
542 lines
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//! Zebra mempool.
//! A zebrad application component that manages the active collection, reception,
//! gossip, verification, in-memory storage, eviction, and rejection of unmined Zcash
//! transactions (those that have not been confirmed in a mined block on the
//! blockchain).
//! Major parts of the mempool include:
//! * [Mempool Service][`Mempool`]
//! * activates when the syncer is near the chain tip
//! * spawns [download and verify tasks][`downloads::Downloads`] for each crawled or gossiped transaction
//! * handles in-memory [storage][`storage::Storage`] of unmined transactions
//! * [Crawler][`crawler::Crawler`]
//! * runs in the background to periodically poll peers for fresh unmined transactions
//! * [Queue Checker][`queue_checker::QueueChecker`]
//! * runs in the background, polling the mempool to store newly verified transactions
//! * [Transaction Gossip Task][`gossip::gossip_mempool_transaction_id`]
//! * runs in the background and gossips newly added mempool transactions
//! to peers
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::{future::FutureExt, stream::Stream};
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tower::{buffer::Buffer, timeout::Timeout, util::BoxService, Service};
use zebra_chain::{
transaction::{UnminedTx, UnminedTxId},
use zebra_consensus::{error::TransactionError, transaction};
use zebra_network as zn;
use zebra_state as zs;
use zebra_state::{ChainTipChange, TipAction};
use crate::components::sync::SyncStatus;
pub mod config;
mod crawler;
pub mod downloads;
mod error;
pub mod gossip;
mod queue_checker;
mod storage;
mod tests;
pub use crate::BoxError;
pub use config::Config;
pub use crawler::Crawler;
pub use error::MempoolError;
pub use gossip::gossip_mempool_transaction_id;
pub use queue_checker::QueueChecker;
pub use storage::{
ExactTipRejectionError, SameEffectsChainRejectionError, SameEffectsTipRejectionError,
pub use storage::tests::unmined_transactions_in_blocks;
use downloads::{
type Outbound = Buffer<BoxService<zn::Request, zn::Response, zn::BoxError>, zn::Request>;
type State = Buffer<BoxService<zs::Request, zs::Response, zs::BoxError>, zs::Request>;
type TxVerifier = Buffer<
BoxService<transaction::Request, transaction::Response, TransactionError>,
type InboundTxDownloads = TxDownloads<Timeout<Outbound>, Timeout<TxVerifier>, State>;
/// A mempool service request.
/// Requests can query the current set of mempool transactions,
/// queue transactions to be downloaded and verified, or
/// run the mempool to check for newly verified transactions.
/// Requests can't modify the mempool directly,
/// because all mempool transactions must be verified.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Request {
/// Query all transaction IDs in the mempool.
/// Query matching transactions in the mempool,
/// using a unique set of [`UnminedTxId`]s.
/// Query matching cached rejected transaction IDs in the mempool,
/// using a unique set of [`UnminedTxId`]s.
/// Queue a list of gossiped transactions or transaction IDs, or
/// crawled transaction IDs.
/// The transaction downloader checks for duplicates across IDs and transactions.
/// Check for newly verified transactions.
/// The transaction downloader does not push transactions into the mempool.
/// So a task should send this request regularly (every 5-10 seconds).
/// These checks also happen for other request variants,
/// but we can't rely on peers to send queries regularly,
/// and crawler queue requests depend on peer responses.
/// Also, crawler requests aren't frequent enough for transaction propagation.
/// # Correctness
/// This request is required to avoid hangs in the mempool.
/// The queue checker task can't call `poll_ready` directly on the [`Mempool`] service,
/// because the mempool service is wrapped in a `Buffer`.
/// Calling [`Buffer::poll_ready`] reserves a buffer slot, which can cause hangs when
/// too many slots are reserved but unused:
/// <https://docs.rs/tower/0.4.10/tower/buffer/struct.Buffer.html#a-note-on-choosing-a-bound>
/// A response to a mempool service request.
/// Responses can read the current set of mempool transactions,
/// check the queued status of transactions to be downloaded and verified, or
/// confirm that the mempool has been checked for newly verified transactions.
pub enum Response {
/// Returns all transaction IDs from the mempool.
/// Returns matching transactions from the mempool.
/// Since the [`TransactionsById`] request is unique,
/// the response transactions are also unique.
/// Returns matching cached rejected transaction IDs from the mempool,
/// Returns a list of queue results.
/// These are the results of the initial queue checks.
/// The transaction may also fail download or verification later.
/// Each result matches the request at the corresponding vector index.
Queued(Vec<Result<(), MempoolError>>),
/// Confirms that the mempool has checked for recently verified transactions.
/// The state of the mempool.
