
557 lines
21 KiB

//! Internal mining in Zebra.
//! # TODO
//! - pause mining if we have no peers, like `zcashd` does,
//! and add a developer config that mines regardless of how many peers we have.
//! <https://github.com/zcash/zcash/blob/6fdd9f1b81d3b228326c9826fa10696fc516444b/src/miner.cpp#L865-L880>
//! - move common code into zebra-chain or zebra-node-services and remove the RPC dependency.
use std::{cmp::min, sync::Arc, thread::available_parallelism, time::Duration};
use color_eyre::Report;
use futures::{stream::FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use thread_priority::{ThreadBuilder, ThreadPriority};
use tokio::{select, sync::watch, task::JoinHandle, time::sleep};
use tower::Service;
use tracing::{Instrument, Span};
use zebra_chain::{
block::{self, Block},
serialization::{AtLeastOne, ZcashSerialize},
work::equihash::{Solution, SolverCancelled},
use zebra_network::AddressBookPeers;
use zebra_node_services::mempool;
use zebra_rpc::{
self, proposal::TimeSource, proposal_block_from_template,
GetBlockTemplateCapability::*, GetBlockTemplateRequestMode::*,
GetBlockTemplateRpc, GetBlockTemplateRpcImpl,
use zebra_state::WatchReceiver;
/// The amount of time we wait between block template retries.
pub const BLOCK_TEMPLATE_WAIT_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(20);
/// A rate-limit for block template refreshes.
pub const BLOCK_TEMPLATE_REFRESH_LIMIT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2);
/// How long we wait after mining a block, before expecting a new template.
/// This should be slightly longer than `BLOCK_TEMPLATE_REFRESH_LIMIT` to allow for template
/// generation.
pub const BLOCK_MINING_WAIT_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(3);
/// Initialize the miner based on its config, and spawn a task for it.
/// This method is CPU and memory-intensive. It uses 144 MB of RAM and one CPU core per configured
/// mining thread.
/// See [`run_mining_solver()`] for more details.
pub fn spawn_init<Mempool, State, Tip, BlockVerifierRouter, SyncStatus, AddressBook>(
config: &Config,
rpc: GetBlockTemplateRpcImpl<Mempool, State, Tip, BlockVerifierRouter, SyncStatus, AddressBook>,
) -> JoinHandle<Result<(), Report>>
// TODO: simplify or avoid repeating these generics (how?)
Mempool: Service<
Response = mempool::Response,
Error = zebra_node_services::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
Mempool::Future: Send,
State: Service<
Response = zebra_state::ReadResponse,
Error = zebra_state::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<State as Service<zebra_state::ReadRequest>>::Future: Send,
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
BlockVerifierRouter: Service<zebra_consensus::Request, Response = block::Hash, Error = zebra_consensus::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<BlockVerifierRouter as Service<zebra_consensus::Request>>::Future: Send,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
AddressBook: AddressBookPeers + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
let config = config.clone();
// TODO: spawn an entirely new executor here, so mining is isolated from higher priority tasks.
tokio::spawn(init(config, rpc).in_current_span())
/// Initialize the miner based on its config.
/// This method is CPU and memory-intensive. It uses 144 MB of RAM and one CPU core per configured
/// mining thread.
/// See [`run_mining_solver()`] for more details.
pub async fn init<Mempool, State, Tip, BlockVerifierRouter, SyncStatus, AddressBook>(
_config: Config,
rpc: GetBlockTemplateRpcImpl<Mempool, State, Tip, BlockVerifierRouter, SyncStatus, AddressBook>,
) -> Result<(), Report>
Mempool: Service<
Response = mempool::Response,
Error = zebra_node_services::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
Mempool::Future: Send,
State: Service<
Response = zebra_state::ReadResponse,
Error = zebra_state::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<State as Service<zebra_state::ReadRequest>>::Future: Send,
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
BlockVerifierRouter: Service<zebra_consensus::Request, Response = block::Hash, Error = zebra_consensus::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<BlockVerifierRouter as Service<zebra_consensus::Request>>::Future: Send,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
AddressBook: AddressBookPeers + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
// TODO: change this to `config.internal_miner_threads` when internal miner feature is added back.
// https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra/issues/8183
let configured_threads = 1;
// If we can't detect the number of cores, use the configured number.
let available_threads = available_parallelism()
// Use the minimum of the configured and available threads.
let solver_count = min(configured_threads, available_threads);
"launching mining tasks with parallel solvers"
let (template_sender, template_receiver) = watch::channel(None);
let template_receiver = WatchReceiver::new(template_receiver);
// Spawn these tasks, to avoid blocked cooperative futures, and improve shutdown responsiveness.
