
272 lines
11 KiB

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{convert::TryInto, path::PathBuf};
use tempdir::TempDir;
use zebra_chain::parameters::Network;
/// Configuration for the state service.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, default)]
pub struct Config {
/// The root directory for storing cached data.
/// Cached data includes any state that can be replicated from the network
/// (e.g., the chain state, the blocks, the UTXO set, etc.). It does *not*
/// include private data that cannot be replicated from the network, such as
/// wallet data. That data is not handled by `zebra-state`.
/// Each network has a separate state, which is stored in "mainnet/state"
/// and "testnet/state" subdirectories.
/// The default directory is platform dependent, based on
/// [`dirs::cache_dir()`](https://docs.rs/dirs/3.0.1/dirs/fn.cache_dir.html):
/// |Platform | Value | Example |
/// | ------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
/// | Linux | `$XDG_CACHE_HOME/zebra` or `$HOME/.cache/zebra` | /home/alice/.cache/zebra |
/// | macOS | `$HOME/Library/Caches/zebra` | /Users/Alice/Library/Caches/zebra |
/// | Windows | `{FOLDERID_LocalAppData}\zebra` | C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Local\zebra |
/// | Other | `std::env::current_dir()/cache` | |
pub cache_dir: PathBuf,
/// Whether to use an ephemeral database.
/// Ephemeral databases are stored in a temporary directory.
/// They are deleted when Zebra exits successfully.
/// (If Zebra panics or crashes, the ephemeral database won't be deleted.)
/// Set to `false` by default. If this is set to `true`, [`cache_dir`] is ignored.
/// [`cache_dir`]: struct.Config.html#structfield.cache_dir
pub ephemeral: bool,
/// Commit blocks to the finalized state up to this height, then exit Zebra.
/// Set to `None` by default: Zebra continues syncing indefinitely.
pub debug_stop_at_height: Option<u32>,
fn gen_temp_path(prefix: &str) -> PathBuf {
.expect("temporary directory is created successfully")
impl Config {
/// The ideal open file limit for Zebra
const IDEAL_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT: usize = 1024;
/// The minimum number of open files for Zebra to operate normally. Also used
/// as the default open file limit, when the OS doesn't tell us how many
/// files we can use.
/// We want 100+ file descriptors for peers, and 100+ for the database.
/// On Windows, the default limit is 512 high-level I/O files, and 8192
/// low-level I/O files:
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/setmaxstdio?view=msvc-160#remarks
const MIN_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT: usize = 512;
/// The number of files used internally by Zebra.
/// Zebra uses file descriptors for OS libraries (10+), polling APIs (10+),
/// stdio (3), and other OS facilities (2+).
const RESERVED_FILE_COUNT: usize = 48;
/// Returns the path and database options for the finalized state database
pub(crate) fn db_config(&self, network: Network) -> (PathBuf, rocksdb::Options) {
let net_dir = match network {
Network::Mainnet => "mainnet",
Network::Testnet => "testnet",
let path = if self.ephemeral {
} else {
.join(format!("v{}", crate::constants::DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION))
let mut opts = rocksdb::Options::default();
let open_file_limit = Config::increase_open_file_limit();
let db_file_limit = Config::get_db_open_file_limit(open_file_limit);
// If the current limit is very large, set the DB limit using the ideal limit
let db_file_limit = db_file_limit.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|_| {
.expect("ideal open file limit fits in a config int")
(path, opts)
/// Construct a config for an ephemeral database
pub fn ephemeral() -> Config {
Config {
ephemeral: true,
/// Calculate the database's share of `open_file_limit`
fn get_db_open_file_limit(open_file_limit: usize) -> usize {
// Give the DB half the files, and reserve half the files for peers
(open_file_limit - Config::RESERVED_FILE_COUNT) / 2
/// Increase the open file limit for this process to `IDEAL_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT`.
/// If that fails, try `MIN_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT`.