/// Indicates whether it is enabled or disabled and, if enabled, contains
/// the necessary data to run it.
enum ActiveState {
/// The Mempool is disabled.
/// The Mempool is enabled.
Enabled {
/// The Mempool storage itself.
/// ##: Correctness: only components internal to the [`Mempool`] struct are allowed to
/// inject transactions into `storage`, as transactions must be verified beforehand.
storage: storage::Storage,
/// The transaction download and verify stream.
tx_downloads: Pin<Box<InboundTxDownloads>>,
impl Default for ActiveState {
fn default() -> Self {
impl Drop for ActiveState {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let ActiveState::Enabled { tx_downloads, .. } = self {
impl ActiveState {
/// Returns the current state, leaving a [`Disabled`] in its place.
fn take(&mut self) -> Self {
/// Mempool async management and query service.
/// The mempool is the set of all verified transactions that this node is aware
/// of that have yet to be confirmed by the Zcash network. A transaction is
/// confirmed when it has been included in a block ('mined').
pub struct Mempool {
/// The configurable options for the mempool, persisted between states.
config: Config,
/// The state of the mempool.
active_state: ActiveState,
/// Allows checking if we are near the tip to enable/disable the mempool.
sync_status: SyncStatus,
/// If the state's best chain tip has reached this height, always enable the mempool.
debug_enable_at_height: Option<Height>,
/// Allow efficient access to the best tip of the blockchain.
latest_chain_tip: zs::LatestChainTip,
/// Allows the detection of newly added chain tip blocks,
/// and chain tip resets.
chain_tip_change: ChainTipChange,
/// Handle to the outbound service.
/// Used to construct the transaction downloader.
outbound: Outbound,
/// Handle to the state service.
/// Used to construct the transaction downloader.
state: State,
/// Handle to the transaction verifier service.
/// Used to construct the transaction downloader.
tx_verifier: TxVerifier,
/// Sender part of a gossip transactions channel.
/// Used to broadcast transaction ids to peers.
transaction_sender: watch::Sender<HashSet<UnminedTxId>>,
impl Mempool {
pub(crate) fn new(
config: &Config,
outbound: Outbound,
state: State,
tx_verifier: TxVerifier,
sync_status: SyncStatus,
latest_chain_tip: zs::LatestChainTip,
chain_tip_change: ChainTipChange,
) -> (Self, watch::Receiver<HashSet<UnminedTxId>>) {
let (transaction_sender, transaction_receiver) =
let mut service = Mempool {
config: config.clone(),
active_state: ActiveState::Disabled,
debug_enable_at_height: config.debug_enable_at_height.map(Height),
// Make sure `is_enabled` is accurate.
// Otherwise, it is only updated in `poll_ready`, right before each service call.
(service, transaction_receiver)
/// Is the mempool enabled by a debug config option?
fn is_enabled_by_debug(&self) -> bool {
let mut is_debug_enabled = false;
// optimise non-debug performance
if self.debug_enable_at_height.is_none() {
return is_debug_enabled;
let enable_at_height = self
.expect("unexpected debug_enable_at_height: just checked for None");
if let Some(best_tip_height) = self.latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height() {
is_debug_enabled = best_tip_height >= enable_at_height;
if is_debug_enabled && !self.is_enabled() {
"enabling mempool for debugging"
/// Update the mempool state (enabled / disabled) depending on how close to
/// the tip is the synchronization, including side effects to state changes.
/// Returns `true` if the state changed.
fn update_state(&mut self) -> bool {
let is_close_to_tip = self.sync_status.is_close_to_tip() || self.is_enabled_by_debug();
if self.is_enabled() == is_close_to_tip {
// the active state is up to date
return false;
// Update enabled / disabled state
if is_close_to_tip {
tip_height = ?self.latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height(),
"activating mempool: Zebra is close to the tip"
let tx_downloads = Box::pin(TxDownloads::new(
Timeout::new(self.outbound.clone(), TRANSACTION_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT),
Timeout::new(self.tx_verifier.clone(), TRANSACTION_VERIFY_TIMEOUT),
self.active_state = ActiveState::Enabled {
storage: storage::Storage::new(&self.config),
} else {
tip_height = ?self.latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height(),
"deactivating mempool: Zebra is syncing lots of blocks"
// This drops the previous ActiveState::Enabled,
// cancelling its download tasks.
self.active_state = ActiveState::Disabled
/// Return whether the mempool is enabled or not.
pub fn is_enabled(&self) -> bool {
match self.active_state {
ActiveState::Disabled => false,
ActiveState::Enabled { .. } => true,
/// Remove expired transaction ids from a given list of inserted ones.
fn remove_expired_from_peer_list(
send_to_peers_ids: &HashSet<UnminedTxId>,
expired_transactions: &HashSet<UnminedTxId>,
) -> HashSet<UnminedTxId> {
impl Service<Request> for Mempool {
type Response = Response;
type Error = BoxError;
type Future =
Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + Send + 'static>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
let is_state_changed = self.update_state();
// When the mempool is disabled we still return that the service is ready.