// This is particularly important when there are a large number of solver threads.
let mut abort_handles = Vec::new();
let template_generator = tokio::task::spawn(
generate_block_templates(rpc.clone(), template_sender).in_current_span(),
let template_generator = template_generator.wait_for_panics();
let mut mining_solvers = FuturesUnordered::new();
for solver_id in 0..solver_count {
// Assume there are less than 256 cores. If there are more, only run 256 tasks.
let solver_id = min(solver_id, usize::from(u8::MAX))
.expect("just limited to u8::MAX");
let solver = tokio::task::spawn(
run_mining_solver(solver_id, template_receiver.clone(), rpc.clone()).in_current_span(),
// These tasks run forever unless there is a fatal error or shutdown.
// When that happens, the first task to error returns, and the other JoinHandle futures are
// cancelled.
let first_result;
select! {
result = template_generator => { first_result = result; }
result = mining_solvers.next() => {
first_result = result
.expect("stream never terminates because there is at least one solver task");
// But the spawned async tasks keep running, so we need to abort them here.
for abort_handle in abort_handles {
// Any spawned blocking threads will keep running. When this task returns and drops the
// `template_sender`, it cancels all the spawned miner threads. This works because we've
// aborted the `template_generator` task, which owns the `template_sender`. (And it doesn't
// spawn any blocking threads.)
/// Generates block templates using `rpc`, and sends them to mining threads using `template_sender`.
#[instrument(skip(rpc, template_sender))]
pub async fn generate_block_templates<
rpc: GetBlockTemplateRpcImpl<Mempool, State, Tip, BlockVerifierRouter, SyncStatus, AddressBook>,
template_sender: watch::Sender<Option<Arc<Block>>>,
) -> Result<(), Report>
Mempool: Service<
Response = mempool::Response,
Error = zebra_node_services::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
Mempool::Future: Send,
State: Service<
Response = zebra_state::ReadResponse,
Error = zebra_state::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<State as Service<zebra_state::ReadRequest>>::Future: Send,
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
BlockVerifierRouter: Service<zebra_consensus::Request, Response = block::Hash, Error = zebra_consensus::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<BlockVerifierRouter as Service<zebra_consensus::Request>>::Future: Send,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
AddressBook: AddressBookPeers + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
// Pass the correct arguments, even if Zebra currently ignores them.
let mut parameters = get_block_template::JsonParameters {
mode: Template,
data: None,
capabilities: vec![LongPoll, CoinbaseTxn],
long_poll_id: None,
_work_id: None,
// Shut down the task when all the template receivers are dropped, or Zebra shuts down.
while !template_sender.is_closed() && !is_shutting_down() {
let template = rpc.get_block_template(Some(parameters.clone())).await;
// Wait for the chain to sync so we get a valid template.
let Ok(template) = template else {
"waiting for a valid block template",
// Skip the wait if we got an error because we are shutting down.
if !is_shutting_down() {
// Convert from RPC GetBlockTemplate to Block
let template = template
.expect("invalid RPC response: proposal in response to a template request");
height = ?template.height,
transactions = ?template.transactions.len(),
"mining with an updated block template",
// Tell the next get_block_template() call to wait until the template has changed.
parameters.long_poll_id = Some(template.long_poll_id);
let block = proposal_block_from_template(&template, TimeSource::CurTime)
.expect("unexpected invalid block template");
// If the template has actually changed, send an updated template.
template_sender.send_if_modified(|old_block| {
if old_block.as_ref().map(|b| *b.header) == Some(*block.header) {
return false;
*old_block = Some(Arc::new(block));
// If the blockchain is changing rapidly, limit how often we'll update the template.
// But if we're shutting down, do that immediately.
if !template_sender.is_closed() && !is_shutting_down() {
/// Runs a single mining thread that gets blocks from the `template_receiver`, calculates equihash
/// solutions with nonces based on `solver_id`, and submits valid blocks to Zebra's block validator.
/// This method is CPU and memory-intensive. It uses 144 MB of RAM and one CPU core while running.
/// It can run for minutes or hours if the network difficulty is high. Mining uses a thread with
/// low CPU priority.
#[instrument(skip(template_receiver, rpc))]
pub async fn run_mining_solver<Mempool, State, Tip, BlockVerifierRouter, SyncStatus, AddressBook>(
solver_id: u8,
mut template_receiver: WatchReceiver<Option<Arc<Block>>>,
rpc: GetBlockTemplateRpcImpl<Mempool, State, Tip, BlockVerifierRouter, SyncStatus, AddressBook>,
) -> Result<(), Report>
Mempool: Service<
Response = mempool::Response,
Error = zebra_node_services::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
Mempool::Future: Send,
State: Service<
Response = zebra_state::ReadResponse,
Error = zebra_state::BoxError,
> + Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<State as Service<zebra_state::ReadRequest>>::Future: Send,
Tip: ChainTip + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
BlockVerifierRouter: Service<zebra_consensus::Request, Response = block::Hash, Error = zebra_consensus::BoxError>
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
<BlockVerifierRouter as Service<zebra_consensus::Request>>::Future: Send,
SyncStatus: ChainSyncStatus + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
AddressBook: AddressBookPeers + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
// Shut down the task when the template sender is dropped, or Zebra shuts down.
while template_receiver.has_changed().is_ok() && !is_shutting_down() {
// Get the latest block template, and mark the current value as seen.
