
144 lines
4.9 KiB

//! `start` subcommand - entry point for starting a zebra node
//! ## Application Structure
//! A zebra node consists of the following services and tasks:
//! * Network Service
//! * primary interface to the node
//! * handles all external network requests for the Zcash protocol
//! * via zebra_network::Message and zebra_network::Response
//! * provides an interface to the rest of the network for other services and
//! tasks running within this node
//! * via zebra_network::Request
//! * Consensus Service
//! * handles all validation logic for the node
//! * verifies blocks using zebra-chain and zebra-script, then stores verified
//! blocks in zebra-state
//! * Sync Task
//! * runs in the background and continuously queries the network for
//! new blocks to be verified and added to the local state
//! * Inbound Service
//! * handles requests from peers for network data and chain data
//! * performs transaction and block diffusion
//! * downloads and verifies gossiped blocks and transactions
use abscissa_core::{config, Command, FrameworkError, Options, Runnable};
use color_eyre::eyre::{eyre, Report};
use futures::{select, FutureExt};
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tower::builder::ServiceBuilder;
use tower::util::BoxService;
use crate::{
mempool::{self, Mempool},
tokio::{RuntimeRun, TokioComponent},
ChainSync, Inbound,
/// `start` subcommand
#[derive(Command, Debug, Options)]
pub struct StartCmd {
/// Filter strings
filters: Vec<String>,
impl StartCmd {
async fn start(&self) -> Result<(), Report> {
let config = app_config().clone();
info!("initializing node state");
// TODO: use ChainTipChange to get tip changes (#2374, #2710, #2711, #2712, #2713, #2714)
let (state_service, latest_chain_tip, _chain_tip_change) =
zebra_state::init(config.state.clone(), config.network.network);
let state = ServiceBuilder::new().buffer(20).service(state_service);
info!("initializing verifiers");
// TODO: use the transaction verifier to verify mempool transactions (#2637, #2606)
let (chain_verifier, tx_verifier) = zebra_consensus::chain::init(
info!("initializing network");
// The service that our node uses to respond to requests by peers. The
// load_shed middleware ensures that we reduce the size of the peer set
// in response to excess load.
let (setup_tx, setup_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let inbound = ServiceBuilder::new()
let (peer_set, address_book) =
zebra_network::init(config.network.clone(), inbound, latest_chain_tip).await;
info!("initializing mempool");
let mempool_service = BoxService::new(Mempool::new(
let mempool = ServiceBuilder::new().buffer(20).service(mempool_service);
.send((peer_set.clone(), address_book, mempool))
.map_err(|_| eyre!("could not send setup data to inbound service"))?;
info!("initializing syncer");
// TODO: use sync_status to activate the mempool (#2592)
let (syncer, sync_status) =
ChainSync::new(&config, peer_set.clone(), state, chain_verifier);
select! {
result = syncer.sync().fuse() => result,
_ = mempool::Crawler::spawn(peer_set, sync_status).fuse() => {
unreachable!("The mempool crawler only stops if it panics");
impl Runnable for StartCmd {
/// Start the application.
fn run(&self) {
info!("Starting zebrad");
let rt = app_writer()
.expect("TokioComponent should be available")
rt.expect("runtime should not already be taken")
impl config::Override<ZebradConfig> for StartCmd {
// Process the given command line options, overriding settings from
// a configuration file using explicit flags taken from command-line
// arguments.
fn override_config(&self, mut config: ZebradConfig) -> Result<ZebradConfig, FrameworkError> {
if !self.filters.is_empty() {
config.tracing.filter = Some(self.filters.join(","));