains minimal state, but it is not sanitized.
pub fn local_listener_meta_addr(&self, now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>) -> MetaAddr {
let now: DateTime32 = now.try_into().expect("will succeed until 2038");
/// Get the local listener [`SocketAddr`].
pub fn local_listener_socket_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr {
/// Get the active addresses in `self` in random order with sanitized timestamps,
/// including our local listener address.
/// Limited to a the number of peer addresses Zebra should give out per `GetAddr` request.
pub fn fresh_get_addr_response(&self) -> Vec<MetaAddr> {
let now = Utc::now();
let mut peers = self.sanitized(now);
let address_limit = peers.len().div_ceil(ADDR_RESPONSE_LIMIT_DENOMINATOR);
/// Get the active addresses in `self` in random order with sanitized timestamps,
/// including our local listener address.
pub(crate) fn sanitized(&self, now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>) -> Vec<MetaAddr> {
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
let _guard = self.span.enter();
let mut peers = self.by_addr.clone();
// Unconditionally add our local listener address to the advertised peers,
// to replace any self-connection failures. The address book and change
// constructors make sure that the SocketAddr is canonical.
let local_listener = self.local_listener_meta_addr(now);
peers.insert(local_listener.addr, local_listener);
// Then sanitize and shuffle
let mut peers: Vec<MetaAddr> = peers
.filter_map(|meta_addr| meta_addr.sanitize(&self.network))
// # Security
// Remove peers that:
// - last responded more than three hours ago, or
// - haven't responded yet but were reported last seen more than three hours ago
// This prevents Zebra from gossiping nodes that are likely unreachable. Gossiping such
// nodes impacts the network health, because connection attempts end up being wasted on
// peers that are less likely to respond.
.filter(|addr| addr.is_active_for_gossip(now))
peers.shuffle(&mut rand::thread_rng());
/// Get the active addresses in `self`, in preferred caching order,
/// excluding our local listener address.
pub fn cacheable(&self, now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>) -> Vec<MetaAddr> {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
let peers = self.by_addr.clone();
// Get peers in preferred order, then keep the recently active ones
// # Security
// Remove peers that:
// - last responded more than three hours ago, or
// - haven't responded yet but were reported last seen more than three hours ago
// This prevents Zebra from caching nodes that are likely unreachable,
// which improves startup time and reliability.
.filter(|addr| addr.is_active_for_gossip(now))
/// Look up `addr` in the address book, and return its [`MetaAddr`].
/// Converts `addr` to a canonical address before looking it up.
pub fn get(&mut self, addr: PeerSocketAddr) -> Option<MetaAddr> {
let addr = canonical_peer_addr(*addr);
// Unfortunately, `OrderedMap` doesn't implement `get`.
let meta_addr = self.by_addr.remove(&addr);
if let Some(meta_addr) = meta_addr {
self.by_addr.insert(addr, meta_addr);
/// Returns true if `updated` needs to be applied to the recent outbound peer connection IP cache.
/// Checks if there are no existing entries in the address book with this IP,
/// or if `updated` has a more recent `last_response` requiring the outbound connector to wait
/// longer before initiating handshakes with peers at this IP.
/// This code only needs to check a single cache entry, rather than the entire address book,
/// because other code maintains these invariants:
/// - `last_response` times for an entry can only increase.
/// - this is the only field checked by `has_connection_recently_responded()`
/// See [`AddressBook::is_ready_for_connection_attempt_with_ip`] for more details.
fn should_update_most_recent_by_ip(&self, updated: MetaAddr) -> bool {
let Some(most_recent_by_ip) = self.most_recent_by_ip.as_ref() else {
return false;
if let Some(previous) = most_recent_by_ip.get(&updated.addr.ip()) {
updated.last_connection_state == PeerAddrState::Responded
&& updated.last_response() > previous.last_response()
} else {
updated.last_connection_state == PeerAddrState::Responded
/// Returns true if `addr` is the latest entry for its IP, which is stored in `most_recent_by_ip`.
/// The entry is checked for an exact match to the IP and port of `addr`.
fn should_remove_most_recent_by_ip(&self, addr: PeerSocketAddr) -> bool {
let Some(most_recent_by_ip) = self.most_recent_by_ip.as_ref() else {
return false;
if let Some(previous) = most_recent_by_ip.get(&addr.ip()) {
previous.addr == addr
} else {
/// Apply `change` to the address book, returning the updated `MetaAddr`,
/// if the change was valid.
/// # Correctness
/// All changes should go through `update`, so that the address book
/// only contains valid outbound addresses.
/// Change addresses must be canonical `PeerSocketAddr`s. This makes sure that
/// each address book entry has a unique IP address.
/// # Security
/// This function must apply every attempted, responded, and failed change
/// to the address book. This prevents rapid reconnections to the same peer.