// Otherwise, callers could block waiting for the mempool to be enabled.
if !self.is_enabled() {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
let tip_action = self.chain_tip_change.last_tip_change();
// If the mempool was just freshly enabled,
// skip resetting and removing mined transactions for this tip.
if is_state_changed {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
// Clear the mempool and cancel downloads if there has been a chain tip reset.
if matches!(tip_action, Some(TipAction::Reset { .. })) {
tip_height = ?tip_action.as_ref().unwrap().best_tip_height(),
"resetting mempool: switched best chain, skipped blocks, or activated network upgrade"
// Use the same code for dropping and resetting the mempool,
// to avoid subtle bugs.
// Drop the current contents of the state,
// cancelling any pending download tasks,
// and dropping completed verification results.
// Re-initialise an empty state.
return Poll::Ready(Ok(()));
if let ActiveState::Enabled {
} = &mut self.active_state
// Collect inserted transaction ids.
let mut send_to_peers_ids = HashSet::<_>::new();
// Clean up completed download tasks and add to mempool if successful.
while let Poll::Ready(Some(r)) = tx_downloads.as_mut().poll_next(cx) {
match r {
Ok(tx) => {
if let Ok(inserted_id) = storage.insert(tx.clone()) {
// Save transaction ids that we will send to peers
Err((txid, e)) => {
metrics::counter!("mempool.failed.verify.tasks.total", 1, "reason" => e.to_string());
storage.reject_if_needed(txid, e);
// TODO: should we also log the result?
// Handle best chain tip changes
if let Some(TipAction::Grow { block }) = tip_action {
// Cancel downloads/verifications/storage of transactions
// with the same mined IDs as recently mined transactions.
let mined_ids = block.transaction_hashes.iter().cloned().collect();
// Remove expired transactions from the mempool.
if let Some(tip_height) = self.latest_chain_tip.best_tip_height() {
let expired_transactions = storage.remove_expired_transactions(tip_height);
// Remove transactions that are expired from the peers list
send_to_peers_ids =
Self::remove_expired_from_peer_list(&send_to_peers_ids, &expired_transactions);
// Send transactions that were not rejected nor expired to peers
if !send_to_peers_ids.is_empty() {
let _ = self.transaction_sender.send(send_to_peers_ids)?;
/// Call the mempool service.
/// Errors indicate that the peer has done something wrong or unexpected,
/// and will cause callers to disconnect from the remote peer.
#[instrument(name = "mempool", skip(self, req))]
fn call(&mut self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {
match &mut self.active_state {
ActiveState::Enabled {
} => match req {
// Queries
Request::TransactionIds => {
let res = storage.tx_ids().collect();
async move { Ok(Response::TransactionIds(res)) }.boxed()
Request::TransactionsById(ids) => {
let res = storage.transactions_exact(ids).cloned().collect();
async move { Ok(Response::Transactions(res)) }.boxed()
Request::RejectedTransactionIds(ids) => {
let res = storage.rejected_transactions(ids).collect();
async move { Ok(Response::RejectedTransactionIds(res)) }.boxed()
// Queue mempool candidates
Request::Queue(gossiped_txs) => {
let rsp: Vec<Result<(), MempoolError>> = gossiped_txs
.map(|gossiped_tx| {
async move { Ok(Response::Queued(rsp)) }.boxed()
// Store successfully downloaded and verified transactions in the mempool
Request::CheckForVerifiedTransactions => {
// all the work for this request is done in poll_ready
async move { Ok(Response::CheckedForVerifiedTransactions) }.boxed()
ActiveState::Disabled => {
// We can't return an error since that will cause a disconnection
// by the peer connection handler. Therefore, return successful
// empty responses.
let resp = match req {
// Empty Queries
Request::TransactionIds => Response::TransactionIds(Default::default()),
Request::TransactionsById(_) => Response::Transactions(Default::default()),
Request::RejectedTransactionIds(_) => {
// Don't queue mempool candidates
Request::Queue(gossiped_txs) => Response::Queued(
// Special case; we can signal the error inside the response,
// because the inbound service ignores inner errors.
// Check if the mempool should be enabled.
// This request makes sure mempools are debug-enabled in the acceptance tests.
Request::CheckForVerifiedTransactions => {
// all the work for this request is done in poll_ready
async move { Ok(resp) }.boxed()