// We mark the value first to avoid missed updates.
let template = template_receiver.cloned_watch_data();
let Some(template) = template else {
if solver_id == 0 {
"solver waiting for initial block template"
} else {
"solver waiting for initial block template"
// Skip the wait if we didn't get a template because we are shutting down.
if !is_shutting_down() {
let height = template.coinbase_height().expect("template is valid");
// Set up the cancellation conditions for the miner.
let mut cancel_receiver = template_receiver.clone();
let old_header = *template.header;
let cancel_fn = move || match cancel_receiver.has_changed() {
// Guard against get_block_template() providing an identical header. This could happen
// if something irrelevant to the block data changes, the time was within 1 second, or
// there is a spurious channel change.
Ok(has_changed) => {
// We only need to check header equality, because the block data is bound to the
// header.
if has_changed
&& Some(old_header) != cancel_receiver.cloned_watch_data().map(|b| *b.header)
} else {
// If the sender was dropped, we're likely shutting down, so cancel the solver.
Err(_sender_dropped) => Err(SolverCancelled),
// Mine at least one block using the equihash solver.
let Ok(blocks) = mine_a_block(solver_id, template, cancel_fn).await else {
// If the solver was cancelled, we're either shutting down, or we have a new template.
if solver_id == 0 {
new_template = ?template_receiver.has_changed(),
shutting_down = ?is_shutting_down(),
"solver cancelled: getting a new block template or shutting down"
} else {
new_template = ?template_receiver.has_changed(),
shutting_down = ?is_shutting_down(),
"solver cancelled: getting a new block template or shutting down"
// If the blockchain is changing rapidly, limit how often we'll update the template.
// But if we're shutting down, do that immediately.
if template_receiver.has_changed().is_ok() && !is_shutting_down() {
// Submit the newly mined blocks to the verifiers.
// TODO: if there is a new template (`cancel_fn().is_err()`), and
// GetBlockTemplate.submit_old is false, return immediately, and skip submitting the
// blocks.
let mut any_success = false;
for block in blocks {
let data = block
.expect("serializing to Vec never fails");
match rpc.submit_block(HexData(data), None).await {
Ok(success) => {
hash = ?block.hash(),
"successfully mined a new block",
any_success = true;
Err(error) => info!(
hash = ?block.hash(),
"validating a newly mined block failed, trying again",
// Start re-mining quickly after a failed solution.
// If there's a new template, we'll use it, otherwise the existing one is ok.
if !any_success {
// If the blockchain is changing rapidly, limit how often we'll update the template.
// But if we're shutting down, do that immediately.
if template_receiver.has_changed().is_ok() && !is_shutting_down() {
// Wait for the new block to verify, and the RPC task to pick up a new template.
// But don't wait too long, we could have mined on a fork.
tokio::select! {
shutdown_result = template_receiver.changed() => shutdown_result?,
_ = sleep(BLOCK_MINING_WAIT_TIME) => {}
/// Mines one or more blocks based on `template`. Calculates equihash solutions, checks difficulty,
/// and returns as soon as it has at least one block. Uses a different nonce range for each
/// `solver_id`.
/// If `cancel_fn()` returns an error, returns early with `Err(SolverCancelled)`.
/// See [`run_mining_solver()`] for more details.
pub async fn mine_a_block<F>(
solver_id: u8,
template: Arc<Block>,
cancel_fn: F,
) -> Result<AtLeastOne<Block>, SolverCancelled>
F: FnMut() -> Result<(), SolverCancelled> + Send + Sync + 'static,
// TODO: Replace with Arc::unwrap_or_clone() when it stabilises:
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/93610
let mut header = *template.header;
// Use a different nonce for each solver thread.
// Change both the first and last bytes, so we don't have to care if the nonces are incremented in
// big-endian or little-endian order. And we can see the thread that mined a block from the nonce.
*header.nonce.first_mut().unwrap() = solver_id;
*header.nonce.last_mut().unwrap() = solver_id;
// Mine one or more blocks using the solver, in a low-priority blocking thread.
let span = Span::current();
let solved_headers =
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || span.in_scope(move || {
let miner_thread_handle = ThreadBuilder::default().name("zebra-miner").priority(ThreadPriority::Min).spawn(move |priority_result| {
if let Err(error) = priority_result {
info!(?error, "could not set miner to run at a low priority: running at default priority");
Solution::solve(header, cancel_fn)
}).expect("unable to spawn miner thread");
// Modify the template into solved blocks.
// TODO: Replace with Arc::unwrap_or_clone() when it stabilises
let block = (*template).clone();
let solved_blocks: Vec<Block> = solved_headers
.map(|header| {
let mut block = block.clone();
block.header = Arc::new(header);
.expect("a 1:1 mapping of AtLeastOne produces at least one block"))