/// As an exception, this function can ignore all changes for specific
/// [`PeerSocketAddr`]s. Ignored addresses will never be used to connect to
/// peers.
pub fn update(&mut self, change: MetaAddrChange) -> Option<MetaAddr> {
let previous = self.get(change.addr());
let _guard = self.span.enter();
let instant_now = Instant::now();
let chrono_now = Utc::now();
let updated = change.apply_to_meta_addr(previous, instant_now, chrono_now);
total_peers = self.by_addr.len(),
recent_peers = self.recently_live_peers(chrono_now).len(),
"calculated updated address book entry",
if let Some(updated) = updated {
// Ignore invalid outbound addresses.
// (Inbound connections can be monitored via Zebra's metrics.)
if !updated.address_is_valid_for_outbound(&self.network) {
return None;
// Ignore invalid outbound services and other info,
// but only if the peer has never been attempted.
// Otherwise, if we got the info directly from the peer,
// store it in the address book, so we know not to reconnect.
if !updated.last_known_info_is_valid_for_outbound(&self.network)
&& updated.last_connection_state.is_never_attempted()
return None;
self.by_addr.insert(updated.addr, updated);
// Add the address to `most_recent_by_ip` if it sent the most recent
// response Zebra has received from this IP.
if self.should_update_most_recent_by_ip(updated) {
.expect("should be some when should_update_most_recent_by_ip is true")
.insert(updated.addr.ip(), updated);
total_peers = self.by_addr.len(),
recent_peers = self.recently_live_peers(chrono_now).len(),
"updated address book entry",
// Security: Limit the number of peers in the address book.
// We only delete outdated peers when we have too many peers.
// If we deleted them as soon as they became too old,
// then other peers could re-insert them into the address book.
// And we would start connecting to those outdated peers again,
// ignoring the age limit in [`MetaAddr::is_probably_reachable`].
while self.by_addr.len() > self.addr_limit {
let surplus_peer = self
.expect("just checked there is at least one peer");
// Check if this surplus peer's addr matches that in `most_recent_by_ip`
// for this the surplus peer's ip to remove it there as well.
if self.should_remove_most_recent_by_ip(surplus_peer.addr) {
.expect("should be some when should_remove_most_recent_by_ip is true")
surplus = ?surplus_peer,
total_peers = self.by_addr.len(),
recent_peers = self.recently_live_peers(chrono_now).len(),
"removed surplus address book entry",
assert!(self.len() <= self.addr_limit);
self.update_metrics(instant_now, chrono_now);
/// Removes the entry with `addr`, returning it if it exists
/// # Note
/// All address removals should go through `take`, so that the address
/// book metrics are accurate.
fn take(&mut self, removed_addr: PeerSocketAddr) -> Option<MetaAddr> {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
let instant_now = Instant::now();
let chrono_now = Utc::now();
total_peers = self.by_addr.len(),
recent_peers = self.recently_live_peers(chrono_now).len(),
if let Some(entry) = self.by_addr.remove(&removed_addr) {
// Check if this surplus peer's addr matches that in `most_recent_by_ip`
// for this the surplus peer's ip to remove it there as well.
if self.should_remove_most_recent_by_ip(entry.addr) {
if let Some(most_recent_by_ip) = self.most_recent_by_ip.as_mut() {
self.update_metrics(instant_now, chrono_now);
} else {
/// Returns true if the given [`PeerSocketAddr`] is pending a reconnection
/// attempt.
pub fn pending_reconnection_addr(&mut self, addr: PeerSocketAddr) -> bool {
let meta_addr = self.get(addr);
let _guard = self.span.enter();
match meta_addr {
None => false,
Some(peer) => peer.last_connection_state == PeerAddrState::AttemptPending,
/// Return an iterator over all peers.
/// Returns peers in reconnection attempt order, including recently connected peers.
pub fn peers(&'_ self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = MetaAddr> + '_ {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
/// Is this IP ready for a new outbound connection attempt?
/// Checks if the outbound connection with the most recent response at this IP has recently responded.
/// Note: last_response times may remain live for a long time if the local clock is changed to an earlier time.
fn is_ready_for_connection_attempt_with_ip(
ip: &IpAddr,
chrono_now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
) -> bool {
let Some(most_recent_by_ip) = self.most_recent_by_ip.as_ref() else {
// if we're not checking IPs, any connection is allowed
return true;
let Some(same_ip_peer) = most_recent_by_ip.get(ip) else {
// If there's no entry for this IP, any connection is allowed
return true;
/// Return an iterator over peers that are due for a reconnection attempt,
/// in reconnection attempt order.
pub fn reconnection_peers(
&'_ self,
instant_now: Instant,
chrono_now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = MetaAddr> + '_ {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
// Skip live peers, and peers pending a reconnect attempt.
// The peers are already stored in sorted order.