/// If the current limit is above `IDEAL_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT`, leaves it
/// unchanged.
/// Returns the current limit, after any successful increases.
/// # Panics
/// If the open file limit can not be increased to `MIN_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT`.
fn increase_open_file_limit() -> usize {
use rlimit::{getrlimit, Resource};
let (old_limit, hard_rlimit) = match getrlimit(Resource::NOFILE) {
Ok((soft_limit, hard_rlimit)) => (soft_limit.try_into().ok(), Some(hard_rlimit)),
Err(_) => (None, None),
// There's no API for reliably setting the soft limit to the lower of the
// hard limit and a desired limit, because:
// * the returned hard limit can be invalid or unrepresentable, and
// * some OS versions (macOS) return larger values than the actual hard
// limit.
// So we try setting the ideal limit, then the minimum limit.
if let Ok(actual_limit) =
Config::set_open_file_limit(Config::IDEAL_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT, hard_rlimit, old_limit)
return actual_limit;
// Try the hard limit or the minimum, whichever is greater
let min_limit =
if let Some(hard_limit) = hard_rlimit.map(TryInto::try_into).and_then(Result::ok) {
std::cmp::max(Config::MIN_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT, hard_limit)
} else {
if let Ok(actual_limit) = Config::set_open_file_limit(min_limit, hard_rlimit, old_limit) {
min_limit = ?Config::MIN_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT,
ideal_limit = ?Config::IDEAL_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT,
"the maximum number of open files is below Zebra's ideal limit. Hint: Increase the open file limit to {} before launching Zebra",
return actual_limit;
panic!("open file limit too low: unable to set the number of open files to {}, the minimum number of files required by Zebra. Current soft limit is {:?} and hard limit is {:?}. Hint: Increase the open file limit to {} before launching Zebra",
/// Increase the soft open file limit for this process to `new_limit`,
/// and the hard open file limit to `hard_rlimit`.
/// If `hard_rlimit` is `None`, also sets the hard limit to `new_limit`.
/// If `old_limit` is already greater than or equal to `new_limit`,
/// returns `Ok(old_limit)`.
/// Otherwise, tries to set the limit. Returns `Ok(new_limit)` if the
/// limit is set successfully.
fn set_open_file_limit(
new_limit: usize,
hard_rlimit: Option<rlimit::Rlim>,
old_limit: Option<usize>,
) -> Result<usize, ()> {
use rlimit::{setrlimit, Resource};
if let Some(old_limit) = old_limit {
if old_limit >= new_limit {
current_limit = ?old_limit,
"the open file limit is at or above the specified limit");
return Ok(old_limit);
let new_rlimit = new_limit
.expect("new_limit is a valid rlimit value");
if setrlimit(
"set the open file limit for Zebra"
} else {
/// Assumes that Zebra can open at least the minimum number of files, and
/// returns `MIN_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT`.
/// Increasing the open file limit is not yet implemented on Windows. (And
/// other non-unix platforms).
fn increase_open_file_limit() -> usize {
// On Windows, the default limit is 512 high-level I/O files, and 8192
// low-level I/O files:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/setmaxstdio?view=msvc-160#remarks
// If we need more high-level I/O files on Windows, we could implement
// support for `setmaxstdio` and `getmaxstdio` in the `rlimit` crate:
// https://github.com/Nugine/rlimit/issues/16#issuecomment-723393017
// We should panic if `setmaxstdio` fails to set the minimum value,
// and `getmaxstdio` is below the minimum value.
tracing::info!(min_limit = ?Config::MIN_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT,
ideal_limit = ?Config::IDEAL_OPEN_FILE_LIMIT,
"assuming Zebra can open a minimum number of files");
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Self {
let cache_dir = dirs::cache_dir()
.unwrap_or_else(|| std::env::current_dir().unwrap().join("cache"))
Self {
ephemeral: false,
debug_stop_at_height: None,