.filter(move |peer| {
peer.is_ready_for_connection_attempt(instant_now, chrono_now, &self.network)
&& self.is_ready_for_connection_attempt_with_ip(&peer.addr.ip(), chrono_now)
/// Return an iterator over all the peers in `state`,
/// in reconnection attempt order, including recently connected peers.
pub fn state_peers(
&'_ self,
state: PeerAddrState,
) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = MetaAddr> + '_ {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
.filter(move |peer| peer.last_connection_state == state)
/// Return an iterator over peers that might be connected,
/// in reconnection attempt order.
pub fn maybe_connected_peers(
&'_ self,
instant_now: Instant,
chrono_now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = MetaAddr> + '_ {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
.filter(move |peer| {
!peer.is_ready_for_connection_attempt(instant_now, chrono_now, &self.network)
/// Returns the number of entries in this address book.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns metrics for the addresses in this address book.
/// Only for use in tests.
/// # Correctness
/// Use [`AddressBook::address_metrics_watcher().borrow()`] in production code,
/// to avoid deadlocks.
pub fn address_metrics(&self, now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>) -> AddressMetrics {
/// Returns metrics for the addresses in this address book.
/// # Correctness
/// External callers should use [`AddressBook::address_metrics_watcher().borrow()`]
/// in production code, to avoid deadlocks.
/// (Using the watch channel receiver does not lock the address book mutex.)
fn address_metrics_internal(&self, now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>) -> AddressMetrics {
let responded = self.state_peers(PeerAddrState::Responded).count();
let never_attempted_gossiped = self
let failed = self.state_peers(PeerAddrState::Failed).count();
let attempt_pending = self.state_peers(PeerAddrState::AttemptPending).count();
let recently_live = self.recently_live_peers(now).len();
let recently_stopped_responding = responded
.expect("all recently live peers must have responded");
let num_addresses = self.len();
AddressMetrics {
address_limit: self.addr_limit,
/// Update the metrics for this address book.
fn update_metrics(&mut self, instant_now: Instant, chrono_now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>) {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
let m = self.address_metrics_internal(chrono_now);
// Ignore errors: we don't care if any receivers are listening.
let _ = self.address_metrics_tx.send(m);
// TODO: rename to address_book.[state_name]
metrics::gauge!("candidate_set.responded").set(m.responded as f64);
metrics::gauge!("candidate_set.gossiped").set(m.never_attempted_gossiped as f64);
metrics::gauge!("candidate_set.failed").set(m.failed as f64);
metrics::gauge!("candidate_set.pending").set(m.attempt_pending as f64);
// TODO: rename to address_book.responded.recently_live
metrics::gauge!("candidate_set.recently_live").set(m.recently_live as f64);
// TODO: rename to address_book.responded.stopped_responding
metrics::gauge!("candidate_set.disconnected").set(m.recently_stopped_responding as f64);
self.log_metrics(&m, instant_now);
/// Log metrics for this address book
fn log_metrics(&mut self, m: &AddressMetrics, now: Instant) {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
address_metrics = ?m,
if m.responded > 0 {
// These logs are designed to be human-readable in a terminal, at the
// default Zebra log level. If you need to know address states for
// every request, use the trace-level logs, or the metrics exporter.
if let Some(last_address_log) = self.last_address_log {
// Avoid duplicate address logs
if now.saturating_duration_since(last_address_log).as_secs() < 60 {
} else {
// Suppress initial logs until the peer set has started up.
// There can be multiple address changes before the first peer has
// responded.
self.last_address_log = Some(now);
self.last_address_log = Some(now);
// if all peers have failed
if m.responded + m.attempt_pending + m.never_attempted_gossiped == 0 {
address_metrics = ?m,
"all peer addresses have failed. Hint: check your network connection"
} else {
address_metrics = ?m,
"no active peer connections: trying gossiped addresses"
impl AddressBookPeers for AddressBook {
fn recently_live_peers(&self, now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>) -> Vec<MetaAddr> {
let _guard = self.span.enter();
.filter(|peer| peer.was_recently_live(now))
impl AddressBookPeers for Arc<Mutex<AddressBook>> {
fn recently_live_peers(&self, now: chrono::DateTime<Utc>) -> Vec<MetaAddr> {
.expect("panic in a previous thread that was holding the mutex")
impl Extend<MetaAddrChange> for AddressBook {
fn extend<T>(&mut self, iter: T)
T: IntoIterator<Item = MetaAddrChange>,
for change in iter.into_iter() {
impl Clone for AddressBook {
/// Clone the addresses, address limit, local listener address, and span.
/// Cloned address books have a separate metrics struct watch channel, and an empty last address log.
/// All address books update the same prometheus metrics.
fn clone(&self) -> AddressBook {
// The existing metrics might be outdated, but we avoid calling `update_metrics`,
// so we don't overwrite the prometheus metrics from the main address book.
let (address_metrics_tx, _address_metrics_rx) =
AddressBook {
by_addr: self.by_addr.clone(),
local_listener: self.local_listener,
network: self.network.clone(),
addr_limit: self.addr_limit,
span: self.span.clone(),
last_address_log: None,
most_recent_by_ip: self.most_recent_by_ip.clone(),